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Journal of the Energy Institute 113 (2024) 101529

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Interpretation of interactions between low rank coal and polyethylene

during co-pyrolysis from the bond cleavage perspective
Tingting Zhang a, b, Wei Feng a, b, Zongqing Bai a, *, Hongyan Zheng c, **, Haoyu Dou a, b,
Zhenxing Guo a, Lingxue Kong a, Jin Bai a, Wen Li a
State Key Laboratory of Coal Conversion, Institute of Coal Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Taiyuan, 030001, PR China
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100049, PR China
Breeding Base for Shanxi Key Laboratory of Biomass-based Green Methanol Conversion and Hydrogen Utilization, Taiyuan Institute of Technology, Taiyuan, 030008,
PR China


Handling Editor: Dr. Paul Williams Co-pyrolysis of low rank coal and plastic to extract oil is one of effective methods for solving the white pollution.
The interactions between coal and plastic during the co-pyrolysis process significantly improve the yield and
Keywords: quality of tar. However, the understanding of the interactions during co-pyrolysis from microscopic perspective is
Low rank coal still scarce. The effect of polyethylene on the cleavage of covalent bonds during Hami coal pyrolysis was
investigated by combining TG-MS, Py-TOF-MS and ReaxFF MD simulations. The results showed that derivative
DTG curves can be decoupled into 6 sets of covalent bonds. The addition of PE had no effect on the breakage of
Bond cleavage Cal-O bonds in HM from the chemical perspective, but it promoted the breakage of Cal-Cal bonds in both HM and
PE. Furthermore, after the addition of PE, the breakage peak temperature of Car-Cal in HM to shift towards a
higher temperature (from 532 to 545 ◦ C), and the peak area decreased from 13.12 % to 9.22 %. According to in-
situ Py-TOF-MS analysis, the addition of PE can promote the breaking of Cal-Cal bonds, resulting in the increase of
alkene products and radicals such as alkene, alkadienes and alkane radicals. Meantime, the long-chain alkenes
produced by PE cracking coats on the surface of HM during co-pyrolysis, which hinders the pyrolysis of the
broken Cal-Car bonds in its structure and leads to the reduction of aromatics. Moreover, the results of ReaxFF MD
simulations further confirmed that the results of experimental.

1. Introduction [3–6]. As a non-degradable synthetic material, waste plastics bring

convenience to our life while also greatly challenges the environmental.
Energy is the driving force of national economic development, and Polyethylene (PE) is one of the most common type waste plastics. China
the issue of energy supply is related to national strategic security. China is the largest consumer of PE in the world, accounting for 30 % of the
is short on oil and natural gas resources and highly dependent on foreign global PE consumption [7]. The high H/C in PE enables effective
countries. Compared with the oil and gas resources, China’s coal re­ hydrogen supply to coal during co-pyrolysis [8]. Numerous studies have
sources are relatively rich, especially low rank coal, which accounts for confirmed that there are obvious interactions between coal and PE
55 % of China’s proven coal reserves [1,2]. Pyrolysis at medium and low during co-pyrolysis [9–11]. Saha et al. observed that co-pyrolysis of PE
temperature is an important technology for the direct conversion of low with coal can remarkably increase the calorific value of tar [12]. Qin
rank coal. However, the practical application of low rank coal is still et al. found that the active intermediates formed by the pyrolysis of
limited due to the high oxygen content and heavy fraction content in the waste plastic contributed to the interactions with coal [13], thus
pyrolysis tar, which restricts the subsequent processing and utilization. increasing the quality and yield of tar. Additionally, our previous
Co-pyrolysis of low rank coal and hydrogen-rich waste materials is a research has also confirmed that co-pyrolysis of coal and PE reduces the
feasible method, which can not only improve the quality of pyrolysis tar, content of heavy fraction in tar effectively [14]. However, due to the
but also effectively promote the resource treatment of waste resources limitations of detection methods, many studies have been conducted to

* Corresponding author.
** Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (Z. Bai).
Received 28 November 2023; Received in revised form 4 January 2024; Accepted 8 January 2024
Available online 9 January 2024
1743-9671/© 2024 Energy Institute. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
T. Zhang et al. Journal of the Energy Institute 113 (2024) 101529

