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Sharia-based Collaborative Counseling Model as an Effort to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse and Violence

Fitriah Hayati
Liza Fidiawati

This research discusses the collaborative counseling model based on Islamic law as an effort to prevent
violence and sexual abuse against children in Aceh Province, known as Qanun Aceh based on Islamic law.
Despite child protection regulations, there are still many children who have not received full protection,
experiencing physical and psychological violence, including sexual abuse. Statistics show an increase in cases
of sexual violence and abuse, especially in minors. Child sexual abuse is considered a significant global
problem, and Aceh Province is no exception. Data on the rates of violence and sexual abuse against children
show alarming levels. Victims are mostly minors, and the perpetrators of the crime are often the closest
people known well by the victim's family. In this context, the researcher proposes the use of a collaborative
counseling model as a prevention effort. This model involves counselors, teachers, parents, and related
communities. Parents have an important role in the prevention of child sexual abuse, and effective
collaboration is expected to occur between teachers, parents, and the community. This research aims to
develop an Islamic Sharia-based Collaborative Counseling Model as a solution to prevent child sexual abuse
and violence in Aceh Province. The main problems involve the obstacles of teachers and parents in finding
the right steps, the lack of education about prevention, and the absence of a collaborative counseling model
that involves various related parties. By emphasizing collaboration in counseling, this research offers a more
effective approach in preventing child sexual abuse and violence. This model is expected to provide concrete
solutions to increase awareness and protection of children in Aceh Province.


Aceh Province is nicknamed Seuramoe Mekkah (Serambi Mekkah) because Aceh is the place
where the first Islamic kingdom in Indonesia was established. The local regulations implemented in Aceh
are known as Qanun Aceh which is based on Islamic law. Child Protection is contained in Qanun No.
11/2008 with the aim of ensuring the fulfillment of children's rights to live, grow, develop, and actively
participate according to their dignity, and ensuring the absence of exploitation, violence and
discrimination. However, many children in Aceh have not received full protection so that various negative
treatments are still received by children such as physical and psychological violence [1]-[10]. Children who
are victims of sexual violence experience deep fear/trauma, both physical injuries as objects of sexual
gratification and psychological injuries such as fear and loss of trust in others [2]-[14]-[15].
Child sexual abuse continues to be a significant global problem [19], and is one of the major issues
being addressed [18]. The high number of cases of violence and sexual abuse experienced by children is
currently so alarming, including in the province of Aceh which is based on Islamic law. Based on data from
the Integrated Service Center for Women and Children Empowerment (P2TP2A) Aceh, the number of
violence and sexual abuse that occurred to children in 2015 was 399 people, in 2016 it increased to 1,330
people, in 2017 there were 1,259 people, in 2018 there were 926 people, in 2019 and 2020 there were
1,044 people, the data presented does not include data from the Aceh Police, and the latest data in 2021
is 697 people [3]-[4].
The majority of victims of sexual violence and abuse are minors from preschool to high school [5]-
[9], and the average age range is 3 to 16 years [6]. Generally, the person closest to and well known by the
family is the perpetrator of the immoral crime. Victims of sexual abuse need to be educated to increase
awareness of the risks experienced [17], but there is still a lack of understanding of children about the
dangers of sexual abuse [16], so sex education is very important to be given early [7]-[12]-[13]. Early age
is the most important period in a child's life span, at this time brain growth is undergoing rapid
development [20].
Seeing the many cases of violence and sexual harassment in Aceh Province today, PAUD
institutions should provide maximum prevention efforts related to the problem of violence and sexual
harassment for children. One of them is with a collaborative counseling model. In the collaborative
counseling process, the counselor is not a singgle expert but there is involvement of other parties, namely
teachers, parents, and related communities [8]. Parents play an important role in efforts to prevent sexual
abuse of their children [10]. So it is hoped that there will be more effective interaction and collaboration
from teachers, parents and the community to prevent the problem of sexual abuse of children.
Starting from the description above, PAUD teachers in schools make this matter a problem in an
effort to provide assistance to students because they have not found a suitable counseling model as an
effort to prevent violence and sexual harassment against children. Therefore, this is interesting to explore
further through research, namely how to develop an Islamic Sharia-based Collaborative Counseling Model
as an effort to prevent violence and sexual abuse against children in Aceh Province.
The main problems in this research: (1) Teachers and parents have not found the right steps in an
effort to prevent violence and sexual harassment against children, (2) lack of education related to the
prevention of violence and sexual harassment in children (3) There has been no development of a
collaborative counseling model between teachers, parents, community and religious leaders to prevent
violence and sexual harassment against children.
The collaborative counseling model emphasizes that in the counseling process, the counselor is a
single expert, but the implementation of counseling needs to involve many parties, including experts
(counselors), teachers, parents, and communities related to the problems faced by children. In preventing
the problems of violence and sexual harassment, it is much more effective if it is done in a collaborative
manner that has the same goals and interacts with each other in achieving these goals.

