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Tamoxifen and Breast Cancer Incidence

Among Women With Inherited Mutations
in BRCA1 and BRCA2
National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project
(NSABP-P1) Breast Cancer Prevention Trial
Mary-Claire King, PhD Context Among cancer-free women aged 35 years or older, tamoxifen reduced the
Sam Wieand, PhD incidence of estrogen receptor (ER)–positive but not ER-negative breast cancer. The
effect of tamoxifen on breast cancer incidence among women at extremely high risk
Kathryn Hale, BS
due to inherited BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations is unknown.
Ming Lee, PhD Objective To evaluate the effect of tamoxifen on incidence of breast cancer among
Tom Walsh, PhD cancer-free women with inherited BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations.
Kelly Owens, PhD Design, Setting, and Participants Genomic analysis of BRCA1 and BRCA2 for
288 women who developed breast cancer after entry into the randomized, double-
Jonathan Tait, MD, PhD
blind Breast Cancer Prevention Trial of the National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel
Leslie Ford, MD Project (between April 1, 1992, and September 30, 1999).
Barbara K. Dunn, MD, PhD Main Outcome Measure Among women with BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations, in-
cidence of breast cancer among those who were receiving tamoxifen vs incidence of
Joseph Costantino, DrPH
breast cancer among those receiving placebo.
Lawrence Wickerham, MD Results Of the 288 breast cancer cases, 19 (6.6%) inherited disease-predisposing
Norman Wolmark, MD BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations. Of 8 patients with BRCA1 mutations, 5 received tamox-
ifen and 3 received placebo (risk ratio, 1.67; 95% confidence interval, 0.32-10.70).
Bernard Fisher, MD
Of 11 patients with BRCA2 mutations, 3 received tamoxifen and 8 received placebo

HE RANDOMIZED , DOUBLE - (risk ratio, 0.38; 95% confidence interval, 0.06-1.56). From 10 studies, including this
blind, Breast Cancer Preven- one, 83% of BRCA1 breast tumors were ER-negative, whereas 76% of BRCA2 breast
tumors were ER-positive.
tion Trial (BCPT) was con-
ducted between 1992 and 1998 Conclusion Tamoxifen reduced breast cancer incidence among healthy BRCA2 car-
by the National Surgical Adjuvant riers by 62%, similar to the reduction in incidence of ER-positive breast cancer among
Breast and Bowel Project (NSABP). The all women in the Breast Cancer Prevention Trial. In contrast, tamoxifen use beginning
at age 35 years or older did not reduce breast cancer incidence among healthy women
purpose of the BCPT was to deter- with inherited BRCA1 mutations. Whether tamoxifen use at a younger age would re-
mine whether tamoxifen use by cancer- duce breast cancer incidence among healthy women with BRCA1 mutations remains
free, high-risk women significantly al- unknown.
tered incidence of invasive breast JAMA. 2001;286:2251-2256
cancer.1 The result of the BCPT, which
involved 13388 women, was that the (RR, 0.53). This observation led to the ing genes BRCA1 or BRCA2. 2-5 Be-
incidence of invasive breast cancer suggestion that tamoxifen might be of cause the risk of breast cancer is much
among those randomized to tamoxi- use in reducing breast cancer risk higher among women with BRCA1 or
fen compared with those randomized among women with inherited muta- BRCA2 mutations compared with
to placebo (risk ratio [RR]) was 0.51. tions in the breast cancer predispos- women overall, an RR of 0.51 among
The reduction in breast cancer due
to tamoxifen revealed by the BCPT trial Author Affiliations: Departments and Medicine Cancer Institute, Bethesda, Md (Drs Ford and Dunn).
and Genomic Sciences (Drs King, Lee, Walsh, and Owens Financial Disclosure: Tamoxifen was supplied by As-
was consistent for women with no fam- and Ms Hale) and Laboratory Medicine (Dr Tait), Uni- traZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP. Dr Wickerham is a
ily history of breast cancer (RR, 0.46) versity of Washington, Seattle; and National Surgical Ad- member of the speaker’s bureau for AstraZeneca.
