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ISSN. 1815-7696 RNPS 2057 -- MENDIVE Vol. 17 No.

2 (April-June)
Cabrera Valdés., B.C., Dupeyrón García, M.N. “The development of fine motor skills 2019
in preschool children” p. 222-239
Available from: http://mendive.upr.edu.cu/index.php/MendiveUPR/article/view/1499

tasks of the diagnosis of tracing

calligraphic features, trimming, filling and
tearing, the Fine motor skills is one of the
two most affected tasks in the province of
Pinar del Río. The activity system was
structured in stages, aimed at diagnosing,
executing and evaluating the development
of fine motor skills. The methods that
Translated from the original in Spanish
allowed the basic study were those of the
theoretical level, and empirical and those
The development of fine of descriptive statistics, such as the
motor skills in preschool historical-logical, analysis and synthesis,
induction and deduction, systemic-
children structural, modeling, observation,
interviews, the documentary analysis
El desarrollo de la motricidad . This system of activities was valued in
fina en los niños y niñas del the pedagogical practice obtaining
satisfactory results in terms of the
grado preescolar
execution of traces, with regularity,
precision and adjustment to the line, in the
Barbarita de la Caridad Cabrera realization of their works. In addition, the
Valdés1, Marilin de las correct use of instruments and materials
Nieves Dupeyrón García1 was achieved, as well as the mastery of
the techniques in the different actions of
University of Pinar del Río cutting, tearing, drawing, coloring, filling.
"Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca". Cuba.
Email: barbarita.cabrera@upr.edu.cu Keywords:
development; stimulation; instruments; fi
Received: November 5th, 2018. ne motor
Approved: March 26th, 2019. skills; preschool; precision; regularity; str

Preschool education is the first link in the RESUMEN
education system,it is responsible for La Educación Preescolar es el primer
creating the basis for the formation of eslabón del sistema de educación. Es la
personality in the initial stage. It encargada de crear las bases para la
constitutes a period of relevant formación de la personalidad en la etapa
importance in which the foundations of inicial. Por tanto, constituye un período de
personality are formed, taking into relevante importancia en la que se forman
account the integral development of los fundamentos de la personalidad,
children that encompass their physical teniendo en cuenta el desarrollo integral
development, particularities, qualities, de los niños. Considerando lo anterior la
processes and psychological motricidad fina es una de las habilidades
functions. The problem of the sobre la cual aún no se alcanzan los
development of fine motor skills, not yet niveles deseados en la preparación de los
reach the desired levels in the preparation niños del grado preescolar, elemento este
of preschool children, this element that at que al finalizar la etapa preescolar y
the end of the preschool and assess the valorar las tareas del diagnóstico de
Translated from the original in Spanish
ISSN. 1815-7696 RNPS 2057 -- MENDIVE Vol. 17 No. 2 (April-June)
Cabrera Valdés., B.C., Dupeyrón García, M.N. “The development of fine motor skills 2019
in preschool children” p. 222-239
Available from: http://mendive.upr.edu.cu/index.php/MendiveUPR/article/view/1499

trazado de rasgos caligráficos, recorte, interests have been formed to learn,

rellenado y rasgado, constituye una de las knowing the phenomena of the world
dos tareas más afectadas en la provincia around him, that in him the responsibility
de Pinar del Río. Para dar respuesta a esta has been achieved in the fulfillment of the
problemática se elaboró un sistema de tasks entrusted, that know and accept to
actividades estructurado en etapas, work and share a collective work in the
dirigidas a diagnosticar, ejecutar y group of companions. As you can see, it is
evaluar, el desarrollo de la motricidad fina. about achieving aspects of the
Los métodos que permitieron el estudio de development and training of boys and girls
base fueron los del nivel teórico, empírico rather than knowledge ». Therefore, you
y los de la estadística descriptiva, tales should not aspire to learn more, but that
como el histórico-lógico, el análisis y your development is more broad and
síntesis, la inducción y deducción, el comprehensive. (López, 2016, p 30)
sistémico-estructural, la modelación, la
observación, las entrevistas y el análisis There is no doubt that children deserve the
documental. Este sistema de actividades best: from a happy birth to an education
fue valorado en la práctica pedagógica that prepares them for life. That is why in
obteniéndose resultados satisfactorios en Cuba the problem of the education of
cuanto a la realización de trazos, con young generations is at the center of State
regularidad, precisión y ajuste al renglón, and Party politics and therefore the
en la realización de sus trabajos, así como necessary conditions for the training of
la utilización correcta de instrumentos y professionals responsible for this
materiales y el dominio de las técnicas en honorable task have been created.
las diferentes acciones de recortar, rasgar,
trazar, colorear, rellenar. The learning of the boy and the girl must
be active, meaningful, harmoniously and
Palabras clave: desarrollo; consciously related to the boy, on what he
estimulación; instrumentos; motricidad has to learn with what he has already
fina; preescolar; precisión; regularidad; assimilated, since the quality and depth of
trazos. that knowledge and skills will depend his
new possibilities to learn the new with
systematic work.