In developing this collaborative counseling model, the type of research used is Research and
Development with the ADDIE model with the following stages: Analysis, Design, Development,
Implementation, Evaluation. In general, this research includes the following steps: (1) analyzing the needs
and characteristics of users and conducting analysis both theoretically and similar existing products, to
obtain new and better products, (2) developing prototypes for new products and the goals to be achieved,
(3) conducting trials of new products that have been developed with experts, users, (4) revising the
product based on the results of the trial, (5) conducting another trial of the revised product, and (6)
finalizing the final product and disseminating it to users to benefit from the product. The purpose of this
development research is to produce a product in the form of a collaborative counseling model based on
Islamic law as an effort to prevent violence and sexual abuse against children. The first stage conducts
analysis: analysis of user needs, identifying problems, and making task analysis until the results are
obtained in the form of subject characteristics, identifying gaps, identifying needs and analyzing clear and
detailed tasks based on needs, making concept maps, designing flow charts, analyzing obstacles and
designing assessments. Second stage: Design a draft counseling model based on the results of the needs
analysis in the field and make a design (blue print) by compiling a design that is SMAR (specific, measurable,
applicable, and realistic). The third stage: Develop is the process of producing a blue-print or design into a
product in the form of a collaborative counseling model based on Islamic law as an effort to prevent
violence and sexual abuse in children in Aceh province. The fourth stage: Implementation is conducting
small-scale trials to see the level of validity and reliability of the products developed, at this stage involving
teachers, parents, community and local religious leaders and involving children by carrying out preventive,
curative and preservative functions in the counseling stage. Fifth stage: Evaluate conducts evaluation and
revision based on the results of the trial which will be guided by the Research Team. Research location:
This research was conducted in PAUD (early childhood education) schools in Aceh province, especially in
the cities of Banda Aceh and Aceh Besar. The determination of this location is based on the proximity to
the proposing university and to see the effectiveness of the role of counseling guidance in schools that are
closest to the capital city of Aceh province. Data collection instruments are divided into three, namely
validation sheets, interview sheets and observation sheets. This study used instruments in the form of (1)
validation sheets for counseling experts, (2) validation sheets for early childhood learning practitioners,
(3) validation sheets for learning model experts, (4) interview sheets for teachers, (5) interview sheets for
parents, (6) interview sheets for community and religious leaders and (7) child observation sheets.

Results and Discussion

1. Analysis Stage
At this stage of analysis, first analyze the Islamic sharia-based collaborative counseling model
that is feasible to increase the knowledge of students, teachers, parents and community leaders.
Researchers conducted a needs analysis by distributing pretest questionnaires in developing an
Islamic sharia-based counseling model to 120 respondents. The results of the pretest questionnaire
distribution showed that the average level of understanding was 49.53%. While in the second
analysis stage to find an effective Islamic sharia-based collaborative counseling model to increase
respondents' knowledge, researchers conducted a needs analysis by distributing posttest
questionnaires in developing an Islamic sharia-based counseling model to 120 respondents. The
results of the distribution of the post-test questionnaire showed that the respondents' level of
understanding averaged 91.20%, generally in the disagree category by 62.5% and those in the agree
category by 37.5%, the analysis results proved that more students were in the disagree category.
Based on the results of this study, it seems that the level of knowledge of respondents in
efforts to prevent violence and sexual abuse in children needs innovative programs that can increase
understanding and skills in preventing violence and sexual abuse in children. One way that can be
done to improve these skills is by providing counseling services collaboratively and supported by
practical guidelines.

