Legal Drinking Age Thesis Statement

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Title: The Challenges of Crafting a Legal Drinking Age Thesis Statement

Crafting a compelling thesis statement on the legal drinking age is a task that often proves to be more
challenging than anticipated. As students delve into this complex and controversial topic, they find
themselves navigating a maze of diverse perspectives, historical contexts, and statistical data. The
journey to create a well-structured and impactful thesis statement can be overwhelming, prompting
many to seek professional assistance.

Understanding the intricacies of the legal drinking age requires a comprehensive exploration of
societal, cultural, and health-related aspects. The multifaceted nature of the topic demands a
thorough analysis of historical developments, legislative changes, and the impact of different age
restrictions on public health. Students are faced with the daunting task of sifting through vast
amounts of information, discerning relevant data, and synthesizing it into a coherent argument.

Furthermore, the legal drinking age is a polarizing issue, with proponents and opponents presenting
compelling arguments. Crafting a thesis statement that captures the essence of these diverse
perspectives while maintaining a clear and focused argument is no small feat. Students often find
themselves grappling with the challenge of striking a balance between presenting a nuanced view
and taking a definitive stance on the issue.

Given the complexity and sensitivity of the legal drinking age topic, students are increasingly turning
to external assistance to ensure the quality and depth of their thesis statements. Among the various
options available, ⇒ ⇔ stands out as a reliable and professional service that offers
expert guidance tailored to individual needs.

⇒ ⇔ understands the intricacies of the legal drinking age debate and is equipped
to assist students in developing a well-researched and compelling thesis statement. The platform
offers a team of experienced writers and researchers who can navigate the complexities of the topic,
providing invaluable insights and support.

In conclusion, crafting a thesis statement on the legal drinking age is a challenging endeavor that
requires a deep understanding of historical, societal, and health-related factors. For those seeking
expert guidance, ⇒ ⇔ offers a reliable solution, ensuring that students can
navigate this intricate topic with confidence and produce a thesis statement that reflects a
comprehensive understanding of the issues at hand.
Find a workout buddy: Exercising with a friend or family member can help keep you motivated and
accountable. What may seem shocking or offensive to us today may have been perfectly acceptable
in the past. Give us your email address and we’ll send this sample there. Argument for Lowering the
Drinking Age to 18 in the United States. Imagine being a senior in high school, 18 years old,
argumentative essay on drinking age. A very popular question asked is, what are the effects of
lowering the drinking age on society. A debate has surfaced regarding the legal voting ages in
Australia as to whether the voting age should be lowered to the age of 16. If consumed alcohol
interferes during the development stage chronic problems can occur such as having a greater
susceptibility to addiction, dangerous risk-taking behavior, memory loss, depression, violence,
suicide, and reduced decision-making abilities. Alternatives to Lead Paint Fortunately, there are
many alternatives to lead paint that are much safer to use. If a minor is caught drinking then it is
mandatory for them and their parents to meet with a social worker to discuss the matter. The Role of
Parents in Preventing Underage Drinking Parents can play a key role in preventing underage
drinking. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating.
Also you. Many drinks it for celebrations or as a personal beverage. Additionally, the author cites the
restrictions that have been enabled by the existing legal drinking age. Underage drinkers are also
more likely to suffer from alcohol poisoning, which can be life-threatening. As adults, they will be
prepared to, and hopefully will make responsible decisions surrounding the consumption of alcohol.
Mexico requires that young adults show photo identification, either a passport or driver's license, as
proof of age when buying alcohol. The main argument for having the drinking age set at twenty-one
is that our brains are not fully developed until we reach that age. So if at the age of 18 you are old
enough to fight for this country and have the right to vote, then it’s only right to also allow people at
the age of 18 or older to legally and safely consume alcohol. At a young age, the youthfulness stirs
them to take the road of riskier driving. I look forward to working with you moving forward ”. In
recent years, the legal drinking age has been up for debate. At the end of the day bars, liquor stores,
and clubs are in it for the money. This age limit was established in 1984 when Congress passed the
National Minimum Drinking Age Act. If they are actually concerned with the liberties of individuals,
let them offer alcohol to anyone who wants it for free and it will become clear in an instant if they
are worried about their profits or the idea of freedom. Every country and culture has its own way of
using this substance. Statistics show that persons who start drinking at a lower age below 21 are
likely to overdo it after their first drink (Hingson 65). By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board
with our. Reasons for change. Underground drinking by underage teens. Alcohol use by both women
and their partners could contribute to domestic-violence situations.