prepare pyrolysis products and analyze their properties using fixed beds. between biomass and municipal sewage sludge (MS) using ReaxFF [24].
The pyrolysis products inevitably undergo secondary reactions during They found that the free radicals produced by MS and biomass increased
their formation and are collected as the final products after reaching the the degree of biomass decomposition, while also resulting in an earlier
target temperature and cooling. decomposition time for MS. Feng et al. [25] investigated the co-pyrolysis
In principle, the essence of pyrolysis is the breaking and reorgani­ behavior of coal and plastic using the ReaxFF MD simulation method.
zation of covalent bonds. The structure of coal is complex and the They discovered that the inclusion of PE could enhance the cleavage of
products are enormous during pyrolysis. However, coal only consists of C-C and C-H bonds, resulting in an increased production of tars.
limited types of major chemical bonds and fewer types of chemical Regrettably, most of the current ReaxFF MD simulation studies mainly
bonds are broken during pyrolysis process. The structure of plastic is focus on the overall evolution trends of C-C, C-O, and C-H bonds without
simple, which contains fewer types of covalent bonds compared to coal. distinguishing between aromatic carbon (Car) and aliphatic carbon (Cal).
Besides, there are no new chemical bonds present in the structure of On the other hand, the model scale directly affects the pyrolysis reaction
plastic. Thus, the co-pyrolysis mechanism of coal and waste plastic can process, product distribution, and pyrolysis reaction diversity. The
be interpreted from the perspective of covalent bonds breakage. Ther­ ReaxFF model becomes computationally time-consuming when used on
mogravimetry (TG) is a common method to study the pyrolysis and co- a scale that is too large (over 100000 atoms), while a scale that is too
pyrolysis of coal and plastic, which measures the weight loss behavior of small (below 10000 atoms) is not suitable for studying the properties of
the volatiles at different temperatures. It has been demonstrated that the polymers. Therefore, the model should be constructed with both scal­
derivative thermogravimetric (DTG) data obtained from coal pyrolysis ability and diversity, as long as the cost is appropriate.
can reflect the information of chemical bonds breakage in coal [15]. Co-pyrolysis of coal and plastics is a free radical-driven process in
Peak splitting is a common method to analyze the integrated process which multiple reaction pathways, including cleavage, polymerization,
consisting of multiple seeds, and has been widely used in the analysis of and recombination, occur simultaneously, which is challenging to ach­
XPS, FTIR, NMR and other spectra. Some scholars have applied the ieve using separate experimental methods. The present research aims to
method of “peak splitting” to the analysis of DTG curve and obtained examine the interactions between coal and plastic during co-pyrolysis
more information from it [16–18]. Arenillas et al. analyzed the pyrolysis from the perspective of covalent bonds cracking by combining experi­
characteristics of phenol formaldehyde (PFR) based on the “peak split­ ments and ReaxFF MD. In this study, the DTG curves of coal and plastic
ting” method [16]. They divided the DTG curve of PFR into 5 sub-peaks co-pyrolysis were decoupled by the “peak splitting” method in order to
and combined the information obtained from FTIR to clarify the link the covalent bonds with similar bond energy in the coal structure to
breakdown of covalent bonds during PFR pyrolysis. Shi et al. examined the thermogravimetric temperature. The DTG curves of co-pyrolysis of
the thermogravimetric process of coal with the “peak splitting” method, coal with different ratios of PE were analyzed to further clarify the effect
and correlated the covalent bonds breaking information with the ther­ of plastic on covalent bonds cleavage. At the same time, the main pri­
mogravimetric temperature [17]. Feng et al. determined the information mary volatiles produced from the pyrolysis of Hami coal (HM), PE, and