2 Design Stage
The design was made based on the topic of the material to be developed, the Islamic sharia-
based counseling model was submitted to experts to provide input, for the perfection of the model,
the researchers made revisions again in accordance with input and suggestions from experts. The
result of this revision is the initial design of an Islamic sharia-based collaborative counseling model
to increase awareness in child protection.
Based on the findings at the analysis stage regarding the level of understanding through the
collaborative counseling model based on Islamic sharia, the next stage is to design material topics
to increase understanding as follows: (1) the title of the model is "Collaborative Counseling based
on Islamic Sharia", (2) the topics chosen are: The role of parents and teachers, early stage sex
education and sexual harassment.
After completing determining the topics of the collaborative counseling model based on
Islamic law as an effort to prevent violence and sexual abuse in children, the activities at this design
stage obtained a product design, namely a creativity board to increase student creativity.

3 Development Stage
The development stage is used to answer the purpose of this research, namely the level of
feasibility or validity of the Islamic sharia-based collaborative counseling model to increase the
understanding of teachers, parents and community leaders towards violence and sexual harassment
in children, at this stage researchers carry out development activities by making Islamic sharia-
based collaborative counseling models. At this stage of development, it is carried out through two
types of activities, namely research product development and product revision.
Based on the analysis and design stages that have been carried out, research products in the
form of Islamic sharia-based collaborative counseling models, material instruments, language
instruments, pre-test questionnaire instruments, post-test questionnaire instruments, and interview
instruments are developed as follows:
3.1 Collaborative Counseling Model Validation Results
To find out whether the validation of the collaborative counseling model used in this study is
appropriate or not, the researchers conducted validation to experts in the field of educational
counseling. Furthermore, this collaborative counseling model is used to determine the validity of the
model before it is tested on students, teachers and community leaders. Based on the validator's
assessment for the 1st and 2nd can be seen in tables 4.1 and 4.4 as follows:

Table 1. Collaborative Counseling Model Validation Result 1

Assessment Category Frequency Maximum Score Total Score
Collaborativ Very Feasible
4 4 16
Worth 10 3 30
Not Feasible 4 2 8
Very Unfit 0 1 0
Number of Question Items 18
Total score 54
Total ideal score 400
Number of question items multiplied by the maximum score 72
Percentage 75.00%

Based on table 4.1 above, the validation results of the collaborative counseling model experts
show that the level of validity of the collaborative counseling model has a percentage value of 75.00%,
which is in the feasible category with revisions, so the next step is to make improvements to the
collaborative counseling model of research so that this collaborative counseling model is valid and very
feasible to use for collaborative counseling models based on Islamic sharia. Based on the results of the
analysis of expert validation, revisions are made which aim to perfect the product according to the
suggestions and input from the experts, as for the input and suggestions from the experts can be seen
in tables 4.2 and 4.3 as follows:

Table 2 Revised Collaborative Counseling Model Validation Sheet

No. Sentence Before Revision Sentence After Revision
Lettering is clear and well Word order can be seen clearly
2. The text on the media reads well Word display is readable
3. Accuracy of writing selection Accuracy of writing type selection
Color selection combination Accuracy of color combination
Conciseness of concept Appropriateness of sequence of
Sample problems in each learning Suitability of image illustrations with
6. activity material
The attractiveness of the The attractiveness of the collaborative
7. collaborative counseling model counseling model design

Table 3. Addition of Statement Items

No. Addition of Statement Items
1. Appropriateness of the word with the model displayed
2. Consistency in word usage
3. Appropriateness of font size selection
4. Appropriateness of word usage with children's intellectual level
5. Presentation of material on the model is not excessive
6. Attractiveness of the use of images
7. Color contrast is better explained
8. Added objectives and materials to the model

Table 4. Validation Results of the 2nd Collaborative Counseling Model

Assessment Category Frequency Maximum Score Total Score
Collaborativ Very Feasible
15 4 60
Worth 3 3 9
Not Feasible 0 2 0
Very Unfit 0 1 0
Number of Question Items 18
Total score 69
Total ideal score 400
Number of question items multiplied by the maximum score 72
Percentage 95.83%

After the researchers made improvements to the collaborative counseling model and obtained
the level of validity of the model, there was a percentage value of 95.83%, which is in the very feasible
category, so this research model is valid so it is very feasible to use for collaborative counseling based
on Islamic sharia.