The Uniform Drinking Act passed in 1984, this encouraged the remaining thirteen states who had
lowered it to raise their drinking age back to twenty-one. The cartoon was funny but it did bring up a
good point about how teens would act if they were given the right to drink. If someone were to
binge drink the drinker has a very good chance of getting alcohol poisoning, which could lead to the
death of that person or serious injury. Imposing such change would not just help us become more
responsible, but it would also help us to become more aware of the things that happen around us and
in the whole world. Another effect that alcohol can have on the body of youth is causing liver
disease which if is not caught in time and progresses rapidly can be fatal. The main argument in
support of higher legal drinking age is that it helps to reduce road accidents caused by the dunked
youth However, if road safety is really. However, Watson cites the problem being a social perception
problem on the impact of drinking. The role of such beverages as a drink for personal pleasure has
grew throughout the course of history. See Also Drinking Age by Country 2023 Don't Miss A Drop
Get the latest in beer, wine, and cocktail culture sent straight to your inbox. Of course, there is a big
possibility that a lot of people, especially those in authority, would go out of their way to stop this
proposition. Many scholars and analysts have studied and analyzed the impacts and indirect
implications of this law. The publics fear concerning the safety of rail travel c. Having legal access to
alcohol during this crucial brain development time can be detrimental to a child’s future. While the
hotel, restaurant and entertainment industry might give different perspectives and even cry about
individual freedoms with regard to the consumption of alcohol, their objective is only to gather as
much cash as they can, as quickly as they can. Alcohol has been a controversial issue for many
hundreds of years now. Some states in our country have had a lowered drinking age before and I
feel that one day it will be lowered again. This phenomenon has raised a growing public concern
with groups like Choose Responsibility beginning to call for lowering of the MLDA to 18. This
would give details of the number of law violators both in case of minimum Legal Drinking Age and
minimum legal driving age. S allow 18 year olds to carry rifle or enlist in the military and not allow
them to not buy a bottle of beer. Related video of Leck Mich Im Arsch: Exploring Mozart's
Controversial Song. Which then leads to another reason why the MLDA should be lowered to 18
years old. They argue that maintaining the legal age of drinking at 21 years on enticing the youths
below that age to abuse alcohol since they take as much as they can when they get the chance (Eaton
DK, Kann L, Kinchen SA, et al, 2012). Some argue that it should remain at twenty-one years old
while others push for reducing it to eighteen and this has even caused some controversy. What is
Port Side? The port side of a boat is the left side when you are facing the bow or front of the boat.
One of the main reasons that some people are in favor of the MLDA being lowered to 18 years old is
because it promotes safe drinking. By continuing, you agree to our Terms and Conditions. The article
recognizes the fact that decision making in persons under the influence of alcohol is poor. There are
fewer car accidents involving drunk driving in countries were the minimum drinking age is less than
21 such as in France (29%), and Great Britain (16%). The Music of Leck Mich Im Arsch Despite its
controversial lyrics, Leck Mich Im Arsch is actually a musically complex composition. The
development of a national railroad system was hampered by which of the following? A.
In 2008, roughly 190,000 persons below 21 years visited emergency rooms for alcohol related
accidents (Padwa and Cunningham 53). While our teenagers have no images that they can use for
responsible drinking, whatever they can get from their peers or from other media sources. Sample
Essay On The Topic Of Lowering The Drinking Age. Most countries in the world believe that
individuals reach their maturity level by the age of 18 years and so does the United States of
America. Griggs, Brandon. Should the U.S Lower its Drinking Age? CNN. Keep on browsing if you
are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. However in 1984 the Federal Government
Passed a law which required every state to move their Minimum Legal Drinking Age to 21 or they
would lose some of the funds that each state has and was needed to go towards the rebuilding of
their roads. The age was raised from 18 years to 21 as a result of numerous negative effects that the
society and the nation at large had experienced. This is saying that drinking under 21 is very
common. According to the article The National Minimum Drinking Age Act of 1984, written by Dr.
