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,,,.-�xport Certificate - Etrafflc �I pl.l...ll ·.>!....,;,

Certificate Refe.rence No 64258462
Tlmc ll.!36:04
HICri Date RAMADAN /09/1441
Gco,zian Date 03/05/2020
14709296 r-1,��
Traffic File Number 14709296
cil. ,_,. .U,l 4.?-�I �.,.JI.:,� �,.JI .L......;.. _...!.;
licensing Agency Certifkate That the Vehicle below is property of

Natlon■llty : France u.,; �I

19FH60007 Jv.,1 1 i"'J
Pauport No : 19FH60007
Thero ls no objection for tranafor the vehlcle to France W.) .,JI 1.1...,1,-...t ..,U. � •l./J
as the vehlcle conforma to all lawful condition requlred �.I,� � ..,i_,.... \+À.:..,.. i.,.i � �


Make : MASERATI Modo! : 2008

2008 : �l&l-1 MASERATI �.,..J l e..-

Sub Make 2: .,...�1, ,.u. GRANT\JRISMO : E.,..JIJ,-1.;

: GRANT\JRISMO No.Doors : 2

Cateaory : Coupe 4: .u.t...JI •� �,,s: �_...Jf,j..t
No.S••ts :4
Colour : White Res.Plat• No : N/A N/A: �l cJJ �,: �.,..JI.:,,)

03-05-2020: :
CO<lntry Of Onipn : ltaly Rea,.date 03-05-2020 �•t,..JJ lJ�f
Ro1,Eap.Dato ,lt,wil t,.J;

: 132466 132465: .!1.,-llcJ,

En1Jne No
: ZAMGH45F180039098
Chaula No ZAMGH45F180039098 : .,....l.!.1 1 ,-iJ

Mortcaceco. Mortcace .Date .:,..,Jlë-.JJ .:,..,Jl4?­

MortcaceRof. LlcenseType ....;..,i1 E... .:,..,J l �_.. ,-i,

UctnH No. Ucense Source ....;..,i1 .,..... ....;. .,11 ,..,

Orfwr Natlonaltty Driver Gonder ,jll...Jl� ,jll...JI�

Driver Nam• .;:w1 !"-'I

lnsurance Co .:-.l:Jl4S.,..!,

?ollcy No : .,..1:J1 �. ,..,

This 11 • perman ently v.lld certJ Rcate,Thi1 certlncate Mf'VH •• a whfcle clearanc e certlflcate,
un der Tranafer Sharjah Number S00190011710 Date 21/11/2019. Th• vehld• detall1 are tHted _......; �-. ..:,_....., .�,...U 4_; i.l .,i '!� üi.,:.JI� �"-l i c-Jb .,._.. üi.,:.JI
osten1ibly, wlthout tHtln1 ft1 road worth1neu �.,..Jl..:,l;lo! ..,4 �li; _...JI�, Y· 1,/11/YI r!'fa! o,, 1,, • IIIVII• ,_i,.:..ü ü,t.:.JI
.:.ü.,IJI ..,4 la..-.., �iw ..,4 I"'/. i,

Legat Dlsclamlor 4".ÏtJlilfi.11�1

This certlfk.ate WH fuued upon th• customer requelt and the aaency doH not lncur any respon1Jblllty
a1aln1t the rlchts of other1 ,,_.JI ..ioi> �-.J,.-, '!1--....;.Jt J.,w.) .»> �Lo .,.U. ..,J.. •'-'! â,i..:,JI.;. .:,,._.J

The Llcensln• Aaency ensure the accuracy of the detalls ln the certificat• untfl the date of f.uuance i, J.ii &>41.,....JI ùi..:,Jl.,u..J ,.... ..,;> â,i..:,JI .:.l.lo! U,, t.>L.. -,>,.:JI 4-..o>- .,..._.:;
listed above only and does not assume ■nd Nsponsibility under th:11 certfflcate ln the nent of ■ny .,u..f >A! �I ...WI ._.i,.,.;-? J.> ._.i ùi..:,JI ü. -.-. -.J.....--? 4-..o_.Jf J.,w
chana• ln the mtus of the trafflc file after the 1uuance of th• certiflc.ate..., â,i..:,JI

To make lnsure the Information 11 coned certifiat.e p lease vfsit the Unie■te
And enter the certificat• reference numbff ln addition to the traffic file number to conflrm th e valldity <o>"- _...,I; ..,J.. J,_,JJ �1...WI i"'J ..,JI ül..i� â,i..:,JI �,. r-i, J>,I,
of the certificat•

The A1ency does not auume any ruponMblHty ln the c.ase of

usina th e eCertlncate wfthout v■lld■tlon ft

Any co rrection wHI r ender thl1 certifkate nun a. vold

Ucense Agency

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