Learning Assessment 1

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Learning Assessment

ENS 41
Introduction to Environmental Science

Name: Courtney Cheen Taganas

Section: BSES 1B

Instruction: Answer briefly and comprehensively.

Environmental issues/problems

1. Choose an environmental video that interests you and paste a screenshot of

any part of that video here. Put also the link as shown below.


(Note: You can choose sites such as Waste-Ed, BBC, National geographic, World
Economic Forum etc. Just make sure it contains relevant environmental topics.)


2. What environmental problem is indicated or solved in your chosen video?

-in this video it indicates climate change and how us, humans have the biggest
impact on it and of course how we can help to save and make it more habitable for us ,
animals and all living things.

3. What is the suggested solution?

- we are now living in a scary environment, it is slowly damage only
because of our own action. In the video it shows one of the solution that
we can all participate, that is to change our bad habit like throwing
garbage anywhere. we need to stop doing the things that can destroy our

4. How was it solved? What technology was used?

- It was solved by small advocacy about climate change and by that many
people heard it and slowly participating on it.
5. Can we make use of the solution or technology here in the Philippines? In
what way?
- Of course we can use it in our own country, Philippines, it is a great
idea and to start it with the teenagers because i know many will


1. Do environmental problems have any relationship with the COVID-19

pandemic? Discuss your point of view on this issue.
-The global outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is
affecting every part of human lives, including the physical world. The measures
taken to control the spread of the virus and the slowdown of economic activities
have significant effects on the environment.

Ecological Footprint

1. Calculate your ecological footprint using this link

(https://www.footprintcalculator.org/). Just take each step until you get results
(Your responses should be based on a normal situation, not during the
pandemic). Feel free to research the terms that are new to you and explore
the site as much as you want. Fill in the table given below.

Result Part 1 Result Part 2

Earth Earths Ecological Carbon Carbon Footprint
overshoot needed Footprint Footprint
(% of your total
day ecological footprint)
(gha) (CO2 emissions
in Tons/yr)

08. Apr 2.9 Earths 4.8 7 51

2. How do you feel about your results? What does it suggest? Is it any cause
for concern? Explain.
- In my result I sm not proud but not disappointed because I think my
habit doesn't really affect the environment that much since I prefer
walking if I can and grow vegetables in our backyard.

3. What part of your ecological footprint can you influence? How?

- I am really proud of our vegetables that we grow in our backyard.

4. Will you influence others, starting with your family members, to change their
lifestyle to reduce their ecological footprint?
- yes of course I would love to.
D.Sustainable Development
2. Choose two (2) Sustainable Development Goals.
- to have a less polluted environment
- to have a clean and green community
3. How can the Philippines achieve each of the goals?
- to achieve this goals, first we need to practice this in our house
in this way we can create a community where we happily live and at
the same time putting our mind to have healthy environment.
4. How can you help advocate for these goals?

- to help advocating this goals, i will cooperate with all the programs
that envolve environment .


Predicted Actual
Criteria Description Score
Score Score

Excellent Very good Good Poor

Writing skills: Questions are completely 27-30 12-26 11-20 1-10

Completeness, and answered; information is clear
correctness of the and understandable

Content and substance of the 27-30 12-26 11-20 1-10

Reflective and
discussion: complete,
thinking skills
detailed, coherent, realistic

Relevance of discussion, 27-30 12-26 11-20 1-10

Creativity: Application
organization and
of critical thinking

Over-all quality of the Entire report shows visual 9-10 6-8 3-5 1-2
output quality

Total Score 100



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