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RSG-EN-PRC-0011 | Revision 00 | 13 July 2023

Rev.00, 16 Nov 2022 Rev.00, 16 Nov 2022
Revision History
Rev. Date Details of Revision Prepared By Reviewed By Approved By

00 13-July-2023 First Issue Kevin Halsall Raed Albasseet


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ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS.............................................................................................................................................................. 4

DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 5

1 PURPOSE .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 6

2 SCOPE ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6

3 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES .......................................................................................................................................................... 6

4 PROCESS DESCRIPTION ...................................................................................................................................................................... 7

4.1 General ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
4.2 Identification of Aspects....................................................................................................................................................................... 7
4.3 Conducting Evaluation of Significance ............................................................................................................................................... 7
4.4 Documentation ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
4.5 Communication ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
4.6 Monitoring, Evaluation and Review .................................................................................................................................................... 8

5 REFERENCES ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
5.1 Processes and Guidelines .................................................................................................................................................................... 9
5.2 Forms and Templates ........................................................................................................................................................................... 9
5.3 Supporting Documents ........................................................................................................................................................................ 9


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Figure 1 Waste Management Hierarchy................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

HOD Head of Department

MD Managing Director

QMS Quality Management System

RSG Red Sea Global

RSP Red Sea Project


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Term Definition

Element of an organization’s activities, operations, product, or services that can interact

Environmental, Social or with the environment, society or any other aspect of sustainability.
Sustainability Aspect
The aspect of an activity, operation, product, or service is the component that has the
potential for a direct or indirect environmental, social or other sustainability impacts.

Any change to the environment, society, or other aspect of sustainability, whether

Environmental, Social or
adverse or beneficial, wholly or partially resulting from an organization’s environmental,
Sustainability Impact
social or sustainability aspects.

Overall goal consistent with the Environment & Sustainability Policy that the
Objective organization sets itself to achieve. Objectives should be measurable so that the
organization can verify progress made toward their attainment.

Detailed performance requirement, applicable to the organization or parts thereof, that

Target arises from the environmental objectives and that needs to be set and met in order to
achieve those objectives.

Procedures / controls necessary for performing any task / activity in a manner, to ensure
Operational Control that the environment, society or other sustainability aspects are not impacts / managed

A special type of document used to provide evidence of activities performed, as well as

communication and storage of information.

Significant Environmental, Social An environmental, social or other sustainability aspect that has or can have a significant
or other Sustainability Aspect impact.


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The purpose of this procedure is to ensure that Environmental, Social or other Sustainability aspects resulting from RSG Group
and Subsidiary programs, including those of any contractors and operators that can have a significant impact on the environment,
society and any other sustainability aspect are evaluated in a consistent and repeatable manner, in order for effective controls to
be implemented to eliminate or manage their impact to an acceptable level.

This procedure is applicable to all RSG projects, activities, services, and products of the organization, including contractors,
operators and subsidiaries.


GES Department
Requirement Descriptions GES IMS Lead GES Project Lead

Review and update the aspects and impacts registers.

Ensure that, an updated aspects and impacts evaluation is

conducted for the department activities, the right

documents are available for employees to deliver their
normal duties. Also, that sufficient planning for activities
takes place to ensure to ensure that aspects are properly

Ensure that, an updated aspects and impacts evaluation is

conducted for the RSG Project activities, the right

documents are available for employees to deliver their
normal duties. Also, that sufficient planning for activities
takes place to ensure to ensure that aspects are properly

Ensure that operating controls and parameters needed to

control activities related to environmental aspects and

hazards are identified. Also, review the operating
procedures to determine whether the documented GES
IMS standards and operational control procedures are


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4.1 General
RSG, RSG projects & subsidiaries shall conduct an assessment of their business process in order to determine those processes
have potential to interact with the environment, society and other aspects of sustainability. Any potential impacts shall be
assessed shall be assessed and control measures shall be developed and implemented to ensure that impacts are controlled to
as low as reasonably practicable.

