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Module 2 3- Bermnanon, Relohon - Properhes oF Soi]. fee com plex Soil system = — +» Based on moisture \) Faulty saturabed = Solid + tdlater a) Pry state = solid 4 air 8 oH alt SS . 1 Diet b= solid, Maker + Voids kKlofer Va Vy = Volume of Voids Ww =Yolume oF Vs = Volume oF solids Noids Volume. Vo y = Totel —> Fer agiven soil *V2 remains constant, ty? changes Vs Wd = let hla \ @ Dry stete | Ww=0 Bi We Ws © felly sofrsoted Cida)es > Cla) o< VWlsat = We + (Wa). Weat > kl > kddry Partolly sbtuvoted We Adds Wo Basic Definotions 4- Yoid an) is raho of Volume oF Voids-to Volume OF — solids nS erg > ecg é — > Vv isless densest packing emin= 0-385 —> more Ww \ loasest packing Emax = 0°41 2) sity Cor —> percentage OF Voids fe a> IReiefe Bia) Sie) tales [hse © When soil sampie is fully Submerged inf Water | on soil particles buyont ferce is also aching , Which © Results reduction jn weight of Solids a W!= Ws- Fb Fb = force of buyoney 2 According To Archermedies Pynciple - Soe Cw displaced Vs = (ve) aitestacan ios pate Vs Fe = Yu * Vs Wi'= We- Fb Peierls =o Vc Ys > Y¥sat >¥ > Yd ¥ ¥sub bk specific Gravity $- 1) True [absolute anit @-speci fic Gravity + : t> density of Soil to the density of standard Avid G=Ys_. irrespective of stole oF Soil Yo ‘2)appearent | Bulk | mass speci Fic Gravity :- | Gas Neate Yds You Non aS p> Always G>Gm hk FuncHonol ReloHonships ) @ Y= 7a #0) 5 avs aaa D7 Oo te = a oy 8) Year = (442) Yo @ %a Liens he i) Y=%q 4s CYsar-Ya) 4) vied a ee specific Gravity oF < eS 2 The specific Gravity of Soi] sample Nol est 0-445 « tere Fully saturated ,; Mo}, Content OF the soil is... . Ra 2-0-9 45 | S=i, we “. SE= WG 2 Ws 1XO94S _ 9.95 aE + W= 35 7. EX-@ A soil Sample is partially Spe oe a moisture content is found o24. and bulk ey TE the Specific Gravity of Soli be 4-68 the Void Ratio OF Soil is — lil — > 0=227. O12 Yeagm|[ce Ge2-68 e=¥% a plage Ge) an 2-64 9m] cc ret . pp PALE ‘ a corde aaa pam i 2 ! Borrow PIE ; ! ey en , ) or v Yu Mie No Volume of excayaHon from borrow pit a9 for a given soi\ kis,Vs, } Vs = constant Apt 2 oo! Bae Ae v= Vs (ite) * 1 ‘ GmaCi ke) ee ee ee eae > duving compaction We have te add excess ere oF \Woter ; eine ngs Ex-@ A soll is excavated From a borrow PIE wp has dengity IS gm])ce and Woker contenE 1b The go is Com pacted 39 thot Wolter content 187-ANd, dey density 165 gm]ce foe {ooo m3 oF the so)! Fill eshmale. \) Quantity oF soil excavated fron pit in m> B. pit parm Oi Wg = 165 ] oye ase 2 = 184. i We? Nip = 10003 Ne Cite )o¢ 1 e Fan Ss GUS) ng WATTS Niele: Dde= 2115) NS reli 1612 9 lee V) = joooxX 1:65 = 1056 m3 1-56 a ERS 2)Amount Of ‘\later tp be added in tonnes Whe (W,-t0\)\ Xvaxv. W!= (olg- 012) 1000 X 165 W' = gq Ton E-@© During Conshucton of an embankment due bo Compachon the Void wato has been weduced From || to 0'S. The percentage Cv) ReducHon jn volume. SS Cy= I) Qx.=0°S Vise NaS? Ver Cite) i No @o 1402 Vo = = By we OL VIO! fy hi rae >= re SING Ss: Reduchon = peo JEN 025 =as/. = Nv f + e Vs = unity= Vaz €*9e Vs 4 Wee Water Nw =erS V = VstNvu 3 = (U+W) Sars Determination of wloter content s- Every quotitahve parameter is depends on moidure Content - 2 I)oven Dry method \- Most accurate and widely used. Telos‘-10" = Pee My de Ws kd)= Empry weight oF container kl, = WIE of Soil + Wk OF Contoiner kg = WE OF dry soi] + St OF contd ney F organic Soil: Present in soil, = aoe Qa) s te tq 2) sand Bath ae vat oF Vek Sou} it ea ae ewe of dy sol We aad Fae ; — > Not anaccurate method — > No controll on Tempreture, ! 