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1. In the first image I picked a picture of my mom and I.

I chose this picture because my

mom has always been a hard working woman since a very young age. She’s the oldest
out of her 5 siblings including her. As a result of that, she also had to be independent at
a young age. My mom has made a lot of sacrifices to take care of us. My mom has
always put me and my sisters above anything. She had to leave her mom, her sister, and
her home.

2. The second image I chose was my sister. My sister is 2 years younger than me and
she’s my best friend. Her and I can get into arguments but we always make up. As long
as I can remember my sister has always been with me mentally and physically.
Everywhere I go she goes. And my sister and I can be funny whenever we want. I enjoy
spending time with my sister even though we get annoyed by each other sometimes. My
sister is my biggest supporter.

3. The third image I chose was my sisters. I am proud to be the eldest sister and to have
my three sisters. They are all different but similar in different ways. I enjoy each of their
presence and they all fulfill me and brighten my day. My sisters are the sweetest and I’d
do anything to defend them. I will always be there for them and hope to make more
memories with them in the future.

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