Environmental, social and sustainability Aspects can be identified through:

• Direct reports from staff, visitors, contractors / employee consultation.

• Hazard and incident reports.

• Inspections and assessment of work areas.

• Information provided by suppliers and manufacturers.

• Heads of Department.

• Information from similar workplaces, companies or industries

At a minimum, this procedure will be used once a year to determine if there have been any changes to each of the aspects that
have been identified. This procedure will also be used whenever a new activity, service, or process is being considered.

4.2 Identification of Aspects

RSG GES functions & representatives shall identify and document the business processes and activities, under their control or
influence and identify those that can have a significant impact on environmental, social and sustainability aspects. Consideration
should be given to planned and unplanned / abnormal conditions and reasonably foreseeable emergency scenarios

The identification environmental, social and sustainability aspects shall also consider the evolution of the organization, such as
new and planned developments and activities. Specifically, for the RSG portfolio this shall include but not be limited to the

• RSG GES Function

• RSG projects, construction,

• RSG projects, operations

• RSG subsidiaries

Aspects that have the potential for negative and also positive impacts shall be considered. Environmental, Social and
Sustainability aspects shall be documented within the RSG Environmental, Social and Sustainability Aspects & Impacts Register

For each aspect, there may be one or more impacts identified i.e. resultant change to the environment, this will be listed in the
register. Identify aspects & impacts under normal, abnormal and emergency circumstances.

Determining the significance of the potential; impact is based on the Risk Matrix outlined within the RSG Risk Management
Manual (RSG-RM-MNL-0001) and included within the Environmental, Social and Sustainability Aspects & Impacts Register (RSG-

4.3 Conducting Evaluation of Significance

The following criteria are essential in to conduct an effective significance evaluation of Environmental, Social and Sustainability

• Identify the activity and location:

o The activity to be controlled must be described in full.

o The location where the activity is taking place may have an influence on the controls needed.

• Identify environmental, social and sustainability aspects resulting from the activity conducted.

• Identify the potential environmental, social and sustainability impacts.

• Identify existing controls in place.

• Assess the impacts based on existing controls by adding together the scored values of each of the criteria

• Identify appropriate additional controls or actions to be taken to reduce the initial risk level.

• Classify if potential impact and therefore the aspect is significant or non-significant.


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• List procedures / policies, legislation related to the impact assessment.

• The impact assessment must be recorded and authorized by the manager and supervisor.

Significant aspects can result in risks and opportunities, associated with either adverse environmental impacts (threats) or
beneficial environmental impacts (opportunities)

4.4 Documentation
Assessments of aspects significance evaluation shall follow the criteria listed in RSG Risk Management Manual (RSG-RM-MNL-

Identified aspects, impacts and the results of significance evaluation are recorded within the Environmental, Social and
Sustainability Aspects & Impacts Register (RSG-EN-TMP-0006).

The names of persons and date when the assessment was carried out shall be documented.

The aspects and impacts register will identify links to operational control requirements considered necessary to manage the risk.
Reference to objectives & targets set, may also be documented within the Aspects & Impacts register (Where Applicable).

4.5 Communication
Relevant information regarding the evaluation of significant aspects shall be communicated to employees and contractors.

4.6 Monitoring, Evaluation and Review

Aspects & Impacts register shall be reviewed annually or when there are any significant changes to business processes,
organizational structure / development, new projects implemented, legal and other obligations and consideration of past or
similar industry incidents / emergency scenarios.

All findings from any review are documented; aspects and impacts are re-assessed, and any significance evaluations updated
within the register.


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5.1 Processes and Guidelines

Description Reference No.

Determining Environmental Aspects and Impacts Process RSG-EN-PFD-0007

5.2 Forms and Templates

Description Reference No.

Environmental Aspects & Impacts Register RSG-EN-TMP-0006

5.3 Supporting Documents

Description Reference No.

Master ESIA for the Concept Master Plan BDC-RSP-TREP-001

GES Environment, Social & Sustainability Management System Manual RSG-EN-MNL-0001


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