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Transshipment Example

The transshipment problem seeks to minimise or maximise the cost of a set of flows along
arcs from origins to intermediate nodes and destinations while being restricted by
available supplies, required demands, and bounds on arc flows.

Example context:
This model seeks a least cost set of flows for distributing steel from two steel mills (located
at Youngstown and Pittsburgh) to regional warehouses (Cincinnati, Kansas City, and
Chicago) and field warehouses (Albany, Houston, Tempe, and Gary) while being limited to
the available steel at the mills, staying within the lower/upper bounds of flows between
locations, and satisfying the required demands at the field warehouses.

Node Flow Out Flow In LHS RHS
Youngstown 0 0 <= 10000

Pittsburgh 0 0 <= 15000
Cincinnati 0 0 0= 0
Kansas City 0 0 0= 0
Chicago 0 0 0= 0
Albany 0 0= = 3000
Houston 0 0= 7000
Tempe 0 0= 4000
Gary 0 0= 6000

From To Lower Bound Upper Bound Cost Solution

Youngstown Albany 0 1000 500
Youngstown Cincinnati 0 3000 350
Youngstown Kansas City 1000 5000 450
Youngstown Chicago 0 5000 375
Pittsburgh Cincinnati 0 2000 350
Pittsburgh Kansas City 2000 3000 450
Pittsburgh Chicago 0 4000 400
Pittsburgh Gary 0 2000 450
Cincinnati Albany 1000 5000 350
Cincinnati Houston 0 6000 550
Kansas City Houston 0 4000 375
Kansas City Tempe 0 4000 650
Chicago Tempe 0 2000 600
Chicago Gary 0 4000 120
Total cost 0

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