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Ingles II (Vir/Do “3”)

Lic. Gladys Ortiz Alvarenga


Chris Joshua Cruz Izaguirre 202220030104
Manuel Bayardo Fuentes Antúnez 200620830016
Tesli Melissa Cerrato Cerrato 201910060345

Tarea Grupa - Modulo 9.

Grupo No. 2

Chris: Hi, guys! How are you? I was in the mood to do something this weekend. Would
you like to go out?

Tesli: Hi, Chris! Yes, that sounds great. Do you have something in mind?

Manuel: Hello, both of you! Going out sounds perfect. What do you propose, Chris?

Chris: I was thinking of going to the cinema or maybe having dinner at a nice place.
What do you prefer?

Tesli: Both options are good! What movies are currently playing?

Manuel: I'm more inclined towards the cinema. What movie would you like to see,

Chris: I saw there's a new action movie that caught my attention. What do you think?

Tesli: Sounds good, but I'd also like to have dinner afterward. What about dinner after
the movie?

Manuel: Perfect! Let's go to the cinema and then for dinner. What time do we meet?

Chris: How about meeting at 7 pm at the cinema?

Tesli: Perfect. I'll be there. At the usual cinema?

Chris: Yes, at the usual one. And afterward, we could go to that Italian restaurant we
Manuel: Excellent plan! I'm excited. See you at 7 pm then.

[At the cinema]

Chris: Hi, guys! Did you buy the tickets?

Tesli: Yes, I already have them. What do you prefer, popcorn or nachos?

Manuel: I think I'll go for nachos. What about you?

Chris: Nachos sound good. Let's buy them before the movie starts.

[After the movie]

Tesli: That movie was incredible! What do you think?

Manuel: Yes, it was thrilling. The action was impressive.

Chris: Totally agree. Now, shall we go to that Italian restaurant?

[At the restaurant]

Tesli: This place always has the best pasta. What will you order?

Manuel: I'm going to order lasagna, no doubt.

Chris: I think I'll try the risotto. What about you?

[After dinner]
Manuel: What a great choice! The food was delicious.

Tesli: Yes, we definitely made the right call with this restaurant.

Chris: I'm glad you liked it. It was a great outing. What do you say we do it again soon?

Manuel: Of course! It was a lot of fun. Cinema or restaurant next time?

Tesli: Both options are good. We can decide on the spot. See you soon, guys.

Chris: See you. Until next time!

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