of covalent bonds in liquefied residue by fitting a certain number of their mixtures were online capture during pyrolysis with the high
sub-peaks to the DTG curve [18]. Zhao et al. applied the method to the sensitivity through in-situ Py-TOF-MS. In addition, the ReaxFF MD was
pyrolysis process of oil shale and their results showed that the volatili­ used for simulation research. A model consisting of approximately
zation of organic matter was primarily attributed to the cleavage of 30,000 atoms has been established in order to obtain the trend of typical
Cal-Cal over 420 ◦ C [19]. This approach provides a new way of thinking covalent bonds with temperature during pyrolysis and co-pyrolysis. This
about the exploration of co-pyrolytic interactions between coal and model is capable of accurately capturing the evolutionary trend of gas-
plastics. liquid products and can also observe the formation of solid products
In-situ Py-TOF-MS has achieved more attention because of its online by extending the simulation time appropriately. The obtained results
capture of primary volatiles and intermediate radicals during pyrolysis can be used as a reference to explore the mechanism of coal and plastic
with the high sensitivity. The understanding of primary volatiles at the co-pyrolysis, and provide new perspectives on the study of coal and
molecular level helps to further elucidate the pyrolysis mechanism of carbon-containing waste co-pyrolysis.
carbon-containing resources. Yang et al. [15] used Py-TOF-MS that
equipped with double ionization sources (PI and EI) to capture primary 2. Experimental
volatiles from pyrolysis of PVC, revealing the Cl evolution and aroma­
tization mechanism. Zhu et al. [14] performed Py-TOF-MS experiments 2.1. Materials
on the primary volatiles fraction during lignin pyrolysis, and found that
the cleavage of β-O-4 linkages is the dominant contributor to the Hami (HM) coal, a low rank coal, from Xinjiang and polyethylene
depolymerization of lignin at the range of 100–300 ◦ C. As mentioned, (PE) powder purchased from Macklin company were used in this work.
in-situ Py-TOF-MS has been successfully utilized to explore the mecha­ The HM coal was crushed and sieved to less than 74 μm. In addition, five
nism of pyrolysis. Undeniably, the production of primary volatile com­ model compounds, PE, polyphenylene ether (PPO), lignin, poly­
ponents is intricately linked to the breaking of covalent bonds. Hence, phenylene sulfide (PPS) and calcium carbonate (CaCO3), were selected
the in-situ Py-TOF-MS technique is also expected to be used to explore for the types of covalent bonds present in coal structural and were py­
the in-depth interactions from the bond cleavage perspective during rolyzed under the same experimental conditions. All the model com­
co-pyrolysis of coal and plastics. pounds were obtained from the Macklin company. The proximate and
With the continuous improvement of computers, molecular dy­ ultimate analyses of samples were provided in Table 1.
namics simulation has been proven to be an effective tool to augment
experimental results. The reactive molecular dynamics (ReaxFF MD)
method can simulate both the evolution of bond breakage and formation 2.2. Thermogravimetric analysis
with time and has been widely used in complex coal pyrolysis process
[20,21]. Castro Marcano et al. [22] explored the effect of sulfur on coal A thermogravimetric analyzer (Setsys Evolution, SETARAM, France)
pyrolysis with ReaxFF MD simulation, and discussed the role of different coupled with mass spectrometry (Omnistar, Switzerland) (TG-MS) was
types of sulfur functional groups in the pyrolysis process. Xu et al. used to investigate the thermal decomposition properties of the samples.
investigated the initial pyrolysis mechanism of lignite with ReaxFF MD Approximately 10 mg of sample was used for each test, with different
isothermal simulation method [23]. It was found that the pyrolysis proportions of PE (0, 5 %, 10 %, 15 % and 100 %). The sample was
process of lignite begins with the dissociation of the weaker bridging loaded into an alumina container and gradually warmed at a rate of 10
bonds Cal-O and Cal-Cal. He et al. investigated the synergistic effect ◦
C/min in high purity Ar (100 mL/min), reaching 900 ◦ C from 25 ◦ C.

