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Annual exam revision questions {SST}

1. What is shifting cultivation? What are its disadvantages?

Ans. Shifting cultivation is the type of farming in which agricultural activities are shifted from
one field to another when the fertility of the soil of the former is diminished.


 Deforestation
 Soil erosion
 Small patches for cultivation
 Not sufficient for feeding a large population.

2. Name the fibre crops and name the climatic conditions required for their growth.

Ans. There are 2 fibre crops: COTTON AND JUTE

Climate required for cotton :-

 High Temp.
 Bright sunshine
 Light rainfall
 210 frost free days
 Grows well in black & alluvial soil.

Climate required for jute:-

 High Temp.
 Heavy rainfall.
 Grows well in alluvial soil

3. Which two countries lead in the production of jute?

Ans. India &Bangladesh

4. Which countries are known for rice production?

Ans. China, India , Japan , Sri lanka , Eygpt

5. What are the tertiary activities?

Ans. Tertiary activities are those which provide support to primary and secondary
6. What is Mixed Farming?

Ans. In mixed farming, the land is used for growing crops as well as rearing livestock.

7. What is Arable Land?

Ans. The land on which crops are grown is called arable land.

8. Explain the common factors of commercial grain farming.

Ans. The common factors are as follows:

 Crops are grown for commercial purpose.

 Wheat and Maize are the commercial grown grains.
 Areas where commercial farming is practiced are temperate grasslands
of north America, Asia ,Europe.
9. What do you understand by agricultural practices?

Ans. Agricultural practices are a collection of principle that are applied on a

farm production and post production to produce safe and healthy food.

There are certain steps of agricultural practices :-

 Soil
 Seeds
 Sowing
 Nutrients
 Irrigation
 Crop Protection
 Weed preparation of seed
 Storage and Harvest

10.Soil preparation is one of the type of agricultural practises . What do you

understand by soil preparations?

Ans. Soil preparation is the first step before growing crop. In Soil preparation,
soil is turned and loosen. This allows the roots to penetrate into the soil.

1. Give full form:-

a. BEL – Bharat Electronics Limited
b. BHEL - Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited
c. HAL - Hindustan Aeronautics Limited
d. DRDO - Defence Research & Development Organisation
e. ISRO - Indian Space Research Organisation
f. ITI - Industrial Training Institute
g. IISC - Indian Institute of Science
h. NCBS - National Centre for Biological Sciences
i. UAS - Unmanned aircraft system
j. SAIL – Steel Authority of India Limited
k. AMUL – Anand Milk Union Limited
l. MSIL – Maruti Suzuki India Limited

2. Mention the major industrial region of the world.

Ans. The major industrial region of the world are eastern North America,
western and central Europe, eastern Europe & eastern Asia.

3. Name the Information Technology hubs in metropolitan cities of India.

Ans. Banglore , Hydrabad , etc..,

4. Which technique of cotton textile production came into use after the
18th century?

Ans. Power Looms

5. Which public sector steel plant of India is located near a port?

Ans. Visakhapatnam Steel Plant.

6. What are the inputs, processes, and outputs of cotton textile industry?

Ans. Inputs :- Cotton, Human Labour, Factory , Transport cost

Processes:- Ginning , Spinning , Weaving , Dyeing , Printing

Outputs :- Shirt we wear

7. Explain the favourable factors for the location of steel plant at

Jamshedpur .

Ans. It was near the confluence of rivers.

This place was only 32 km away from Kalimati station on the Bengal-
Nagpur Railway Line.

It was close to the iron ore,coal, and manganese deposits as well as to

Kolkata which provide a large market.

8. Why is cotton textile industry mainly situated in Gujarat & maharastra?

Ans. Because of the following reasons:-

 The climate of these states is moist.

 The black soil of these states is best for the cultivation
of cotton.
 better means of transport.

9. Suggests some majors to reduce industrial risk.


 Training
 Safety measures
 Safety Audits

10.“ The iron & steel industry is the basic as well as heavy industry.” Support
this statements with suitable example.

