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“4 x r 2014 cut sett eq sitet. Pernrroduction 35 oe oe Plane _ ge See ay Sv Eeerse ieee ar © Module 3- 18 - Shear strength of soil x x al eA ( Be aiwelis (2 ee e = es é ‘6 = Normol stress: Nt (T= shean stress. vv = The maximum shear stress that Soi! can Take before feilure. — The shear stress fn soil ts Resisted by sheae Shrength Of Sot) Shear stress < shear Strength —> No failure Shear stress > shear strength —5 Follure. 5 aes fo squeeze (Volume Reduction) , Consoli dahon oF | il. > Tends to dispiqce or shears the Soil mass. | &x Land siide. P Ability oF soil fo Resist shearing. f = maximum stress that sci| can take \doshear fo — At failures ease E> Soi! derives its Strength From \- | \) Enterlocking between particles. — Dense sand more shear strength 2) Angle of interno) Friction. C4) (all a i= coefFcient oF Fron | Fein. 4 = angle of internal Frichon. ure, <) cohesion Intercept + (c) | sk Note | ; | ® Granu lar soil derives strength from Interlocking A Frictional | Resistance between forties | © plastic clay (pure clay) derive Its strength From cohesion By Soil admniciuves, silty sand , clayey sand sfsengry depends ©” cohasion and fy ction. — 0” a stressed soil mass there exist three mutually foul Plane off which cep principal planes. — Normal Shresses acting om Planes arse Norme) Stresses ~ 6\ = Major principle stress MtAer & Entermidicte principle spress Minor Principle Stress. Gi= Represent sitesses due to externa} Loads aad o— °S* Represents sesses dite to earsh, pyesstize| Si | is X= Angle made by any plan Pep E S| * Cmajor principle) Plane = Angle oF obliquity 6) = Angle mode by @ wrt Normal fo the Plane ee CS08) sindw= | 2k = qo* Kaas” ee JE Poles $- origin of Plane / — pofnt at which mayor and minor Prnci pal Planes co-incides Sinace R ae Ct) tT: R sinzk a ee ee) a 6 om ei +63 6= A+B Be From Fig -. = - Co. 2S: 2 6= eines te 6i-6a Mrs son= B= S163 cosat sk Pole conditHons 2— = } * - ee — Tsotropic oR Hydrostatic condiHon. pee = Cat Oe. 2c é Diameler= 0 — Mohr circle is point e — Pole does Not exist - @ 6 c Bla 7 Ga 0 Diameler= 6 - Moht's circle passes through origin. — pole texist at ongin. © Posing eso e . Copmp) 6 63=-6 CTem) z cs Dia= 61-63 _ 6-6 nie we Digewes pole [A soil Sample e subjected to major principal Stresses OF 2g |cm* and minor Principal stresses of 1:1 kg femr. Determine *he Normal ang shear stress acti ng ao° bo minor principal Plane. a er lcm ° | avg| t= G1-83 sine ay Ls T= 2-ltl sinaxéo D Be 1-1 keg fern2- T=0°866 Kg[cm> i= | CVreRs 6H 6s eo enee = = 6 = 13989 Jom> See Set: (i 4+ 2=\'! cosaxéo ow a |b) maximum shear stress Ct) max a = @ abt ¢=45° C=Cmax mans G\-63 _ ar ls ov = O46 kglem> | Whot C) Praxtmurs Normal shress where T= Tmax Gia 2 ith ai Save ee £9 Jor. ee 2 eee eee eoNE Ss! ae ASSUMptions 1) Soi| Fells eventually by shearing 2) shear stress at -fellure is a-funcHon of Normal stress | | Seen ECG. ach a “fe vore = We vamation is Non Lineg mae This isonty differnce in Mohr's 4 cowloums Vheory ESS or Sm neergay — Linear FuncHonolility beroeen 647 S= tr = £6) nG, (ee ce) > c] é Mohr-couloumb's failure envelope strength envelope. — failure envelope locus of failure stress (6,Tr) 2 5 Schon.