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Seat No.

: _________

Republic of the Philippine



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INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following

questions. Mark only one answer for each item by shading the box
corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet


1. [SEPT2022] Chona the golden retriever gained 5.1 pounds in

one month. She weighs 65.1 pounds now. What is the percent
weight gain of Chona in one month?
A. 7.3% C. 6%
B. 8.5% D. 9.1%

2. [SEPT2022] What type of curve is generated by a point that

moves in uniform circular motion about an axis, while travelling
with a constant speed parallel to the axis.
A. A cycloid C. An epicycloid
B. A hypocycloid D. A Helix

3. [SEPT2022] Carmella and Mariah got summer jobs at the ice

cream shop and were supposed to work 15 hours per week each for
8 weeks. During that time, Mariah was ill for one week and
Carmella took her shifts. How many hours did Carmella work
during the 8 weeks?
A. 120 hours C. 135 hours
B. 150 hours D. 185 hours

4. Find the shortest distance between the lines:

(x-3)/1 = -(y-5)/2 = (z-7)/1 and (x+1)/7 = -(y+1)/6 = (z+)/1
A. 5√29 C. 3√39
B. 2√29 D. 4√29
5. [SEPT2022] A stone is thrown into still water and causes
concentric circular ripples. The radius of the ripples increases
at the rate of 12 in/s. At what rate does the area of the
ripples increases in sq. in/s when its radius is 3 inches?
A. 402.55 C. 275.60
B. 226.19 D. 390.50

6. [SEPT2022] The rate of virus spread is jointly proportional

to those infected and uninfected people. If there are 5000
inhabitants at the start of the year and after a week there were
160 people infected, after 2 weeks there are 1200 people
infected, how many days will there be for 1500 people to be
A. 15days C. 18days
B. 20days D. 23days

7. [SEPT2022] If the coefficient ao of a Fourier series of a

periodic function is zero, it means that the function has
A. odd-quarter wave symmetry
B. even-quarter wave symmetry
C. odd symmetry
D. odd symmetry or even-quarter wave symmetry or odd-quarter
wave symmetry

8. [SEPT2022] Donations were made by alumni for a school to fund

a new computer room. Data shows that 80% of alumni give at least
P50. If the administration contacts 20 alumni, what is the
probability that less than 17 of them will give at least P50.
A. 0.589 C. 0.164
B. 0.746 D. 0.761

9. [SEPT2022] A ball is dropped from a height of 18 meters. On

each rebound it rises 2/3 of the height from which it
last fell. What distance has it traveled at the instant it
strikes the ground for the 5th time?
A. 37.89 m C. 73.89 m
B. 75.78 m D. 57.78 m

10. [SEPT2022] An 8f street light and 6ft tree are 15ft away
from each other. Find the length of the shadow cast by the tree?
A. 10.12ft C. 8.25ft
B. 7.5ftft D. 6.7ft
11. [SEPT2022] A company want to create a can of volume 1,000
cm3.Find the radius so that material that will be used is
A. 5.42cm C. 7.47cm
B. 9.56cm D. 8.35cm

12. [SEPT2022] A statue 3 m high is standing on a base of 4 m

high. If an observer's eye is 1.5 m above the ground, how far
should the observer stand from the base in order that the angle
subtended by the statue is maximum.
A. 3.208 m C. 3.708 m
B. 4.201 m D. 4.672 m

13 [SEPT2022] A code is composed of 2 letters, the first being a

vowel and three digits. In how many ways can it be made without
A. 18,000 C. 90,000
B. 20,000 D. 70,000

14. [SEPT2018] Find the curvature of the cardioid r = 1 + cosθ

at θ = 0
A. 4/3 C. 3/4
B. 5/4 D. 4/5

15. [SEPT2022] A group of five friends went out to lunch. The

total bill for the lunch was $53.75. Their meals all cost about
the same, so they wanted to split the bill evenly. Without
considering tip, how much should each friend pay?
A. $11.25 C. $12.85
B. $10.75 D. $11.50

16. [SEPT2022] Susan starts work at 4:00 and Dee starts at 5:00.
They both finish at the same time. If Susan works x hours, how
many hours does Dee work?
A. x + 1 C. x – 1
B. x D. 2x

