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Intern First & Last Name

Gavin Capelli

Mentor Teacher Name, Grade Level, School Site

Mrs. Martin, 1st Grade, Discovery Bay Elementary

Date of Lesson Plan: When will you teach this lesson in your mentor’s classroom?


Lesson Plan Project

Lesson Goals or Learning Targets (Word these as measurable student outcomes.)

Students will be able to calculate the time on an analog clock without trouble.

Lesson Objectives or Success Criteria (Word these as student actions, use verbs.)

Students will use replica analog clocks and worksheets to learn to read actually analog clocks.

Lesson Plan Content (Written narrative paragraph about the lesson content.)

Students will each get an analog clock replica that can move around, they will be asked
questions about what each hand of the clock represents. The students and I will then do a
couple examples with each other and then they will get a worksheet. This worksheet will
problems about time (analog clocks) and they will have to find the correct time. This will
measure the students to see who was successful and who was not.
CCSS Rationale (Describe the specific Common Core State Standards addressed during the teaching
of this lesson plan.)

CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.1.MD.B.3 - First grade students will be able to read an analog clock within an
hour and a half hour

Instructional Procedures

• Focusing Event (Describe how you will get students to focus attention on your teaching.)

I will say “Dolphins swim!” and they will say “Lets dive in!”

• Instructional Strategies (Click into that link for help describing all instructional methods you will
employ during the lesson. Remember, instructional strategies fall into one or more of the following

Direct Instruction – teaching them about analog clocks, Indirect Instruction – solving
problems on worksheets, interactive instruction – working and asking questions from
their peers, independent – working on the worksheet

• Student Participation (How will you engage students and get them on board to participate?)

I will use a fun and excited tone and if I see students doing something else I will
redirect them by saying, “Everyone look up at the board.”

• Formative Check (How will you check that all students are involved and engaged in the lesson?

I will ask students various questions related to the topic while teaching.

• Closure (How will you end the lesson purposefully, with intentionality?)

I will end the lesson by going over the worksheet

• Assessment (How will you assess that students achieved the lesson goals or learning targets?)

I will give my students a worksheet that will measure their success.

Lesson Plan Materials (Include everything needed to successfully complete the lesson with
the full class. Remember to include all supplies, as well as technology, whiteboard space,
classroom space, etc.)

Projector screen showing the worksheet, worksheets for each kid, analog clocks for each kid,
a white board marker.

Mentor Signature & Date (Verification you taught this lesson with their class)

Optional Feedback Notes

Common Core State Standards for California
Instructional Strategies
Ideas for focusing event.
Closure ideas for ending lesson.

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