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Part 1.

1. Woman / on

2. Frame / on
1. Woman / on

3. Luggage / because
1. Woman / on

4. Look / basket
1. Woman / on

5. Woman / so that
Part 2.
Question 6.
From: James Turner
To: All employees
Subject: X-mas party
Sent: November 17, 10:21 A.M.

All employees,

This year our annual Christmas get-together will be held at the Astoria Hotel on December
18 from seven o’clock. Several employees have mentioned that they intend to bring their
children to the event. Could you email me back with any entertainment ideas?

Directions: Respond to the email as if you work at this company. In your email, make TWO
suggestions and ask ONE question.

Question 7.
From: Sharon Taylor - Company President - Astoria Entertainment Services
To: Emily Addams - Marketing Director - Astoria Entertainment Services
Subject: Female Membership Drive
Sent: April 5, 14:05

Dear Emily,

As you are aware, we recently launched our online video on-demand system, which has
been a great success so far among men. However, we are failing to attract females, both
single and married, between the ages of (18-30). What ideas do you have about how we
can succeed with customers in this age group?

Directions: Respond to the email as if you are Emily Addams, the marketing ctor at Astoria
Entertainment Services. In your email, explain ONE problem and make TWO suggestions.

Part 3.
Question 8.
What do you consider to be important qualities of a good supervisor? Give specific reasons
and examples to support your opinion.

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