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Thank you for your participation in the online course on EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE AND
LEADERSHIP on the following dates:

We, in the Civil Service Commission (CSC) would like to get your views and feedback on this L&D
Intervention to enable us to continually improve our programs and to serve you better. We will
appreciate it if you can spend a few minutes filling in this form before you leave. Please click your
answer that best corresponds to your preferred rating.

All feedback will be treated in strictest confidentiality.

Please be guided by the following rating scales

* 5 = Excellent
* 4 = Very Satisfactory
* 3 = Satisfactory
* 2 = Fair
* 1 = Poor

Thank you.

Not shared

Draft saved
* Indicates required question

1 (Strongly Disagree)
2 (Disagree)
3 (Neither Agree or Disagree)
4 (Agree)
5 (Strongly Agree)
I understood the learning objectives
The learning objectives are aligned with my learning needs
The new knowledge/skills I learned are highly relevant to my work.
I am comfortable with the pace of the program/course
I understood the learning objectives
The learning objectives are aligned with my learning needs
The new knowledge/skills I learned are highly relevant to my work.
I am comfortable with the pace of the program/course

Comments on Design*
Your answer


1 (Strongly Disagree)
2 (Disagree)
3 (Neither Agree or Disagree)
4 (Agree)
5 (Strongly Agree)
The training materials are clear and appropriate for me
The methodologies facilitated my learnings
The activities during the session keep me engaged
The platform used was accessible and easy to use for me
The training materials are clear and appropriate for me
The methodologies facilitated my learnings
The activities during the session keep me engaged
The platform used was accessible and easy to use for me

Comments on Training Materials and Methodologies*

Your answer


1 (Strongly Disagree)
2 (Disagree)
3 (Neither Agree or Disagree)
4 (Agree)
5 (Strongly Agree)
My knowledge about the topic has improved because of the expertise of the SME
The SME encouraged my interaction and participation
The style of the SME keep me engaged throughout the session
The SME discussed the topics based on my learning pace
My knowledge about the topic has improved because of the expertise of the SME
The SME encouraged my interaction and participation
The style of the SME keep me engaged throughout the session
The SME discussed the topics based on my learning pace

Comments on Facilitation*
Your answer


1 (Strongly Disagree)
2 (Disagree)
3 (Neither Agree or Disagree)
4 (Agree)
5 (Strongly Agree)
My knowledge about the topic has improved because of the expertise of the SME
The SME encouraged my interaction and participation
The style of the SME keep me engaged throughout the session
The SME discussed the topics based on my learning pace
My knowledge about the topic has improved because of the expertise of the SME
The SME encouraged my interaction and participation
The style of the SME keep me engaged throughout the session
The SME discussed the topics based on my learning pace

Comments on Facilitation*
Your answer


1 (Strongly Disagree)
2 (Disagree)
3 (Neither Agree or Disagree)
4 (Agree)
5 (Strongly Agree)
The Virtual Learning Environment is conducive for my learning
I received the training information coordinated ahead of the training date.
Training administrators attended to participant's and SME needs
The training administrator communicated with me in a professional manner
The Virtual Learning Environment is conducive for my learning
I received the training information coordinated ahead of the training date.
Training administrators attended to participant's and SME needs
The training administrator communicated with me in a professional manner

Comments on Administration*
Your answer

1 (Strongly Disagree)
2 (Disagree)
3 (Neither Agree or Disagree)
4 (Agree)
5 (Strongly Agree)
I am confident that I can apply my learnings from this session to perform my job
I am confident that I can apply my learnings from this session to perform my job

If you rated 3 or lower, please choose all that apply:*

I do not have the necessary knowledge and skills.
I do not have a clear picture of what is expected of me.
I have other higher priorities.
I do not have the necessary resources to do it.
I do not have the human support to do it.
RATED 4 or 5

1 (Strongly Disagree)
2 (Disagree)
3 (Neither Agree or Disagree)
4 (Agree)
5 (Strongly Agree)
I can commit to apply the learnings
I can commit to apply the learnings

If you rated 3 or lower, please choose all that apply:*

I do not have the necessary knowledge and skills.
I do not have a clear picture of what is expected of me.
I have other higher priorities.
I do not have the necessary resources to do it.
I do not have the human support to do it.
RATED 4 or 5

What are the things you have learned in this session that are relevant
to your line of work?
Your answer

What parts of the session did you like the most?

Your answer

What needs to be improved?

Your answer


Your answer


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