4ce Lesson 6 Google Classroom

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(Esta clase se resuelve en Google Classroom. No se envía.


Do you remember this man, the button unit box and the woman? What about the offer and the
restrictions? If you do not remember this information, watch The Box part 1 again, ok?

These are the facts about the box. Complete the information.

If you ----push---- (push) the button, two things ---will happen------- (happen) First someone,
somewhere in the world, whom you don’t know, ----will-------- (die). Second, you -----will receive----
(receive) a payment of one million dollars, Tax free. The payment ----will be--------- (be) delivered
by me in cash to you.

There are three restrictions:

1. You are not permitted to know any information about who’s making the offer.
2. You are not permitted to discuss the details of this offer to anyone except your husband
3. You have 24 hours to make your decision.
4. Otherwise, The Box ---will be------- (be) reprogrammed and the offer ---will be------ (be)
made to someone else.

Ready? Let’s watch the second part.

Ctrl + click → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9b8p5AWKDg0

Answer these questions.

A- What were some of the things they considered before deciding whether to push the
they considered if it's someone's baby, or, if it's a murderer on death row, or if they are
the neighbors across the street. Or someone's they know ho is going to die.
B- What did they decide to do?
They decide to push the button
C- According to her, why did she do it?
Becouse it is just a box
D- What’s your opinion about their decision?

i think they Will get a problem pushing the button.

Ok, let’s imagine the following situation.

A- What would you do if you were in her shoes?

_i would be sure what to do.
B- How would you feel if you pushed the button?
_I would be nervous, confused and scared
C- How would you feel if you didn’t push the button?
_I would be intrigued but relieved.
D- Would you push the button if you needed that money to save your
mother/father/brother/sister? Explain it.
Yes, i would push the button. If i have to save the life of someone's i love. I would do

Good luck! Marina

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