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NRS 450 Community Health Distel 2018

I would like you to do the project on Chernobyl Nuclear Plant disaster which took place in
6-7 PowerPoint slides with images, and presentation notes including.
Follow the rubrics for this project

This is Community Health class project

Disaster and Public Health Project and Presentation This assignment will require your group to
analyze a real-life INTERNATIONAL (outside of the United States) natural or man-made
disaster; identifying pre-existing factors that impacted the scope and outcome of the disaster.
Working in groups of 2-6, the project will be completed covering all topic areas in the provided
rubric, and a Power Point presentation with attached slide notes will be uploaded into the
drop box on BlackBoard by each member of the group. If you work on google slides, please
upload the presentation as a Power Point – pptx file. DO NOT email the google slide link

Scoring Rubric for Disaster and Public Health Assignment

7-10 points 5-7 points 0-4 points
Criteria Excellent Average Poor
Event Overview Clear, concise and Adequate overview, and Overview is missing
complete includes most by not all required points and/or is
 Short overview of the event points listed in the criteria confusing to audience
 Describe where, when and what Overview is a section and the Excellent
occurred “snapshot” of what column Missing many points listed
 Health outcomes: deaths, injuries, occurred. Background in the criteria section and
information sets the Excellent column
disruption of systems etc.
context and connects
to the rest of the

National and International Response to the Correctly summarizes Partially reviews the topic; Analysis is very limited
the response to the a summary of either
Event disaster both in terms national or international Analysis is confusing
 Short description of recovery and of national and relief is missing
Analysis is missing all
response efforts (both short and international relief.
long-term) to the event Identifies if aid was not
 Include international aid if applicable received from national
or international sources

Demographics and Description of Country Multiple points of Demographic information Under 3 points are
demographic is included and included, information is
 General population pertinent information are used to summarized, but missing
information of your choice (age, describe the country , information is brief and
no more than 3-4 incomplete Analysis is confusing and
occupations, lifestyle, education)
points per slide disorganized
 Prevalent pre-existing disease Analysis is unclear in some

Syllabus – NRS450, updated:06/18 1

NRS 450 Community Health Distel 2018

(morbidity or major causes of death) Points are presented in areas

logical order and easily
 Political system followed
 Cultural considerations
Environment and Resources of Country Multiple points of Literature review is Information is missing
information are used limited; key concepts
 Environmental considerations might be missing or Analysis is confusing
 Pre-existing resources available Research is clearly incorrect
presented and utilizes Analysis is missing all
 Local Public Health and Acute Care scholarly sources when Most points are ordered together
Services available at time of the appropriate. well, but images and
event. Consider the services provided tables require some effort
to understand
and the structure of the
Pre-Existing Factors Analysis is clear and 2 factors are chosen but Under 2 risk factors
concise, logical and reasons for selection are selected
 Identify at least 2 pre-existing factors sound hard to understand
that influenced either the Analysis has gaps in
development or consequences of the Evidence is included to Minimal data included to needed information
event. Your team can choose from support selections from support selections
scientific journals No discussion of the
factors mentioned above or other impact of risk factors
points that are pertinent to the event Data is included that
 Discuss your selections and how each has bearing on the Potential impact of risk Non- scientific journals
factors briefly discussed used for evidence
factor potentially influenced the outcome of the disaster
event Limited use of scientific *for very recent or very
Thoroughly discusses
 Incorporate research, journal articles, the potential impact of journals for evidence small events scientific
or the highest level of scientific the selected risk factors journal articles may not
evidence available to make a case be available. Highest
level of evidence is the
supporting your selections
requirement in this case

Impact of Event on a Vulnerable Population Clearly identifies the Somewhat identifies Does not identify a
vulnerable population vulnerable population as vulnerable population OR
 Address the impact of the event on different from general does not describe the
at least one vulnerable population of Uses multiple data population impact of the event
your choosing points to describe the
 Did the vulnerable population fare impact of the event on Brief analysis of impact
the vulnerable
better or worse than the general
 HINT: Consider distributive justice
Plan: Recommendation for a Prevention Develops a prevention Develops a plan that is Does not develop a plan
program that is limited in development to mitigate the impact
Program thoughtful and makes
 Develop a summary of a prevention the case for why it The plan is vague and OR
program to mitigate the impact of would be a successful difficult to understand
which factor it is trying to A plan exists but key
one of the pre-existing factors you prevention program
mitigate pieces of information are
selected on future disasters. Developed plan missing
 You will have unlimited funding and accurately represents The plan appears to be a
Does not identify a
the program can be implemented on health promotion or a realistic approach to
preventing the problem, prevention/health
either the local, national or level of prevention
but it is briefly developed
Syllabus – NRS450, updated:06/18 2
NRS 450 Community Health Distel 2018

international level. The program promotion focus

should have a population focus The plan is unrealistic
 Consider including health promotion;
and primary, secondary and/or
tertiary prevention
 Include any anticipated community
and international partners for the

Multiple scholarly Few scholarly sources Did not use scholarly
sources used for used resources and does not
highest level of reference the sources of
Uses Scholarly Sources: evidence Not all important points any points in the work
are covered with
 Assessment data from primary or
In-text/on slide in-text/on slide citations Images cover text on
scholarly/government source; best citations seen per APA slides or are
sources of evidence available in final work Few images used inappropriately used
Images and tables Some errors in usage, Text is too small or
 Assignment is readable, makes sense, capitalization,
improve difficult to read
and the plan is practical and realistic comprehension of topic punctuation and spelling
 All assignment requirements are but does not interfere Handed-in assignment has
included No errors in usage, with more than 3 slides printed
capitalization, reading/understanding on a page
 Is written in correct format
punctuation and
 Slide Notes accompany each slide, spelling OR APA is not correctly used
explaining the presented content. in format or citations
Regardless of style: all resources are No errors in APA 1-2 errors in APA
formatting, in-text or formatting, in-text or on- Multiple spelling or
required to be listed in APA format
on- screen citations and screen citations and grammar errors
reference page reference page

Disaster and Public Health Assignment Score: _____ /60

All team members are expected to participate in data gathering and the development of the final product. Deductions
in points for team members may occur due to lack of participation.

Disaster and Public Health Project and Presentation This assignment will require
your group to analyze a real-life INTERNATIONAL (outside of the United States)
natural or man-made disaster; identifying pre-existing factors that impacted the
scope and outcome of the disaster. Working in groups of 2-6, the project will be
completed covering all topic areas in the provided rubric, and a Power Point
presentation with attached slide notes will be uploaded into the drop box on
Syllabus – NRS450, updated:06/18 3
NRS 450 Community Health Distel 2018

BlackBoard by each member of the group. If you work on google slides, please
upload the presentation as a Power Point – pptx file. DO NOT email the google
slide link

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