1. Material Instrument Validation Results

After the collaborative counseling model validation sheet is categorized as feasible by the next
validator to find out whether the material expert validation instrument used in this study is in
accordance or not in accordance with the Islamic sharia-based collaborative counseling model, the
researcher conducts validation. This material expert validation instrument is used to determine the
validity of the instrument before it is tested on students, teachers, parents and community leaders.
Based on the validator's assessment for the 1st and 2nd can be seen in tables 4.5 and 4.8 as follows:

Table 5. Results of the 1st Material Expert Validation

Category Frequency Maximum Score Total Score
Material Very Feasible 2 4 8
Worth 3 3 9
Not Feasible 6 2 12
Very Unfit 0 1 0
Number of Question Items 11
Total score 29
Total ideal score 400
Number of question items multiplied by the maximum score 44
Percentage 65.91%

Based on the table above, the validation results from the material expert show that the level of
validity of the material instrument has a percentage value of 65.91%, which is in the feasible category
with revision, so the next step is to make improvements to the research instrument so that this research
instrument is valid and very feasible to use for collaborative counseling models based on Islamic sharia.
Based on the results of the analysis of expert validation, revisions are made which aim to perfect the
product according to the suggestions and input from the experts, as for the input and suggestions from
the experts can be seen in tables 4.6 and 4.7 as follows:

Table 6. Revised Material Expert Validation Sheet

Sentence Before Revision Sentence After Revision
1. Clarity of indicators Clarity of material and objectives
Breadth of material Coverage (breadth/deepness) of the
Accuracy of data and facts Image accuracy and material
Images in daily life clarity of the images included to clarify
the material

Table 7. Addition of Statement Items

Addition of Statement Items
1. Material actualization
2. Material suitability
The attractiveness of the material in
motivating children
Orderliness of content/arrangement of

Table 8. Results of the 2nd Material Expert Validation

Category Frequency Maximum Score Total Score
Material Very Feasible 9 4 36
Worth 2 3 6
Not Feasible 0 2 0
Very Unfit 0 1 0
Number of Question Items 11
Total score 42
Total ideal score 400
Number of question items multiplied by the maximum score 44
Percentage 95.45%

After the researcher made improvements to the research instrument and obtained the level of
validity of the material instrument, there was a percentage value of 95.45%, which was in the very
feasible category, so this research instrument is valid so it is very feasible to use for the collaborative
counseling model based on Islamic sharia.

2. Language Instrument Validation Results

After the material validation sheet is categorized as feasible by the validator, then to find out
whether the linguist validation instrument used in this study is in accordance with the collaborative
counseling model based on Islamic sharia, the researcher validates the language used in the
collaborative counseling model based on Islamic sharia. This research instrument was validated by
experts in the field of Indonesian language, this linguist validation instrument was used to determine
the validity of the instrument before it was tested on students, teachers, parents and community
leaders. Based on the validator's assessment for the 1st and 2nd, it can be seen in tables 4.9 and 4.11 as

Table 9. 1st Language Expert Validation Results

Category Frequency Maximum Score Total Score
Language Very Feasible 1 4 4
Worth 2 3 6
Not Feasible 2 2 4
Very Unfit 0 1 0
Number of Question Items 5
Total score 14
Total ideal score 400
Number of question items multiplied by the maximum score 20
Percentage 70.00%

Based on table 4.9 above, the validation results from linguists show that the level of validity of
the language instrument has a percentage value of 70.00%, which is in the feasible category with
revision, so the next step is to make improvements to the research instrument so that this research
instrument is valid and very feasible to use for collaborative counseling models based on Islamic sharia.
Based on the results of the analysis of expert validation, revisions are made which aim to perfect the
product according to the suggestions and input from the experts, as for the input and suggestions from
the experts can be seen in table 4.10 as follows:

