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Would the capital-project

forecasts you endorse
withstand public scrutiny?
What’s Your
Here’s how to be sure.
Project’s Real
Price Tag?
by Quentin W. Fleming and Joel M. Koppelman

Reprint F0309C

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What’s Your Project’s Real Price Tag?

Would the capital-project forecasts you endorse withstand public scrutiny? Here’s
how to be sure.

by Quentin W. Fleming and Joel M. Koppelman

There are many ways executives can cook the ers. Since 1977, the Department of Defense
books, some legal, some not. The illegal ways (DOD) has used the technique to track the per-
are becoming less attractive, thanks to recent formance of more than 800 projects. A recent
attention from Congress, the SEC, and other study by David Christensen and David Rees at
regulatory bodies. But there is a way some ex- Southern Utah University of 52 DOD contracts
ecutives put a spin on company performance validates EVM’s precision in tracking cost per-
that is no less dangerous for being legal: They formance as projects proceed. Perhaps more
endorse, even encourage, optimistic forecasts important, the work also confirms that EVM
on major long-term capital projects. We’re can be used to accurately predict the final cost
talking about big projects like building new of projects—years before completion.
factories, implementing IT outsourcing, or de-
commissioning nuclear reactors—projects Nuts, Bolts, and Dollars
Earned-value that can depress the bottom line for years if The most important tracking metric in EVM is
they run late or seriously over budget. the cost performance index, or CPI. The CPI
management can The problem is that most corporate finan- shows the relationship between the value of
accurately predict a cial executives track the cost of a project using work accomplished (the “earned value”), as
only two dimensions: planned costs and actual established by a meticulously prepared bud-
major project’s final costs. According to this accounting method, if get, and the actual costs incurred to accom-
managers spend all the money allotted to a plish that work. So, for example, if a project is
cost—years before project, they are right on target. If they spend budgeted to have a final value of $1 billion,
completion. less than allotted, they have a cost underrun. If but the CPI is running at 0.8 when the project
they spend more, it’s an overrun. But this is, say, one-fifth complete, the actual cost at
method ignores a key third dimension—the completion can be expected to be around
value of the work performed. $1.25 billion ($1 billion/0.8). You’re earning

Consider an example: On a five-year aircraft- only 80 cents of value for every dollar you’re
development project costing $1 billion, the bud- spending. Management can take advantage of
get you’ve projected for the first two and a half this early warning by reducing costs while
years is $500 million, a number that reflects the there’s still time.
expected value, in labor and materials, of the The CPI is remarkably stable over the course
project at the halfway mark. Let’s say that of most projects. That’s what makes it such a
when you reach this point, you have spent only good predictive tool. The DOD study shows
$450 million. Some project managers would that the CPI at the 20% completion point rarely
call this “coming in under budget.” But what if varies by more than 10% from the CPI at the
you’re behind schedule, so that the value of the end of the project. To continue with the air-
work completed is only $400 million? This isn’t craft-development example, the potential vari-
coming in under budget at all. We think you ance in the CPI means your final cost will likely
should call it what it is: a $50 million overrun. fall between roughly $1.1 billion and $1.4 bil-
So how can you measure the true cost per- lion. In any case, by the end of the first year,
formance of long-term capital projects? We ad- you’ve identified a likely cost overrun for the
vise companies on the use of a project-tracking completed project. In fact, the DOD experience
method called earned-value management shows that the CPI typically gets worse over a
(EVM). Industrial engineers in American facto- project’s course. Final costs calculated early in
ries first applied EVM principles more than a a project are usually underestimates.
century ago. Today, while EVM has found a
few champions in the private sector, govern- A Matter of Scale
ment contractors are still the major practition- If EVM is so powerful, why doesn’t every com-

harvard business review • september 2003 1

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What’s Your Project’s Real Price Tag? • F ORETHOUGHT T OOL

pany use it? The fact is, when it’s used in its adoption of weekly EVM measurement
full-fledged form for major acquisitions, it can throughout the company, even migrating it to
be a demanding exercise, particularly as prac- the commercial side of the business, where it
ticed by government agencies. The DOD re- was tailored for use in developing the 717 pas-
quires the companies it contracts with to meet senger jet. Sears later summarized the practical
dozens of complex EVM criteria covering ev- case for EVM: “We flew the F/A-18E/F on cost, a
erything from detailed planning to progress month early, and under weight…No adjust-
measurement to the valuation of incomplete ments. No asterisks. No footnotes. No kid-
work. For monitoring multibillion-dollar re- ding.”
imbursable projects, like the development of a Using EVM to cut the “kidding” from project
new fighter aircraft, the complex accounting cost accounting isn’t just good management;
is worth the considerable investment. with companies’ financial statements scruti-
But we believe there’s an untapped value for nized as never before, it’s a smart move for
EVM in private industry. There, a simplified those who must ultimately stand behind the
version of EVM can help control the growth of numbers.
project costs. And with the increasing scrutiny
of companies’ financial statements, EVM can Quentin W. Fleming is an independent consult-
help ensure that the balance sheets signed by ant in earned-value management
company executives are accurate. ( Joel M. Koppelman is the
Private-sector companies such as Edison In- cofounder and CEO of Primavera Systems
ternational and Computer Sciences Corpora- (, a project-management
tion have applied a simplified EVM approach software firm.
to IT projects with great success. At Boeing,
Michael Sears, now CFO, embraced EVM prac- Reprint F0309C
tices as a program manager on the develop- To order, see the next page
ment of the company’s F/A-18E/F fighter air- or call 800-988-0886 or 617-783-7500
craft in the 1990s. Sears championed the or go to

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