juvant Breast and Bowel Project, University of Pitts- Corresponding Author and Reprints: Mary-Claire King,
and for women with mothers, sisters, burgh, Pittsburgh, Pa (Drs Wieand, Costantino, PhD, PO Box 357720, University of Washington, Se-
and/or daughters with breast cancer Wickerham, Wolmark, and Fisher); and National attle, WA 98195 (e-mail:

©2001 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. (Reprinted) JAMA, November 14, 2001—Vol 286, No. 18 2251

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mutation carriers would convey a sub- gibility required that participants be 35 numbers. After the DNA was ex-
stantial absolute benefit. years or older with a 1.66% or greater tracted, the independent statistician
However, the estrogen-receptor (ER) risk of breast cancer over the next 5 took both identification numbers to the
profiles of BRCA1 and BRCA2 breast tu- years, estimated by the model by Gail Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory and
mors introduced a complexity into these et al11; have had lobular carcinoma in replaced the sample labels containing
considerations. In the breast, tamoxi- situ; or be 60 years or older. NSABP identification numbers with
fen is an antiestrogen that targets the ER. new labels. Immediately thereafter, the
Therefore, precancerous changes in the Case Definition data set was returned to NSABP, and the
breast that have lost the cytoplasmic For our current analysis, cases were de- link between the 2 sets of identifica-
receptor (ie, tissues that are ER- fined as all incident invasive breast can- tion numbers was destroyed. Subse-
negative) are not affected by tamoxi- cers occurring before the assigned treat- quently, 2 aliquots of DNA for each sub-
fen. In the BCPT, tamoxifen reduced the ment of BCPT participants was revealed ject were provided to the King
incidence of ER-positive tumors, but had on April 1, 1998, and all cases reported Laboratory (University of Washing-
no effect on the incidence of ER- to the NSABP headquarters between ton, Seattle) for genomic analysis, and
negative tumors. Tumors of women with April 1, 1998, and September 30, 1999. the third aliquot was held in the Mo-
mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 differ Because BCPT participants who were lecular Diagnostics Laboratory. Thus,
in ER status and other biological fea- randomized to placebo were offered the once mutation analysis began, there was
tures, in that BRCA1 tumors lack estro- opportunity to use tamoxifen if they only 1 identification number for both
gen and progesterone receptors and chose to do so after April 1, 1998, this the DNA and the clinical data, and there
overexpress P53 more frequently, and choice was recorded for each case diag- was no longer any link between those
also exhibit higher nuclear grade and nosed after that date. By September 30, data and the original patient identifi-
proliferative rates than do BRCA2 tu- 1999, follow-up was available for 13195 cation number.
mors or breast tumors generally.6-10 participants. Complete 3-year fol-
These differences raised the possibility low-up was available for 80% of partici- Genomic Analysis
that tamoxifen might be effective in re- pants, complete 5-year follow-up was Blood samples were obtained from BCPT
ducing breast cancer risk among women available for 65% of participants. Me- participants at entry to the initial study.
with BRCA2 mutations, but not among dian follow-up was 5.7 years. At that time, buffy coats were isolated
women with BRCA1 mutations. from the 10 mL of whole blood and fro-
To address these questions, we evalu- Anonymization zen at −70°. For the BRCA1/BRCA2 se-
ated the effect of tamoxifen among par- When this study was initiated, the quencing study, DNA was extracted us-
ticipants in the NSABP/BCPT with in- NSABP Biostatistical Center created a ing Purgene DNA isolation kits (Gentra
herited BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations. data file that contained key clinical out- Systems, Minneapolis, Minn) and re-
Women entered the BCPT trial with- come and demographic information for suspended in 10 mmol buffer to a final
out knowledge of their inherited BRCA1 all participants who developed breast concentration level of 20 µg/mL. DNA
or BRCA2 genotype since the genes had cancer. At that time, the NSABP iden- quality was assessed by spectrophotom-
not been cloned when the trial began. tification number of each patient was etry and gel electrophoresis to monitor
Participants provided peripheral blood provided to the Northwest Lipid Re- purity and molecular weight.
samples at entry to the BCPT trial, from search Laboratory (Seattle, Wash) DNA was gridded in 96-well format
which constitutional DNA could now where buffy coat samples were stored, using a Hydra robot (Robbins Scien-
be extracted and BRCA1 and BRCA2 se- and to the Molecular Diagnostics Labo- tific, Sunnyvale, Calif). DNA samples
quenced. This report presents the ge- ratory (University of Washington, Se- were amplified by polymerase chain re-
netic analysis of BRCA1 and BRCA2 for attle). Buffy coats for each identified pa- action (PCR) using 78 pairs of M13-
the participants who developed inva- tient were provided to the Molecular tagged PCR primers. Each pair of prim-
sive breast cancer during the BCPT trial. Diagnostics Laboratory, where DNA ers was designed to amplify an exon and
Based on these invasive breast cancer was extracted. Three aliquots (15 µg flanking intronic sequence encompass-
cases, we estimate RRs for breast can- each) were prepared and labeled with ing splice sites. Larger exons were am-
cer among women with BRCA1 or the NSABP identifier. Remaining DNA plified in overlapping amplicons. When
BRCA2 mutations associated with use was returned to the Northwest Lipid Re- possible, primers were chosen to avoid
of tamoxifen vs placebo. search Laboratory. While the DNA was Alu sequences and regions that pro-
being extracted, clinical data were pro- duced compressions or slippage dur-
METHODS vided to an independent statistician, ing cycle sequencing. Optimal PCR con-
Eligibility who matched the NSABP identifica- ditions allowing maximal levels of
The complete eligibility requirements tion number with another identifica- product were determined empirically.
for participants in the BCPT trial have tion number. Only the independent A complete list of primers and PCR con-
been described previously.1 Briefly, eli- statistician had access to the matched ditions are available on request.
