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Name: Nogollos, Janyne P.

Section: PSYCH 309

Health Psychology

Health Belief Model and Self- Determination Theory

According to Boskey (2023) Health Belief Model is a tool that scientists use to try to predict
health behavior. This model suggests that peoples health behaviors are influenced by individuals
perceived vulnerability to health problems. Also this influences one’s decision to engage in
health behavior. The HBM model makes us understand and be aware of such behaviors that will
encourage us to take care of our health such as getting vaccinated, quitting smoking, avoiding
alcoholic drinks and engaging in regular physical activity.

Another one, Self Determination Theory, this suggest that people can become self-determined
when there need for competence, connection and autonomy are fulfilled, Cherry (2022). This
study is a motivation for changing behaviors. The three psychological needs mentioned earlier
such as competence, connection relatedness and autonomy are fulfilled, individuals are more
likely to engage in behaviors that contribute to their overall well-being.

The STD theory also gives importance of intrinsic motivation, or engaging in behaviors for the
immanent satisfaction they bring, as contrary to extrinsic motivation, such as rewards or
punishments. this study helps us to promote a healthy behaviors such as exercise, healthy diet
and stress management.

My personal implication, both Health Belief Model (HBM) and Self-Determination Theory
(STD) Can help us understand our own health behaviors and motivations. Also, this can help
identify barriers and potential cues to action, while considering ones own intrinsic motivations
and needs can aid in developing self-determined behaviors. Both has personal implications for
individuals. Overall, by understanding both of Health Belief Model and Self -Determination
theory,we individuals can make more informed decisions and potentially improve our overall
health and well-being.

Boskey, E., PhD. (2023, April 7). How the Health Belief Model Influences Your Behaviors.
Verywell Mind.

MSEd, K. C. (2022, November 8). What is Self-Determination Theory? Verywell Mind.

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