Early childhood education is aimed at the

formation of personality as a whole in the
early stages of child development, not only
its cognitive-instrumental component, but
Preschool age constitutes a period of also the affective-motivational and
relevant importance. In it the foundations volitional; that is why it is considered »[…]
of the future personality are formed. The an eminently educational process that
significance of this stage means that, at does not exclude teaching-learning
present, pedagogues and psychologists moments, also related to development and
from different latitudes, direct their personal training, which take place as a
attention to the search for ways that result of activity and communication with
maximize their development. adults and other children ». (López and
Siverio, 2015, p.31).
This preparation means «that the child
forms a favorable attitude towards his
future school, that in him motives and
Translated from the original in Spanish
ISSN. 1815-7696 RNPS 2057 -- MENDIVE Vol. 17 No. 2 (April-June)
Cabrera Valdés., B.C., Dupeyrón García, M.N. “The development of fine motor skills 2019
in preschool children” p. 222-239
Available from: http://mendive.upr.edu.cu/index.php/MendiveUPR/article/view/1499

Figueroa (2016) defines early stimulation that is, to grip, is of vital importance for
as: the child's cognitive development. This
begins around the third or fourth month of
«A series of activities life and is perfected in the second half with
carried out directly or the movement of the hand towards the
indirectly from the earliest object and the possibility of putting the
age, aimed at providing as thumb, which allows you to hold it with
many opportunities as your fingers (digital clamp).
possible for effective and
adequate interaction with These achievements enable the
the human and physical improvement of actions with objects,
environment, in order to based on manual eye coordination. Thus
stimulate their general the child can act, not only with one object,
development or in specific but also, with two at the same time, trying
areas». (p. 45) to obtain a result: collide an object with
another, place one next to another,
Richter (2016) states: overlap them, place them in an upright
position or put one inside another.
«Early stimulation of the set
of environmental actions In the contents of the areas of
and motivations that are development such as: Mother Tongue
offered to the child even ( Prewriting ), Plastic Education,
before birth to help him Knowledge of the World of the Elemental
grow and develop Objects and Notions of Mathematics, as
healthily. Early stimulation well as in a transversal way, each area
aims to develop, enhance fosters the possibility of exercising these
and correct children's brain skills for its contents motor, so it is
functions through repetitive necessary to achieve motivation and
games and exercises, both stimulation of preschool children in the
intellectual, physical, different organizational forms of the
emotional and social » educational process.
Stimulation of fine motor skills in
In the educational programs of pre-school preschool children; It refers to excite, to
education through institutional channels, enliven, the muscles involved in the
contents of the different areas that development of motor activities, are the
develop the personality of boys and girls in changes, the fine movements, which
the areas of physical, moral, aesthetic, demand accuracy.
labor and intellectual development are
contemplated, which include fundamental Dr. Gladis Bécquer (1999) assumes the
elements that from the first year of life concept of fine motor skills as «the
children receive for the acquisition of harmony and precision of the fine
active language and ocular-manual movements of the muscles of the hands,
movements related to fine motor skills. face and feet». (p.38).