Ans. The iron & steel industry is the basic as well as heavy industry:-
(i) All the other industries depend on it for their machinery.
(ii) Steel is needed to manufacture a variety of engineering goods.
(iii) It provides variety of consumer goods.
11.Write a note on “ Chernobyl diasaster”.

Ans. The Chernobyl tragedy was a nuclear disaster that occurred on April 26,
1986 ,at the Chernobyl Nuclear power plant’s No.4 reactors near pripyat in the
Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic.

1. What are the causes for the uneven distribution of population in the
world ?

Ans. Geographical , Social , Economic & cultural

2. The world population has grown rapidly . Why?

Ans. The availability of better food supplies , increased medical facilities,

reduced death rate and the birth rate almost remained the same . So, the
world population has grown rapidly.

3. What are population pyramids ? How do they help in understanding about the
population of a country?

Ans. The graphical presentation of the age, sex composition of a population are the
population pyramids.

 It shows division of population into various age groups

 It gives the percentage of male female ratio, in each age group
 It tells about the no. of dependents & working persons

4. “Each Human is a potential resource for society.” Define .

Ans. It is said that each human is a potential resource for society because each
one of us contributes to the society.

5. Explain the population pyramid of japan .

Ans. The population pyramid of japan shows us that Japan has Low birth rate
and High life expactency.

6. What is Birth rate ?What is Death rate?

Ans. The number of live births per 1000 people is called Birth rate.

The number of death per 1000 people is called Death rate.

7. What are the bad effects of population explosion on society ? How does
population pyramid help in understanding the population of the country?
Ans. When Birth Rate is high & Death rate is low this leads to increase in
population which is known as population explosion.

Some Bad effects are:

 Resources are divided among the population

 Unemployment
 Increase in pollution

Population pyramids helps us to:

 It shows division of population into various age groups

 It gives the percentage of male female ratio, in each age
 It tells about the no. of dependents & working persons.

8. Which Hemisphere has more population ?

Ans. The Northern Hemisphere

9. What do you mean by population explosion?

Ans. The population explosion means when the Birth rate increases death rate
decreases and when the Birth rate decreases death rate increases.

10.What do you mean by emigration?

Ans. Emigration is when the people leaves the country.

CH- Understanding marginalisation

1. What metals are important in present day in India ? Why? Where do
they come from ? Are there Adivasis population there?

Ans. Metals such as Iron, Steel, Aluminum, Copper ,etc.., are important in
present day life. Because, These metals are minned from minerals. They came
from Jharkhand, Orrisa and Madhya Pradesh. Yes, There are Adivasis.

2. What do you mean by Marginalisation ?

Ans. Marginalisation means the communities which are put at margins of

economy & cultural development.

3. Name the tribal community which dwells in Niyamgiri.

Ans. Dongarria Konds.

4. Why were the forest considered very crucial to the development of all
empires & settled civilization?

Ans. Forest are considered very crucial to the

development of all empires & settled civilization because
forest provide everything such as Iron , Copper, Gold ,
Silver, Medicinal herbs, etc..,

5. What do you mean by the term “Stereotyping”? Is it

good or bad? Why?

Ans. Stereotyping means to see and view in a particular

group of people without complete understanding about
their live hoods. Stereotyping is not good because it
discriminate the group on the basis of their clothing style,
CH- Confronting Marginalisation

1. What does “Dalit” refer to ?

Ans. Dalit refer to untouchable community .

2. What does a manual Scavenger do ?

Ans. Manual Scavenger carry human & animals waste .

3. Why did “Safai Karmchari andolan” file a PIL in 2003? What did the
complain about in there Petition?

Ans. The Safai Karmchari Andolan file a PIL in 2003 to enforce their
Fundamental Right. They complained that Manual Scavenging is still continued
in government undertaking such as Railways.

4. Why do Adivasi activists, including C.K. Janu, believe that Adivasis

can also use this 1989 Act to fight against dispossession? Is there
anything specific in the provisions of the Act that allows her to
believe this?

