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Exam 1

1. Understand all definition words

2. Metastasis related topics
3. Tumors: Stages determine LOCAL to SPREAD. Grades determine DIFFERENTIATION
4. Carcinomas vs Sarcomas. Definitions of both.
5. Leukemia - from blood-forming tissues
6. Pre-cancerous or non-malignant growths
a. Hyperplasia
b. Metaplasia
c. Dysplasia
7. Histamine’s function to induce vasodilation. Histamine from mast cells.
8. Vascular response
9. Prostaglandin
10. Acute vs chronic inflammation
11. Acute inflammation
a. Neutrophils (polymorphonuclear cells)
b. Monocytes (mononuclear cells)
12. Liquefactive definition. Affects the brain.
13. Na/K pumps. Water flows into the cell causing it to swell.
14. Oxidative stress - free radical damage to cell
15. Bilirubin
16. Definitions
a. Atrophy - wasting
b. Hypertrophy - cell enlargement
c. Hyperplasia - new cells formed
d. Metaplasia - conversion of one cell type to another
e. Dysplasia - reduced functions of cell
17. Sequela vs complications
18. Etiology
19. Idiopathic
20. Iatrogenic
Exudate = fluid that is high in protein, which suggests inflammation

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