PDHPE Core 2 Practice Questions

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2014 Question 27

Compare the two anaerobic energy systems. 5 Marks

2017 Question 25
Compare TWO different energy systems by exploring their
duration, sources of fuel and causes of fatigue. Use examples
to support your answers. 7 Marks
2011 Question 24
(a) What type of training is most suitable for each activity
listed? 2 Marks
Weight lifting
(b) Describe how different strength-training methods affect an
athlete’s performance. 4 Marks
2015 Question 25
How can flexibility improve athletic performance?
3 Marks
2012 Question 27
How can THREE principles of training be applied to improve
strength? Provide examples. 6 Marks
2017 Question 26
Explain the physiological adaptations an individual develops
in response to the different principles of training. Use
examples to support your answer. 8 Marks

2019 Question 27
An athlete is participating in a 12-week aerobic training
program. Analyse how progressive overload and training
thresholds can result in physiological adaptations for the
athlete. 8 marks
2010 Question 23
Outline THREE physiological adaptations in response to
aerobic training. 3 Marks
2013 Question 25
Describe the effect of stroke volume and cardiac output on
aerobic performance. 3 Marks
*2017 Question 26
Explain the physiological adaptations an individual develops
in response to the different principles of training. Use
examples to support your answer. 8 Marks
2019 Question 27
An athlete is participating in a 12-week aerobic training
program. Analyse how progressive overload and training
thresholds can result in physiological adaptations for the
athlete. 8 marks
2012 Question 26
Describe TWO different types of motivation that can affect
performance. Provide examples. 3 Marks
2015 Question 26
Explain how different types of motivation can affect an
athlete’s performance. 4 Marks

2014 Question 26
How do anxiety and arousal differ in terms of their effect on
athletic performance? 4 Marks
2018 Q25
Explain why the optimal level of arousal varies for different
sports 5marks
2016 Question 26
Justify the psychological strategies used by athletes to
enhance their motivation and to manage anxiety. 8 Marks
2019 Question 21
Outline how goal setting can influence an athlete’s motivation
level. Use examples to support your answer. 3 marks
2011 Question 25
Compare the dietary requirements of athletes in TWO sports
that have different nutritional needs. Provide relevant
examples. 6 Marks
2014 Question 25
Outline the post-performance dietary considerations of an
endurance athlete. 3 Marks
2019 Question 22
Justify whether carbohydrate loading could improve
performance for an athlete competing in a 100-metre running
race. 4 Marks

2010 Question 24
Assess the value of products containing creatine as
supplements for improved performance. 4 Marks
2013 Question 27
What are the advantages and disadvantages of protein
supplementation and creatine supplementation for improved
athletic performance? 5 Mark
2017 Question 24
Using examples, explain how specific vitamins and/or
minerals affect athletic performance. 5 Marks

2012 Question 28
Describe the different recovery strategies used by athletes to
improve performance. Provide examples. 8 Marks
2018 Q27
Explain why marathon runners use physiological and neural
strategies during recovery. Use examples to support your
answer 8 marks
2016 Question 24 (a)
Outline the stages of skill acquisition. 3 marks
2010 Question 25
Describe the stages of skill acquisition that an athlete should
typically pass through when developing a skill. 5 marks

2016 Question 24 (b)

Outline, using specific examples, the types of feedback that
are appropriate at each stage of skill acquisition. 4 marks
2013 Question 26
Describe THREE characteristics of a learner that can
influence his/her ability to learn a new skill. 4 Marks
2012 Question 25
Outline the influence of prior experience on skill acquisition.
3 Marks
2019 Question 24
How can characteristics of the learner influence skill
acquisition? Use examples to support your answer. 5 Marks
2015 Question 28
Why is it important for an athlete to develop the elements of
performance? 8 Marks

2016 Question 24 (b)

Outline, using specific examples, the types of feedback that
are appropriate at each stage of skill acquisition. 4 marks
2016 Question 25
Using examples, distinguish between valid tests and reliable
tests of athletic performance. 5 marks

2015 Question 27
Why are both objective and subjective performance measures
appropriate in the assessment of an athletic performance? 5
2014 Question 28
How can the skill and performance attributes of athletes be
validly and reliably appraised? 8 Marks
2011 Question 26
Justify a coach’s use of objective and subjective performance
measures to appraise the performance of an athlete. Provide
relevant examples. 8 Marks
2018 Q26
Evaluate how the characteristics of a skilled performer can be
used to appraise elite performance. 7 marks

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