David J. Hanson in 2007, member of the Maryland Underage Drinking Prevention Coalition. These
figures portray a disturbing fact; alcohol intake among the youth in australia is at worrying levels,
and there is a need for mitigation measures to caution the youth against the harmful repercussions of
alcohol and other drug abuse. After all states set the minimum legal drinking age to twenty one, we
can see that people drinking at age eighteen to twenty declined from 59% in 1985 to 40% in 1991.
Alcohol “Health Consequences of Excess Drinking.” Nd. Web. April 20, 2014.
Banning drinking age at 18 will not stop teenagers from drinking. At a young age, men and women
are essentially told to kill or be killed. Some of the negative repercussions that were being associated
with having a low drinking age of 18 included the numerous accidents that were happening as well
as the rise of alcohol binges (Heather and Stockwell 39). While in most countries people are
considered adults by the age of eighteen, the habit of drinking generally starts by the age of fifteen
or sixteen. From the recent survey that I have conducted, 40% said that they have used false ID in
order to obtain alcohol, 30% operated an automobile while under the influence of alcohol while still
under the age limit, and 55% of them had been witnesses or have witnessed an accident by an
underaged driver.(Survey) This can be very demeaning in terms of morality, and even honesty to
their parents. While doing some research I found an interesting article about lowering the age
requirement. Researchers looked at data from 1990-2004 U.S. Multiple Cause of Death files and the
U.S. Census and American Community Survey. Across the country, college students participate in an
illegal activity known as underage drinking. Essay examples. Essay topics. Most argumentative essay
on drinking age essay topics on Lowering argumentative essay on drinking age drinking age prepared
by our experts. This has been an ongoing debate in the US for a couple years now. By engaging in
regular cardio, you can improve your cardiovascular health and burn fat more efficiently. After
people in the United States reached the age 18 they are no longer considered juvenile They have the
right to choose their political leaders, purchase. This essay demonstrates that all the 50 U.S. states
have set age 21 as the Minimum Drinking Age (MLDA). By working together, we can help young
people make informed decisions about alcohol and reduce the negative impact of underage drinking
on our communities. There are fewer car accidents involving drunk driving in countries were the
minimum drinking age is less than 21 such as in France (29%), and Great Britain (16%). Proponents
of the move also claim that if the drinking age is lowered, it will no longer be a taboo which will
make young people less prone to take up drinking as an act of rebellion. While the hotel, restaurant
and entertainment industry might give different perspectives and even cry about individual freedoms
with regard to the consumption of alcohol, their objective is only to gather as much cash as they can,
as quickly as they can.
