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Long Question

Q no.1: List some fundamental human rights as stated by United Nations?

Ans. Fundamental human rights as stated by the United Nations are:
1. All human being are born free and equal.
2. Everyone has the right to life, liberty, and security.
3. Everyone has the right to receive education
4. All are equal before the law.
5. Slavery and slave trade is prohibited.
6. Everyone has the right to freedom of movement.
7. Everyone has the right to belong to a country.
8. Everyone has the right to thought, conscience and religion.
9. Everyone has the right to work and receive a salary.
Q no.2: Discuss why freedom of speech is important?
Ans. Freedom of speech is important because:
1. It allow people to express their views and thoughts.
2. People can communicate their problems and raise their voices against social injustice,
discrimination, inequality etc.
3. It enables newspapers, TV, radio, journalists and bloggers to keep people informed.
4. It is the fundamental part of democracy. It allows people to discuss, debate, and
exchange ideas and helps the voters to make right decision during elections.
5. It helps keeping the peace and harmony of a country.

 Paste the flag of UNO( United nations organization)
 Write few etiquettes of your class room on your notebook.

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