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Module :0g@ - seepage Pressure CHydrosteHc condition) AE A 6 = Ywo-Hwot Ysat +z u=toHot FoF = Yohp = 7 ot Yat 2 - IHG Yu -é T—> No change in effective 6!= (Gene ma) E Stress when voottt™ 5 ; Fable js above QL At Point A Ge WW-HO+Ysot- E Vez Yo CHwtz) =Yohp — > Here is seepage = Head loss Pe b= hydradic Head seepage Head. Head loss=h. hp= pressuse head hp = Cz+Ha)-b 2.6! = Yoww +¥satZ - yPHw-Yozt oh Ws Yo (z+ Hw-h ) T= Yeatb-Z-Yo-z+%oh 1 6l2e 6-U A6=0 Aels, A6-A0 +> pore Wolter Ease Ke\ Seon decreses by Yah. | -. effective stress intresey by Yo-h seepage Pressure | low At point & —> for upward seepage 6= Yo: Ho teat Pressure head =-ve 8= Yohp — > for downword Seepage ssure head =4ve bp= Hot z4h iS 615 YOM + e0fz — Yyphwo + Yea Z -Fu-h 6'= 4603-2 - Yor -Ywdh Cr 7 a — Pressuse exerted by water along the direction of How. h= hydra wichead Dowwnuard Seepage = dinqicen= } Yah Bpibard) Seebager = een) ae t ot, | — starting = Hydradic | Head | end = Head Loss | BRE x-% hx 6 = YuoHot sot Zx he U= Vu hp from £19 hp= Hut Zo7 he | for down ward seepage hh =-headloss upto 6= aH + Teak ex — YyATO that point only —Yu tx +Yahx (etenremsite | AL X-X 6 = Yotwt Fook Ee zx us Yohp Zz Pip wr, Mites tobe From fly bp= @ bt Huotzx—-hox Uz YOh+t YAW +VWex-Vohx Flow Seepage pressure Ps = Toh seepage force Piling fe= ser yeah ee fs = Pyw-i- AZ Ka Fs -Yu-j.¥v Horizontal seepage te BS Frod Fs _ i — li ar ts! | ava BRE | Vv Volume. \ | | — Resultant Force Per unit | | == eo teen tsa SSA SSR eee) 25 Ow) is ace i merged Pressure ¢ 'z) then effective Stress become zero + tohesion jese Sol] Joss hic Strength and behaves k Like Liquid , : ! ! { When 6l=0 1S \ bh BS audit vat ie iS sc! C= Cohesion i Soil } yea Ch-b») for So aig i When 6!=0 Ccritical condition) °o \'Z = Yoh Bore = Zz Yoo ok | | * ice © ic= (4-1) =n) Ge ies CHH cold Hydrawtic eo Gradient te = / G42 \ yoy ic depends one aoe Y Z oe Yuo-hx in clay, Fine sand + silts @asily affected . Le Factor oF safety } (F) | F= Resisting min to cohesion, quick sand Condihon doesn't occtouy causing | a otonvoardimys mes pee Wn Lpword Yoh So anye At q Sand condition | | T> = ie | | { ects } 1< 1c —3 FO!) — > safe fh Secs F< Scere > preventton of quick sand condition. | eo downuoard | upward | sae age. ae | sees yah | Gast g. 1 | | Yoh & Piping follure and preventive measures + erosion oF Soi] Frem downstream fo \ 6 [upstream due te quicksand cond”. F= FOL - le o-h ' | sk prevahive measure %- | . . b - Increse length oF seepage ee 210 fo i Te 2 — decresing ® by incresing the base width of Dam C length oF seepage) @ by Providing cut oFFwall or sheet pile Wall on Pls. | | é woll Sry | he or) | fee yw | PR te i/ Cutoff wall Increses length of | Pal, - Seepage increses : czt) 6) by Providing Tyverted Fiter. — To Allow more water <— TO prevent soil erosion bk Heaving at base oF an excavation + preven Hive measures. I> quick sand condition occoured When excavation is don below kIT and made excavahon anfree oF lalader- sk preventive measure) © by towering surrounding WT Upto excavehon ox Trench . eel ©@ By providing sheet pile Wolls. a Z {ncreses h i decreses. | 2 Y= maximum depth of excavahor At ciHcal condiHon | Sw, | is eae Yeot-2 = Yu-hp j = D-z L 4 : Ysot-2 = YoCh+z) I IF excavahon exceeds‘y! ; | then heaving of soil Nev toh { occours. | quick sand is accoured When excavahon is done i | in clay ‘layer under lain by sand Which ts under | artesian cCondihon. At one point yeu = Pa= Yuha: 6120 ~ for No Falure of excavahion due ‘to UpHFE Pressure 6): 6-Py 6=Pa. _yo he eo aS Pan co Tetol dosnward pressure = Tote) upwasd pressure Nez = Yo be | | o8 The depth of Which No Fallure | aan OF exCavolHon | Total downword Pressure= | Torel uplift pressure Y.zZ = Yoha | 20 (4-4) = lox @ \eo -204 = Go Jag = 20Yy Ae ~ belo® 6m em excavahon Fedig Th above problem TF the exca Vahon carnied out am eatdy how much showd woter Table lowered 9 — 2-7 Total downusard = Total upward OZ ene Coxvea F Cq-y) = yw ha We have to jowered 20(9-7) = Ye 1oxha 2m below existing 40 = \oxha | haz4m — Depthof Wolter in pit x=3 Tote! downward = total Upward WZAMvo-% = Nuw-ha, 20 (4-7) tloxx=t0xe 4o+ lox = 66 BOClean Oras ywoha Tf We Fl 2m Water in excavaho 8 we can excavation Hil tm =| ha=6rn Toto = Tote) down ward upward Wo 247-2 = Yo: ha ha 4S Scie m G81 x+ 19K ql X45 a X=O0-62M Yyuo-ha fee \ayer j200mm , G=2°6S, porosity = 07, UPoard epage head Ch) = \:m. Find the depth of sand . Req to Provide a Fos = 2-0 against piping , Head loss NII -- = Giese \ leoc= 8 : fears | fae Cee) Cl") toe (268-1) (1-0°8) Ve = \-)S5 Ed ippnlice me eS SEE O55 fos — es b . 0-8915 oza qam BI _ 0-975 a4 IB codewote 6! ot, the bottory of silty Clay ash shown in coil 6. NS cae lax4 = 86446408 = J = (ENT m3 any Ce ued Qe Yoroat Yort i epee = \oxX6=60 sand = 20KN [m3 2m = 6! = aot =~ 60 = St kN |md \su Qo faite = IAEN TO? Am a ee \ : se Previous GATE ¢- © e=0'10, Ge a-6e eriticos hydrawlic Gradient Cie) =9 tes CG-')_ C@-1) CI-n) lites ee ae 140-7 @) Ertectve stress = 6! , Normal Stress=6 cxtticad hyd Gradient =fe , hydeavtic Gradient = 7, What is the condition Fer quick sand. —> for quick sand condition 6!=0 Ose ales ies <7 ! = 0:93 ® jase he ec kN) Bm) P=ls-SkN|m> 4:s™ Yeo = 10 KN [ny + Upward = downuard . Yoha = Ysatxz hq = (8:5X4'S oO [haz gas | el=% rears = 8: 825m Sm dovton ward Seepage a 6'= Web xz 4 Fed- hy am Yo findhx find 7 hx = iX Lx = 0'SXS = 2:5 ‘= C[g-qeai) x6 9-B1X2S = 6ER7 te Workbook, j=9 (0) €=0:62,,.@z,0.62 fos-6 I=} em te= CQ) <.