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I. Record your ABCs (15 points)

This is a good activity to do after you experience an adverse event. It is a helpful way to debrief yourself and
get a chance to reflect and discover your beliefs after a big, negative incident occurs in your life. Doing this can
help you understand your response to stress. While many people can experience the same activating adverse
event, their thought processes about it can have a great impact on their lives moving forward. Using the ABC
model can help you recognize your automatic thoughts when you're upset or mad, and change those thoughts
into positive things. Either way, the “A” remains the same, but the “B” and “C” show how you respond to the
For example:

I am stuck in a long line and I am in a rush.

I became very anxious at the thought of possibly being late to my
next appointment, causing me to complain out loud to the people
B around me about how long the line is taking to move.

Alternatively, I may decide to relax and put on my headphones to

listen to some calming music while I wait.

Your answers here:

(Activating event that triggers your inner dialogue

and emotion)

(Belief you formed after the event)


(Consequences or how your new belief makes you


II. “This is Me” (10 points)

1. I am proud that I am ______________________________________________

2. I am often praised for ____________________________________________

III. Social Self (50 points)
Below are the different types of love. You are tasked to find pictures that you think best represents each type of
love. (5 pts. each picture)

Non-Love Friendship
Romantic Love Companionate Love

Fatuous Love Consummate Love

Among the types of love, which do you think best represents the ideal relationship and why? Please explain 3-
5 sentences only. (10 pts.)


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