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In this essay I will explain my findings on the effects of watching porn on the penis hardness of

male test subjects.

First, I should make it clear that my study is not focused on the “addiction” of porn or just giving
a random sample of porn consumers an opportunity to complain about the excesses of
pornography. I do not claim to speak for the vast majority of male porn consumers. I just chose
to sample one group, because I thought it was the most likely to be well represented. Secondly, I
am not a psychologist or a sex therapist. This essay is intended for a general audience interested
in the psychological effects of the internet on the penis. Although I am aware of a limited amount
of research on the psychological effects of pornography and I have received numerous emails
from women requesting information about male sexual responses to pornography, my goal is to
speak for myself and the heterosexual male I was attracted to in college.

In the age of internet pornography and the myriad of gay websites and dating websites, the
average heterosexual male experiences a plethora of sexual attractions. Each month I get emails
from friends asking me how to get over a “friend’s horrible girlfriend,” or people asking me
whether there is a right way to come out of the closet as a gay man. While there is more sexual
information available than ever before, the vast majority of people seem to have a very limited
understanding of how sexuality works. So although this analysis is only based on male sexual
responses, I think it may be more indicative of our general lack of knowledge regarding sexual
interaction than our overall ability to get it right.

This is an attempt to understand why porn seems to make straight men less interested in sexually
interacting with other straight men, and more interested in sexually interacting with each other.

Studies of the effects of sexual exposure on the brains of straight male college students are scant.
Despite the widespread adoption of pornography and the easy availability of gay pornography,
most psychological research on this topic focuses on how exposure to pornography and
homosexuality influences the male brain. To be honest, I don’t know much about the effects of
gay pornography on gay males, either, beyond what I have read in the tabloids. The gist of this is
that gay men use sexual images to create intimate relationships, and that the excitement of
intimate relationships turns heterosexual men into homophobic virginal misogynists.

To be clear, I do not feel that this story is true. But I do know from having been in gay
relationships and experiencing gay intimacy that the attraction from the gay men I am attracted
to has shifted my attractions towards straight men. So in the interest of this research, I have gone
searching for porn videos and gay websites of both gay and straight men. Although I suspect I
will be less attracted to gay men, straight men seem like the most likely to produce negative
effects on my own male sexuality.

This is an attempt to understand how sexual exposure to gay pornography alters the desires

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