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Formative and summative assessment, the ways of using assessment tools,

connectivism, universal design for learning (UDL), digital literacy and digital skills
were taught on the 3rd and the 4th of December. Formative assessment is used to
evaluate the progress of learning, in contrast, the idea of summative assessment is to
evaluate whether students master a large quantity of material or not. Thus, formative
assessment occurs during the periods of instruction to make teaching decisions,
whereas the summative assessment is carried out at the end of the process to decide
students’ skills to advance them.
In traditional classes, each assessment is used in order to perform each task
and it is not easy to use both assessments at the same time. However, this need can
be fulfilled by the use of educational technology. As a consequence, it is very
beneficial for teachers to implement and integrate using these two assessments at the
same moment in their class. For the sake of educational technology, the ways of
using assessment tools such as Nearpod, Kahoot and Mentimeter were learned. If a
teacher can use one of these assessment tools, he or she can use the rest of the other
tools because the general features and functions of all are the same.
Since learning is the process of connecting, connectivism was introduced.
Since the major backbone of connectivism is technology, it can be incorporated in
the classroom by using technology. There is no specific parameter for UDL
(Universal Design for Learning) and it is similar to universal instructional design,
accordingly. Active learning is similar to connectivism and constructivism.
Nowadays, digital literacy has become one of the required literacies among other
literacies. It includes information literacy, data literacy and media literacy. Digital
skills simply mean the abilities to use digital devices, applications and network to
access and manage information. Digital identity, digital footprint and digital security
are the important elements for digital skills.
To evaluate the learning outcome of the students, teachers should implement
formative and summative assessments in class. Assessments can be approached in
variety of ways as I mentioned above. In addition, teachers ought to use educational
technology like Nearpod, Kahoot and Mentimeter in curriculum to make lessons
more interesting and to attract students’ attention in their lesson. Even if teachers
don’t know how to create templates on their own, they can use free templates created
by others. Moreover, teachers should consider providing fun activities to students by
utilizing game-based tool like Kahoot.
Since connectivism provides opportunities for students to make choices about
their learning, teachers need to encourage students to connect thoughts, ideas and
knowledge in a useful manner. Plus, they should always welcome different views
and perspectives of learners to aid decision-making and problem-solving processes
of their students. All teachers should apply one of the significant teaching
approaches called UDL too. They need to practice UDL in classroom by providing
options for perception, expression and comprehension no matter what subjects they
Educators should utilize active learning strategies and deliver enactive
learning experiences to learners to promote active participation and higher order
thinking like analysis, synthesis and evaluation. Since technology has been
incorporated in education, teachers today require to learn to acquire digital literacy
skill indeed. As teachers’ job is to portray their students to be good in academically,
mentally and morally, they do need to be responsible, respectful and reputable as a
good digital citizenship.
Since I’m trying to be a dedicated teacher, I will apply the above theories and
knowledge in my class as long as I teach. To carry out formative assessment, I’ll use
techniques like questions, quizzes and group work. For the summative assessment,
I’ll apply methods like formal tests, essays, term papers, reports and final projects.
Plus, I’ll use online-based tools for assessments and game-based learning. I’ll create
visible and real change in the lives of my students by fostering them to be able to
direct for themselves.
According to UDL, my teaching philosophy is to take into account for the
needs and abilities of learners in their learning process. So, I’ll examine my students
understanding in various ways. In order to let them to be actively participate in class,
I’ll approached reward system too. In addition, I will train them to have the habit of
asking questions. If I only do this, students will no longer see the classroom as an
unpleasant place and they will be happier to study.
Lastly, I’ll add learning analytic in learning management system as an early
intervention to predict the situation of students before the exam. Only then, I may
prevent failure in advance for students who are likely to fail the exam. Plus, I’ll do
things that are consistent with the actions of a person who enlightens knowledge. I’ll
follow 3R for digital citizenship by balancing my digital identity and physical
identity outside to be an ideal person of my students. In summary, every topic I
learned in this class are very useful and I’ll always use them back as long as I teach
throughout my life.

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