| sheaxjn q= (aus oe More olatga) | Resistance. Cc = cohesion Fntercept — Equotion of Failure envelope Y=mx+c ©, = shear strength parameters oF Soil Buk Not Constant Property. NGTE! ¢,4 depends 6m Drainage condition . de Veupag’s dene eiatecngeinn faxabbenann Cl: effecHve cohesion &! = effecive angle oF internal FrcHon @ epasinagansonsitions:: —drwolnage conditions depends an rote of Joading end type of soil. ~ Ie Rote of lading is quick woter voon't get time to dissipiate —> undvoined condiHon. ~ TE Role of Loading Is slo® water is expelled out — brolned eaeartioi — Generally Granwar soll Tests will be conducted under Aralned condiHon. — In clays due to Low permiability Test conduct under androined Conditon. Note} m clays rare oF loading is slow, Tt can be conduck under drained condiHon also sk Based on drainage condiHon ained — Rate of Loading “aie oF Leading ts aioe is quick — No dissipiaHon — complete dissipiaHon O of UU Av=o mwZo — Tote) shress — effecHve sfress anolysi: lei drained ekeys « S=Cy tEstandgy ae Cus $v = Undeained parameters sp se Plastic Eqhilibyium +— : c, é\ S| At Verge [ plastic of failure | Equilibrium 6a from on! eB! tang = ¢ nd < ce ccs qo-¢h = \go-2«¢ oG= angle made by Failure Plane wrt Major pnncipal plane. [Ze Fina] 7 The failure shear stress can be Maximum or less than MAX. S.shress From Given aoarg Sige ARE Sls OB ee ee CG coto+ Gites 2 Bol SS ie Cos 4 Ying te cise sin a sine obs $ Cie cory C.cosh 4 Biba of= (4a 2a0) = 60° G= S463 4 61-63 eigoe ae Ce Ce erica O-ine cose 6 = Vaas 3) om oS a Fol T= Si-§ cinog = ANIisinto T=6-86d kglemy Oe a Angle made by Failure plane— Q) EE soil fs sand —_ Bett Soll) s) Sand: C—O. Oat 6) = Gatan*X_e + 2¢ tanecp Se for cohesionless soi| Gi = Eafan d= sin! (ss \ - _ 6146s ‘ (eater) tan*%p = 61 re | 63 ‘ weve FE) ea): 45+ 4_ ta te 2 : Be S re Gree Pere Slay se cto, b=0 G6) = 6g tan2Xp + 2¢ teanXp | 6) = 6a ten’4s 4 2c tanks Gy = 6g +2C eal >> C=0-45 gro determine c,b Experimentedly ofp = asta. Oa At ke = 4S C= Tr = Tmax ES « a = oN) Oo: Tmax = !) Dfrect | Box shear Test — Granular (cohesioniess) 2) Twaxiol Test — All soils 8) ‘unconfined compressive — saturated clays Only Strength Test 5 4) Vane shear test - saturab C lab | Field) See Shear soi\ rere — Normal force is applied and shear force Applied loterolly @ Constant Strain Rake. — Shear force@ failure is measured by Pivote Ring or digita) measurment- Normal force — similarly by conducting Test On Two to three Fdentical Specimen $ Note down the Readings. by Changing Normal stress (force) —> more Raore More More Norma) —> heas —s Normal — shear force Force shress stress But in exam 6= c+ etandg From dota. | Qo = c+ so taneé —O | Go= ct looten gd —_@ | } —— ae Se 30 = sotand Bo=CHsotansoqs ew d= tant (2) (eae Khy it is only for cohesiontess soil § — No Contre\|) on dissipation | drei nage — Test conducted under drained condition only — Suitable only fer Granwtar sol} — Fallure plain poedetermined as Honzonted. * advantage iz — simpie and less me consuming ~ Stitable fer Fissured (cracked) clays sent"? Coubiesi) 7 Diagonal) ~~ BASS: OEEEP