English 1-b, 1-A Week 23

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Tasks: Monday 23rd of March

-10:05-11:00- Page 87 Student book: Excercises 5 to10

-11:30-12:25- Pages 56, 57 Workbook (on vocabulary)

You can watch this youtube video where you can learn more about CLOTHES

Wednesday 25th of March

-13:20-14:20- Page 88 Student book: Excercises 1, 2, 3

Don't forget to look up in the dictionary the words that you don't understand!

Thursday 26th of March

-12:25-13:20- Please describe yourself (present simple), appearcence and tell me abput
the clothes that you are wearing right now (present continuos). About 150 words.

Enviad una foto de las tareas realizadas la direccion de correo: melina.luisvives@gmail.com

-Las tareas deben de ser enviadas a lo largo del mismo día.

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