Orange Doodle Project Presentation 20240309 152605 0000

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Aguirre, Erl Josel
Ayad, Monica
Llantada, Jannette
a. neoliberal
Social welFARE
Neoliberal Social Welfare Refers to an
approach to social welfare policies and
programs that is rooted in neoliberal
economic principles. Neoliberal is an
economic and political ideology that
emphasizes limited government
intervention in the economy, free
market capitalism and individual
example of neoliberal
social welfare
1. Privatization of 2. Implementation of
social services means tested
welfare programs
such as healthcare and that require recipients
education, leading to to meet certain income
decreased government or asset requirements in
funding and increased order to qualify for
reliance on the private assistance.
example of neoliberal
social welfare
3. Reduction of
social safety net
such as food stamps,
unemployment benefits,
and housing assistance
through cuts in
government spending
and entitlement
The residual and the institutional are
two different approaches to define
social welfare and addressing social
welfare issues, such as poverty,
hunger and health problems.
Temporary / Short Term The institutional approach
Services; The services are requires that government
often discontinue once social programs cater for
people have the means to get all citizens, irrespective of
assistance elsewhere or income, and ensure that
becomes independent (find a
they are protected against
the contingencies of
modern life. ( permanent )
Developmental social welfare -is
an approach to promoting the
well-being of the nation through
human development. It is also
referred to as social
development. It also helps in the
development of an individual.
three major aspects of social welfare
01 02
Social aspect - It promotes social
Cultural aspect - It enhances
development. It promotes democracy
and reduces authoritarianism in
people's individualistic attitudes.
society. It contributes to the People become more logical,
abolition of caste-based society. resulting in the abolition of
Additionally, both men and women superstitions and myths. It
become more literate. This aspect aims promotes better social relations
to improve medical facilities as well.
and the removal of taboos.

Political aspect - This aspect contributes
to the nation's development. People have
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country from
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discrimination based on caste, culture,
religion, gender, or race. Fundamental
human rights are well protected. In
society, everyone enjoys equality.
Social welfare is all about making sure everyone has
what they need for a good life. It includes different
plans and services like healthcare, education,
housing, jobs, and help with money.

GOAL: The main goal is to quickly help with basic

needs, reduce unfair differences in society, and
support those who are struggling.

Social welfare programs can be things like social

security, help for people without jobs, food support,
affordable housing, and healthcare services. The
idea is to create a safety net so that everyone can
have a decent life, especially those who need extra
Social development means making life better for
everyone in a community. It's not just about helping with
immediate needs, but about improving how people get
along, their overall happiness, and the quality of life.
Social development includes plans and actions that bring
people together, build strong communities, and help
individuals grow.

GOAL: The main goal is to make long-lasting improvements,

like making sure everyone feels included and empowering

Programs for social development could include things like

education, skill-building, and projects that strengthen
connections between people. It's all about creating positive
and lasting changes for the well-being of the whole society.
Sustainable development is like planning for the future in
a smart way. It means meeting our needs today without
causing problems for the people who come after us. This
idea considers everything – money, people's well-being,
and the environment – to find a balanced and lasting

GOAL: The main goal is to make sure economic growth,

people's happiness, and taking care of nature all go hand
in hand.