17. [SEPT2022] Melissa is four times as old as Jim. Pat is 5

years older than Melissa. If Jim is y years old, how old is Pat?
A. 4y + 5 C. 5y + 4
B. 4 × 5y D. y + 5

18. [SEPT2021/SEPT2022] The dimensions of rectangular prism can

be represented as x+1, x-2, and x+4. In terms of x, what is the
volume of the prism?
A. x^3 + 5x” – 2x + 8 C. x^3 + 5x” – 6x – 8
B. x^3 + 3x” - 6x – 8 D. x^3 - 5x” + 2x + 8
19. [SEPT2022] The distance from the sun to the earth is
approximately 9.3 × 10^7 miles. What is this distance expressed
in standard notation?
A. 930,000,000 C. 93,700,000
B. 0.00000093 D. 93,000,000

20. [SEPT2022] Peter can paint a room in an hour and a half and
Joe can paint the same room in 2 hours. How many minutes will it
take them to paint the room if they do it together? Round answer
to nearest minute.
A. 51 C. 64
B. 30 D. 210

21. Find the area bounded by the parabola √x + √y = 1 and the

line x + y = a.
A. a²/5 C. a²/3
B. a²/5 D. a²/2

22. [SEPT2022] What is the greatest common factor of 24 and 64?

A. 8 C. 4
B. 12 D. 36

23. [SEPT2022] A machine on a production line produces parts

that are not acceptable by company standards four percent of the
time. If the machine produces 500 parts, how many will be
A. 8 C. 10
B. 16 D. 20

24. [SEPT2021/SEPT2022] Sand is being poured into a conical pile

in such a way that the height is always 1/3 of the radius. At
what rate is sand being added to the pile when it is 4 ft high
if the height is increasing at 2 in/min?
A. 100,132.88 in/min C. 53,288.13 in/min
B. 30,288.13 in/min D. 130,288.13 in/min

25. [SEPT021/SEPT2022] A boy has money to buy 10 choco bars. If

the prices increase, by 50cents per bar, he can buy 8pcs with P2
in excess of his money. How much money go the boy have
A. 30 C. 25
B. 30 D. 45
26. [SEPT2022] It is a conic section with B^2-4AC greater than
zero is,
A. circle C. parabola
B. ellipse D. hyperbola

27. [SEPT021/SEPT2022] A cord of a circle of a diameter 10ft is

decreasing in length 1ft/min. Find the rate of change of the
smaller arc subtended by the cord when the cord is 8ft long.
A. 3/5 ft/min C. 3 ft/min
B. 5/3 ft/min D. 5 ft/min

28. [SEPT2021/SEPT2022] From the top of a tower the angle of

depression of the foot of a pole is 48deg 10 min. From the foot
of a building the ng of elevation of the top of a pole is 18 deg
50 min. Both building and pole are on a level ground. If the
height of a pole is 4m, how high is the building.
A. 9.10m C. 10.90m
B. 12.10m D. 11.60m

29. [SEPT2019/SEPT2021/SEPT2022] A normal to a given plane is

A. oblique to the plane
B. parallel to the plane
C. perpendicular to the plane
D. lying in the plane

30. [SEPT2021/SEPT2022] Find the area of the polygon with

vertices at 2 + 3i, 3 + i, -2 — 4i, -4 — i, -1 + 2i
A. 47/5 C. 47/2
B. 45/2 D. 45/4

31. [SEPT2022] Evaluate the integral of 1/(x-y) dxdy with inner

bounds of 2y to 3y and outer bounds of 0 to 2.
A. ln 2 C. ln 1/2
B. ln 4 D. ln 3

32. [SEPT2022] Melinda and Joaquin can restock an aisle at the

supermarket in one hour working together. Melinda can restock an
aisle in 1.5 hours working alone, and it takes Joaquin two hours
to restock an aisle. If they work together for two hours, and
then work separately for another two hours, how many aisles will
they have completed?
A. 5 C. 4.5
B. 4.33 D. 3.5
33. [SEPT2022] Fourier series with the term a
A. odd symmetry
B. odd quarter wave s
C. odd symmetry, odd quarter wave symmetry
D. even quarter wave symmetry

34. [SEPT2022] Evaluate.