T. Zhang et al. Journal of the Energy Institute 113 (2024) 101529

Table 1
The ultimate analysis of samples.
Sample Proximate analysis (wt/%) Ultimate analysis (daf, wt/%) St, ad

Mad Ad Vdaf C H O* N

HM 7.46 9.93 53.01 74.36 5.46 17.86 0.92 1.40

PE – – 100.00 83.09 16.90 – – <0.01

ad, air dried basis; St, ad, total sulfur (air dried basis); *, by difference; -, not detected.

2.3. Morphological evolution of samples 3. Results and discussion

A heating stage coupled with microscope (HTSM) was used to 3.1. Pyrolysis of model compounds
observe the morphology of samples during co-pyrolysis process. The
sample was placed in a crucible under argon atmosphere and warmed To evaluate the cleavage rules of typical covalent bonds in coal and
from 25 ◦ C to 600 ◦ C with the rate of 10 ◦ C/min. to correlate the cleavage of different types of covalent bonds with the
thermal weight loss behavior of coal, five model compounds were
2.4. Py-TOF-MS analysis selected for pyrolysis. The structures of the model compounds are shown
in Fig. 1. The main covalent bond types contained in the five model
The main primary volatiles produced from the pyrolysis of HM, PE, compounds were listed in Table 2.
and their mixtures were analyzed using an in-situ Py-TOF-MS (Quan­ The structure of PE is a simple long-chain aliphatic hydrocarbon,
Tang Science Instruments, China). The device consists of a vacuum which mainly undergoes breakage of Cal-Cal bonds during pyrolysis [30].
system, a programmed pyrolysis module, an ion source, a mass analyzer, As shown in Fig. 2 (a), the cracking of PE begins at 400 ◦ C and is
and an ion detector, and is schematically shown in Fig. S1(supplemen­ completely pyrolysis before 500 ◦ C. Fragmentation peaks of CH4, C2H4,
tary material). The pyrolysis and ionization zones are maintained in a C2H6 and C4H8 are detected in MS in the same temperature range (Fig. 2
high vacuum (≤10− 5 Pa), with a distance of only 20 mm between them, (b)), which is caused by the random fracture of the main skeleton of PE.
which helps to prevent the secondary reactions between primary vola­ In addition, a sharp DTG peak of PE pyrolysis can be found, indicating
tiles and can been considered an in-situ detector means [26,27]. that its pyrolysis process is relatively single.
For each test, approximately 5 mg of the sample was loaded into a Typical Car-O and benzene ring structures are contained in PPO. The
sample tube. After the vacuum conditions necessary for the experiment Car-O bonds in PPO break to form the corresponding monomer or
were achieved, the sample was heated from room temperature to 700 ◦ C polymorph during the progress of PPO pyrolysis. Simultaneously, the
at a rate of 10 ◦ C/min. The relative content of volatiles was obtained methyl groups on the side chain of PPO breaks to form methyl, phenol
through semi-quantitative analysis [27,28], as described by Eq. (1). and methyl phenol [31]. As shown in Fig. 3(a), the weight loss rate of
PPO reaches 92.84 % at 500 ◦ C. Strangely, only the signal of CH4 is
Y(%) = ∑n × 100% (1) detected in MS. Comparing Fig. 2(b) and Fig. 3(b), the temperature
1 Sumi
corresponding to the thermal weight loss interval of PPO is inconsistent
where, Y is the relative content for species i, sumi represents the sum of with that of the signal interval detected on MS. The pyrolysis interval is
∑ found to be consistent with the MS results during the PE pyrolysis. Thus,
the intensity of the mass peak for species i, n1 Sumi means the accu­
the effect of signal transmission lag can be excluded. This may be due to
mulated intensity of total volatiles mass peak in mass spectrometry.
the fact that the volatile fragments of large molecules generated by Car-O
YCal (%) = (x1 Y1 + x2 Y2 ) × 100% (2) fracture cannot enter the MS detection system due to their large mo­
lecular weight, but cause significant thermal weight loss [15]. This in­
where, Y1, Y2 are the experimental content of HM coal and PE pyrolysis dicates that the cleavage of Car-O bonds occurs at 400–500 ◦ C.
alone. Additionally, a large amount of CH4 is detected in MS between 500 and
650 ◦ C, which is caused by the cleavage of the Car-Cal bonds in PPO. The
2.5. ReaxFF MD simulation results of Shi et al. also confirmed that methane mainly originated from
the breakage of the Car-CH3 bond when the pyrolysis temperature is
Eight different molecular weights of single molecules were con­ above 500 ◦ C [32].
structed for simulation in order to make the simulation results closer to The pyrolysis properties of other model compounds are explored in
the real coal. A coal model eventually containing 29583 atoms was the same way. We describe them in detail in Section S1.1-1.3.
obtained through a series of optimizations with the chemical formula Based on the analysis above, the thermal weight loss intervals were
C15650H10653O3079N159S42. Five long chains of polymerization from 100 calculated for the five model compounds with initial and termination
to 300, a large-scale PE model containing 53,488 atoms, with the mo­ temperature corresponding to thermal weight loss rates of 20 % and 80
lecular formula C17800H35688 were constructed in order to make the PE %, respectively [33]. The temperature information corresponding to the
model more similar to plastic products. The simulation steps have been break covalent bonds in model compounds is shown in Table 3.
described in more detail in our previous work [29]. Additionally, two
co-pyrolysis systems consisting of 9 coal molecules/1 PE molecules (9:1) 3.2. Pyrolysis of HM coal
and 7 coal molecules/3 PE (7:3) molecules were constructed using the
same method. The effect of PE on covalent bond breaking during coal As seen from Fig. 4 that the pyrolysis process of HM can be divided
pyrolysis was investigated by four constructed models using ReaxFF MD into three pyrolysis stages. The first stage is between 25 and 300 ◦ C, with
from 300 K to 3000 K at 1 K/ps (Corresponding experimental temper­ a weight loss of 10.73 %, which is dominated by decarboxylation re­
ature from 230 to 500 ◦ C). actions. Additionally, it includes the removal of small amounts of free
water, gas desorption, and the breaking of weak bonds on the fatty side
chains in the coal structure [17]. The second stage is between 300 and
600 ◦ C, which is the main pyrolysis stage of HM, and the weight loss in
this stage accounts for 73.67 % of the total weight loss. The major co­
valent bonds in the coal are broken during the process, producing large

T. Zhang et al. Journal of the Energy Institute 113 (2024) 101529

Fig. 1. Chemical structure of model compounds.

amounts of volatile matter. The weight loss rate of HM reaches its

Table 2
maximum at 446 ◦ C. The third stage is between 600 and 800 ◦ C, with a
The bond types contained in the five model compounds.
weight loss of 15.60 %, which mainly occurs in char polycondensation
Sample Lignin PE PPO PPS CaCO3 and mineral decomposition reactions. It is well known that the cleavage
Bond types Cal-O Cal-Cal Car-O/Cal Car-S Carbonates in coal of covalent bonds in the structure of coal is closely related to tempera­
ture [34]. Chemical bonds with similar bond energies break

Fig. 2. TG and DTG curves (a), evolution curves of gases (b) of PE pyrolysis.

Fig. 3. TG and DTG curves (a), evolution curve of gas (b) of PPO pyrolysis.

