Grand Tactics 15mm 1.0

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UPDATE 1 – Version 1.0 Official Rulebook

Your Formation: Page 2

Movement and Shooting: Page 3

Hand to hand combat: Page 4

Leadership and Morale: Page 4

Terrain and cover: Page 5

Objectives: Page 5

Solo Play: Page 6

Scenarios: Page 7

Traits: Page 8

Preparing a game
Introduction Grand Tactics is designed to accommodate many
Grand Tactics is a 15mm Sci-Fi platoon+ sized game table sizes, understanding that players may not
have a 6'x4' table they can always play on.
set in the Grand Fleet Admiral universe. Build your
However, to play the game there are some required
formation and battle over distant colonies with a
items. Most will be available on the store, such as
variety of units and factions. models and terrain, however there are a few items
All modelling and rules are created by a single you will need to acquire yourself.
developer, so the game is heavily reliant upon
- Tape measure
community input and feedback. This is an
- Many 10-sided Dice
opportunity for you, the player, to both have a say in
- Numbered Activation tokens (Free on store)
how your favourite faction plays and to be able to - Infantry models and vehicles.
see your own ideas of scenarios and game - Terrain
adjustments make it into the official rules. The best
way to contact me with ideas and suggestions is via You will also need a table to play the game on. In the
the community Discord. This rulebook will be Scenarios section there are specific scenarios you
updated monthly, adding factions, scenarios, more can play based on your table size. Grand Tactics is
units, and more options for your forces. best played on tables around 6'x4' however you can
still get great smaller games going with as little as
2'x2' tables.

Your formation means that some teams will have to stay in the open
while they guide their weapons towards their target.
In Grand Tactics, formations are made up of
sections, with each section being activated at a time. Go to ground (Infantry only)
Each Turn, players will alternatively draw a section Unit goes to ground, reducing shooting rolls against
activation token from the bag. Each numbered token this unit by -1 until it’s next activation. Place down
in the bag will represent one of the sections within a ‘gone to ground’ token to show the unit has gone to
player’s formation. ground.

Each section will have activation points it can spend Overwatch

to do actions based on the units within it. The Unit prepares for enemy activations. Can either
average number of activation points is 5 for a interrupt during an enemy movement and shoot or
section. Sections are split into teams which you return fire after being shot at through an enemy
spend the points on to activate them. The higher activation. Place down ‘overwatch’ token to show
skilled the section is the more points they will likely unit is prepared in overwatch. All shooting during
have. Teams within a section must stay within 8” of overwatch gets a -1 to hit roll.
each other.
Drone Control
Example: Anglo European Fusilier sections are split Unit can activate attached drone/drones. Some
into 2 teams with 5 activation points to spend in the drones can just move but others may be able to
section. Each can spend a maximum of 3 points per move and shoot with a single activation point.
turn. Player chooses to spend 2 points on a team
and 3 points on the other team. Interact (Infantry only)
Unit can interact with a terrain feature or objective.
Some objectives may require a unit to spend an
activation point to seize control of them. E.G a
communications console or an orbital weapons
control panel.

Coordinate fire support

Some formations may have available fire support
from nearby artillery or ships in orbit. This will not
be available every turn but specific teams or
vehicles with long range comm devices can call in
Unit can move up to its maximum move value. Transport load / Unload
Movement can be affected by terrain. A unit can Units within a vehicle transport can spend one of
move multiple times per activation, even after their tokens to unload from the vehicle. They are
shooting. placed within 1” of the entry point of the vehicle.

Shoot The unit within the vehicle spends the point not the
Unit can shoot at any targets within range. Some vehicle itself. The same applies for units entering a
weapons have the trait “Heavy” which require the vehicle, a single activation token is required.
unit to not move before shooting that activation
representing weapon set up time. Some weapons Consolidate Section
have the trait “Guided” which requires the unit to not If both teams in a section have taken casualties they
move after they fire during their activation. This can choose to consolidate into a single team. They
must be within 2” of one another to do this.