To make it happen, we need to create rules and ways of

doing things that think about how they affect the
environment, treat everyone fairly, and make sure our
progress lasts a long time. The United Nations Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs) give us a roadmap for working
on these different things to make the world better and
more sustainable.
relationships of the social welfare,
social development and sustainable
They work together to make sure everyone is
treated fairly and has a good life, which is crucial
for a strong and lasting society. Social welfare
helps with immediate needs, while social
development focuses on making things better in
the long run, ensuring communities can thrive
sustainably. Think of sustainable development as
a plan that considers everything—how we treat
each other, how we make money, and how we take
care of our surroundings. Social welfare and social
development are key players in achieving this
balanced and lasting future where everyone's
well-being is taken care of, today and for the
generations to come.
Gender and Development (GAD) is a
development perspective and process
that are participatory and
empowering, equitable, sustainable,
free from violence, respectful of
human rights, supportive of self-
determination and actualization of
human potentials.
Gender Equality: The core goal of
G&D is to achieve gender equality Participation and Inclusion: G&D
by addressing the disparities and promotes the active participation
discriminations between men and of both men and women in the
women. This involves challenging
development process. It seeks to
and changing the structures and
ensure that development initiatives
norms that perpetuate gender-
are inclusive and responsive to the
based inequalities.
needs and aspirations of diverse
groups within the community.
Women's Empowerment: G&D
emphasizes the empowerment of
women, aiming to enhance their
agency and ability to make
choices, control resources, and
participate in decision-making Human Rights Perspective: G&D
processes at all levels. is grounded in human rights
principles. It emphasizes the
Intersectionality: Recognizing importance of promoting and
that gender intersects with other protecting the rights of all
social categories such as race,
individuals, regardless of
class, ethnicity, and sexuality, G&D
their gender.
adopts an intersectional
approach. This approach
acknowledges that individuals
may experience multiple forms of
discrimination simultaneously.
Gender and development are like two pieces of a
puzzle that fit perfectly. Think of development as
making a community better. Gender is about
treating men and women fairly. So, for
development to work well, we must make sure
that everyone, whether they're a man or a
woman, gets the same chances. It's like ensuring
that both boys and girls can go to school, find
good jobs, and have a say in important
community decisions. When we treat everyone
fairly, we build stronger, happier, and more
successful communities where everyone can
contribute and do well.
Emerging Discourse: Social
Welfare and Social Protection as
it is practiced in the Philippine
Philippines' social protection program is
comprehensive and continues to strengthen its
alignment with international standards and towards
universal coverage. The Government of the
Philippines under its Enhanced Social Protection
Operational Framework defines the four major
components of social protection as social insurance,
social welfare, labour market interventions, and
social safety nets.
The components of social
protection include the following:
a. Labor market b. Social Insurance
contributory programs that seek
measures aimed at enhancing to mitigate income risks by pooling
employment opportunities and of resources and spreading risk
t protection of the rights and across time and workers, including
welfare of workers, including those against sickness, disability,
training, apprenticeships, job maternity, old age, death of the
search assistance, and subsidized main provider, etc.
job placements.
The components of social
protection include the following:

c. Social Welfare d. Social safety

Preventive and developmental
interventions, usually in the form of
direct assistance (cash or in-kind stop-gap measures or urgent
transfers) as well as social services that responses that address effects
seek support the minimum basic of economic shocks, disasters
requirements of the poor, particularly and calamities on specific
the poorest of the poor, and reduce risks vulnerable groups.
associated with unemployment,
resettlement, marginalization, illness,
disability, old age and loss of family care.
There are manifold social protection programs and services are in place, often introduced on
an ad hoc basis. The schemes are scattered across the different regions, managed and
operated by several institutions and have limited funding. Due to the involvement of many
actors, the programs tend to be fragmented with overlap in the targeted beneficiaries.
Enhanced coordination and cooperation among planning and implementing institutions is
therefore required.

In the pursuit of universal social protection, the Philippine Development Plan 2017-2022
identified the institutionalization of the Social Protection Floor as a priority issue. Recognizing
its importance for guaranteeing access to social protection services, its institutionalization is
seen as being of vital importance for the improvement of the delivery of social protection
services throughout the country.

Following the general election in May 2022, the new Administration assumed office in July 2022 and
launched the new Philippine Development Plan (PDP) 2023-2030 in December 2022, which serves as
the government’s overall guide in development planning for the next six years. The new PDP
includes "a universal, modern, and integrated social protection system achieved" as one of its
outcomes with establishing a standard menu of rationalized programs for the social protection
floor guarantees as one of its major strategies.

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