1+sinx 1-sinx
------ + --------
1-sinx 1+sinx

A. -4tan(x)csc(x) C. 4tan(x)sec(x)
B. 4tan(x)csc(x) D. -4tan(x)sec(x)

35. [SEPT2021/SEPT2022] The temperature of the room at 6:00 PM

is 31 1/2F. At midnight the temperature drops by 400 1/2F.
What midnight the temperature at midnight?
A. 9 1/2F C. 11 1/2F
B. -9 1/2 F D. -11 1/2F

36. [SEPT2021/SEPT2022] If log 2 = a, log 3 = b and log 6 = c,

find log 12.
A. b + c – a C. 3a + 2b – c
B. 3a + 2b + c D. 2a + 3b + c

37. [APRIL2022/SEPT2022] A transmitter with a height of 15m is

located on top of a mountain which is 3km high What is the
furthest distance on the surface of the earth that can be seen
from the top of the mountain? Take the radius of the earth to be
A. 205km C. 225km
B. 152km D. 196km

38. [APRIL2022/SEPT2022] Three circles of radii 3, 4 and 5

inches, respectively are tangent to each other externally. Find
the largest angle of the triangle formed by joining the centers.
A. 72.6° C. 75.1°
B. 73.4° D. 73.3°

39. [SEPT2022] An air balloon flying vertically upward at

constant speed is situated 150 m horizontally from an observer.
After one minute, it is found that the angle of elevation from
the observer is 28 deg 59 min. What will be then the angle of
elevation after 3 minutes from its initial position?
A. 48° C. 59°
B. 61° D. 50°
40. [SEPT2022] Find the equation x = y = z that is equidistant
from (3,0,5), and (1, -1,4)
A. (1,1,1) C. (2,2,2)
B. (3,3,3) D. (4,4,4)

41. [APRIL2022/SEPT2022] The parabola y^2 = 4ax and the line x =

p enclosed an area with the centroid at the focus of the
parabola. Find p in terms of a.
A. 3/5a C. 5/3a
B. 3/4a D. 2/5a

42. [SEPT2022] A steel girder 8m long is moved on rollers along

a passageway 4m wide and into a corridor at right angles to the
passageway. Neglecting the width of the girder, how wide must
the corridor be?
A. 2.0m C. 2.4m
B. 1.8m D. 3.6m

43. [SEPT2022] What is the length of the shortest line that can
be drawn tangent to the ellipse b2x2 + a2y2 =a2b2 and meeting
the coordinate axes?
A. a2 + b2 C. √(a2+ b2)
B. a + b D. ½√(a2+ b2)

44. [SEPT2016] Find the distance between the lines x/1 = y/2 =
(z - 6)/3 and x/3 = y/2 = z/1
A. √ 45/7 C. √ 53/6
B. √ 90/7 D. √ 69/6

45. Some birds are sitting in an oak tree. Ten more birds land.
More birds arrive until there are a total of four times as many
birds as the oak tree had after the ten landed. A nearby maple
tree has sixteen fewer than twelve times as many birds as the
oak tree had after the ten landed. If both trees now have the
same number of birds, how many birds were originally in the oak
tree before the first 10 landed?
A. 4 C. 7
B. 16 D. 24

46. [SEPT2022] One end of a 32 m ladder resting on horizontal

plane leans on a vertical wall. Assume ladder to be pushed
towards the wall at the rate of 2 m/min. How fast is the top of
the ladder increases when the foot is 10m from the wall?
A. 0.658 m/min C. 0.586mi/min
B. 0.865 m/min D. 0.568 min
47. [SEPT2022] A cylindrical tank 4ft across the top and 6ft
deep is to be coated by asbestos which 1inch thick, find the
approximate volume of the asbestos need in cu.ft.
A. 4.8 C. 6.4
B. 8.4 D. 5.4

48. [SEPT2022] Find the moment of inertia of the area bounded by

the curve y^2 = 4x and the line x =1 with respect on the x-axis.
A. 2.18 C. 2.13
B. 2.38 D. 3.13