Movement Shooting procedure

All units in Grand Tactics have a movement value in - Unit declares to shoot at enemy unit.
inches represented in their stats. This shows the
distance they can move per activation point spent - Measure range of weapons in unit and count
choosing to move. number of shots. This is the number of dice to use.
Make sure to keep weapons with different power
A single team or vehicle can spend up to 3 activation separate.
points per turn, this means if a unit has a move stat
of 4” then they can move up to a limit of 12” per turn - Roll to hit using D10’s needing 5+, add modifiers.
if all points are spent moving.
- Tally number of hits with each weapon. Defender
Movement can sometimes be deadly as it can trigger then rolls that many armour saves. Armour saves
an enemy’s overwatch. are modified by the power of shooting weapon.

Moving through terrain - Each failed save is a wound. Most infantry have a
single wound. Models are killed from closest to the
Some terrain is classed as ‘difficult terrain’ and shooter first going backwards.
costs multiple activation points to move through.
Shooting at vehicles
To move a unit up onto terrain, it is measured from
the ground to the ledge they are attempting to climb Units with the ‘vehicle’ trait act slightly differently to
onto. If the distance from ground to the ledge is other units. When shooting at a unit with this trait,
greater than the movement value, then the unit rolling to hit is the same, however, you must then
cannot move up onto it. If a unit drops off terrain roll to damage the vehicle. This is done by rolling a
higher than 4” then they must take an armour save. D10 and adding your weapons ‘power’. If the outcome
Failed save means death for each failure. is greater than the armour of your target, then it
damages the vehicle. This means that if your target’s
Shooting armour is 12 and your weapons power is below 3, it
is impossible to damage the vehicle with that
All shots are rolled using D10’s and hit on 5+ before weapon.
modifiers. 10+ is the max a roll to hit can be after
modifiers are applied. Vehicles often have different armour values
- Range is the distance in which the weapon can depending on which angle they are being shot from.
target and shoot at enemies. Check the vehicle you are targeting before shooting
- Power is the stopping power of the weapon and your weapons. Some weapons have the ‘top attack’
how well they pierce enemy armour. Against trait which means they always target the top
infantry this is the modifier to the save roll. Against armour of a vehicle no matter the angle they shoot
Vehicles this is the number you add to your D10 roll from.
to see if it pierces the armour.
- Shots is the number of dice that are rolled for
each weapon when it is fired by a unit.
- Traits can affect how the weapon operates. These
can be found in the ‘weapon traits’ section of the
book. There are a wide range of these.

Weapon Range Power Shots Traits

M3 Battle Rifle 30” 0 1
M70 Automatic Rifle 40” 2 3 Heavy

A vehicle has hull points. Every damage point taken Unless stated otherwise, units cannot shoot into CQB
is a hull point removed. Each time a hull point is combat.
removed the player must roll a D10 on the damage
table, with different possible effects. Once the Leadership and Morale
vehicle is reduced to 0 hull points it is wrecked but
does not explode. If you roll the same effect twice All Infantry units have a ‘Leadership’ stat. This
then the second roll is treated as ‘no effect’ and just shows their willingness to fight when taking losses.
removes a hull point as per usual.
At the end of the turn, all teams on the table who
If a vehicle explodes, then all units embarked within took casualties during the turn must roll a
the building and within 3” must make a single leadership save using their stat. If failed, then the
armour save, taking a wound if failed. team becomes ‘broken’ and a broken token is placed
next to them. They must then make a single move
DMG roll Effect backwards towards their table edge.
1-5 No effect
5-6 Immobilised If the team moves outside 8” of their coherence with
7-8 Weapon destroyed; Shooter decides their other team within the section, then that team is
9-10 Vehicle explodes

If a vehicle is wrecked while infantry is embarked,

Next activation the team which is not broken must
then they automatically dismount the vehicle, and
spend an activation token to rally the broken team.
may make a single move activation in any direction.
They may then both act as normal. If both teams are
broken, then both teams rally but cannot activate
Hand to hand combat (CQB) this turn.

All units in Grand Tactics have a CQB weapon option If a unit is only made up of one team, then they must
listed. These have the same stat titles as the ranged use an activation token to rally and then act as
weapons but some work in a slightly different way. normal.

