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This colour: represents the implications of the novel in real life.

● History can be misrepresented which impacts our perspectives; seen by

the pigs to convince the animals that things are better than the times of
● Irony: Animals would prefer being enslaved by fellow animals than humans;
would feel more comfortable being mistreated by Napoleon than Jones; so
blindly loyal to leaders or ideologies that it is difficult to recognise that the
living conditions have been worsened; parallel to politics in the world
(citizens may feel more comfortable being mistreated by the leaders they
● Education is more than being able to read or write, it is vital yet not
everything. In Benjamin’s case, he was educated enough to be able to read
but was not near to the pigs’ level, however because of his age and
experience, he was able to notice that the conditions remained unchanged in
animal farm and was aware of the pigs’ manipulation of the rules and
principles but only acted out when it personally affected him (Boxer being
sent to the knacker); could be parallel to the normal citizens who were
intelligent but refused to use their knowledge for the betterment of
themselves or their people and makes their education void and useless.
● The cat represents the people who leech off of society to reap the benefits
yet participate in no work. Mollie represents the people who were able to
escape for the benefit of herself; she knew that Animal Farm would not be
beneficial to her and left; she was loyal to herself and comfort, not any
leaders. Moses actually acted in the favour of the pigs; told the animals that
they would have paradise in the sky which distracted the animals from the
slavery and maltreatment they were facing; helped to control the other
animals; if they worked harder, they would go to Sugar Candy Mountain.
● Boxer was loyal and naive which led to his demise; ‘I will work harder,
Napoleon is always right’; shows that loyalty to a certain leader can blind
persons to the point where red flags and issues go unnoticed; complete
reliance and trust in a corrupt system led to Boxer being used and exploited
until he could go no further.
● The system was problematic from the beginning/formation; the leaders
would all become corrupt with time as there was always instilled greed and
power; if Snowball was there, the system would have still failed as corruption
was inevitable, Snowball even showed signs of brooding corruption in the
incident of the missing milk and apples.
● The animals were so indoctrinated and brainwashed that they confessed to
actions which they didn't even commit or participate in (the hens confessing
to helping Snowball).
● The mindless masses overpower the few logical thinkers; the sheep bleating
and drowning the voices of the animals who attempted to speak out against
the injustice.
● The manipulation of commandments and principles by the pigs can be
compared with governments and organisations creating or changing
policies and laws to benefit themselves. Wealth and resources were available
to the animals who worked tirelessly and reaped no benefits; countries are
rich with resources and capable of mass production yet employees who
work harder than those in control are disadvantaged.
● The dogs can represent military might, brute force; if animals went against
it, they would be punished or killed. Similar to Benjamin, the dogs were all
literate yet refused to utilise their knowledge for the betterment of the farm
and animals, hence reinforcing the fact that education is vital yet is not
everything. Napoleon trained and brainwashed the dogs from birth to protect
him, showing that he initially had thoughts of domination and power.
● Squealer possessed linguistic intelligence; good with words, knew how to
gain the trust of the animals, and charismatic (body language), he would
enunciate and emphasise certain words which further convinced the animals
to believe his propaganda. Mans was a serious gaslighter smh.
● The pigs learning to read and write was used to foreshadow the pigs
becoming more human-like. More foreshadowing was seen when the animals
became drinking, sleeping in beds, smoking, etc. The pigs and the humans
morphed together at the end of the novel, making it difficult to even
distinguish between them; leaders, people who were looked up to for their
differences from previous leaders (The animals becoming leaders after
overthrowing Jones) become unrecognisable when they become more like
each other.
● If the novel would have continued, it is implied that a time will come where
the animals would begin dreaming of a time and place where all animals are
truly equal and even continue the cycle created by the animals where the
same revolutionary leaders become the monsters they intended on defeating.
● Education
● Power
● Corruption: ideologies can be corrupted over time, old Major had a brilliant
philosophy yet it was corrupted and manipulated until it was completely

- Windmill: physical building which could represent the animal’s yearning of
freedom to be their own bosses, to live good lives with their families, their
hope of being admired for being triumphant in their revolution,
industrialization and modern improvement, mainly hope for a future; can
also physically represent the cycle of the rebellion.
- The Flag: represents animals being able to dominate and rule (hoof and
horns); the flag which represented animalism was replaced at the end which
shows that the philosophy of animalism was abandoned and the pigs became
the new humans.
- Burial of Old Major’s Skull: shows that the animals, specifically the pigs,
decided to move away from Major’s philosophies and begin to create their
- Change of Manor Farm to Animal Farm to Manor Farm: symbolised the full
cycle; how it was in the beginning was how it also remained at the end.

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