49. [SEPT2022] The area enclosed by the ellipse 4x^2 +9y^2 = 36

is revolved about the line x = 3. What is the volume generated?
A. 355.3 C. 335.3
B. 443.5 D. 223.3

50. [APRIL2022] Find the domain of the function:

f(x) = 3x, -6 μ x μ 8.
A. (-6, 8) C. [-18, 24]
B. (-18, 24) D. [-6, 8]

51. [SEPT2022] Identify the curve described by |z — 3i| - |z +3i| =

A. ellipse C. circle
B. line D. hyperbola

52. [APRIL2022] Determine the differential equation of the

family of circles with center at the y-axis?
A. yx” –(y’)3 -x’ = 0 C. xy” –(y’)3 -y’ = 0
B. yx” –(x’)3 -y’ = 0 D. yx” –(x’)3 -y’ = 0

53. [SEPT2022] There are a set of triplets. If there are 11

generations, how many ancestors do they have if duplication is
not allowed?
A. 4095 C. 9540
B. 4085 D. 8540

54. [SEPT2022] From past experience, it is known 90% of one-

year-old children can distinguish their mother's voice from the
voice of a similar sounding female. A random sample of 20 one-
year-olds are given this voice recognition test. Let the random
variable x denote the number of children who do not recognize
their mother's voice. Find the variance of x.
A. 2 C. 1.8
B. 4.2 D. 1.5
55. [SEPT2022] Solve (x + y)dy = (x – y)dx
A. y2 + 2xy + x² = C C. y2 + 2xy - x2 = C
B. x + 2xy - y = C
3 2 D. x2 - 2xy - y2 = C

56. [SEPT2022] Given is an 8cm square. If the second square is

made by connecting the midpoints of the sides of the first
square and the third square is made by connecting the midpoints
of the sides of the second square and this process continuous
indefinitely, find the sum of the perimeters of the squares
A 102.95 C. 109.25
B 100.09 D. 105.92

57. [SEP2018] Find the relative error in the computed volume of

a cube due to an error of 2% in measuring the edge of the cube.
A. 0.05 C. 0.06
B. 0.04 D. 0.07

58. [SEPT2022] Emilio is 1 year 7 months old and Brooke is 2

years 8 months old. How much older is Brooke than Emilio?
A. 1 year 1 month C. 2 years
B. 1 month D. 1 year 2 months

59. If z1 = 1-i, z2 = -2 + 4i and z3 = sq.rt of 3-2i, evaluate

Re (2z1^3 + 3z2^2-5z3^2)
A. -53 C. -35
B. -25 d. – 43

60. A water tank is shaped in such a way that the volume of

water in the tank is V = 2y3/2 when its depth is y
inches. If water flows out through a hole at the bottom of the
tank at the rate of 3sq.rt of, at what rate does the
water level in the tank fall?
A. 11 in/min C. 1 in/min
B. 0.11 in/min D. 1/11 in/min

61. [SEPT2022] A political analyst asked a group of people how

they felt about two political policy statements. Each person was
to respond A (agree), N(neutral) and D(disagree) to each NN,ND,
NA,AA,AN,AD,DD,DA,DN. Assuming each response combination is
equally likely, what is the probability that the person being
interviewed agrees with exactly one of the two political policy
A. 4/9 C. 1/9
B. 2/9 D. 5/9
62. [APRIL2022] What is the shape of the graph of the polar
equation 𝑟 = 𝑎 + 𝑏 cos 𝜃?
A. Lemniscate C. Limacon
B. Helix D. Rose

63. [APRIL2022] A tank initially holds 100 gal of salt solution

in which 50 lb of salt has been dissolved. A pipe fills the tank
with brine at the rate of 3 gpm containing 2 lbs of dissolved
salt per gallon. Assuming that the mixture is kept uniform by
stirring a drain pipe draws out of the tank the mixture of 2
gpm. Find the amount of salt in the tank at the end of 30
A. 171.24 lbs C. 124.11 lbs
B. 143.25 lbs D. 105.12 lbs