Within the domain of movements, which Fine motor:

takes place in the first year of life, the
process that leads to prehensile action,
Translated from the original in Spanish
ISSN. 1815-7696 RNPS 2057 -- MENDIVE Vol. 17 No. 2 (April-June)
Cabrera Valdés., B.C., Dupeyrón García, M.N. “The development of fine motor skills 2019
in preschool children” p. 222-239
Available from: http://mendive.upr.edu.cu/index.php/MendiveUPR/article/view/1499

"They are the movements Theoretical Considerations on the

of the hand and fingers development of fine motor skills in
precisely, for the execution child development
of an action with a useful
sense, where sight or touch Psychomotricity encompasses many
facilitate the location of different concepts, which, in Fonseca's
objects and / or opinion (2000), give rise to a semantic
instruments, and is given in chaos that expands through several
almost all of the actions scientific disciplines (Physiatry, Psychiatry,
performed by the human Psychology, Physiotherapy and
being » (...) Example: trim, Pedagogy). On the other hand, it would be
tear, fold, pleat, paste, cut, important to delve into the knowledge of
cut, trace, draw, and color, this discipline, psychomotor skills, based
among others on its definition, whose analysis will allow
(Zaporózeths VA 1988). a more complete assessment of its
complexities in the conceptual theoretical
There have been several authors who have plane and very uniquely in educational
addressed the issue at international level practice. A below will address some of
referring to the development of fine motor them:
skills; García (2012) conducted an
educational action research in Colombia to Pacheco (2015) states: «Psychomotor
diagnose levels of deficiency in the skills is and should be studied by the
development of fine motor skills of the teacher, not as a foreign technique but as
CDI. Navarro and Márquez (2013) refers a resource of his own work». (p.21)
in their thesis to an innovative strategy for
the stimulation of fine motor skills of Escalona (2016) in his article «The Family
children from 3 to 5 years of the Bolivarian and the motor development of the child»
School. Torres (2015) refers to the refers to the performance of exercises that
importance of fine motor skills in the CIS give answers to the concept of Becquer
preschool age in Venezuela. (1999) on fine motor skills such as «the
harmony and precision of the fine
That is why many Cuban researchers movements of the muscles of the hands,
agree with the importance of the face and feet »p.43)
development of fine motor skills in early
childhood. Among which stand out Rosés Fine motor is the type of motor that allows
(1995); who addresses the preparation of small and very precise movements. It is
the child for school from the formation of located in the Third Functional Unit of the
calligraphic skills, Rojas (2004) proposes a brain, where emotions and feelings are
system of preparation of doctors and interpreted (effector unit par excellence,
nurses for the development of fine motor being the unit of programming, regulation
skills in children from 0 to 2 years, and in and verification of mental activity) located
el (2013) Rojas in his PhD thesis proposed in the frontal lobe and in the pre-central
a model about region. It is complex and requires the
the biopsychological foundations of participation of many cortical areas, it
diagnosis for the learning of writing in refers to the coordination of neurological,
early childhood education. skeletal and muscular functions used to
produce precise movements.

Translated from the original in Spanish

ISSN. 1815-7696 RNPS 2057 -- MENDIVE Vol. 17 No. 2 (April-June)
Cabrera Valdés., B.C., Dupeyrón García, M.N. “The development of fine motor skills 2019
in preschool children” p. 222-239
Available from: http://mendive.upr.edu.cu/index.php/MendiveUPR/article/view/1499