-The higher range number of the fighting teams gets

to attack first, if they are the same then the player Vehicle Leadership
who initiated CQB attacks first.
-Power works in the same way, reducing the At the end of the turn, if a vehicle has been hit by
armour save of the foe. any weapons during the turn, then it must roll a 4+
-Shots is the number of dice rolled in the attack. save. If failed, then it makes a single reverse move
-Traits work in the same way, giving special abilities backwards (Move stat -2”) as it reverses out of
to weapons. danger. A vehicle cannot reverse off the table.

To engage in CQB you must move your unit within If it suffered damage that turn, then the save
range of the enemy using your CQB weapon range becomes 8+ as the crew inside are in shock and
stat. Once this is done both units then consolidate possibly facing injuries.
into combat. After all attacks are rolled then the
side that has lost more units must roll a leadership
save. Upon passing, the combat carries on next time
one of the units within it is activated. Upon a failure,
the unit retreats from combat 4” and must all take
an addition armour save, each fail is a death chosen
by the player retreating.

Terrain and Cover Setting a table up with terrain

Terrain is a big part of Grand Tactics and players Grand tactics requires a healthy amount of terrain,
who make good use of cover will have a large both line of sight blocking and also light cover.
advantage against their adversaries. A team who Some vehicles and heavy weapons can be quite
has gone to ground behind heavy cover will be shot deadly, so units must make good use of the available
at on 9+ rolls while a team running in the open will terrain. Here is a good example of a 6’x4’ table:
be hit on 5+’s.

Cover in Grand Tactics is very straight forward. You

are either in no cover, light cover, or heavy cover.
The level of cover you are protected by will affect
the to hit roll of incoming shots. Players must
choose before game start what terrain features
grant light and heavy cover.

Cover type Shooting modifier

Light cover -2
Heavy cover -3 Take it in turns before game start to set up a piece
of terrain. Its important to set up terrain before
Light cover examples: Smoke, bushes, foliage, players know which side they are deploying on and
craters, small dips in terrain, units blocking. Very even what the scenario is!
partial heavy cover blocking.
Heavy cover examples: Buildings, inside windows,
sandbags, concrete barriers, vehicles, Rocks. Objectives are a key part of most scenarios on
Grand Tactics. Unless stated in the scenario, an
Obscuring terrain objective or objective marker requires a team to be
within 2” of it and for them to use 1 activation point
A unit which is partially obscured by line of sight to activate the objective.
blocking terrain does not get a cover save unless in At the end of each turn, any objective that has been
some form of cover. But when shot, models outside
activated by a team that turn earns that player a
of line of sight cannot be killed. E.G a 6-man team is
single point.
shot at, but 4 of them are out of line of sight, behind
terrain. This means only 2 of them can be killed by An objective may only score 1 point per player per
shooting. If the unit takes 3 wounds from shooting, turn, however, may score a point to both players if
then only 2 will die. both player’s teams have activated it.

Solo Play Movement and Shooting

When an AI unit is activated to move, they will

We understand that not everyone has access to an always try to keep units in cover as they understand
abundance of friends and family who are keen on how valuable it is.
always playing your favourite tabletop games with
you. That’s why we’ve decided to try and make solo You must attempt to move the unit towards the
play a good option for our game. direction of the nearest objective, moving behind
some kind of cover. If a unit cannot make it to cover
To start playing solo you will first need to print your then within a single activation, then roll a D10.
2 forces. The first will be your own force, created as
if you were playing against another player. However, 1-2 Stay In cover, go to 3-10 Move into open
the second will be a somewhat preset AI force, ground and Overwatch
which includes a default force with an expanded
random unit or two to ensure the player is met with
a challenge and to make every game different. Depending on if the team is in range of an enemy
unit with their weapons, they have a different
Of course, the player is allowed to design their own chance to move up. Roll a d10 and see what they do:
AI preset lists as well.
Within Range and LOS No Target
We ask that you give us feedback on the system so
1-2 Full Advance 1-2 Full Advance
that we can make improvements!
3-5 Advance and shoot 3-5 Full Advance
Deployment 6-10 Go to Ground, 6-10 Advance then
Shoot, then Overwatch Overwatch
To deploy forces in solo games, you must first
deploy your full force, then pull activation tokens out
of the bag (both yours and AI) If a team is not in range but has the option to move
to cover and then be in range to shoot in the same
All AI unit tokens pulled before any Player tokens activation, then they will always do so.
drawn, must be placed in line with an objective. If a unit has only CQB weapons, then it will always
Once a Player token is drawn, then the next AI unit full advance into combat when it can, however, will
token drawn is placed in line with that player unit. use the cover-to-cover rolls as per usual unless
When the next player token is drawn the AI within range of engagement.
deployment changes to be in line with that unit until Objectives
the next is drawn etc.
The AI will always choose to defend objectives.
Unlike the player, the AI doesn’t need to activate an
objective to score on it, it only needs to have a unit
within 2” to get the point.