8) pychometer method = ee — 'Q' must be known Fe “\s | —> also suitable For only coarse Groin sols: Empry Wet (asi) soil Chl) (kts) Cla lal4 = Ielg— kis + Vs‘Yeo = WgeWet hls Yo qQrwo lg = We - tls +Ws G Ws = VWg- Wa = 4)colcium carbide method $- CACa +2 Hao ——> Cos + IcaCoH), §) I ¢ ae So ea a 5) Alcohole Method \- WW) = Weight oe wet soi| ‘ C H oF dry soll after}omin \edei ne eee mo KOelermine unit weight’ on Field i= 1) core cutter method p> cohesive solls ¢ All Types oF soil j re > stage: 1: tab i | |S) Wla}er Displacement Method :- Te ++ cohesive Ssoi\s —*clays _ fia) —s bhh= Lump of Clay mass © —S Wo= KE oF sol] HWE OF Para FAN Wax. —— woktr Bes Te a. eo | CW) sispiaced = Naci e Nwae < Sor Ys0}} Sa) sia am yea - Oa Welght oF Soil coated With a thin layer oF q Wax weight 4.¢x%193 kN and when immersed in Wak displaces o.9 Weight Found . k. Pazacein ee eeVOId oS) GF cooley Content = |24. — i Mesty = 1 Vig, CMe) Meee elias at Yar 0086 m8 af Wolter. Parafin pilled OFF: 0-000|g KN, G=2-72,, q = Goa Moot = A EXIO S1exig t = grerxig SEN ot Yoox = 0-q2X%q:81 Vuoax =VYoas rerio _ 1q.q4x10 m® Yaar 0 -42xq'el Vso} = Yesdisplaced > Vwax = 86x10 _ \q.44x10* 34x10 t ms " , ‘ : 3 Feoit = Ksoil _ 462X107 soil 34X04 y lase yob += at oul regen eee es! (a. s| Gad = Ya Te <5 = latse = 18:58 KN|m3 Deter min ahon of Specific _Qra 1) pycnometer method {= coavse Groined soi\- ooo piste? ony wore" soi) Cpembeals a Ug + lela lel) lg ie mixture of soils $- Faaeueseen ee See BSS | ie eA ec e 89 10 Boll daemeday Vir oe} 1 ON Ne Wat Va Cee mixing We r lelmix = Wit Wee Vintec SENN ae ee W Vs Gre wi Nee Nmmix + Nsmixe Vis mix Fora given Soil Vs is constant Vsmix = Nit Vo Nise ne th jhe 4 r : me N, NA an Ns, = Vint” So eae Ite, ' = tt =) oe eee £x-© A soi! has 4 bulk density fs Yers-amfee \=s7 Vvoidraho constant vac Ids = 107. rb @® se=toG PTE Void soho ns GES, | Yo is constenk SET Yolume also Cons: Ya = YaCl+u) ns VX Cite) ay Yor C14) Yo 14, HHOX NSO = 188 Br|cc Yi mee Vey 105 | &&-© A cube of died stoke having side Scr long 4 Weight 135 9™m_ The same cube OF soil iS Saturated wif unchanged volume its wt 1959™ Qro-ot a Find Gee e=04\ — a= 5em Wd = 18S 9m v= QS = 325c¢ sot = 1959rH Se =Waq = 195-135 yjoo < der 135 as a = 8 44447 “Yeoh = are \ ye fies ; Alsat (Ghosh \ <4 amc 14044Q@ hee qe ls = S64 0°68G = 1.445 4 o& 1+0°44G ) —- got! Q@z2ofF He [ae20F] C= O44 XQ = A-borroo Pit — a Yast 1d kent ]m3 “ae 2 teen) oS em : Via = ‘100 vn W=801 G=2-10 Yo=1okN|mS Ss=? e=2 se =WG = 0:383%2-4 = ‘¥ a pe=oeat] i foe Veoy = (a Yo @ \+e pear eC Q2-F 40:33K2-F \ X10 \ : {+e 0:33 % 29°F J oot = 18-94 Gat uém -e=2 Lee i eee, Vy} = 0:00) Wa = 1:€00 jeq Qe at y= 10 EN] rod gst os ye ee (+e @ = ey e Se 600 ) gp. TA wee” a= eae 109 aD Bae oe) mitee ae ' © G=21) , n=404. 2201. 524 Se= 0G Ome are, O58 FD Vey ero ae 6H See = WG S= 022-71 = Orsleq = S129 7. 0-667 @yq= 16-5 KN]m3, Qe2-65 $2427 Yegelokn|md wea mn ie gee \y¥o = ( 2:BS+0-109x Yd = 140 (ee beers J4w= 1844 seh ae Jxre “i 15 ¥4 [+e Yo1ea9 kal W= 0g Iss = (282) x10 Ite OOF Mblaey Y= 1e:S KN[ mS Genes WS og -6S YWO= gel KN ©w=2 a Ysot = & Neat = fullsaturahon S=) Siete OG sel ig @ = 0-28% 2-65 , ah e@=0-6625 2-654066\ xqel | rons (“2828 v0 - ( 66 sat = 19:56 ' @ VY) = 10000 mS Neal sie t ' | eQ=) er =% { i | | Vc Cite) Ca Gi eee Nee TSOODK TS as nani \o000 Ite. = 1S @G@=2-65,, 6=S0/. W=lst e=? se= 0G fers MONS AD Seong 0-5 @) Ya = \BEN| mS G=>65 yo uto enim? w=) 6= ee 29? 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