64. [SEPT2022] A cylindrical open container open at the top with

minimum surface area at a given volume. What is the relationship
of its radius to height?
A. r = h/2 C. r = h
B. r = 2h D. r = h/4

65. [SEPT2022] Evaluate

lim |x+2|
x-> -2
A. 1 C. 0
B. 2 D. -2

66. [SEPT2022] Evaluate ∫lnxdx from 1 to e

A. 0 C. 2
B. 1 D. 3

67. [SEPT2022] On a level ground, two engineers facing each

other with a distance of 5km between them. If the angles of
elevation of the balloon from the two engineers are 56 degrees
and 58 degrees respectively. What is the distance of the balloon
from the two engineers?
A. 6.44km,5.44km C. 4.54km,4.64km
B. 4.64km,4.54km D. 5.44km,6.44km

68. [SEPT2022] Observer A and B are 53km from each other. At an

instant an airplane passed by, if the angle of elevation of A
and B are 56'18" and 48'26" respectively, what is the distance
of the plane from the ground?
A. 33.41 km C. 34.11 km
B. 31.15 km D. 35.41 km
69. [SEPT2022] Find the orthogonal trajectories of the family of
parabolas y^2 = 2x + C.
A. y = Ce^6 C. y = Ce^(2x)
B. y = Ce^(-x) D. y = Ce^(-2x)

70. [SEPT2022] A company want to create a can of volume 1,000

cm3.Find the height so that material that will be used is
A. 9.76cm C. 10.84cm
B. 11.35cm D. 8.57cm

71. [SEPT2022] The segment from (-1,4) to (2,-2) is extended

three times its own length. The terminal point is:
A. (11,-18) C. (11,-24)
B. (11,-20) D. (-11,-20)

72. Find the equation of the normal line to the x^2 + y^2 at the
point (2,1).
A. 4x – 3y = 0 C. 2x + y = 5
B. x - 2y = 0 D. x – y = 0

73. [SEPT2021/SEPT2022] Manuelita had 75 stuffed animals. Her

grandmother gave fifteen of them to her. What percentage of the
stuffed animals did her grandmother give her?
A. 20% C. 15%
B. 25% D. 10%

74. [SEPT2022] A cardboard 20 in x 20 in is to be formed into a

box by cutting four equal squares and folding the edges. Find
the volume of the largest box.
A. 592 C. 529
B. 698 D. 689

75. [SEPT2022] What percentage of the volume of a cone is the

maximum volume right cylinder that can be inscribed in
A. 24% C. 34%
B. 44% D. 54%

76. Find all real solutions to the logarithmic equation

ln (x2-1) - ln (x-1) = ln 4.
A. 0 C. 3
B. 5 D. 4

77. Find the point on the line 3x+y+4=0 that is equidistant from
the points (-5, 6) and (3,2).
A. (2, 2) C. (3, -5)
B. (-3, 5) D. (-2, 2)
78. [APRIL2022] Find the LT for f(x) = 2 when 0<x<3 f(x) = x
when x>3
A. 1/s^2 + e^-3s (1/s^2 + 1/s) C. 2/s+e^-3s (1/s^2 + 1/s)
B. 1/s^2 e^-3s (1/s) D. 2/s +1/s^2

79. [APRIL2022/SEPT2022] Find the minimum distance from the

point (4, 2) to the parabola y2 = 8x.
A. 4 sq. rt. of 3 C. 2 sq.rt. of 2
B. sq.rt. of 3 D. 2 sq.rt. of 3

80. An open cylindrical through is constructed by bending a

given sheet of tin and breadth 2a. Find the radius of the
cylinder of which the trough forms a part when the capacity of
the trough is a maximum.
A. 0.376a C. 0.367a
B. 0.637a D. 0.763a

81. The three sides of a trapezoid are each 10cm long, how long
must the fourth side if the area is a maximum?
A. 15 C. 20
B. 22 D. 24

82. If SinA = -4/5, Cot B = 4 and A and B in quadrant 3, find

sin (A + B).
A. 9/5√17 C. 19/4√17
B. 19/5√17 D. 19/5√13

83. An audience of 450 persons is seated in a row having the

same number of persons in each row. If 3 more persons seat in
each row, it would require 5 rows less to seat the audience. How
many rows were there originally?
A. 25 C. 27
B. 30 D. 20