The human being, as a social being, from skills, which in turn express the
his birth appropriates the knowledge, movements nature of man" (p. 15) .
skills, customs, qualities present in the
social environment with which he interacts According to the objectives and tasks of
and communicates and also of his own the activity, movement formation occurs
motor forms, characteristics of the culture at one level or another. This relationship
to which he belongs, Family, friends, allows discovering the deep and
children's institution, media, available psychological process, in the internal
resources (equipment, space, objects), formation of the movement in the process
these show the boy and the girl the motor of ontogenetic development.
forms and behaviors and influence their
motor development. A following analysis Rodríguez (2010) reports that fine motor
of the position taken by different authors skills imply precision, efficiency, economy,
on motor development and the movement harmony and action, what we can call
is made. movements with useful meaning and that
is what makes the big difference between
In this regard Damasio (1995) states: man and animals. In addition, it can be
"The mind would not be what it is if there defined as the actions of the human being
was no interaction between the body and in whose performance the intervention of
the brain during the evolutionary process, the eye, the hand, and the fingers in
individual development and interaction interaction with the environment is
with the environment." (p.96) related, although it is not exclusive of the
hand, where the feet and fingers are also
«The psychic and the motor included, the face with reference to the
development of the present tongue and lips. (p.2)
formulate an
epistemological The author considers that the coordination
evangelism, reveal an of the hand and the eye constitute one of
unquestionable synthesis the main objectives for the acquisition of
between the affective and skills in the development of fine motor
the cognitive, which are in skills. The most important motor traits of
the motor development that the emotional period are: the tonic
is the logic of the function, which determines the domain of
functioning of the nervous the hands to catch and gesture; postural
system in whose mature activity, which allows you to sit, crawl,
interaction a mind arises walk, discover space, objects and your
that transports images and body; and the establishment of
representations and that relationships between the mouth, hands
results from mediated and feet.
learning within a socio-
cultural and socio-historical These levels in the development of fine
context ». (Fonseca, 1989, motor skills are achieved in close relation
p.293) to the development of thought (Vigotsky,
1982), ranging from external orientation
Motor skills reflect all human actions (grip, manipulation), to written
movements. Palacio (1979) states: "These language: qualitatively superior moment
movements determine the motor behavior in development of the psyche that is only
of boys and girls from 0 to 6 years old reached in school age, which is possible if
which is manifested through basic motor
Translated from the original in Spanish
ISSN. 1815-7696 RNPS 2057 -- MENDIVE Vol. 17 No. 2 (April-June)
Cabrera Valdés., B.C., Dupeyrón García, M.N. “The development of fine motor skills 2019
in preschool children” p. 222-239
Available from: http://mendive.upr.edu.cu/index.php/MendiveUPR/article/view/1499

a conscious process of instruction is psychological formations that allow us to

carried out that allows the child to be configure the conditions for learning.
prepared for the important achievement
of Prewriting when the preschool age Its purpose is to acquire skills and abilities
ends. in the movements of the hands and
fingers. (...) »The acquisition of the digital
The preparation criteria are considered: clip, as well as a better manual eye
"mastery of fine hand movements, visual coordination (hand and eye coordination)
perception, manual eye coordination, are one of the main objectives for the
spatial orientation and assimilation of acquisition of fine motor skills». (Almeida,
generalized analysis procedures, in 2015, p.48).
intimate relationship" (Rosés, M. A (1995),
which should begin to be stimulated for Many studies on these ages state that
their development, from the birth of the investing in early childhood is very
child (Rojas, 2014, p.10) convenient.

There are some differences in the «Early Childhood

achievement of the fine motor actions Development is the most
mentioned above, according to the age of powerful way a society has
children in preschool childhood, with to lay the foundations for
respect to the beginning of the movements equity. (…) Over the past
of arms and hands to reach an object, to few years, early childhood
grab, manipulate and perform actions development has been
simple imitation, correlation and with progressively positioning
instruments, considering that it depends itself on the international
largely on the socio-cultural conditions of and national agenda,
life, established system of educational thanks to the advances in
influences, with greater or lesser weight of scientific knowledge about
stimulation in its surrounding environment the key role of this stage for
for the activation and enhancement of the human development and
development of children from birth taking social development and also
into account sensitive periods. As well as due to the growing political
the conditions and the ways, that are used will of rulers and decision
to achieve it. makers »(UNICEF. Early
Childhood 2001)
These ages are considered the moment in
which the stimulation constitutes a The well-stimulated child, even the one
determinant of the development by a who has a health disorder or problem, will
series of factors that provide it: the become a useful human being for himself
accelerated growth, the development of and for society, as he will be able to
the sensory systems, of achieve the
the osteomyoarticular system (the greatest possible independence and self-
flexibility of the muscles and tendons, validity, which will become benefits for his
calcification of the bones, presenting in the country.
hand different stages of maturation), the
power to establish innumerable temporary Hernández (1999) defines the Near
nerve connections ( synaptogenesis ), as Development Zone as the difference
well as the myelogenesis process , which between what the child is capable of doing
constitute the physiological basis of the
Translated from the original in Spanish
ISSN. 1815-7696 RNPS 2057 -- MENDIVE Vol. 17 No. 2 (April-June)
Cabrera Valdés., B.C., Dupeyrón García, M.N. “The development of fine motor skills 2019
in preschool children” p. 222-239
Available from: http://mendive.upr.edu.cu/index.php/MendiveUPR/article/view/1499