Céitial) = - Ne Cfinal) pele Gs dense Bang sand e=0-4) 220-34 Oe. ™ heawing due fo conmpression Sols loose sand by Sheanng p m Con figuration changes from © —? ‘Increse tn pore water pressure and loose sand bea 98 dense sand. > ™ dense sands 20-901. of strength is due to Interlock between particles. by shearing Initially dense sad Compress Upto of interlocking berween Fhe Particles. > Beyond this soil pazticles start to diclates aj-e- increse the volume soil and pore water pressure becomes -VE ei : Berend dense sand Tet Aust soi) Can resist J wer fel Umit suai Tterlocking deony F Volume increse a + AV 2 ot ens oF _— a due to dialaHon ——_______ shear strat hl A= Point at which Peet Gas]. Interlocking y sand between particl: breaks down, A 08%, spo oot. & io sheat i sia 0 -» Dense Sanq Strain a ae de practice Question s on pst t- : 2 x Se 1 Loose Sand —> Normaly consolidated clay (nec) PE Dense sand —3 Over consolidated clay Coce) i | ___rrmpervious ™ eee memorane i— kloser i——_ Pore PressuTe | Volume change | 6c= Confining pressure | & Cel\ pressuTe, | = bo Water in Triaxtal cell exerts ol! | = round Shress OM Soil as *G,? — confining pressure, é EF back pressure Volve c . opened —> drained un) closed — undrai ned — fn consolidation stage Gi= 6c Ba= 6a 2 T= 61-63 sinrge [= 20] No shear stress ts developed. iio. — fn arder to develope shear stress an additonal {oad | fs applied in axfa) direcHon direct through piston | Ge 6ce+6d4 Gd = Additional | paviatonc Stress | on CEES | eae | See eee et ey col Ss Si G3 Sin 20 c= Sct 6d-6e sinrztk a iS ee SINS Gc 6d — Note down the additonal Saas * 6d’ required to pes: Shear failure Tp = Sde_ sinace os Gde= Daviatonic Stress at Failure Te = shear stress at pailure G= 6c+6d = Stage £1 : Consolidation stage aC Ga=6e Stage a. shearing stage —s Gd. # By conducting test on 2-3 identical Specimen ith increse tn @e 6 = 6,-U 63 = 63-0 aces | Tes Ge Gar Gy Ges 612 a3 S Gronccevalve sore —» drained Cc!, 4') ree Beacse Valve is Ctosed—» undrained Ccuy du) [2 Broainage valve open In both stages —5 complete dissipioton of Xcess Pore Wates Pressure 6% 6l= —? effecthve anet stress analysis | Cate Gs= Go | Bye Ect Gd. |” for long termo astabiiity analysis. > Generally suitable for Granular soil. pLuncensolidoted - reine undrained Test Cvv) s— > Drainage’ valve kept closed in both stages. > No diss ipiation oF excess Pore Wolter pressure. mo Coe 6-v) > To check short term Stability esc of foundotion on clay. sofl. an Gy = EctOd gS = Gc. | — > prainage Valve open fn stage | and closed in —> partial dissipation of O and Remaining #0 wibacutel in piezzomekr. | Gas Go (G3 = 63-0 | Gy= EctGd G} = 1-0 | Cag! — Cu bo —? fundoton on clay such that some Consolidation occour and Consolidahon its going an. | 4) unconsolidiited - Droined Cun) + —> Not possible ~_? TF soil (s said to be sheared it must be consolidated Rees 22092 nd = Generally seen in ote $ ®nense sane Well defined _ ste Failure eccours ot | cracks Laken Low strain. —+ General}y Seen in loose sand and Neco “PAE large stroln, —> Generally seen Ty medium dense Sand, wane @ |b) effective stress analysts 6} = 6-0 ty @\= S807 = 24S kpa = 6a-U :. 