Ans. The Adivasi activists including C.K Janu believe that Adivasis can also use this 1989
Act to fight dispossession because this Act guarantees the tribals not to be dispossessed
from the land and resources forcibly. Their land cannot be sold or bought by non-tribal
people. The Constitution also guarantees the right of the tribal people to repossess their

5. What is the Government reservation policies?

Ans. The reservation policy is the percentage of seats that are reserved in the
government jobs, inter-state examinations, and educational institutions for
STs and SCs.

6. What is “Safai karmchari andolan” ?

Ans. Safai Karmchari andolan is a movement that aims to completely remove
Manual scavenging from India.

7. Why is Kabir’s poetry sung & appreciated by dalits and marginalized

group even today ?

Ans. Because his poetry brings out the powerful idea of the equality of all
human labour.

8. How have minority groups drawn on the fundamental rights to highlight

their cause? “The desire of equality, dignity, & respect is not new”
Explain in your own words.

Ans. Minority groups drawn on the fundamental rights in 2 ways:-

 They have forced the government to recognize the injustice done to

them .
 They have insisted that the government enforce the laws.

Every individual desires to live a life of dignity and respect and this can only
happen when he/she is treated equal citizen in society. If he / she is
disadvantaged of this, he/ she will fight for it .
CH- Public Facilities
1. What is budget?
Ans. An estimation of the expenses over a specified period of
2. What are the main source of water in urban areas?
Ans. Municipal Sewages , borewells , packaged water,
tankers, etc..,
3. Why is access to safe drinking water important?
Ans. Waterborne infections can be avoided if people access
to clean drinking water.
4. Who wears the maximum burden of shortage in water
Ans. Poor people wears the maximum burden of shortage of
water supply.
5. What do you mean by “Right to Water”?
Ans. It means every citizen have a right to drink safe water no
matter from which caste, religion they belongs to.
6. How is budget presented?
Ans. Budget is submitted annually to parliament by
7. How does the government set the price for the water
supplied by it?
Ans. The government set the price for the water in such
manner that most of the households afford.
8. Where does the government get money for public
Ans. The government mainly get money from Taxes they
9. Should private companies be allow to take over the task
of water supply?
Ans. No, private companies should not be allow to take the
task of water supply because if government exit from the
task there could be increase in price of water which poor
people can’t afford.
10. What happens when there is a great shortage of
public facilities like water?

Ans. When there is a great scarcity of public facilities

such as water, the burden of water supplies falls mainly
on the poor
 Middle-class citizens are able to deal with a variety
of private means such as drilling wells, buying water
from tankers and using bottled water for drinking.
 The rich have more choices, they can afford bottled
water and water purifiers
 People who can afford it have clean drinking water
while the poor are still facing the problems.

Ch- Law and social justice

1. A clean environment is a public facilities. Can you
explain this statement.

Ans. A clean environment is a public facility because

the cleanliness of the environment depends upon how
well the public is being able to maintain that level of

2. Do you think the victim of bhopal gas tragedy got justice ?


Ans. No, the victims of Bhopal gas tragedy did not get justice . they
are still waiting for it. They are still fail to avail safe drinking water,
healthcare facilities, jobs for the people poisoned by the plant.

3. What are advantages to foreign companies in setting up a

production in india?

Ans. Advantages are:

 They get cheap labour

 They can cut cost by providing lower working conditions
including lower safety measures. Etc..,
4. How was the environment treated earlier? What has been the
change in perception? Discuss.

Ans. Earlier the environment was treated as a 'free' entity and any industry or
even an individual could pollute the air and water without any restrictions.
Whether it was our rivers, air, and groundwater - the environment was being
polluted since there were no laws in this regard. Now the perception has
completely changed and the people have understood that the environment is
something which the people over generations will share. There has been an
increasing awareness among all that a clean environment is a public facility that
cannot be destroyed for industrial development.

5 . What does the 2001 census data say about child labour in

Ans. According to the 2001 census, over 12 million children aged

between 5 to 14 in India work in various occupation, including
dangerous ones.

6. What does the constitution say about child labour?

Ans. The constitution says that no child under 14 years of age shall
be employed in any factory , mine or engaged in any other hazardous

7. What is the minimum wages act?

Ans. The minimum wages act states that wages should not be less
than the prescribed minimum wage limit.