on his own and what he can do with the logic that favors the application of
help of adults and other children. The first methods.
indicates the real evolutionary level of the
child, the level of development of their These research methods can be
mental functions that have already considered as ways or ways of studying
matured, that is, the final products of their the phenomena of nature, society and
development, while, the second reveals thought, to discover the essence of the
those functions that have not yet matured, problem and solve it. They contribute to
but are found in maturation process the obtaining of necessary information and
». (p.133) that later ordered, processed and analyzed
allow conclusions and recommendations to
The author considers that the be reached that satisfy the problematic
development of motor skills in infants object of the investigation.
depends on part of the set of perceptual,
cognitive and socio-emotional experiences At the theoretical level, the following were
achieved by the development and physical used:
maturity of the muscles involved. The
motor reflects all your movements and Historical and Logical: allowed the analysis
determines the motor behavior, which is of the historical development of the
manifested through basic motor problem and the logic of its operation and
skills. That is why the importance attached development.
to stimulating the development of fine
motor skills from early childhood.
Induction and Deduction: made possible,
based on irregularities, to develop a
This work aims to design a system of system of activities that allow perfecting
activities that contributes to the the conceptions about the development of
stimulation of fine motor skills in children fine motor skills in preschool.
of the preschool grade of the «Los
Hermanitos» Day Care Center.
Analysis and synthesis: in order to analyze
and deepen the essence of the historical
background of the system of activities to
be designed that contribute to the
MATERIALS AND METHODS stimulation of the development of fine
motor skills in preschool children.
The study was carried out in «Los
Hermanitos» Day Care Center in the Systemic Approach: provided general
municipality of Pinar del Rio. To achieve guidance for the study of how to stimulate
the objective in the research process, the fine motor skills in preschool children. In
dialectical-materialist method as a base addition, it provided the possibility of
and guide was assumed as a general determining the theoretical and
method of science, for the integral study methodological elements that will be used
of objects, processes and phenomena in for the elaboration of the system of
terms of their internal contradictions and activities.
their universal concatenation, subject to
laws and principles, which allowed them to Empirical Methods:
penetrate their dynamics, to discover the
links established in their operation and the The observation of activities in the
educational process was carried out with
Translated from the original in Spanish
ISSN. 1815-7696 RNPS 2057 -- MENDIVE Vol. 17 No. 2 (April-June)
Cabrera Valdés., B.C., Dupeyrón García, M.N. “The development of fine motor skills 2019
in preschool children” p. 222-239
Available from: http://mendive.upr.edu.cu/index.php/MendiveUPR/article/view/1499

the objective of knowing the level of Indicators: - Order in the realization of

development of the stimulation of fine the stroke.
motor skills presented by preschool
children in the areas of Mother Language - Precision in the layout.
(Prewriting), Plastic Education, and in the
different schedules of independent - Continuity in the realization of the stroke.
- Adjustment in the line.
The interview with teachers served to
verify the level of development that
- Cleaning of the line made.
children in preschool have about the
development of fine motor skills and the
level of knowledge they have about this * Dimension III. The solution of the
aspect of child development. tasks.

Documentary analysis: allowed to obtain Indicators: - Provision.

information about the level of
development of preschool children in fine - That you start and finish the task alone.
motor skills, through the applied
pedagogical situations, the study of the - Amount of tasks that manages to solve.
products of the pedagogical process
(Workbooks, Review of work done by - Assessment of the work done.
preschoolers, worksheets).
- Satisfaction of the results of the tasks.
Statistical methods: descriptive statistics
were used to process the data in
percentages and express them in tables
and graphs.
Dimensions and indicators evaluated in
Observation was carried out on 20
preschool children
activities programmed in the areas of
Mother Language (Prewriting), Plastic
* Dimension I: The correct use of
Education, and in the different schedules
of independent activities, with the
objective of verifying the achievements
Indicators: - Hold the pencil or crayon made by children of the preschool grade in
correctly. the development of fine motor skills