6§ = 200- 7S = 12S FPa. @ As Nec is Given Cl=o Short Cul * 6) = Gd tanre pe + acttan®ep when c=0 27S = las tanrxp+o b= oS ) Kp = 66-10 el 46d 4st! 2 séto esb (ae ) = 27s +s, ae ie <— siteper slope ol=o2 <——__FloHer = $y = 15° Slope I Modified ymiaxia) Test j> Confining pressuxe=0 (+. unconfined) ee ees + 6) = 6c+Gy = 4p —> Rate oF Loading is quick Test — +. undroined condiHon —— > Totealstress analysis . From plastic eq™ condition 0 Gy = Cahanrx~p + Gy actandge Que 2Cy tance — Generally ‘undrained Tests conducted on Claey soi] doz 0° p> 4s" Fu = 2Cu tan 45° ay = acy Cus Undrainedcshasion © S= Cut 6- tan dy pe ped eecctet XX from Mohr's circle . Cut Cmax = 61-8 . SL, Au : ors ee ee dvz0 Also cE Radtus= qu a “ Ae Note down Pe + Ar = ari Gy) _= Ca) = Fee Ap = Area ot failure Pe = force at Failure saa AS. Test is undrained ,No expulsion of Pa Woler + lo change 1 Volume Nps Ness AV=0 ae ‘s Wena Ae a Nec /Loosé I sand min Nec when , c-0 AS Water got dissjpiote ue Oy) Sto oy —> AL low woter content Hue fo Capillanty appearent Cohasion develops in dense sand. i Dense sand | € occ sand vo-rest:- (Cu, du) 8) =U) tes Gave tas oO) oe &! 63 ¢' 6 S steeper > | — effechve $$ $—$__——__—> 6 Ploher ce i eg ae re lee soi) © ® Ia cotest ona Normolly consolidated Test a Sample Consolidoted undex 100 KkN[mt Felted at an additonal Axio) shress OF 150 KN |m2, due to failure was TS kn] Strength Parameter by To — < 4 ou | | | The pore water Pressure | m- determine both Shear tel stress and Normal stress | 9) BY Totey stress anolysis As Soil is |Nee 4, C20 , Ga: €©3= 200 kN {mu G1 = 2004 1S0 KN[m> - @ © os *~ B= a6 tan% soturated clay ( marine sci!) —S Rate of Loading ts quick — undroined Test: papal —> Vane ts pushed into soil | Cy. ore and sheared by applying Torque | ae | —s5 Amount of Torque Required depends upon, strength oF Soll. | £e& | | Ae —+ Per ods Torque should J APPly Slowly wofth more Rotehons. and Vice versa for bs. tes |e, oe ee H= height of Vane. o Re d= dia of Vane Y= Torque 0! B=pi Both faces below QL —» when vane fs sheared by only one face oe 4 a 12 ape dk sensitivity s- — Rato of ucs from its UDs to ons Range s Vea Normo} 4-8 a — Generally sSe@\ sensitive Bub for SHEE or fisshured. Ce - Extreme Clays during Remouldin Sic Sensitive cracks gets closes and SIX So GHeain more Strength. ay clos) Jue cu <= @v)ovvs Gu=conasion @T- CAs8) —STF we cannot measured pore usolex pressure prachcally skemptom's Gives thero Heo} psocedure es Stage y- Caen [Aes 206s] ro) pore voter pressuse es Wee P B- depends om degse of sat (s) =0 = > Brjsoil = | —> Folly saturated . —s Based on @raPh Skemptons Gives BV6 rons ) , ' ) , , Oneonta Stage 12 - sheawing stage 2— AGct G64 2 as = ue A - depends on 's’ and ‘ocr’ Aée | i : ~ fer OCR 6? in Consolidation Stage is past and ¢6c46a) ts = AGc4+ 6d presen dq +6 A 3 —& ranges From - 0-5 For Heavily ” Occ and maximum éexof 3 for loose and Nec. — fora heavily consolidated and | -o-S. BCR Paty soturoted clay A=, AB =-085 A= AUE+A0d eee O = 8: Aéc4+ ABAGd | B (Aéc-+A O64) | be Problems ;— [An undrained tHhaxial shear co: 4 | Soi icted 0 5 sample of Compacted Cay he ee usas Condu n 9) consolidation stage AG6c= 6-100 = \o0 AU. = -60-10 = -50 b) Shearing stage 6d¢= Soo @Ue= Jo eN|m3 a) at consolidation stage AGc= \o0 KPa AUc= BX Aéc B= 70 - o-% {oo errs af bat shearing staqe A6d= SOo Kpa Avd= AB: O6d =¢0 = Axo:'Tx 500 0-298 GO = B(éc+A 6d) « sk Modified foilure Test :- Narn ta ao ere Ga 2 q= 61-63 2. «. d=ccos$ -. tan = sing. A U.