84. [SEPT2022] Justin earned scores of 85, 92, and 95 on his

science tests. What does he need to earn on his next science
test to have an average (arithmetic mean) of 93%?
A. 93 C. 100
B. 85 D. 9

85. A retailer bought a number of shirts for $180 and sold all
but 6 at a profit of $2 per shirt. With the total amount
received she could buy 30 more shirts than before. Find the cost
per shirt?
A. $1 C. $3
B. $2 D. $4
86. Four radars are tracking an asteroid. If the probability of
tracking success is 90%, find the probability of at most 3
A. 0.3539 C. 0.3507
B. 0.3578 D. 0.3439

87. Find the volume of the solid common between intersecting

cylinders with radius of 3 ft.
A. 72 C. 144
B. 288 D. 256

88. If cos x = 2, find cos 3x.

A. 1.5sq.rt of 6 C 27
B. 3sq.rt of 6 D.17

89. Find the equation of the circle that passes through the
vertex and end points of the latus rectum of the parabola y^2 =
A. x^2+y^2=8x C. x^2+y^2=4x
B. x^2+y^2=10x D. x^2+y^2=6x

90. Water is running out a conical funnel at the rate of 1 If the radius of the base of the funnel is 4 in, and
the altitude is 8 in., find the rate at which the water level is
dropping when it is 2in, from the top.
A. -1/8π in/s C.-1/7π in/s
B. -17/6π in/s D. -1/9π in/s

91. Find the length of the arc described by the parabola x^2 =
4y from x = -2 to x =2.
A. 5.49 C. 6.49
B. 3.49 D. 4.59

92. A steel ball at 120 deg C cools in 20 min to 80 deg C in a

room at 25 deg C. Find the temperature of the ball after half an
A. 40.96 deg C C. 45.98 deg C
B. 66.85 deg C D. 55.86 deg C

93. Find the value of C for which the area bounded by the curves
y = x^2-C^2 and y = C^2-x^2 is 576.
A. 7 C. 8
B. 9 D. 10
94. A ladder 10ft long is resting against the side of a
building. If the foot of the ladder slips away from the wall at
the rate of 2 ft/min, how fast is the angle between the ladder
and the ground when the foot of the ladder is 6ft away from the
A. 1/2 rad/min C. 1/3 rad/min
B. 1/4 rad/min D. 1 rad/min

95. [SEPT2021] The current I flowing in an RL circuit is given

by I = (E/R) (1 – e^Rt/L), where E is the voltage applied to the
current, R is the resistance and L is the inductance. Express I
in terms of E and R when t = L/R.
A. 0.623 (E/R) C. 0.584 (E/R)
B. 0.435 (E/R) D. 0.388 (E/R)

96. [SEPT2021] Solve the differential equation

y” – 4y’ + 3y = sin x
A. y(x) = C1 e^3x C2 + e^x + 5sin x - 10 cos x
B. y(x) = C1 sin 3x + C2 x + 5sin x + 10 cos x
C. y(x) = C1 e^3x + C2 e^x + 1/5 cos x + 1/10 sin x
D. y(x) = C1 sin x + C2 x + 11/5 cos x - 1/10 sin x

97. Ten is decreased by four times the quantity of eight minus

three. One is then added to that result. What is the final
A. −5 C. −9
B. 31 D. −8

98. Solve the equation 5z” + 2z + 10 = 0

A. 1 – i, 1 – 2i C. 1 + i, 1 – 2i
B. 1 + i, 1 – 2i D. (1 ± 7i)/5

99. Find the equivalent of (1 + i )^(1 - i).

A. 2.82 +1.32i C. -2.82 +1.32i
B. 2.82 +32i D. 2.82 - 1.32i

100. Find the unit vector which is orthogonal to 9i +9j and 9i

A. (i+j+k)/sq.rt of 3 C. (i-j-k)/sq.rt of 3
B. (i-j+k)/sq.rt of 3 D. (i-j +k)/sq.rt of 3

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