Once a unit is within the objective range they will

always go to ground, shoot, and overwatch if they
can do so.


Sector Secure Capture and Hold

Three basic objectives are placed down across the 4 basic objectives are placed down within 8” of the
middle of the table. central point on the table. Each player can place 2
Deploy using activation tokens. Deployment zone is
12” away from the central line. Deploy using activation tokens. Deployment zone is
14” away from the central line.
First player to reach 8 points wins.
First player to reach 7 points wins.

Ground War
Each player places three basic objectives on their
own side within 16” of the central line. Objectives on Highest roller is defender. Defender places two
each side cannot be closer than 8” together but basic objectives down across the middle of the table.
cannot be further than 12” apart. They cannot be within 8” of each other. The Attacker
then places a third objective down on the central
Deploy using activation tokens. Deployment zone is line which cannot be further than 14” away from
12” away from the central line. another objective.
You can only score points on your opponent’s Defender deploys within 2” of the central line on
objectives. First to 4 points wins. either side. Attacker deploys after. Attacker
deployment zone is 12” away from either side of the
central line.
Seize and Secure
First player to reach 8 points wins. Once the
Highest roller is defender. Defender places three Attacker activates an objective the defender can no
basic objectives down across the middle of the table, longer score points from it for the rest of the game.
and three basic objectives on their own side within
16” of the central line. Objectives back from the
central line cannot be closer than 8” together but
cannot be further than 12” apart.

Defender deploys full force up to middle line;

attacker then deploys over 14” away from central

Attacker wins if they activate 4 or more objectives.

Once an objective is activated, it is locked and
cannot be deactivated by the defender.

Traits Single Use
Once this weapon is fired it can no longer be used
this game.
This weapon has a lot of stopping power. If an
Top Attack
infantry team or vehicle takes a hit with this weapon
This weapon launches up into the air and angles
– even if no penetration is caused. The unit must
itself to hit the top of the target. Hits against
take a morale test.
vehicles uses the vehicles ‘Top’ armour value when
determining penetration of armour.
This weapon has the option of overcharged allowing
the user to fire double the number of shots at once
This weapon engulfs the target and cover they are
in one shooting activation; however, it cannot fire
behind in flame, acid, or plasma. Units targeted by
again this game.
this weapon act as if they are not in any cover.

This weapon is to be used in close combat only.

This weapon corrodes enemy armour. Each turn a
vehicle takes hits from a weapon with this trait, its
armour on all sides reduces by 1 next turn.

Explosive X
This weapon hits X targets in a team per shot that
has hit.

This weapon requires the shooter to guide the
weapon to towards the target after they have fired.
A team cannot move in the same activation after
they have fired this weapon.

This weapon is heavy to move and takes time to set
up ready to fire. It requires 2 activation tokens to
shoot this weapon if it is being used by Infantry. Has
no effect on vehicles.

This weapon can fire at a target without needing
direct line of sight. However, at least one other
friendly unit must have line of sight on the target.

This weapon is lightweight and can be used on the
move. This weapon can be fired during movement
and doesn’t require a shooting point to be used.

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