Revised Language Expert Validation Sheet

Sentence Before Revision Sentence After Revision
1. Understanding of the message or information Readability of information and messages
2. Appropriateness to intellectual development Appropriateness of language use in sentences
3. Word accuracy Grammatical correctness

Table 11: 2nd linguist validation results

Category Frequency Maximum Score Total Score
Language Very Feasible 4 4 16
Worth 1 3 3
Not Feasible 0 2 0
Very Unfit 0 1 0
Number of Question Items 5
Total score 19
Total ideal score 400
Number of question items multiplied by the maximum score 20
Percentage 95.00%

After the researcher made improvements to the research instrument and obtained the level of
validity of this research instrument there was a percentage of 95.00% which was in the very feasible
category, so this research instrument is valid so it is very feasible to use for the collaborative counseling
model based on Islamic sharia.

3. Pre Test Questionnaire

Furthermore, to find out whether the pre-test questionnaire instrument used in this study is
appropriate or not to increase the understanding of students, teachers, parents and community leaders
through the collaborative counseling model based on Islamic law, the research team conducted expert
guidance to provide suggestions and input. This research instrument is used to determine the suitability
of the instrument before it is tested on respondents. The pre-test questionnaire instrument can be seen
in the appendix of this study. As for the suggestions and input from the expert, revisions were made
which aimed to perfect the pre-test questionnaire sheet, according to the suggestions and input from
the expert can be seen in the following table:

Revised Pre Test Questionnaire Instrument

Sentence Before Revision Sentence After Revision
Form of Sexual Harassment (Visual Aspect: Lustful Gaze)
Gaze at the child's body parts (chest, Staring at the child's sensisitve parts
1. thighs, lips, genital parts) with (chest, thighs, lips, genital parts)
passion with passion (too long)
Staring at the child's body parts Staring at the child's sensitive parts
2. (chest, thighs, lips, genital parts) (chest, thighs, lips, genital parts)
with eye play with a wink
Allowing others to stare at the child's Allowing others to stare at the
3. body parts (chest, thighs, lips, child's sensitive parts (chest, thighs,
genital parts) for a long time lips, genital parts) continuously
Allowing family members (other Allowing family members to stare
than father/mother) to stare at the at the child's sensitive parts (chest,
4. child's sensitive parts (chest, thighs, thighs, lips, genital parts) with
lips, genital parts) with sexual sexual overtones
Sexual Harassment (Visual Aspect: Sexualized Gestures)
Staring at the child's sensitive parts Staring at the child's sensitive parts
(chest, thighs, lips, genital parts) (chest, thighs, lips, genital parts)
with unnatural body language with unnatural body language
(biting lips, sticking out tongue)
Rewarding the child for touching the Rewarding the child for touching
6. child's sensory parts the child's sensitive parts (chest,
thighs, lips, genitals)
Letting children go to the toilet with Letting children go to the toilet with
strangers strangers
Allowing others to show sexualized Allowing others to show sexualized
electronic images to a child electronic images to a child
9. Showing pornography to children Showing pornography to children
Continuous attempts to have Continuous attempts to have
10. children build romantic relationships children build romantic
Violence and Sexual Harassment (Verbal Aspect: Whistling)
11. Teasing the child with a whistle Teasing the child with a whistle
Teasing the child by praising body Teasing the child by praising body
12. parts such as chest, thighs, lips and parts such as chest, thighs, lips and
genital parts genital parts
Prevention of violence and sexual harassment (Verbal aspect: sex jokes)
Allowing the child to be kissed by Not allowing the child to be kissed
13. others by others on the basis of being
Telling intimate stories to children Not telling intimate stories to
by laughing out loud children by laughing out loud
Allowing others to compliment the Not allowing others to compliment
child's body shape the child's body shape
Violence and Sexual Harassment (Verbal Aspect: Threatening Statements)
Asking children to undress in public Asking children to undress in public
places places
Violence and Sexual Harassment (Physical Aspect: Touch)
Touching the child's hair, hands and Touching the child's hair, hands and
cheeks cheeks
Touching the child's sensitive parts Touching the child's sensitive parts
(chest, lips, genitals) (chest, lips, genitals)
Allowing others to touch the child's Allowing others to touch the child's
19 sensitive parts (chest, thighs, lips, sensitive parts (chest, thighs, lips,
genital parts) genital parts)
Intentionally touching a child's Intentionally touching a child's
sensitive parts (chest, thighs, lips, sensitive parts (chest, thighs, lips,
genital parts) genital parts)