Adding alcohol to the mix of hormonal kids will most likely end in an unpleasant result. Today,
nearly all states have a minimum drinking age of 21. Conclusion In conclusion, lead paint is a
dangerous substance that should be avoided whenever possible. The Legal Drinking Age Should Be
18: Argumentative - Free Essays. We might ask for an I.D. at any time. Under-age drinking and
providing alcohol to minors is punished by law. This has been an ongoing debate in the US for a
couple years now. In 2010, there was a discussion in the Congress that drinking age should be
returned to 18 for soldiers. One of them being that there are fewer motor vehicle crashes. As more
and more academic journals were published, people came to realize the MLDA 21 has many hidden
advantages that outweigh its disadvantages. This involves eating a diet that is high in protein, fiber,
and healthy fats, while avoiding processed foods and refined sugars. The drinking age in the United
States is set at 21 Some states do allow drinking underage Under adult supervision or at home If the
drinking age is lowered there are some pros and cons. Pros. The 26th Amendment claims “old
enough to fight, old enough to vote”. Below are a few reasons as to why the drinking age should not
be lowered to any number less than the age of 21. They would be reckless, and it would cause many
casualties. “Alcohol should be forbidden to 18- to 20-year-olds precisely because they have a
propensity to binge drink whether the stuff is illegal or not, especially males.” They have tendencies
to think its “cool” and don’t know the harm that will follow. Receive a tailored piece that meets your
specific needs and requirements. This statistic includes drinking and driving accidents, drinking too
much, as well as making poor decisions. At the end of the day bars, liquor stores, and clubs are in it
for the money. Professor Wayne Hall from the University of Queensland reports that America saw a
marked decrease in road fatalities as the American government raised the minimum age standards to
21 and that Australia should do the same. Watson also cites the local moral implication of lowering
the drinking age (1). See Also Drinking Age by Country 2023 Don't Miss A Drop Get the latest in
beer, wine, and cocktail culture sent straight to your inbox. The Legal Drinking Age Should Be 18:
Argumentative - Free Essays. The author then cites how educational institutions struggle to ensure
the law is adhered to. Reducing accidents and fatalities among the youths is another supportive
evidence that the drinking age should remain at 21 years. 21 and above years old persons are more
mature and they are likely to drink responsibly on top of making sound decisions (Carpenter and
Dobkin 176). Alcohol should always be drunk responsibly and by those who are of the legal age. For
people of low ages, the decision-making may be more decisive. Alcohol will not benefit society and
increase the potential of the younger generations. Since these persons are already adults, they should
be allowed to drink to avoid such eventualities. Those under the age of 16 may purchase beer or
wine if accompanied by parents - If children under the age of 16 who wants to try the wines in
Spain, then a parent or an older person would proxy the person under 16 to buy alcoholic beverage.
Giglia and Binns (2007) discuss the problem of alcohol use, due to the current lack of action,
amongst pregnant and lactating women and suggest that a problem of alcohol abuse exists in some
women who are pregnant. The absence of a national standard for track width b.
So if at the age of 18 you are old enough to fight for this country and have the right to vote, then it’s
only right to also allow people at the age of 18 or older to legally and safely consume alcohol.
Parents can also set clear rules and expectations for their children's behavior and monitor their
children's activities to ensure they are not drinking underage. Hopping through persistence and
constant determination we will be able to lower the drinking age for all of the future young adults,
allowing for better and safer opportunities and experiences through their young lives. While doing
some research I found an interesting article about lowering the age requirement. In July 2008, more
than one hundred university and college presidents signed the Amethyst Initiative, calling for public
debates and reconsideration of the Minimum Legal Drinking Age. In history alcohol has been very
present, yet even then they warned of the dangers. Give me your paper requirements and I connect
you to an academic expert. The research behind the use of alcohol in teenagers is alarming. In parties,
in everyday routine for some, argumentative essay on drinking age, or just as a casual refresher.
However, employment at a company serving alcoholic beverages can be entered into at age 18
provided they get certified by the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission. This website lists many
controversial topics with pros and cons. While in most countries people are considered adults by the
age of eighteen, the habit of drinking generally starts by the age of fifteen or sixteen. In 1984,
Congress passed the National Minimum Drinking Age. The main argument in support of higher legal
drinking age is that it helps to reduce road accidents caused by the dunked youth However, if road
safety is really. Here given is a proofread essay example about Lowering the Drinking Age Don t
hesitate to use this plagiarism free essay example at your convenience. Several did so in the late s
and early s, but others did not. People below the age of twenty-one should not be able to drink
because most of the time they want to go out and drink with their friends after they get their driver’s
license. Despite the fact that in 1984 the United States defined the minimum legal drinking age at 21
years old, its rate of traffic accidents decreased less than that of European countries during the
1980s. However, there exist a strong counter-argument about setting 21 years as the minimum age
for drinking in USA. The author is of the assumption that the high drinking age is responsible for the
increase of drug abuse management in educational institutions and the increased responsibility by
these institutions to increase police presence to curb underage drinking (Griggs 1). Banning drinking
age at 18 will not stop teenagers from drinking. The local perspective of the alternatives presented is
significant. Always wear protective clothing and dispose of it properly. For simply this act alone,
many feel that if you are old enough to kill and fight for your country, your freedom. If you want a
unique paper, order it from our professional writers. Scientists at the National Institute on Alcohol
Abuse and Alcoholism claimed that teens who begin drinking prior to the age of fifteen are at four
times the risk of becoming alcoholics. The song's enduring popularity is a testament to Mozart's
genius as a composer and his ability to create music that is both playful and thought-provoking. Our
experts will write for you an essay on any topic, with any deadline and requirements from scratch.