- Place the workbook correctly. In comparing the results you can see the
increase in achievements and the
- Color with adjustment to the contours. reduction of difficulties in the area of
Plastic Education, since by 25 %, the use
- Use movements evenly. of the instruments was achieved at 60 %,
in placing the notebook or worksheet
- Postural habits. correctly of 15 %, results were obtained
much higher than 80 %, just as coloring
* Dimension II: Quality in the stroke. with adjustment to the contours of 10 %
was achieved at 70 %. In addition, using
Translated from the original in Spanish
ISSN. 1815-7696 RNPS 2057 -- MENDIVE Vol. 17 No. 2 (April-June)
Cabrera Valdés., B.C., Dupeyrón García, M.N. “The development of fine motor skills 2019
in preschool children” p. 222-239
Available from: http://mendive.upr.edu.cu/index.php/MendiveUPR/article/view/1499

uniformity in movements of 10 % was postural habits from 25 % to 75

achieved at 65 % and with respect to %. (Figure 1)

Graph 1- Results of the Final Diagnosis of Dimension I: The correct use of


From the analysis of the results of this make strokes with precision, by the limits
instrument, it was found that of the 5 with line adjustment for 60 %, the
indicators evaluated, they only have continuity in the path, for 70 %, start and
achieved the indicator that maintains finish by themselves the tasks for 70 %,
cleanliness in their work for 30 %, the the valuation of the works carried out was
order in the realization of 45 % was found at 40 % as well as in demonstrating
evaluated the strokes, as well as their satisfaction for the tasks they perform in
shape and not achieved the indicators to 30 %. (Graph 2)

Translated from the original in Spanish

ISSN. 1815-7696 RNPS 2057 -- MENDIVE Vol. 17 No. 2 (April-June)
Cabrera Valdés., B.C., Dupeyrón García, M.N. “The development of fine motor skills 2019
in preschool children” p. 222-239
Available from: http://mendive.upr.edu.cu/index.php/MendiveUPR/article/view/1499

Graph 2 - Results of the Final Diagnosis of Dimension II: Quality in the stroke.

When evaluating the work carried out with addition, in the valuation of the works, the
quality and using the vocabulary of the boys and girls are able to express 60 % of
area in only 60 % of boys and girls in how they are left, what techniques they
preschool, satisfaction was verified by the used, what they can do so that in the next
results achieved in 75 %, which was activities the jobs are better, showing
demonstrated in the observations made in satisfaction with the tasks performed on
the different activities developed. In 75 % (Graph 3)

Translated from the original in Spanish

ISSN. 1815-7696 RNPS 2057 -- MENDIVE Vol. 17 No. 2 (April-June)
Cabrera Valdés., B.C., Dupeyrón García, M.N. “The development of fine motor skills 2019
in preschool children” p. 222-239
Available from: http://mendive.upr.edu.cu/index.php/MendiveUPR/article/view/1499

Graph 3 - Results of the Final Diagnosis of Dimension III: The solution of the tasks.

30% of the boys and girls maintain order correctly, as they are able to recognize
in the realization of the strokes, as well as and name them, as well as the use of their
10% are able to start and finish the shades that embellish the works they
activities on their own since the spatial perform demonstrating that 10 % show
orientation and directionality satisfaction with the tasks performed, not
demonstrated are insufficient. In addition, being able to color with 50 % of children
more than 70 % are not at the desired adjust to the contour, only 10 % achieve
levels, they do not achieve independence it without difficulty and 40 % achieve it
in the actions they perform, when plotting with help.
they are clumsy, insecure and lack
precision, they constantly lift the Taking into account the follow-up of tasks
pencil. When valuing the work, they are related to fine motor skills, 60% change
honest at times; because they express very frequently for other activities, and
that, they get very tired, showing 10 % there is no systematic monitoring of the
satisfaction with the work done, but not variability of visual coordination tasks
60% of the group. according to the difficulties presented by
70 % of the children observed lack
security to start and finish the strokes by 60 % of children do not use the correct
themselves, needing levels of help and technique to tear through a line or
differentiated attention to achieve it, only doubles, because 12 children of 20 do not
2 children representing 10 % achieve it achieve it accurately, presenting
and 20 % almost achieve it with help, irregularities, selecting more frequently
representing the total of 4 children. the free, colored drawing, this does not
happen with the path of lines and paths in
In the elaborated pedagogical situations it circular figures.
was found that they use the colors
Translated from the original in Spanish
ISSN. 1815-7696 RNPS 2057 -- MENDIVE Vol. 17 No. 2 (April-June)
Cabrera Valdés., B.C., Dupeyrón García, M.N. “The development of fine motor skills 2019
in preschool children” p. 222-239
Available from: http://mendive.upr.edu.cu/index.php/MendiveUPR/article/view/1499

