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Name: Maria Rhian B.

Bungcag Practical Research 1

11- St. Martin de Porres

Give your own definition of research and its characteristics, purpose, and process.
Answer: Research is a systematic investigation into a study of materials and sources in order to
establish facts and reach new conclusions.

Its characteristics are Systematic, Objective, Empirical, Rigorous, and Critical. Systematic
follows a structured approach.

The objective aims for unbiased information. Empirical relies on real-world observations and
evidence. Rigorous adheres to logic and methodological processes.

The purpose of research is to have Knowledge Advancement, to know the Problem Solving,
Innovation, and Validation.

Knowledge Advancement expands our understanding of a particular field. The problem-solving

addresses and finds solutions to specific issues. Innovation contributes to new ideas and
advancements. Validation confirms or challenges existing theories and concepts.

The process of this is Identify the problem, Review Literature, Formulate Hypothesis, Design
Research, Collect Data, Analyze Data, Draw Conclusions, Communicate Results.

Identify the Problem define the research question or issue. Review Literature Examines existing
studies and literature. Formulate Hypothesis develops a tentative explanation. Design Research
Plans a methodology and data collection. Collect Data Execute the research plan and gather
Information. Analyze Data Examine and Interpret collected data. Draw Conclusions derive
outcomes based on analysis. Communicate Results share findings through reports or
Name: Maria Rhian B. Bungcag Creative Writing
11- St. Martin de Porres

Give your thoughts on how imaginative writing is different from technical writing.

Answer: Imaginative writing and technical writing are different because IW (Imaginative
Writing) Emphasizes creativity, emotions, and storytelling. Aiming to evoke feelings and engage
the reader’s imagination. While the TW (Technical writing) is factual, precise, and focuses on
conveying information efficiently without embellishment.

The purpose of Imaginative writing is to entertain, inspire, or evoke emotions through

storytelling, creative expression, and imaginative exploration.

While the purpose of technical writing serves the purpose of conveying information in a clear,
concise, and factual manner.

Imaginative writing seeks to captivate and move readers through creativity, while technical
writing aims to inform and guide with precision and clarity.

The characteristics of Imaginative writing are Creativity, Emotional Engagement, Descriptive

Language, Subjectivity, and Artistic Expression.

Creativity allows the exploration of unique ideas. Emotional Engagement seeks to evoke
emotions in the reader. Descriptive Language often employs rich and descriptive language to
paint vivid pictures and immerse readers in the imaginative world being presented. Subjectivity
reflects the author’s personal perspective and emotions. Artistic Expression Authors use literary
devices, metaphors, and symbolism to convey deeper meaning in layers of interpretation.

The characteristics of technical writing are Clarity, Precision, Objective Tone, Structure, and

Clarity prioritizes clear communication to convey information accurately. Precision uses precise
language and terminology to convey information accurately. Objective Tone maintains an
objective and neutral tone. Structure follows a logical structure, often includes heading,
subheadings, and a systematic arrangement of information for easy comprehension. Conciseness
aims to convey information efficiently.
Name: Maria Rhian B. Bungcag Reading and Writing Skills
11- St. Martin de Porres

Exemplify what the reading process is and how it influences you as a student.

Answer: Reading and Writing are essential aspects of academic life, shaping the educational
experience for us students.

As a student, reading is important and serves as a gateway to learn new knowledge and
perspectives. My intellectual horizons are expanded through reading, which also helps me
develop the analytical and critical thinking abilities necessary for success in the classroom.

On the other hand, Writing is reading’s expressive opposite. It enables me to successfully

communicate, arrange my ideas, and express myself. I can show that I grasp a variety of
concepts and can synthesize information through writing.

In my academic path, the interaction between writing and reading produces a symbiotic
relationship. My writing is informed and inspired by reading, which gives me the foundational
knowledge I need to create well-thought-out arguments.

Writing also forces me to engage with things at a deeper level, which helps me understand the
content better. Iterative reading and writing like this help me grow intellectually by improving
my capacity for critical analysis, cogent story development, and well-informed viewpoint

Moreover, reading and writing are not limited to academic endeavors, they pervade all facets of
life. These abilities are transportable, enhancing my capacity to speak effectively in professional
contexts, participate in informed discussion, and make a meaningful contribution to society.

Essentially, as a student, the dynamic interaction between writing and reading influences not just
my success in the classroom but also my growth on the personal and professional fronts. It gives
me the ability to negotiate the complexity of the digital age and gives me the tools I need to
adapt, effectively contribute to the debate, and never stop learning.

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