Here given is a proofread essay example about Lowering the Drinking Age Don t hesitate to use this
plagiarism free essay example at your convenience. We might ask for an I.D. at any time. Under-age
drinking and providing alcohol to minors is punished by law.
This involves wearing protective clothing, using a respirator mask, and containing the area where the
paint is being removed. It has saved a lot of heartbreaks and lives and will continue to do so. Miron,
a senior lecturer of Harvard University, wrote an article on Forbes discussing the background factors.
During the late seventies, studies showed that traffic crashes had drastically increased after lowering
the drinking age. I never could understand what was so special about alcohol that would make young
people so excited. We use cookies to create the best experience for you. Bringing the drinking age
down to 18 can boost the economy because; more people will be purchasing alcohol, revenue would
increase, and the government will collect more taxes. Alcohol is the most commonly used substance
of abuse among young people in America and drinking when you are underage puts your health and
safety at risk. Sample Essay On The Topic Of Lowering The Drinking Age. Although if the age
would be lowered I don’t think it would be lowered very low. The legal drinking age in North
America is twenty-one. Alcohol has been a controversial issue for many hundreds of years now. The
development of a national railroad system was hampered by which of the following? A. At 16 or
even 18 years of age, a teenager is not as equipped to think ahead and make wise decisions, and this
becomes even more apparent under the influence of alcohol. A young persons’ brain is very fragile
during teenage and young adulthood. On the other hand, the arguments in support of the high
drinking age cite the social problems that could be statically proven to be caused by underage
drinking. This is why we think that the drinking age should be lowered. Women who grew up in
states where the alcohol drinking age was under 21, had a 12% higher risk of suicide and 15%
higher risk of homicide in adulthood, compared with those in states with a higher drinking age.
Furthermore, Jeffrey Miron stands with those school presidents and appeals for a lower minimum
drinking age. “Our research compares traffic fatality rates in states before and after they changed
their MLDA from 18 to 21. This made lobby groups such as Mothers Against Drunk Driving
(MADD) among many others as well as legislatures who pressurized Reagan to sign the National
Minimum Drinking Age Act (Ponicki and LaScala 810). The drinking age in America is an ongoing
debate of whether it should be kept at 21, or reduced to While some believe lowering the drinking
age would make drinking for young kids safer, others presume the opposite FREE Argument Essay
On Drinking Age Essay The opposing viewpoint is the drinking age should be lowered to about 18
or Colleges and Universities argue that having the drinking age 21 is making issues worse. According
to a recent survey that I have conducted in my class, 90% of the students have responded that they
have consumed alcohol prior the legal drinking age of 21(Survey). As per 2009, over 5,000 persons
below 21 years were dying annually due to alcohol related accidents like homicide and suicide.
Underage drinkers are not just a huge risk to themselves, but also others and this is particularly true
on the highways. It’s promoting the use of a poison that will bring negative consequences in their
future. In fact, alcohol addiction can even be seen as a mental illness since it comes under the
subject of substance abuse. They can be suffering from depression, partying with friends, or just
want to drink in general to relax and have a good time. According to my survey, 50% of the total
population feel that consuming alcohol prior to the minimum legal age of 21 is simply not fair
primarily because as adults, they can be legally married at 18, have and raise their own children, own
a gun, go to war, smoke cigarettes. Researchers looked at data from 1990-2004 U.S. Multiple Cause
of Death files and the U.S. Census and American Community Survey. In the article by Laurence
Steinberg, the alternative of lowering the drinking age is embraced.

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