Chapter Quiz-Oral Com-2nd Q

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I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Read and understand each item carefully. Select and write the letter of the correct

1. Mr. De la Cruz, a graduate of Ajuy National High School, was invited as a guest speaker in the Monthly
Convocation Program prepared by the HUMSS students. In his speech, he inserts jokes to make it
interesting, but it is ineffective. If a joke does not work, what would you do?
a. The speaker should retell the joke.
b. The speaker should continue with his speech.
c. The speaker should apologize to the audience.
d. The speaker should substitute another joke right away.

2. A speaker discusses with the Photojournalist of January the techniques and steps on how to take good
pictures. Which type of speech will be used by the speaker in this situation?
a. Informative c. Entertainment
b. Persuasive d. Problem/Solution

3. “Hon. Defensor delivers his campaign speech during the campaign period.”If you are Hon. Defensor, what
type of speech you are likely to use?
a. Informative c. Entertainment
b. Persuasive d. Chronological

4. Which speech is delivered with the help of short notes or a clear outline?
a. Impromptu c. Memorized
b. Manuscript d. Extemporaneous

5. Which of the following is the ultimate goal of an entertainment speech?

a. To introduce new jokes
b. To discuss tips on how to be a comedian
c. To share goodwill and pleasure
d. To share the funny side of life

6. This is communicative strategy that we use when we want to establish the topic in a conversation.
a. Nomination
b. Topic control
c. Turn-taking
d. Restriction

7.It refers to the conversation participants' close-initiating expressions that end a topic in a conversation
a. Restriction c. Termination
b. Topic control d. Nomination

8. Which of the following responses uses repair as communicative strategy

a. “By the way, I need a few personal details about yourself.”
b. “Please enlighten me about the solution to the issue you are suggesting “
c. “Excuse me, can you please repeat the question?
d. “Best regards to your family !See you around.”

9. “We will have 30 minutes of online discussion regarding the topic on pandemic and mental health .An
additional 10 minutes will be allotted for your questions and related concerns”what kind of
communicative strategy is this?
a. Topic Control
b. Restriction
c. Topic Shifting
d. Termination

10. I agree with the point just made .But may I add that OFWs would rather be home and work here so
they could be with their families
a. Termination c. Topic Control
b. Topic Shifting d. Turn-taking

11. “Let us now give the floor to our next speaker, a round of applause please”. What communicative
strategy is present in the line?
a. Nomination c. Topic Control
b. Termination d. Turn-taking

12. In a conversation, Mary politely said, “ Will you please focus on the subject matter of our meeting”?
Among the choices which one refers to by the situation?
a. Nomination c. Restriction
b. Repair d. Termination

13. In a conference, the president points at you as the secretary to read the minutes of the previous
meeting. What communicative strategy should be applied?
a. Termination c. Topic Shifting
b. Topic Control d. Turn-Taking

14. The learners have a brainstorming process in the class, Nicole asked, “What could be the best topic to
discuss”? The group thought for a while and reacted to it. From the list what communicative strategy is
mentioned in the situation?
a. Nomination c. Repair
b. Restriction d. Termination

15. Ana commented,” I think the issue here is how to settle the problem between Paul and Peter, not
about who is to be blamed for”? In the situation which from the choices best describe the scenario?
a. Termination c. Topic control
b. Topic shifting d. Turn-taking

16. In which of the following statements is the speaker making a commitment?

a. “I checked her Facebook profile yesterday.”
b. “I am in love and I am happy.”
c. “I promise to love you for better or for worse.”
d. “I think following my suggestion will get us a high grade.”

17. President Rodrigo “Roa” Duterte, attended the Asean Summit. What could be the best consideration in
that event?
a. Relationship of the speaker to the listeners
b. Relationship of the speaker to the media
c. Relationship of the speaker to the event organizer
d. Relationship of the speaker to the host country

18. One of the considerations in any speech context, speech style, speech act, and communicative strategy
is the message. “Have you heard of the news about the latest achievement of our government”? Which
from the given choices would mean the message of the speaker based from the question?
a. Today is the first day of school, welcome back learners!
b. The buy bust operations have tapped down billions of shabu laboratories.
c. The guidance counsellor called up the learners for a conference.
d. Halloween treat or trick craze is in town.

19. The speaker should be particular of his role and responsibility as he delivers the message. From the
list which one refers to the statement?
a. Set the mood of the audience and see to it that eye contact is establish.
b. Hold the manuscript in front of the audience with nervousness.
c. Check the venue of the speaking engagement one hour before the delivery.
d. Practice in front of the mirror.

20. What do you think does the speaker mean when he says, “Can you open the door?”
a. The speaker wants to know if I have the ability to open the door.
b. The speaker is requesting me to open the door.
c. The speaker does not make sense.
d. The speaker is asking me a question.

21. Which of the following statements will be helpful in shifting the topic back to the original flow of the
a. “Let me think about the solution to that.”
b. “I couldn’t agree more!”
c. “I wonder what is happening.”
d. “As I have mentioned earlier, there is . . .”

22. You and your friend who has a fever enter your room. She shivers and tells you, “It’s cold in here!”
How would you interpret what she said?
a. She feels cold.
b. She wants me to increase the temperature in the room.
c. She does not feel well because of the cold.
d. She is complimenting the temperature in my room.

23. Which of the following statements does not refer to topic control?
a. Let’s discuss what you will do in the school’s Foundation Day.
b. As I was saying, we have to finish this plan first before coming up with a new one.
c. Going back to what I said earlier, there is a slim chance that the candidate will win the elections.
d. Oh, yes, I remember that film!

24. As Victor was explaining about the immediate response they got from the rescuers, angry victims
yelled to express their dismay. Which of the following is the best response to this situation?
a. Stop shouting!
b. I understand your situation. Please bear with us.
c. Get away!
d. As I was saying, the rescuers are on their way.

25. The teacher Sarah was discussing about the ecosystem when Alfonso interrupted and shared what he
had seen in a documentary. As the assigned speaker, what should the teacher do to repair this violation?
a. Thank him for sharing then return to the main topic.
b. Thank him for sharing then remind him to see her at the guidance office.
c. Thank him for sharing then ask him to leave.
d. Thank him for sharing and tell him to stop being a know it all.

Differentiate the four types of speech delivery in terms of definition and an example of speaking situation.

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