= -@0 bpm. <" “C1o- (-60)) = Jo kpa Baga Ad = —To -\0 Avd = -goKPa —> 8 Instead oF C+6 axis Plot Cp.q) Y= mxtc stess Poth eq. Gi~63_ 4d + Sit6s tang Ds = Prom PplasHc ‘eq™ condiHon 6\-€3 is =acosd geese sing Oe ShTess Path & Line or curve thot represents change in Ss change in Loads Imposed on soil. ey = le — Tts Locus of points oF : & a 6 See maximum shear stress on soil due to change in Load in Loads. — Stress a can be ek in Pq axis presses due to = 6,463 6-63 ;a% = eaoa — Foundation 6n soil | | Embankment on soi} | —VNerticle stress increses } | laterol semains constant ite EawNG ar G) Cae pS : Ae) Save. | “- Psq also increses, fi /UTL TDS 9 AE eur @=6) ees po | 6H eCgs = q excavation of Tench by ee of ov cv . ' | | Be Uiguifaction t= SO sok 2 duxing siesmic aes ee een due ere Says to Earthquoke = i ~ due to that +ve VU increses | Fine sand and silt- ie one Stage u=6 | 6'=6-u 5 | 2.6!cs0 | — due to Liqui faction soi} ‘ behaves as Liquid. “ S= C46 tanh Cero) | — AE this condition Cohesion less Soil losses its il strength and behaves oy : Uquid —s Uquifaction. Zl fe) declass Room practice UeSHons *— !) Direct shear stress = > kg|em?. | Allwound chear sjress= a. kg fore Shear stress @ failure= 0-4 | Angle of internal friction <9 @1= SKg|cm> Gg = 3-2 kglcm2 | p= OR Caco | 2 | T= C+ étand Gi = 6a tanrcp 4 2cteance ae oe oes eS Ga | 2 i= ——— sin a (Ast oy Sinraerpe | = 4s° 454+. AGH 9) In a Ves Test sample Qu = ISON @= OF = ay | by change in area. A= TEx = x S07 = 196axtt64q mme L= joomm D=Somnm Colcolate Shearing Resistance €= on Ape A= iqea4q 2)81-6S mmr Heo t-o1 | sheay ng = ke IOC: | Resictayee= Gu SE = Baal 6 State ae 4 qu= ocu. + Cuzs= Us = 0084387 NON 8487 kn ry Cae — ae 8) Nec clays. C=0 Gg= 259 kN |m® (4a) p = 27S KN[mS Q) angle which is make with Major principal plane b) Norma) stress and shear stress @ Failure plane Gg = 250 kN/m3 Si = 63 (AGq)p = 2504275 =525 KN|md +. Soil is Nee Soll G0) EQ 6a tan?0CR 4 O¢ tance S28 = 2Sotanwe XP = [~~ CAns) 4 = 26-78 Notmoal stress (6) E= 6146s 4 6-83 cosat case a 6 = s2s4250 ae S2§-250 cos2Xxss-34 za ke = Qet-st+ 48-73 6 = 838-72 KN |m?* = eae! [ClO See iy aes an Ta = S9s-250 ¢jn (2Xs5'39) ee ° Geez ct) tanh Te = 335-72 % tan 210-7¢ TF = 12€ SS KN] pp so, $= 16 Ye 162 kN] mS B=oq2- i A =0°4 oe Ss@ b=% 6p = 6v. 6m ae ey! ! 6 S= cHetand cl, b'=&iven 6\= 6-vU 6= G4 AG Cdue to Rise of embankment) G@= st 37 @ = S¥ = SX 16-2 = 129-6 KN| mE Gs us ay As soi\ iS partally sotuatton Ac, Upg=0 u- O = B[4éc4 A beg J aae AG\= Aée+A6d wees ~ Ag = 4FQG= 04.8 = 48-6 KN mr eet Ag st ae, = 04.8 KN |m> | OO Oa [24340 4x040) © = @\-oq¢ kpa, 6!