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Standardized Recipe For: Riley LaBarge

Recipe: Apple Walnut Farmhouse Bread

Yield: Portion size: 2,850g

Pan size: Temperature:

Ingredients Weight Measure Prep

Water 52.5g
Starter Culture 105g

Whole Wheat Flour 105g

Levain (above) 202.5g @70

Water 682.5g @92
Apple juice additional 202.5g @80
Dry Yeast 4.875g

Whole Wheat Flour 105g

Bread Flour 1,080g
Salt 33g

Dried Apple 262.5g

Organic Apple juice 337.5g
Walnuts 202.5g

Add yeast to levain and water autolyse 15 min

Speed #2 for 2 min + rest 5 min + add apple pieces and walnuts after 5 min rest + Speed #1 for 2 min

FLR ferment for 45 min @70 + 1 x Degass and fold + 45 min @ 78 no cool ferment

Scale @ 2# 4oz form as gentle round bench rest 15 min shape in round

Proof for 1 hr 30 min @ 78 covered + 45 minutes more uncovered

For 1# 4oz ; Deck 460 steam 15 sec +12 to 15 minutes

For 2# 4oz ; Deck 500 stage 2; 425 to 400 Steam 10 sec. +16 to 18 minutes

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