T. Zhang et al. Journal of the Energy Institute 113 (2024) 101529

Table 3 CCO indicates a higher overlap of the two peaks, which means a poorer
Assignment of peaks from DTG curve of model compounds. fitting result.
Sample Bond cleavage Peak temperature (◦ C) Pyrolysis range (◦ C) Table 4 shows the results of R2 and CCO results using 6,7 and 8 sub-
peaks. It can be seen that the DTG curve is best fitted for 8 sub-peaks,
Tmax Ti Tf
with the smallest CCO and highest R2, and the fitting results are
Lignin Cal-O 338 305 386 shown in Fig. 5.
PE Cal- Cal 475 452 479
PPO Car-O 447 426 456
Car- Cal 546 500 600 3.2.2. Chemical bonding information of HM coal pyrolysis
PPS Car-S 546 505 565 Various volatiles over a temperature range are produced by the
CaCO3 Generation of CO2 740 675 750 breaking of a set of covalent bonds with similar bond energies [35]. The
main pyrolysis temperature of HM coal is between 300 and 600 ◦ C.
Based on the analysis of the pyrolysis characteristics of model com­
pounds in Section 3.1, the stage of HM is divided into three parts,
including 300–400 ◦ C, 400–500 ◦ C, and 500–600 ◦ C. The three stages
correspond to the breaking temperature of three groups of covalent
bonds with similar bond energies, which are Cal-O, Cal-Cal/Cal-H/Car-O,
and Car-Cal/Car-S. It can be seen from the DTG curve of HM pyrolysis that
an obvious weight loss peak appears below 150 ◦ C, which is attributed to
the removal of free water from HM coal. Based on the temperature
corresponding to H2 in MS (Fig. S5), it can be judged that the conden­
sation of the aromatic ring in HM occurs at higher temperature. A clear
weight loss peak is observed when the temperature is above 700 ◦ C,
which corresponds to the decomposition of inorganic carbonates in HM
coal [17]. The DTG curve of HM pyrolysis is decoupled, and the chem­
ical bond information of each sub-peak is shown in Table 5.

3.3. Effect of PE addition on covalent bonds breakage in HM

Based on the above analysis, it can be seen that correlating weight

loss of HM coal with changes in chemical bonds through the peak fitting
method can interpret the coal pyrolysis properties from the perspective
Fig. 4. TG and DTG curves of HM coal.
of bond cleavage. Different proportions of PE and HM were mixed uni­
formly and co-pyrolyzed to explore the effect of PE on the breakage of
simultaneously within a certain temperature range. As a consequence,
covalent bonds in HM. It should be noted that the breakage of Cal-Cal in
the weight loss process of HM coal can be analyzed using the “peak
HM and PE is unsynchronized. Therefore, the Cal-Cal bond between 400
splitting” method. ◦
C and 500 ◦ C is divided into two sub-peaks, representing the Cal-Cal
bond in HM and PE, respectively.
3.2.1. The number of sub-peaks of DTG curve
Fig. 6 shows the DTG fitting curves of the co-pyrolysis of HM and PE.
The main chemical bonds, including Cal-O, Cal-Cal, Car-Cal, Car-O, Car-
The peak temperature and peak area are important parameters for
Car, Car = Car, Car-H, and Cal-H, break during coal pyrolysis. Among
examining the pyrolysis interactions. The peak temperature indicates
them, Car-Car, Car = Car and Car-H bonds reside in the aromatic core of
the bond energy of various types of bonds (or a collection of bonds of
the coal molecule, which are more difficult to break than the other five
similar energy) in the samples, and the peak area can be used as a
covalent bonds due to their higher bond energy [17]. Thus, they are not
reference for the amounts of volatile fragments produced during co-
considered in this study. According to previous studies, the Cal-H and
pyrolysis process [17,35]. Fig. 6 and Table 6 show the changes in the
Cal-Cal bond energies are similar [17], and the decomposition of inor­
peak positions and peak areas of each sub-peak of the DTG curve from
ganic carbonates and removal of free water exist during coal pyrolysis.
co-pyrolysis of HM and PE at different proportions.
Thus, the DTG curve for coal pyrolysis alone contains at least six
As shown in Table 6, the peak temperature of sub-peak 1 does not
sub-peaks. In order to find the optimal peak separation result and
change because it is a weight loss peak caused by the removal of free
determine the number of sub-peaks, we tried to fit the DTG curve of HM
water from HM and does not involve the breakage of chemical bonds.
coal pyrolysis into 6, 7, and 8 sub-peaks. Detailed fitting parameters are
The peak temperature of sub-peaks 2 and 3 increases with the increase of
listed in Table S1.
the PE addition ratio. As can be seen from Fig. 2, PE hardly undergoes
Generally, better fitting results tend to be accompanied by a higher
cracking before 400 ◦ C. PE has a low softening point, which melts and
number of sub-peaks. From the perspective of correlating covalent
transforming into fluid at about 110 ◦ C (as shown in Fig. 7(with the ratio
bonds and pyrolysis behavior of coal, a high degree of overlap between
of 1:1)). With the temperature increases further, the PE begins to expand
the two sub-peaks indicates that two subpeaks originate from the same
and form a fluid and wrap the nearby HM particle. The molten PE is not
type of covalent bond or a covalent bond with similar bonding energy.
conducive to heat transfer [37], resulting in a shift of the peak tem­
Therefore, the fitting results should take the overlapping degree of
perature of sub-peaks 2 and 3 toward a higher temperature. The inhib­
adjacent sub-peaks into account. The coefficient of curve overlapping
itory effect increases with the increase of PE ratio.
(CCO) [17] is defined by Eq. (3):
The peak temperature of sub-peak 4 in the co-pyrolysis DTG shifts
( ) ( )
1∑ n
Ti− 1,f − Ti,i + Ti,f − Ti+1,i
CCO = ( ) (3)
n i=1 Ti,f − Ti,i Table 4
Comparison of fitting results by 6,7 and 8 sub-peaks.
where n represents the number of sub-peaks; Ti,1 and Ti,f are the initial Number of sub-curves 6 7 8
and ending temperature of sub-peak i, respectively. It should be noted CCO 2.03 2.38 1.33
that T1− 1 or Tn+1 of sub-peak 1 and n are noted as 0. A larger value of R2 0.9747 0.9975 0.9976