Sexual Harassment (Physical Aspects: Nudging and Intentional Touching)

Forcibly grabbing the child's Forcibly touching a child's sensitive
21 sensitive parts (chest, thighs, lips, parts (chest, thighs, lips, genitals).
genital parts)
Stroking the child's sensitive parts Grope the child's sensitive parts
(chest, thighs, lips, genitals) (chest, thighs, lips, genitals)
Touching the child's sensitive parts Intentionally touching a child's
23 (chest, thighs, lips, genital area) is a sensitive parts (chest, thighs, lips,
natural act genitals)
Sexual Harassment (Physical Aspect: Unwanted Approaches to
Inappropriate Body Parts)
Approaching the child with the aim Approaching the child with the aim
of touching the child's sensitive parts of touching the child's sensitive
(chest, thighs, lips, genital parts) parts (chest, thighs, lips, genital
Forcibly kissing a child on the cheek Forcibly kissing a child on the

4. Post Test Questionnaire

Furthermore, to find out whether the post-test questionnaire instrument used in this study is
appropriate or not to increase the understanding of students, teachers, parents and community leaders
through the collaborative counseling model based on Islamic law, the research team conducted expert
guidance to provide suggestions and input. This research instrument is used to determine the suitability
of the instrument before it is tested on respondents. The post-test questionnaire instrument can be seen
in the appendix of this study. As for the suggestions and input from the expert, revisions were made
which aimed to perfect the post-test questionnaire sheet, according to the suggestions and input from
the expert can be seen in the following table:
Revised Post Test Questionnaire Instrument
Sentence Before Revision Sentence After Revision
Form of Sexual Harassment (Visual Aspect: Lustful Gaze)
Gaze passionately at the child's body Gaze at the child's sensitive parts
parts with passion
Staring at the child's body parts with Stare at the child's sensitised parts
eye play with a wink
Allowing others to stare at the child's Allowing others to stare at the
body parts for a long time child's sensitive parts continuously
Allowing family members to stare at Allowing family members to stare
4. the child's sensitive parts with sexual at a child's sensitive parts with
overtones sexual overtones
Sexual Harassment (Visual Aspect: Sexualized Gestures)
Staring at the child's sensitive parts Staring at the child's sensitive parts
with unnatural body language with unnatural body language
Rewarding the child for touching the Rewarding the child for touching
child's sensory parts the child's sensory parts
Letting children go to the toilet with Letting children go to the toilet with
strangers strangers
Allowing others to show sexualized Showing sexualized electronic
electronic images to a child images to children
9. Showing pornography to children Showing pornography to children
Continuous attempts to have Asking children to build a romantic
children build romantic relationships relationship
Violence and Sexual Harassment (Verbal Aspect: Whistling)
11. Teasing the child with a whistle Teasing the child with a whistle
Teasing the child by praising the Teasing the child by praising the
limbs limbs
Prevention of violence and sexual harassment (Verbal aspect: sex jokes)
Allowing the child to be kissed by Not allowing the child to be kissed
others by others
Telling intimate stories to children Not telling children about intimate
by laughing out loud relationships
Allowing others to compliment the Not allowing others to compliment
child's body shape the child's body shape
Violence and Sexual Harassment (Verbal Aspect: Threatening Statements)
Asking children to undress in public Asking children to undress in public
places places
Violence and Sexual Harassment (Physical Aspect: Touch)
Touching the child's hair, hands and Touching the child's hair, hands and
cheeks cheeks
18 Touching the child's sensitive parts Touching the child's sensitive parts
Allowing others to touch the child's Allowing others to touch the child's
sensitive parts sensitive parts
Intentionally touching a child's Intentionally touching a child's
20 sensitive parts sensitive parts

