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Module 4 4- eden PaPestins OF Soll bk index propertes |- LS To identify or Classi Fy she soil. | | Index property ele et Ge Sol\ Individal soil Aggregate Property , Property es depends on particle — depends on Stress | si2e and shape History and fermoHon ny ticle size zs ‘ } Pafernbuon Ree | Sesieve Analysis :- Dry sieve Analysis Wer sieve Analysis = Cas - qs | ‘) ory sieve Analysis '- —> Dig of sieve = locmto 1S cm Fae p> 4:75mm, 2.36mm, |1@mm __ OS ae — A particle whoes size More than 4n¢emey 75m. —+ 4:75 mm sieve= diagonal size = 415mm parts size 15 fe Ms as We Jo down paricle size decreses , /. finer Also decreses eee © ~ Well Graded soil ‘t — Almost oll particle Sizes qre present or Wide represen tehon Ge © uniformly Graded soil: —> talmost all sizes aresq © Gapagradedsoi! | => tra Particle sizes are porticle Yo! 10% jo! 107 103 size Bmiseing —> To study partcle size characteristics Rees * Pros Pao: Peo 107 Blo= Particle oR sieve size belod which fo oF soilare to#4. Finer. 1) Coeff crent oF Uniform} Cu) i= Fin Pao Péo Cu x | — uniformly Gzaded soi! Cud4 —> Well Graded Gravel a Cu>é — 5 Well Graded sand, a 2) coofFcient of Curvature ( ) §- | —>cc particle size | Characteristic : ; : € — Void Ratio in situ %a= BIO loose very It4e Rerte ise te? are Dense state monly for soils Which ts Jess than 4.25 Um consistancy represent Firmness oF soil. - Also known as Aterberg's Limit- As Walter bocreses Consistancy decveses. to another stete. 1 Cmax — Void rao @ looses Stott min - Void wake © dense stot. ite Zp = _Admig” de [rein : ‘40x ~ A Waler content ab Which soil changes From one stale VuLd H#OWs : $= 100%. ed #& shankage Limit i's minin Woler content at which Soil is Fally saturated. | 1) Liquid Limit :- 7 — Minimum wooter Content at Which soil behaves tke a Liquid. ate Score Apparatus js used, a —> Walter con tenE at 395 No ines i bloos is Liquid Limits at 25 No of blows is LL. : j f 10% ' on ae apg a ae f Sip { eapandd )h Plow Pudex 1910109 ‘YatoGs Beare curve higher i sh ect Ses pa Ls soft Rubber base —»S Noof blows increses Wx increses f> Hard Rubbe base —5 1} decseses Wi decseses | i> ok Liquid Umit Ls shear strength '=2- kpaq 9) Plastic Umit (up) - fenton OG Cp ) tr ; — The Minimun Lsoter content ak Which soi| can be solled into amm diausithout any Failure 8) sheinkage Limit t- Ckls) 2- <> A woler Content at Which No seduction of Volume afier reducHon of Wolter content: [> below eo, Volume = constant: > Mercury displacement method is Used to Determine. Sa erg [\ Wort, clay Mercury some mescury dis places CQ 1) Volctay = Vo! dry the:soil, After oven dry mercury displaced —-> Woah any Volaay A Vol meroury displaced ea alas Wel dey dry =e < Volctay Weol c. =| aN & “Bae 3 ere Soll eRe Qmdry = Appeasent | Bul k spar @ dey stele |e e-S= 0-G S= 00. ex-O Findout st i Bees: A) init} weight of Soil = 96-6 gm | Bebhi\eiay ieibhe OF Soil = Ceegm | WW) Enittal Volume= eg-¢ ofS 5 1 ‘ i> shun kage Limit: IV) final dry volumes a4. We Qeraiv- mnkage pararneter t— TOFS obey er ae 1) Volumetric shrinkage t- ee —> Reduction fn Volume tort dry Volume Nig = N8-N4_ yy joo ! Nd 2) shinkag RoboCR)+ —> ReducHon in Volume wrt dry vo\ © by change in Woler content, Na Nive cieo 4 LE < Degree oF shxinkage (5a) s- change in Volume to its onginal Volume ee. 5 fo loy- ——> medium lofo 15 —> POOT — z <7 Very poor. z LS he j HH Important Indices t- DPlasHelty thdex - Crp) — Range of PlasHe simit- —> Ip represents PlasHcity Noture — ore : Br nods eo —> fer Non plashe soils Ce atte pce See Pa | 2/50) | (mix = Spb slat Spt 00 a) shrinkag tndey }- (Is) [ets eo J | | 8) consistancy index Ctc) %- CRelave Consis tancy ) psa OLSON as Wo = Nature! water ass t Content - 7] am re +. soi| | = Tpy y soile = Epo —> AS Tp$ WL Constant + WlWp = T= 100 Te depends an ‘W? HwW medium soft vib 4) Liquidity Index CIL) %- ee (00 pions Pete x 5) Toughness tndex }- (rr) Cle a Shear strength - Poeic eee = Shear colar a ar Strength at Ucquid Limit. 6) AcHivity Ratio 3- CA) > Represents swelling and shiinkage A =_=P “+ Clay Frachon A <0O:75 —*»> active Res ag Senay Formontmor\loni te. A> \25 —>» active neat Kk solved problems Yamin = 14:7) KN]m3 Ydmax = 1668 elon poe abe 80%: 2 = peas Boa Una a Ya Cmax —emin a eta Wamaroce4 ee at Ydmax Yamin steel, (7.5 Ceci is: Cea pase 16-8 4-9] I &. = In=?% Ip Loose = O'S @Nat = o0'4 edence=o2 ereax - & pa emax —emin = 66-99% _ 06X00 Og —O2 = Soy. @ clay v= 607 by we oy Tp= @- B= Bel. WL=e4OF Ws= 124 = 281 Activity =@ Car ae IG re) Serie cpadd pe plese 40-28. pes meee) RRR €o Mee arena 20: nctivity = -fggn ve = 22H =228 In shvin kage Limit Test . ee = Rieadiae Wa cea Gat! yo 19" shrinkage Umit Uds=% ws- (wine y-va) 48. wi aie Eee a (art q : Gmdry-Ye_. Ma, 8-2 116 ros. two vay 60 ae Bes (- Se 5) ncn pS © emax = 0S Cmin= O50 F= 1800 kg/mS w= 81- to = 0004 |m3, Q=2-F e=9 Ip-g Ep ean Ca = +es max —Em|n o @s Epa) Ite= 1-6 [oer] eon | Fg 08S 0.0 cg Se= 0-08K2-F = O26 pice paar PA, EP ea Ha ELOANC IK 10.00 Ae) 1D) ae ee tay aca ae ee eile Ti=@ Actyity=9 =< S T= W=Wer joo) = eos OSE oa =p o-6= OF 255 Activity = te 0.620555 alsa Play ce. © = Got Wp=2F w=324. Tpe=oF Ss Joughness index=% Ti= ee Tr = W-6P yieo Tp = WE 4e 5 = 60-24 = 631- pegs oman res at x = 0/515 ‘Youghness _ Te = 93 tee = te Index ~ Te oa ae ® Yamin = ati eNIms veg Ydmax= 16-68 KN]m> 2 Tp=So1- ® w= 20-109.) Ne N0F biads what fe Ligld Limite O@® N=25 aE Sachea © O.=607 Wp= 407. slL= 25% V=%B loce Cat LL) Ng=6-50 G@=% Ji ate Wie) = (vi -va) x79 Wi

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