8. What is the full form of CNG?

Ans. CNG stands for Compressed natural gas.

9. Name the company which was involved in the Bhopal gas

Ans. Union Carbide

10. What happen to the UC plant following the disaster?

Ans. Following the tragedy, UC shut down in that facility, leaving

behind tons of hazardous chemicals.

11. Under which article of Indian constitution the “Right to

life” is a fundamental right?

Ans. Under Article 21

12. What can government do to ensure that laws are fully


Ans. Surprising raids & workplace checks can be used by the

government to ensure that laws are fully implanted.

13. Why do foreign companies come to India?

Ans. Foreign companies come to India because they get cheap

labour for long work hours with lower safety measures.

14. What are the responsibilities of the government in

addressing the issue of the environment?

15. How as the government fared in its responsibilities to
enforce safety laws?



CH- 1 How, When, Where

1. Why did James Rennel produce the first Map of India?

Ans. James Rennel produced the first Map of India because he

thought that to control a large territory they should know how does
the country look like and how much area is occupied by it.

2. What was the effects of colonization?


3. What is Census? When was it conducted for the first time?

Ans. A Census is an official count of the population of a nation,

including details on their ages, occupation, & other factors.
India conducted for the first time in the year 1881.

4. Suggest 1 one of the most important sources used by historians

in writing about the last 250 years of Indian history.

Ans. Historians used Official records, memos & letters to write about
the last 250 years of Indian History.

5. What was James Mill opinion about the ancient society?

Ans. James Mill opinion about the ancient society was that it not as
civilized as European society.

6. What do you mean by Colonisation?

CH- 5 When people rebel

1. What were the pleas of Rani Lakshmi bai ?

Ans. Rani Lakshmi bai wanted to accept her adopted son to succeed
the throne of the king , after the death of her husband.

2. The atrocities committed by both the side during uprising were

horrifying. Why do you think they happen?


3. To end the Mughal Dynasty what was the first step taken by the

Ans. The name of the Mughal king was removed from the coin
minted by the Company.
4. After the revolt was quelled, Why were the powers of the east
India company transferred to the British Crown?

Ans. The powers of the East India Company were transferred to the
British Crown in order to ensure a more responsible management of
Indian affairs.

5. What laws regarding women were passes by the britishers?


6. List the steps taken by the British to reform their army after the
rebellion was suppressed.

Ans. The steps taken by the British to reform their army after the
rebellion was suppressed were:

 The proportion of Indian sepoys was reduced.

 The proportion of European soldiers was increased.
 Indian sepoys recruited would mainly be from Gurkhas, Sikhs &
 Sepoys from Awadh , Bihar, Central India or South India were
not being recruited.
 Troops were no longer in the service of East India Company.
 They would serve directly under the British Crown.
7. What step did the British take to suppress the revolt, which
were successful?


8. The British gradually took over India . How do you think the
British justified this take over? Do you think it was Justified?
Why or Why not?


 The British did not Justify the takeover of India to themselves,

as it was part of their policy of Colonialism.
 To the Outside world, they justified it by saying that they were
civilizing the native, who were following uncivilized traditions
and practice. As part of their policy, they economically
improved India by taking away products valued by them at
throw away prices or taxes for governing the people.
 This policy was not justified because India lost much of its
resources to the British , resulting in the poverty which we see
and feel even today.
9. Did the Revolt of 1857 have a popular character? Give
argument to support your answer?

Ans. Yes, the Revolt of 1857 have a popular character.

 The Revolt was started by the Indian sepoys employed by the

East India Company and continued by them all over North
 These sepoys were mostly ordinary people from peasant
families in rural areas and so it was a popular uprising.
 The leaders of the Revolt were the local rulers and chieftains.
 All of the above people disliked the British officials, whom they
felt were interfering in their normal way of life.

Due to this, the revolt developed a popular character.

CH- Civilising the “Native”, Educating the nation.

1. How many Languages are known by William Jones?

Ans. 28

2. Which Institution were seen as temple of darkness that were

falling of themselves into decaying ?