Sexual Harassment (Physical Aspects: Nudging and Intentional Touching)

Forcibly touching the child's Forcibly touching a child's sensitive
sensitive parts parts
22 Stroking the child's sensitive parts Feeling the child's sensitive parts
Touching a child's sensitive parts is a Intentionally touching the child's
natural act sensitive parts
Sexual Harassment (Physical Aspect: Unwanted Approaches to
Inappropriate Body Parts)
Approaching the child with the aim Approaching the child with the aim
24 of touching the child's sensitised of touching the child's sensitised
parts parts
Forcibly kissing a child on the cheek Forcibly kissing a child on the

5. Interview Sheet
Furthermore, to find out whether the interview sheet instrument used in this study is appropriate
or not, the researcher conducts guidance to the supervising expert for advice and input. The interview
sheet instrument can be seen in the appendix of this study. As for the suggestions and input from the
expert, revisions were made which aimed to perfect the interview sheet, according to the suggestions
and input from the supervisor can be seen in the table as follows:

Revised Interview Instrument

Sentence Before Revision Sentence After Revision
I ask the children how they are Do you ask how the child is doing
1. before the lesson starts. before the lesson starts?

I pay special attention to children How do you pay attention to

who show different behavior than children who show different
usual. behavior than usual.

I provide a positive attitude How do you reprimand your

3. to reprimand children when they children when they make
make mistakes mistakes?
Helping children who are how do you assist children who are
experiencing problems with peers experiencing problems with peers
I set a special time to see my child's Do you set a special time to see your
development child's development?
I took the right approach to How do you approach getting to
dealing with children's character know your child's character?
I did the Problem Checklist/Acket Do you provide a problem
7 once a month to learn more about checklist to explore your child's
child development development?
I help in overcoming problems in How do you help in overcoming
8 aspects of child development problems in aspects of child
I bring the child and parents to Do you bring the child and parents
school if there is a prolonged to school if there is a prolonged
problem with the child's problem with the child's
development. development?
Holding regular parenting activities Does the school hold regular
every semester parenting activities every semester?
4 Implementation Stage
This implementation stage is used to answer the research objectives, namely: Finding an effective
Islamic sharia-based collaborative counseling model for the prevention of violence and sexual abuse in
children. At this stage, the effectiveness of the model was tested on final semester students as
preparation to become teachers, teachers, parents and community leaders. Data on the results of this
effectiveness test were taken based on questionnaires that had been distributed to respondents.
The value of the level of understanding of respondents before the implementation of the
collaborative counseling model based on Islamic sharia can be seen in the table as follows:

Table 15: Frequency Distribution of Pre Test Score

Class Value
1 42-43 3 42.5 1806.25 127.5
2 44-45 1 44.5 1980.25 44.5
3 46-47 6 46.5 2162.25 279
4 48-49 11 48.5 2352.25 533.5
5 50-51 7 50.5 2550.25 353.5
6 52-53 9 52.5 2756.25 472.5
7 54-55 3 54.5 2970.25 163.5
Total 339. 16577.7 1974
5 5

multiplication between the amount of data and the middle data of the interval class squared
the average value of the subject

Based on table 15 above, the pre-test results show that the respondents' level of understanding
has an average value of 49.35%, which is in the disagree category as many as 25 people or 62.5%, who
are in the agree category as many as 15 people or 37.5%. The results of the analysis prove that more
respondents are in the disagree category. Furthermore, the value of the level of understanding of
respondents after the implementation of the collaborative counseling model based on Islamic sharia can
be seen in table 4.16 as follows:

Table 16. Frequency Distribution of Post Test Score

Class Value
1 83-85 3 84 7056 252
2 86-88 6 87 7569 522
3 89-91 13 90 8100 1170
4 92-94 10 91 8281 910
5 95-97 7 96 9216 672
6 98-100 1 97 9409 97
Total 40 545 49631 3623

multiplication between the amount of data and the middle data of the interval class squared
the average value of the subject