- Ca-1) Cth) ees ree one 2 [-Gr fos = te f Leia T20-2 ee ale WYdrautic head Ch) =% L= am, Qz at e=0% for quick sand condition, fer quick sand conditHon 6l=0 ie= eee Gr lead Cy le eal [+e Sasa Peeper ees aes Le 2 ear) @n=s4y Q=2:6 ic=% Geet Cre ae : te= G@-\ Pee Goan iciem) we =(o-6-1) Cl- 05+ \tes 2-1-1 (s-6-1) ¢ ) ie= Gal C-=0-4 sae doe Q=2-65 aaa S Ae loem- '¢= OF Joe ha=2 for quick sand ‘condition fez ft ah (tc 2 he OUFXIo | b= ditem QekiA O04 = 9X05 KIX 45 yee ences 6\ak bottom=4 i k= 2X16 tm] sec Ysak= 1-48 gm|cc he iXL=O44%X10 np) On mS ]sec = 004-410 Js h= seepage head (m= loocm = 0:04 ems] sec © for upward How 6'= ¥'z-Ya-h 6! = (193-1) X10 - 1X4 6! = 4:86 gmJem> ZG. Spe fes9) e=0:85 eee eA is ae Tex? Nicer Gnteh 6d = 9-98 Cal Eo qa Ise A. @ Relation betweeh Gti for Quick sand Condition @hen n= Bos. Peltyecmtes — fer quick sand condition 45m he¥ fed Pode @uick.san4 condi Hon fe = (G-1) CI-n) Ysat. z= Yeo-ha = G-1) Cl-es) ha= 12:5%45 ¥ = 0:70G@-1) 10 j O57] Gia Ort ha= 8:325m o7ic G@- ® H=0'85 GQea-65 fos=2% x Veo (q-\) ci-n) = 4°65 %X 065 os Ops 1) et te al upward Fos atc hel'85 Seated f= lok — 68362 aes n= 467. Ga 265, Fos=3, pas for quick sand Condinion. cae Th = CQ-1)\C1-n),= 1 1-65 X0'5S = 0-905 fos= le j pe icalite = _0:401S Fos = — 0:3025 ee (® An unit Volume mass of a saturated coil is sub tO HRseepage. The saturated unit WE 1S 22 EN|[m3 Y=0'S, Resultant body force on mass 3 Fe = Yo! = loxo-3-8 Qs\Xo8= 24:43 Ga ee ae Jo) ee meee R= 29.4374 21g? ee % A saa of e = Siete = 183 7 Re {2°8¢ ( piping follure fos= 5, ee Cq-t) C-9) = (2-6-1) (1- 03s) = 0-975 6'@n=h Qe2+, mee=0'S& Fup =101eN | m3 upward ow 25% ele '-z,- 90 (b-he), We = GEN) seoetielana l4e I+ 0-s8 ; A sadn aol loess i c 3 Shoe 2 ~ a cise eS bxr= 048%) = 0-48m l= Ysab-YO Ysot= CG+es) ya lero SO =| Or 1S jae S=| G!= 10°75 X95- 10x (l:2-0'48) ee x10 6! = ane S95 kN [mu ” Ise ® constant head conducted (| OEIC iy AH) fem ole Wea Mlsec, " O= Kia nme Sa) = a) ° . 4 a ane Va olX%2-5 = 025 emlseo Se=wG O:2s es cee US nae e= 0:63 as Feet = O.BAG \4+e se Expected QuesHons jaenter® be 8 my ie down = upward ° FSO rab bYsotx (1-5) =Y¥ox 4S BS SPSS ch loxh hianasa tones Meee Noh = 45-38 FJoar=18KN [mS eee (2) Q=2:65, n=354. Upward seepage b=o0-@S fos=§¥ L= @a@ri2s : te = (Q-1) Ci-n) = 1-65X0-65 =10725 ' yo ° Ae (et OS for quick sand condition & le a ea ae fos- te _ Vomsxias \.6¢ \ ORs —— © L= 25m, h=2-49S5m Upward seepage fos=1-5 Gz 26g N= B6y. =X [Sande tes, Ct) Crh) 2 neg aree | | | Howls | 98S fer upward seepage fos = 8 ic — " a (2-45) _ rosie aqs+x Vs S$ ic fos poaee = AZ @ e=0.52, G22-6% o'@a=t 6'@ B=* FSP EA wet Os'@a years Gtes) yvo \4e =(petees™) XVBI [se Ysot= 20:68 6'@A = Yzy- Yo (h-he) ys Voy. To Find hx. we need { ‘Tene PSe Sige ae OO fe Ba hae o.764 ine Cats) ise SI= 1077 x1 — Vel XC1s-075) 6!= 3-412" KN [me \ © Fs >. Vor! O«s'@e a . 6= V'zp-Yoh =F B1X 075 Jo-17%2- 9'81X1'S ae 1S = 6:62S KN]m>

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