=6--U= jaq.g-a1.aqg= 48-300 S= 50448 802 tannic S=78-18 kN] me sk Previous Year Gates- C PYQ’s) LR se one Mork QuesHons 3— ® Cu= 20 KN|m, S=20, remowded com pressive Strength. Tm Guzaxcv Qu= 2X10 qQu= 20 kN[m> © cv test, clay Ge=100 kN |m* U=2 6d= 40 KN| n> ieee NOC) in CD Test Pore Wooler 6c = 63 = 100 kN | me Presume Complety @o 6) =Cotcd= 40 KN|m —issipfate ® Go cw and cobesiontese swig ese C=O BSE é Sa = CG tami Z _ tan ak° = 0-78} a So US IE @ vo = 1s0 Av,= B0KRQ Ge eto SO A6a= Us= 28KPa. B= AU= BXAGeo Go = BX 100 B=0-80 © drained Taxial shear test C=0, p= G6d= so Epa Ge= koKpa — 6,= 1so+S0= 200 y 63 = 50 G\ = Ga bantocr 4actanie 200 = 350 fan*«KF p= 36-36* @®|@® c= iookpa, Céa) p= 1s? Kpa, (ap)=2 Sg= \o0 kpa Clay sample 6) = loo +\60= 250 kPa. $= 0" Aesas° PTH 61465 Sin ane cases = 260-100 % singo 2a ee SOP sacra Base @ 6=sokpa, > T= SskPpa. C=0, $=¥ T=c+etanh ae 3S = 50 tand @ ves Test , b=0, c+0 7 fn ucs Juz 2xcu Uae Ulan.) 83 KPa ox aes 2& Two mask quesHons :— @ ast CiNense= Ursute conduced | | OB Gi} © (6) p= a kgley. | XP = So° b=4 oS are Nes) Ops So°= 45+ $ Now 6d = 12g fem “. 6) + Catan’&p t actanep ® 1990 Qivet- G}=200 KPa 6a =66 pa “T= Tra} or Not cl= s KPa BS Ss U= 20 KPa. ——™ Now as JE Tt is coTest ING No effect oF Pore Wotes pressure SCF yma Cy aie) “. T= CHetand 6= Git6s 1 6-63 eaoan 2 a a Seach osmee ae S “6 = 200460 4 200-60 cos(2x572) ao 2 = 6 = l00-4 C= S+ 100-:4Xtan 25° ® cp test Eg=Sokpa cl= iskpa g'x20 Find Compressive strength of soil. C T) —- wedicdtar 4! 6 = SO Reais 4 Kdadee smaes Tox Be Em aH 20 ——a eS > Gets 4 ©, asm % C= & TAMote + 2c Fane eee oes + 64> Gotan ss 4 aexis x tanss” = 6g=165 kpa Cs 165-60 = 10S kha = Gy (% @ '08 Givens orained praxio) Test Cry Sand = 5. %c=0 6d = 218 Kpa . G=18+61 =27q Gc = G1 KPa 6a +6 b= Q pak ——> By Plastic equilibnum eq? 6) = 6g tan*XP 4+ Wtante Sig = 6) tantxe +0 C?.cz0) * LP = 64-93 =6S” Ke= Ase Od - b= aqey = 40° s)lqaqs Given %- T=2% (fn effective stress) 6=2q95 kPa iO = Jacob kre ale ja kpa # = g0° — > cl=acte'tany' |» @l= 2qs-\20 = 115 kPa. =. T= lat 17S taneo’ @ 2000 Given : droined traxia) test cohesioniess soi) (C.. c=0) 6d = 3 kgF] cM? - @=ene4 6e = | KgF/ cm es has —™ Gt 6a tance 4 ac tance | 4 = tan*x @ Total shearstrength parameter - e=0) 6) = 3S0+100 = 450 62,= \00 Gi = Gg tan*KF +2ac tanker 450 = J00 tan*%XKe = Xp = 64-76" d= 39:52 =40° ® effective shear Shrengy parameters GI=6-U = 490-40= 410 3 = 100-40 = Go | ec=0" 410 = 6o tan’xpe b=4813 XP = 6q-06 68) 2002 Given! cl = 19 ea $ = 30kpa 6 = 800 Kpa U= 150 KPa Tat | a c+ atan $' 6!= 6-U= Boo- iso = 150 kpa, T= 104150 tan 30° ®)|@ 2002 i Given: cohesioniess soil) (#.¢=0) 6c = 20K Pa © y= 20440 = GokPa- | 6d = 40 Kpa 6g= 20 \ Gi= eatenrx\ +actanxe = 201 Go = 16 tan? Ke \o) 2005 Given * sand specimen C+ c=0) Gc= loo kpa 6d = \00 Kpa. b=3 | > G) = Eatanrx~p Factan AS soi] Is Nee = Loose sand c=0 5 “- 6 = Ect d= Ika kpa 6l= 6-U= |¢0-SH0= I30FPA 63 = 100 KPa @d = |00- S0 = sakpa. S32. i} cy 6) = Sat Pan*xXe + IC tance KR = Aste. > -. 180 = S0 tan2xXe (8) drain Teaxial (2018 Set!) Nee soi] sampie (Nec = loose sand) Neer) Sc = 200 KPa Gd = 400 Kpa Same sampie fs tsohropically consolidated €&= 200-KRPa. Sith Standard undyained Cov) pest Gd= 150 KPa. U=Y in case 4 6c= 6s= 200 kPa. Gl = €d46c = 400 +200 =Gookpe. ©2e ae ~ 61 = 6a tan KF $2 tancgp 680 = 200 fanrce

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