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1) Fill in the following sentence. [2 marks]
In a political compass, the horizontal line accounts for the ___________.
In a political compass, the vertical line accounts for the ___________.

2) Identify all the axis points in a political compass. [4 marks]

3) Identify Left wing ideologies. [4 marks]

4) Identify Right wing ideologies [4 marks]

5) Fill the following statements: [5 marks]

- A person who believes in more government control is _________________.
- A person who believes in less government control is __________________.
- A person who is communist is considered ____________ on the political spectrum.
- A person who is fascist is considered _______________ on the political spectrum.
- Theocracy is ruled by ____________.
6) Choose the correct answer: [6 marks]

Statement True False

Authoritative government gives you an exit option.

Independent candidates have minor party affiliation.

Monarchy is ruled by a King or Queen, with the president as a head of


Democracy’s rule is defined by the rule of the oligarchs.

A republic is ruled by a president as head of state

A true majority ruled by a plurality vote.

7) Identify the 3 branches of government. [3 marks]

1) Define NATO. [4 marks]
2) Define BRICS. [4 marks]

3) Define the Warsaw Pact [6 marks]

1) Analyze and define an individual on a political spectrum. [15 marks]

This person advocates for minimal government, focusing on justice and security, with a
philosophy rooted in life, liberty, property, and free-market principles. They often criticize
socialism and communism, advocating for economic liberalization and restructuring of
government ministries. They support capitalism, viewing socialism as embodying envy and
coercion. Supports reducing government ministries and addressing economic challenges
through spending cuts and fiscal reforms, criticizing previous administrations for excessive
spending. They are socially conservative, opposing abortion, euthanasia and same-sex
marriage, they also supports privatization in education and healthcare, and opposes
mandatory vaccination, and supports drug legalization and prostitution.They advocates for
deregulation of firearm ownership and proposes immigration restrictions for criminals. In
foreign policy, they criticizes the IMF, opposes trade unions, aligns with anti-socialist figures
like Trump and Bolsonaro, and prioritizes alliances with the U.S. and Israel and is cautious
about relations with China.They rejects the scientific consensus on climate change, and
attributes it to a socialist invention, they said that concerns about climate change are nothing
more than "deceptions promoted by the neo-Marxists".

- What are they on the political spectrum?

- Justify why.

1) Analyze and define an individual on a political spectrum. [25 marks]

They are a progressive who admires social democratic programs in Europe and supports
workplace democracy via union democracy, worker cooperatives, and workers' management
of public enterprises and is a strong critic of contemporary neoliberal capitalism, which they
call "uber-capitalism", blaming it for such societal ills as declining life expectancy and rising
diseases of despair.They advocates universal, single-payer healthcare, paid parental leave, and
tuition-free tertiary education.They support lowering the cost of drugs by reforming patent
laws to allow cheaper generic versions to be sold, they gave a speech at Georgetown
University about his view of democratic socialism, including its place in the policies of
presidents Franklin D. Roosevelt and Lyndon B. Johnson. Defining what "democratic
socialism" means to them, they said: "I don't believe government should take over the
grocery store down the street or own the means of production, but I do believe that the middle
class and the working families who produce the wealth of America deserve a decent standard
of living and that their incomes should go up, not down."They view global warming as a
serious problem, and advocates bold action to reverse its effects. They call for substantial
investment in infrastructure, with energy efficiency, sustainability, and job creation as
prominent goals. They consider climate change the greatest threat to national security. They
said that family planning can help fight climate change. They focus on economic issues such
as income and wealth inequality, poverty, raising the minimum wage, universal healthcare,
canceling all student debt, making public colleges and universities tuition-free by taxing
financial transactions, and expanding Social Security benefits by eliminating the cap on the
payroll tax on all incomes above $250,000. They have become a prominent supporter of laws
requiring companies to give their workers parental leave, sick leave, and vacation time, noting
that such laws have been adopted by nearly all other developed countries. He also supports
legislation that would make it easier for workers to join or form a trade union. He was against
the Troubled Asset Relief Program, and has called for comprehensive financial reforms, such
as breaking up "too big to fail" financial institutions, restoring Glass–Steagall legislation,
reforming the Federal Reserve Bank, and allowing the Post Office to offer basic financial
services in economically marginalized communities.They support reducing military spending
while pursuing more diplomacy and international cooperation. They opposed funding
Nicaraguan rebels, known as contras, in the CIA's covert war against Nicaragua's leftist
government. They opposed the U.S. invasion of Iraq and have criticized a number of policies
instituted during the War on Terror, particularly that of mass surveillance and the USA Patriot
Act. They criticized Israel's actions during the 2014 Gaza war and U.S. involvement in the
Saudi Arabian-led intervention in Yemen. They support closing the "gun show loophole",
banning assault weapons, and passing and enforcing universal federal background checks for
gun purchases. On social issues, they have long taken liberal stances. They consider themself
as a feminist, and is pro-choice on abortion, and opposes defunding Planned Parenthood, they
have long advocated for LGBT rights; in 2009, he supported legalizing same-sex marriage in
a US state. They have denounced institutional racism and called for criminal justice reform to
reduce the number of people in prison, and advocate a crackdown on police brutality, and
support abolishing private, for-profit prisons, and the death penalty. They support Black Lives
Matter. They also support legalizing marijuana at the federal level.
- What are they on the political spectrum?

- Justify why.
2) Justify in FAVOR or AGAINST the use of First past the post. [8 marks]
3) Justify in the POV of Israel or Hamas on the Gaza Conflict. [25 marks]
4) Choose ONE of the systems listed below. Justify its usage. [25 marks]
- Constitutional Monarchy
- Absolute Monarchy
- Presidential Republic
- One party state
- Theocracy
End of test.

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