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ST Dạng nguyên thể Quá khứ (V2 - Past Quá khứ phân
Ví dụ
T (V-infinitive) simple) từ (V3)
1 be I was at her house last week.
2 come Are you coming to the party tomorrow?
3 become She has become one of the most important scientists in China.
4 stand Yesterday, I stood in line for hours to buy concert tickets.
5 understood Have you understood the importance of hard work?
6 won You have won the competition!
7 cost cost This book cost 25 dollars.
8 cut cut She cuts hair for a living.
9 fit fit fit vừa vặn
10 hit hit hit đụng
11 hurt hurt hurt làm đau
12 let let let để cho
13 put put put đặt, để
14 read read read đọc
15 shut shut shut đóng lại
16 begin began begun bắt đầu
17 drink drank drunk uống
18 ring rang rung reo, rung
19 run ran run chạy
20 sing sang sung hát
21 swim swam swum bơi
22 hang hung hung treo
23 find found found tìm thấy
24 spend spent spent tiêu xài
25 smell smelt smelt ngửi
26 build built built xây dựng
27 send sent sent gửi đi
28 lend lent lent cho mượn, cho vay
29 spell spelt spelt đánh vần
30 feel felt felt cảm giác, cảm thấy
31 meet met met gặp gỡ
32 bleed bled bled chảy máu
33 feed fed fed cho ăn
34 lead led led dẫn dắt
35 bring brought brought mang
36 buy bought bought mua
37 catch caught caught bắt được
38 fight fought fought đánh nhau
39 teach taught taught dạy
40 think thought thought suy nghĩ
41 drive drove driven lái xe
42 ride rode ridden cưỡi, đạp xe
43 rise rose risen nhô, mọc lên
44 write wrote written viết
45 blow blew blown thổi
46 draw drew drawn vẽ
47 fly flew flewn bay
48 grow grew grown mọc
49 know knew known biết
50 throw threw thrown ném
51 break broke broken làm vỡ
52 freeze froze frozen làm đông lạnh
53 speak spoke spoken nói
54 take took taken lấy đi
55 wake woke woken đánh thức, thức dậy
56 sleep slept slept ngủ
57 keep kept kept giữ
58 leave left left rời đi
59 bite bit bitten cắn
60 choose chose chosen chọn lựa
61 go went gone đi
62 do did done làm ra
63 eat ate eaten ăn
64 fall fell fallen té ngã
65 forget forgot forgotten quên
66 forgive forgave forgiven tha thứ
67 get got gotten đạt được, nhận được
68 give gave given cho đi
69 have had had có
70 hear heard heard nghe thấy
71 hold held held cầm, nắm, giữ
72 lose lost lost đánh mất, thua
73 make made made làm ra
74 born I was born in 2002 in Hanoi.
75 tear tore torn xé rách
76 wear wore worn mặc, đeo
77 sell sold sold bán
78 tell told told bảo, kể
79 pay paid paid trả tiền
80 say said said nói

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