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December 20, 2023

To Whom it may Concern,

I hope this le er finds you in good health and high spirits. It is with mixed emo ons that I
am wri ng to formally submit my resigna on from my posi on as Customer Experience Agent at
Alorica Philippines Inc., effec ve immediately.
Due to personal circumstances, I find myself in the posi on of having to relocate to a
different geographic loca on. This decision was not made lightly, and it comes with a heavy heart
as I have truly enjoyed my me at Alorica Philippines Inc.
I am grateful for the opportuni es for professional and personal development that Alorica
Philippines Inc. has provided me during my tenure. The experiences and skills gained here have
been invaluable, and I am proud to have been part of such a dedicated and talented team.
I am commi ed to ensuring a smooth transi on during this challenging me. I am willing
to assist in the handover of my responsibili es and provide any necessary informa on to facilitate
the transi on process.
I want to express my sincere apprecia on for the support and camaraderie I have
experienced with my colleagues and superiors. I have thoroughly enjoyed working with the team
and will fondly remember the posi ve experiences and collabora ve efforts.
I would like to extend my gra tude to my team for their understanding and support during
my me here. I look forward to maintaining professional connec ons and hope our paths may
cross again in the future.
Thank you for the opportuni es, support, and understanding.



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