T. Zhang et al. Journal of the Energy Institute 113 (2024) 101529

and its main body still exists in a molten state. The Cal-Cal bonds in the
PE start to break when the temperature is higher than 400 ◦ C, but the
molten PE wraps the surrounding HM particles, which is not conducive
to heat transfer to HM particles. On the other hand, the molten PE in­
hibits the escape and diffusion of volatiles from HM pyrolysis, resulting
in an increase in the peak temperature of the weight loss detected in
DTG. With the increase of PE ratio, the breaking temperature of Cal-Cal
bonds in HM further increase. Compared to PE pyrolysis alone, the peak
temperature of sub-peak 5 during co-pyrolysis shifts toward a lower
temperature. The volatiles generated at lower temperature from the
matter are absorbed by the material that pyrolysis later, thus inducing
early cleavage of the post-pyrolyzed material [38]. Besides, we can find
that the peak temperature of sub-peak 6 in the co-pyrolysis DTG curve
moves toward a higher temperature compared to that of HM pyrolysis
alone. The long-chain olefin produced by PE cracking wraps around the
coal surface and inhibits the breakage of Car-Cal bonds in HM [10]. The
fragments wrapped around the HM surface are gradually decomposed
with the further increase of temperature. Meanwhile, the char begins to
condense and the cleavage of bonds is almost unaffected.
The peak areas of sub-peaks 1, 2 and 3 are not discussed since the
Fig. 5. DTG curve of HM coal and the fitting results by 8 sub-peaks through variation of their peak areas can be easily influenced by the heat transfer
multiple Gaussian functions.
of the molten PE. The PE has been completely converted into volatiles
after 500 ◦ C, which hardly affects the subsequent breaking of covalent
Table 5
bonds in HM. Therefore, only the changes in peak area for sub-peaks 4, 5
Assignment of peaks from DTG curve of HM coal [17,36]. and 6 are discussed and compared with the theoretical value.
As can be seen from Fig. 8, the peak area of sub-peak 4 is significantly
Peak Origin Peak temperature range
(◦ C)
higher than the theoretical value, indicating that PE as an H-donor
significantly promotes the breakage of Cal-Cal bonds in HM and signifi­
1 Release of bonded water
cantly improves the tar yield. The peak area of sub-peak 5 is also higher
2 Decomposition of carboxylic acid 150–300
3 Breakage of Cal-O 300–400 than the theoretical value, which is due to the induced effect during the
4 Breakage of bonds between Cal-Cal, Cal-H, and 400–500 co-pyrolysis of HM and PE. The free radicals generated by HM pyrolysis
Car-O induce further cleavage of PE pyrolysis macromolecular fragments,
5 Breakage of bonds between Car-Cal, Car-S 500–600 which contributes to the formation of active free radicals such as alkenyl
6 Condensation of aromatic rings 600–650
7 Decomposition of carbonates 650–750
and alkyl radicals [10]. Additionally, the peak area of sub-peak 6 is
8 Condensation of aromatic rings >750 significantly lower than the theoretical value and decreases further with
the increase in PE proportion. On the one hand, there are no Car-Cal
bonds in PE. On the other hand, the long chain olefins produced by PE
toward the high temperature region compared to HM pyrolysis alone. cracking wrap around the HM surface and inhibit the breakage of the
For the individual pyrolysis of HM, the peak temperature of sub-peak 4 is Car-Cal bonds in HM. In summary, the fundamental reason for the sig­
449.32 ◦ C. At the same temperature, the weight loss of PE is 22.72 %, nificant increase in tar yield by co-pyrolysis of HM and PE can be

Fig. 6. DTG curves and fitted sub-peaks of HM and PE at different proportions: (a) 5 %, (b) 10 %, (c) 15 %.

