Attachment-6B-Work Etiquette-Reflection (2.8.23)

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Name: ALGEN M. GABENITE Year & Section: BPA4-D

A. Orientation Activity

1. Date of Orientation
February 9,2023
2. Venue of Orientation
3. Orientation Speaker/s
Ms. Charelle P. Tecson, MBM

B. Reflection
Cite important topics that were discussed during the OJT Orientation Seminar. What did you
learn that you think will be useful in your OJT?

It is essential for every individual to behave in a socially acceptable way. There are certain
actions and behaviors you just should not bring with you into a professional workplace. Doing
so can have major negative impacts on your career. But for many individuals, proper workplace
etiquette does not come as intuitively as you might think. It is important to behave well at the
workplace to earn respect and appreciation. How you treat people says a lot about you. Do not
make value judgements on people’s importance in the workplace or speak negatively about your
co-workers, even if you find yourself frustrated over a certain situation. Be thoughtful about how
you interact with your supervisor, peers, and subordinates as well.
Never adopt a casual attitude at work, your office pays you for your hard work and not for
loitering around. There are things that every intern should know. Make a good first impression,
avoid gossip and communication is a key. Understand your work environment and be
personable yet professional. There is proper workplace etiquette. Stand straight, make eye
contact, turn towards people when they are speaking and genuinely smile at people. Follow your
office dress code and follow all the policies and Do’s. Be yourself always and allow others to treat
you with respect.
“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”. This seems the most familiar version
of the golden rule, highlighting its helpful and proactive sold standard. And for me RESPECT is
the most important, especially in workplace.
C. Portfolio
Attach here evidence, records, and other documents related to this segment.

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