In the selection of educational games philosophical, psychological and

related to fine motor skills only 30% do so pedagogical nature:
systematically, not being achieved in 70 %
of children, because they like modeling Principle of education
activities, puzzles, block building games,
pyramids. When assessing the work, only The system approach
60 % do so according to the vocabulary of
how they made the strokes, if they fit well
The principle of unity between the
or badly explaining the steps used, 40 %
affective and the cognitive
do not explain what they did, they only
refer to the category of how they fit.
Teaching as a guide and source of
Preschool-grade boys and girls are
motivated by activities that develop 25 %
motor skills since 50 % prefer the selection Sensitive periods
of construction tasks, assembling and
disarming objects. 15 % use different The Principle of Interdisciplinarity
techniques in their work, 25 % more
frequently use free drawing with crayons, The attention to diversity in the
and 60% have inadequacies in the educational process
mastery of the techniques.
The methodological flexibility
In the analysis of the products of the
activities, such as children's drawings, The psychological and pedagogical
worksheets, notebooks, for their foundations of this research are based on
application they were provided with the the cultural historical paradigm, which
materials and instruments necessary for conceives the development of the child as
performing visomotor coordination tasks a socially conditioned biological process,
with the performance of straight, curved the result of the educational influences
strokes, analyzing the products based on that children receive in the broadest sense
the proposed indicators, as well as the of the word. Therefore, education goes
different techniques to be used. ahead, guides and drives development, in
this way; it has the purpose of coherently
In the interview with the teachers of the organizing and structuring the educational
fourth cycle, it was found that 50 % said process of stimulation of fine motor skills
that the activities that contributed most of preschool children.
knowledge have been the demonstrative
and open activities that were developed in General Objective: To propose a system
the different areas of development. As of activities that contributes to the
well as, seminars for differentiated stimulation of fine motor skills in children
treatment and mastery of methodological of the preschool grade of the "Los
steps. Hermanitos Children's Circle".

The principles and foundations that Specific objectives:

support the system of activities for the
development of fine motor skills are based Stimulate the development of fine motor
on a systematization of principles of a skills in preschool children.

Translated from the original in Spanish

ISSN. 1815-7696 RNPS 2057 -- MENDIVE Vol. 17 No. 2 (April-June)
Cabrera Valdés., B.C., Dupeyrón García, M.N. “The development of fine motor skills 2019
in preschool children” p. 222-239
Available from: http://mendive.upr.edu.cu/index.php/MendiveUPR/article/view/1499

Encourage adequate spatial orientation Third stage: Assessment of the system of

based on its location in space, (worktable). activities in educational practice

Promote inter-annual coordination and Structure of the activity system

motor independence of preschool children.
Foundation of the activity system.
To contribute to the stimulation of the fine
movements of the hands in the realization General objectives.
of strokes that favor the adjustment to the
line, the precision and the continuity. Specific objectives.

Stages of the Instrumentation of the Activities for the stimulation of fine motor
activity system skills.

First stage: Previous study Dosing of the contents to work in the

different areas of development.
The study was carried out on the children
of the preschool grade of "Los Hermanitos" Methodologies for a better application of
Day Care Center. the techniques in the activities.