Table 6
Fitting results of DTG curves.
Peak (◦ C) H2O COOH Cal-O Cal-Cal (HM) Cal-Cal (PE) Car-Cal Condensation of aromatic rings CO2 Condensation of aromatic rings

HM 95.00 263.02 385.78 449.32 – 532.22 627.84 720.00 771.84

HM+5%PE 95.00 265.00 387.63 450.40 467.19 538.36 635.25 720.00 778.85
HM+10%PE 95.00 270.95 389.00 451.09 473.67 544.01 640.65 720.00 779.03
HM+15%PE 95.00 274.97 392.00 454.68 474.17 544.48 638.94 720.00 777.26

T. Zhang et al. Journal of the Energy Institute 113 (2024) 101529

Fig. 7. Evolution of the morphology of HM and PE during co-pyrolysis (1:1).

detected, including alkane radicals, alkene radicals, and some alka­

dienyl radicals. A large number of diolefins were also detected, such as
hexadiene and heptadiene, with contents of 1.39 % and 1.70 %,
respectively. This indicates that the olefinic intermediates generated
from PE pyrolysis were re-polymerized during the pyrolysis process.
Compared to PE, the structure of HM coal is much more complex,
resulting in a significant increase in the types of pyrolysis products. It
can be observed that pyrolysis of HM coal produces a large number of
phenolic compounds, including methylphenol and dimethylphenol with
relative contents of 1.02 % and 0.78 %, respectively. At the same time, it
is accompanied by the generation of various aromatic products such as
toluene (0.43 %), ethylbenzene (0.50 %), trimethylnaphthalene (0.49
%), dimethylanthracene (0.41 %). In addition, a minor quantity of
alkene products such as propylene (0.53 %), butene (0.51 %), and
pentene (0.40 %) are also generated.
No new substances were found to be generated in the HM coal and PE
co-pyrolysis spectra. However, the relative contents of the pyrolyzed
major volatile fractions exhibited significant differences compared to
the theoretical values (Fig. 11). As can be seen, co-pyrolysis significantly
promotes the generation of alkene products. For example, the relative
Fig. 8. Peak areas of sub-peaks 4, 5 and 6 of HM and PE co-pyrolysis. contents of pentene, hexene, pentadiene, hexadiene, and heptadiene
have significantly increased compared to calculated values, and are
attributed to the fact that co-pyrolysis promotes the cleavage of Cal-Cal closely related to the proportion of PE added. The production of alkenes
bonds in the samples. during coal pyrolysis mainly originates from the breaking of Cal-Cal
bonds [18], which further confirms that the co-pyrolysis of the two
promotes the breaking of Cal-Cal bonds in the HM coal and PE structures.
3.4. In-situ Py-TOF-MS analyses
Although the barrier formed by the molten PE hinders the escape of
primary volatiles from HM coal pyrolysis, it also enhances the interac­
The volatiles released during the co-pyrolysis of coal and different
tion between the primary volatiles and PE, thereby promoting the
proportions of PE were detected in-situ using Py-TOF-MS. The spectra
further breakage of Cal-Cal bonds in PE. The relative content of toluene,
are shown in Fig. 9, and were identified based on the m/z ratio in the
dimethylbenzene, dimethylnaphthalene and methylanthracene in the
mass spectra and literature reports. Detailed assignments are listed in
aromatic products is lower than the calculated value. This observation is
Table S2. To analyze the interactions during co-pyrolysis quantitatively,
consistent with the results reported by Wu [8]. This may be attributed to
a semi-quantitative method was employed to calculate the relative
the fact that the long-chain alkenes produced by PE cracking coats on the
contents of the main volatiles. The calculated values of primary volatiles
surface of the HM coal and hinders the pyrolysis of the broken Cal-Car
during co-pyrolysis process were also determined.
bonds in its structure [39], which leads to a reduction of aromatics. For
The relative contents of the main primary volatile fractions from the
phenolic products, it can be observed that their relative content is
pyrolysis of HM and PE alone are presented in Fig. 10. It can be seen that
slightly higher than the calculated value. The excessive presence of PE
PE pyrolysis produces a significant amount of alkene products, which
forms a melting layer that hinders the release of volatiles from HM py­
are dominated by C4-C8, with relative contents of 1.11 %, 1.80 %, 1.44
rolysis, causing the phenoxy radicals reacting with the hydrogen
%, 1.34 %, and 1.16 %, respectively. In addition, several radicals were

T. Zhang et al. Journal of the Energy Institute 113 (2024) 101529

Fig. 9. PI-MS spectra of volatiles from (a) HM coal, (b) PE, and their mixtures pyrolysis: (c) HM+5%PE, (d) HM+10%PE, (e) HM+15%PE.