Ans. The Calcutta Madrasa and Benaras Sanskrit college

3. Who was Charles Wood?

Ans. Charles wood was the president of the Board of control of the
Company .

4. What were the difference between Tagore’s idea of education

with Mahatma Gandhi’s Idea?

5. Define Vernacular. Why the British used this term colonial

countries like India?

Ans. The term vernacular refers to a regional language that differs

from a country’s official language.

The British used this word to distinguish between the local languages
and English.

6. What was done to promote Indian learning in India?

Ans. To promote Indian Learning the following steps were taken:

 In 1781, a madrasa was founded in Calcutta to promote the

study of Arabic, Persian, and Islamic Law.
 In 1791, the Hindu College was established in Benaras to
promote the study of Ancient Sanskrit texts.

7. Write a short note on Grave errors of East.

Ans. By the 1830s, the attack on Orientalists vision of learning

become stronger. Critics like James mill & Thomas Macaulay said
that knowledge of the East was full of errors & unscientific thought.
Indians should be made familiar with scientific & technical advances
of the West. Macaulay saw India as an uncivilized country that
needed to be civilized. He emphasized the need to teach English
language & urged the British government to stop wasting public
money in promoting oriental learning.

8 . What measures undertaken by the company to improve the

system of Vernacular Education?

Ans. After 11854, the company improved the system of vernacular

education. Therefore, the introduced an order within the system,
imposing routines. They also established rules and ensured regular
inspections. The company appointed a number of government
pundits each in charge of looking 4 to 5 schools.

9 . Why did Many company officials in India want to promote Indian

rather than Western Learning?

Ans. Because many company officials felt that institution should be

set up to encourage the study of ancient Indian texts and teach
Sanskrit and Persian literature and poetry.
Ch-9 Women caste And Reform

1. What do you mean by Sati?

Ans. Sati, according to Hindu practice , signified the conclusion of a

marriage. It was a voluntary gesture in which a women accompanied
her Husband after his Death by Burning Herself as a token of a Good

2. How did Social Reformer bring Changes in the society?

Ans. Women’s Education is becoming more widespread.

Remarriage of a widow.

Equality And Dignity for all Castes.

Child marriage is banned.

Untouchables are afforded socially equal.

3. Why was Raja Ram Mohan Roy well versed in many languages ?

4. When did Khalsa College of Amritsar Established ?

Ans. 1892

5. Name the founder of Arya Samaj .

Ans. Swami Dayanand Saraswati.

6. When did Dr Ambedkar start Temple entry movement ?

Ans. In 1927

7. Name one lower caste of Gujarat who work for the upper class?


8. Write about the Contribution of Raja Ram Mohan Roy to end

the practice of Sati?

Ans. In 1928, Lord William Bentinck was appointed Governor

General of India. He support Raja Ram Mohan Roy in putting end to
a number of social ills such as Sati, Child marriage ,etc.. Lord Bentinck
make a Law prohibiting the practice of Sati throughout the
Company’s territory in British India.

9. Write a note on Singh Sabha Movement .

Ans. Sikhs launched the Singh Sabha Movement in reaction to theses
events, which aimed to restore Sikh doctorine to its original purity .
In 1837, in Amritsar, the first unit was created and followed by a
more conservative branch in Lahore, which emphasized that Sikhs
were not Hindus.

10. Why meant by Aligarh Movement ? What was its


Ans. The Aligarh Movement was a largely concerned with showing

allegiance to the British government .

Muslims need modern western education to compete with Hindus.

According to this argument , Muslims and Hindus are 2 distinct
nations with their own customs, religion, and traditions as a result ,
Muslims should be able to have their own separate homeland
outside of Hindu majority India from a social and moral standpoint.

11.Mention 2 important factors which contributed to the rights of

the social reform movement in India?

1. Jammu n Kashmir - Srinagar
Identify and label:-
1. State in which Jhuming cultivation practiced .
2. City known as Sillicon Valley of India.
3. City known as Manchestar of India.
4. TISCO – Label its state and capital
5. Union Territory with highest gender ratio.
6. Union Density with lowest density.
7. State where Coal fields are found.
8. State with lowest density.

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