Collection of information on existing Evaluation system.

criteria about the development of fine
motor skills in preschool children.
Methodological guidelines for the
application of the activity system
The actions corresponding to this study
were carried out in the "Los Hermanitos"
A favorable climate must be created and
Children's Circle of the Province of Pinar
the child will be stimulated, giving him
del Río.
security and confidence in his possibilities
to perform the tasks.
Second stage: Development of the
activity system
The conditions of the premises and the
materials necessary to facilitate the
For the elaboration of the system of concentration of boys and girls in the tasks
activities, the results obtained in the they perform must be guaranteed.
previous stage were taken into account,
which provided information on the main
From the first day that the boys and girls
issues that should appear in the system
begin to carry out the activities, they
based on the regularities of the children,
should be encouraged to start and finish
in correspondence with the achievements
their work, managing to assess the
of the development and the particularities
of each one of them.
These activities can be carried out in the
The system of tasks allowed obtaining a
programmed activities of the different
set of information necessary for the
development areas. (Table).
fulfillment of the purposes of this

Translated from the original in Spanish

ISSN. 1815-7696 RNPS 2057 -- MENDIVE Vol. 17 No. 2 (April-June)
Cabrera Valdés., B.C., Dupeyrón García, M.N. “The development of fine motor skills 2019
in preschool children” p. 222-239
Available from: http://mendive.upr.edu.cu/index.php/MendiveUPR/article/view/1499

Table - Dosage of actions to develop fine motor skills

Order Activity Title Development Contents

one Trace the flower stalks to Prewriting Draw dotted lines
the vase, following the
dotted line
two Trace the flower stalks to Mathematics Length Comparison
the vase
3 Color the oranges from the Independent Filled with circular shapes
tree, with circular strokes activities
from the center
4 Color the center of the CMOR Draw the shapes of the
oranges following the figures and fill them.
contour from the center
5 Trace the path that will Phonic Analysis Determine the long or
take Luis to his suitcase Notions of short words. Measure
Mathematics roads

In the evaluation of children, the scale of Achieved with help

Achieved, Achieved with help, Not
achieved, based on the objectives of the  They need help and repeated
structuring of the system of designed demonstrations to carry out the
activities, was used to stimulate the activities.
development of fine motor skills.  They show difficulties in drawing,
trimming, tearing and drawing
Accomplished figures.
 It has disposition for learning, but
 It has the manual preference the level of assimilation is less.
defined in the instrumental
processes. Unachieved
 Control the grip of objects.
 Make precise movements of hands  They have no defined manual
and fingers. preference in instrumental
 Master the technique of trimming, processes, when using the pencil
tearing, coloring and drawing correctly.
figures without help.  Upon receiving the different levels
 Integrates with straight references, of help, they do not internalize
straight lines, curves vertically, and them and therefore fail to perform
horizontally. the task.
 Achieve security and accuracy  It fails to make straight, curved,
when performing activities. cut, tear and draw shapes along its

Translated from the original in Spanish

ISSN. 1815-7696 RNPS 2057 -- MENDIVE Vol. 17 No. 2 (April-June)
Cabrera Valdés., B.C., Dupeyrón García, M.N. “The development of fine motor skills 2019
in preschool children” p. 222-239
Available from: http://mendive.upr.edu.cu/index.php/MendiveUPR/article/view/1499

With the implementation of the system of When carrying out the comparative study
activities in pedagogical practice, the on the basis of the results obtained in the
development of boys and girls in the initial and final diagnosis, it was
preschool level contributed to the observed that of the 15 indicators
stimulation of fine motor skills. evaluated, 8 independently meet the boys
and girls for a 53 % achieved. In addition,
 Boys and girls develop their there are 4 indicators that with help
abilities to the fullest in the area of manage to perform the corresponding
Plastic Education. actions for 27 % and a total of 3 indicators
 Strokes are achieved by the center that do not manage to do so for 20 %.
of the given limits, regularly with
precision and continuity in the In the observations made in the
layout. independent activities after applying the
 They manage to carry out their system of activities it was found that boys
work start and finish on their own, and girls are 70 % willing to carry out
the tasks oriented without help. several activities, achieving concentration
 They perform the assessment of and interest in carrying them out,
their work, according to the achieving in 70 % that they are capable of
indicators offered by the teacher. starting and finishing tasks alone, solving
 Children manifest themselves more several tasks in 80 % of cases.
effectively and autonomously both
at home and in the institution
during the tasks.
 Positive relationships are
established with the correct use of
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 The small muscles of the hand are Bécquer, Gladis (1999). Desarrollo de la
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Cabrera Valdés., B.C., Dupeyrón García, M.N. “The development of fine motor skills 2019
in preschool children” p. 222-239
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Copyright (c) Barbarita de la Caridad Cabrera Valdés, Marilin de las Nieves Dupeyrón

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