radicals released by PE cracking [8]. In addition, the relative content of decompose, therefore no volatile fraction (C1-C40) can be detected. With
alkene radicals, alkadienes radicals, and alkane radicals is significantly the increase of temperature, volatiles containing specific covalent bonds
higher than the calculated value. This indicates that the co-pyrolysis of appear in system. The number of covalent bonds formed is greater than
the HM and PE contributes to the formation of alkene and alkadienes that of broken, which shows an increasing trend. With the further in­
products, but also facilitates the fracture of Cal-Cal bonds, thereby pro­ crease of temperature, these covalent bonds in volatiles also begin to
moting the release of radicals. break, and the rate of breakage is higher than the rate of generation,
showing a decreasing trend as a whole. The higher temperature of peak
3.5. ReaxFF MD simulation indicates the harder break of bonds. As shown in Fig. 12 (a), the peak
temperature of the Cal-O bonds almost does not move with the addition
The evolution trend of covalent bonds breakage and formation with of PE, which further indicates that the addition of PE does not have
time during low rank coal and PE co-pyrolysis process can be intuitively chemical impact on the breakage of the Cal-O bonds in the coal structure.
obtained by ReaxFF MD simulation [29]. The effect of PE addition on the The variation of the number of Cal-Cal bonds in the simulated system
cleavage of Cal-Cal, Cal-O and Car-Cal bonds in the volatile fraction with temperature is shown in Fig. 12 (b). The Cal-Cal bonds in PE do not
(C1-C40) system during low rank coal pyrolysis is analyzed through show any change in the early stage of pyrolysis due to the fact that PE
ReaxFF MD simulations, as shown in Fig. 12. It should be noted that the only undergoes softening and melting at lower temperature. It is
breakage and formation of covalent bonds in the pyrolysis system occur consistent with our pyrolysis results in Fig. 2. With the increase of
simultaneously, and the changes of their content are a comprehensive temperature, the number of Cal-Cal bonds in PE increases sharply, which
result at a certain temperature. is attributed to the major chain of PE starts to break irregularly and
The higher number of functional groups containing a type of cova­ generates large numbers of olefins and alkanes fragments. In the py­
lent bonds in the system indicates a higher content of that covalent rolysis system of coal, the Cal-O bonds cleave at low temperature, pro­
bonds. At low temperatures, samples in the system do not begin to ducing volatile fragments that contain Cal-Cal bonds. The Cal-Cal bonds in

T. Zhang et al. Journal of the Energy Institute 113 (2024) 101529

Fig. 10. Relative content of main primary volatiles from (a) HM coal, (b) PE.

Fig. 11. Relative content of main volatiles and their synergistic values during co-pyrolysis of HM coal and PE: (a, e) alkenes, (b, f) aromatics, (c, g) phenols, and (d, h)
free radicals.

the coal begin to break with the temperature increases and a large bonds in the co-pyrolysis system is lower than that of coal pyrolysis
number of C5-C40 fragments are released [29]. As the temperature rises alone when the temperature is below 2000K, which is related to the fact
further, the polycondensation reaction in the system dominates the that the major chain of PE does not break at lower temperature. As the
pyrolysis and the fragmentation of C40+ increases, leading to a gradual temperature increases, the cleavage of the Cal-Cal bonds in PE produces a
decrease in the Cal-Cal bonds content in volatiles. The content of Cal-Cal large number of volatiles that combine with volatiles from coal pyrolysis

T. Zhang et al. Journal of the Energy Institute 113 (2024) 101529

both of HM and PE. Besides, the addition of PE causes the breakage peak
temperature of Car-Cal in HM to shift towards a higher temperature (from
532 to 545 ◦ C), and the peak area decreases from 13.12 % to 9.22 %. The
fundamental reason for the significant increase in tar yield by co-
pyrolysis of HM and PE is that co-pyrolysis promotes the cleavage of
Cal-Cal bonds in HM and PE. According to in-situ Py-TOF-MS analysis,
the addition of PE promotes the Cal-Cal bonds both of PE and HM to form
more alkene and alkadienes products, and also facilitate the transfer of
hydrogen (H) to react with the phenoxy group from HM to form phenolic
products. Meanwhile, ReaxFF MD simulation results also show that the
number of breaking reactions for Cal-Cal bonds in the co-pyrolysis system
is higher than that of coal pyrolysis alone. It further confirmed that the
addition of PE can promote the breakage of Cal-Cal bonds in the system.

Declaration of competing interest

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial

interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
the work reported in this paper.


The research was financially supported by National Natural Science

Foundation of China (22078353, 22178371), Key Research and Devel­
opment project of Shanxi Province (202102090301004), Strategic Pri­
ority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No.

Appendix A. Supplementary data

Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.


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