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Presented by Hannah Joy M. Monsanto

1. Understand the fundamental concepts of

compton scattering and;
2. Identify real world applications of compton
scattering across various fields.

Compton scattering unveils the intricate dance
between light and matter at the quantum level.
Imagine energetic photons (light packets)
colliding with electrons, not just bouncing but
transferring energy. This phenomenon has
fascinating applications, from deciphering
internal structures in medical X-rays to unveiling
the secrets of distant stars and neutron stars,
showcasing the profound impact of fundamental
physics on our understanding of the universe.
Light as a Scattered Photon
Light, often described as a wondrous
phenomenon that illuminates our world,
holds within its essence a fascinating
duality: it behaves both as a wave and as a
Waves particle. At the heart of this dual nature lies
the concept of the photon – the
fundamental unit of light. In our exploration,
we delve into the intricate dance of light as
a scattered photon, uncovering its role in
phenomena such as Compton scattering
Light as a Scattered Photon
Light as a scattered photon" refers to the phenomenon
where a photon, the fundamental unit of light, undergoes
scattering when it interacts with matter. This interaction can
occur when photons encounter particles such as electrons
or atoms. When a photon scatters, it changes direction and
may also experience a change in energy or wavelength. This
process is known as scattering, and it plays a crucial role in
various natural phenomena and technological applications.


Describes the phenomenon

where high-energy photons (like
X-rays or gamma rays) collide
with electrons and change their
wavelength (and therefore

Arthur Holly Compton (1923).

Compton's discovery was

groundbreaking and challenged the
prevailing classical understanding of
light and matter. He received the Nobel
Prize in Physics in 1927 for his work on
the Compton effect, which remains a
cornerstone of modern physics
Photon: Tiny packets of energy with wave-like and
particle-like properties
Electrons: Negatively charged particles found within
Compton shift: The increase in wavelength (or
decrease in frequency) of the scattered photon.
Imagine playing a game of billiards with
your friend. You aim to hit the cue ball
towards another ball on the table.

As you hit the cue ball, it moves fast

towards the other ball. But when they
collide, something interesting happens.

The cue ball gives some of its energy to

the other ball's tiny parts called
electrons. This exchange of energy is like
what happens in Compton scattering.
Real Life Applications

Medical X-Rays AstroPhysics

High-energy photons interact with Helps astronomers understand the

electrons in bones and tissues, composition and structure of
giving information about internal interstellar and intergalactic
structures. medium.

Gamma Ray Astronomy Security

Studying scattered gamma rays Compton scattering systems can

from distant objects helps be used for cargo inspection and
understand their composition and radiation detection.


Do you have any questions?


Objective: The objective of the Arambagan Quiz Challenge is to test the knowledge of participants while
fostering teamwork and collaboration within the groups.
1. The class is divided into two groups, Group A and Group B.
2. Each group selects a representative to answer questions on behalf of the team.
3. A moderator or host oversees the game and presents questions to the groups.
1. The game consists of several rounds.
2. The moderator presents a question to the groups.
3. The representatives of each group will race to the board and write their answer.
4. The first representative to correctly answer the question by writing it on the board earns 2 points for their
team. If the other team correctly answer the question, they will still gain 1 point.
5. The moderator keeps track of each group's score throughout the game. The game will be a race to 5
having 2 points each question.
End of Game:
1. The game concludes after all rounds have been completed or after a predetermined number of rounds.
2. The group with the highest score at the end of the game is declared the winner.

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