While the post test results show that the respondents' level of understanding has an average
value of 90.57%, which is in the category of strongly agreeing in line with Wirasasmita & Putra's research
(2017) explaining that learning media based on video CD tutorials can be a supplement for students to
increase knowledge, insight, facilitate the teaching and learning process, can improve the quality of
learning and student achievement. Paryanta's research (2016) explains that the tutorial model learning
media is very feasible to use to assist in the learning process that has educational elements. Fithri &
Pradipta's research (2017), explains that audio visual media is a modern instructional media that is in
accordance with the times, namely the advancement of science and technology, this audio visual media
is a combination of audio and visual, previous research explains that audio visual media by utilizing audio
visual media can improve the moral development of early childhood. This can be seen from the results
of the study from 26.4% increased to 71.2%.
Based on the calculations that have been done, it is obtained = 20.90. Furthermore, to compare
with, it is necessary to first find the degree of freedom (dk) as follows:
dk = (n -1)
= (40-1)
= 39
The price with a significant level =0.05 and degrees of freedom (dk) = 39 from the t distribution
list is obtained at 1.68 because>, then accepted, so that the hypothesis that reads "the development of
an Islamic sharia-based collaborative counseling model can increase student creativity through an audio-
visual tutorial model with Islamic sharia content" is accepted, thus that this research product is in a very
feasible category so it is feasible to use to increase student creativity in S1 Early Childhood Education
Teacher Education Semester II Bina Bangsa Getsempena University Banda Aceh through an audio-visual
tutorial model with Islamic sharia content.
Furthermore, the results of interviews with lecturers teaching learning media courses found that
the development of an audio-visual tutorial model with Islamic sharia content is suitable for application
in S1 Early Childhood Education Teacher Education, because the tutorial is more guiding, directing
students to make media gradually and also in addition to the current pandemic conditions, students are
required to be creative and innovative in creating or designing a learning media and Islamic sharia
content in accordance with local wisdom, especially in Aceh which is based on Islamic sharia.
However, there are several obstacles faced by students in the implementation of audio-visual
tutorial development, namely: (1) lack of innovation in making media, (2) students lack creativity in
determining the material, (3) students are not cooperative with the lecturer in charge of the course
when there are problems or obstacles, (4) when the lecturer gives directions related to the tutorial,
there are some students making tutorial models that do not follow the lecturer's directions, (5) not
seeing the needs in the field, (6) lack of student ability in mastering technology, (7) there are some
students when explaining in making tutorial models students tend to be less communicative.
Furthermore, there are several obstacles for lecturers in the implementation of audio-visual
tutorial development, namely: (1) lack of time, (2) the ratio of students is too much in 1 class, (3) student
knowledge is lacking, so the lecturer teaches from the most basic, but there are advantages in the
development of audio visual tutorials with Islamic sharia content, namely: (1) course lecturers can
explore ideas in creating media according to their needs, (2) students have more practical knowledge
and can master technology in making media, and audio-visual tutorial development activities with
Islamic sharia content can increase student creativity in S1 Early Childhood Education Teacher Education
because with the development of audio-visual tutorial models students can develop material, students
can master technology in making learning media for Early Childhood.
Furthermore, to find out the descriptive analysis using the statistical formula according to
Arikunto (2007: 76) as follows:
P = x 100%

P = x 100%
= 1 x 100%
= 100
Based on the percentage value above, it shows that the number of students who reach the ability
is 100%, thus the research product of the audio-visual tutorial model with Islamic sharia content is in
the very feasible category so it is feasible to use to increase student creativity in S1 Early Childhood
Education Teacher Education Semester II Bina Bangsa Getsempena University Banda Aceh.
This research highlights Aceh Province, known as Seuramoe Mekkah, because it is based on Islamic law.
Despite Aceh's Qanun covering child protection, data shows that many children still experience physical violence
and sexual abuse. The increase in cases of child sexual abuse and violence in Aceh is a key focus, illustrating
concerns about child protection in the region.
The statistics presented in the study reflect the high rates of child sexual abuse and violence in Aceh
Province. The data indicates a serious problem that requires effective preventive measures.


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