2252 JAMA, November 14, 2001—Vol 286, No. 18 (Reprinted) ©2001 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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Sephacryl-purified PCR products sense, or splice mutations, and 17 in- received tamoxifen (6591/13195) or on
were cycle-sequenced using BigDye sertions or deletions of between 1 and the proportion of person-years of fol-
(Applied Biosystems, Foster City, Calif) 11 base pairs. (One control carried 2 dif- low-up for women who received tamox-
primer sequencing chemistry follow- ferent mutations.) All control muta- ifen (32 959/65 860). However, these
ing the manufacturer’s specifications tions were successfully identified. numbers are so close to a pT of 0.50 that
and analyzed on ABI 377 DNA Se- For the study participants, all muta- the 3 approaches lead to identical re-
quencer (Applied Biosystems). Ampli- tions definitely predisposing to breast sults, as one would expect in such a large
cons of each sample were sequenced in cancer were included in this analysis. randomized trial.
both forward and reverse directions. For These were defined as protein- Similar reasoning applies to our pre-
each DNA sample, 24 133 nucleotide terminating mutations anywhere in sentation of relative risks. Denoting the
base pairs of BRCA1 and BRCA2 BRCA1 and in exons 2 through 26 of number of mutation carriers who re-
were evaluated. These included the BRCA2, and missense mutations in the ceived tamoxifen by MT and the num-
5589–base pair coding sequence, and canonical cysteine residues of the BRCA1 ber of mutation carriers who received
2752–base pair flanking intronic se- ring finger. Protein-terminating muta- placebo by MP, we assumed that MT/ MP
quences and regulatory regions of tions were defined as insertions or de- is equal to 1 and that the number of
BRCA1, the 10254–base pair coding se- letions leading to frameshifts, non- cases with a mutation was small rela-
quence, and 5538–base pair intronic sense mutations, and mutations in splice tive to the number of participants with-
and regulatory sequences of BRCA2. All sites known to lead to frameshifts.20 Pro- out a mutation. In that case, the rela-
cases were fully screened for both genes. tein-terminating mutations in BRCA2 tive risk is approximately equal to py T
Sequences from study samples were exon 2721 and missense mutations and divided by (1−py T) and the 95% confi-
compared with consensus genomic se- potential splice variants of uncertain sig- dence interval (CI) for the relative risk
quences of BRCA112 at GenBank L78833 nificance in either gene were identified is (pL/[1−pL] to pU/[1−pU]), in which
and of BRCA2 at GenBank Z74739 and but were not included in this analysis. pL to pU is the 95% CI for pT when py T is
GenBank Z73359.13 Base pairs were observed. All CIs were computed us-
identified with the Phred and Poly- Statistical Methods ing exact distributions.
Phred programs14-16 and aligned using Randomization ensured that a woman
the Phrap program.17 We used a modi- with a BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation was RESULTS
fied version of the SeqHelp program18 equally likely to receive tamoxifen or pla- As of September 30, 1999, 320 partici-
in conjunction with Consed 1 9 to cebo. Hence, if tamoxifen had no pro- pants in the BCPT had developed in-
display multiple aligned forward and re- tective (or harmful) effect on cancer in- vasive breast cancer. For 13 partici-
verse sequences and to highlight vari- cidence in women with a BRCA1 or pants, DNA was not available because
ants noted by PolyPhred analysis. Vari- BRCA2 mutation, then a woman with a the participant either withdrew con-
ants were confirmed first by sequencing mutation who developed cancer was sent for additional involvement in the
the same exon again from the original equally likely to have received tamoxi- BCPT after developing cancer or chose
DNA sample, then by separating wild- fen or placebo. To test the hypothesis not to have her sample included in this
type and mutant alleles by gel electro- that tamoxifen did not alter the inci- genetics study. For 19 participants, ad-
phoresis, cutting each band from the gel, dence of breast cancer, it was only nec- equate DNA could not be obtained from
and sequencing each separately. essary to find the mutation status of the stored buffy coat samples. Hence
To assess the sensitivity and accu- women who developed cancer and test 90% (288/320) of cases are included in
racy of the sequencing effort, 26 DNA the null hypothesis that the proportion this analysis.
samples with known BRCA1 or BRCA2 of these women who received tamoxi- Of the 288 breast cancer cases
mutations were included in the study. fen (py T) was consistent with the hypoth- screened for BRCA1 and BRCA2, 19
These control samples were obtained esis (pT =0.50). If the observed propor- (6.6%) carried inherited, disease-
from laboratories not affiliated with this tion pT was less than 0.50, this was predisposing mutations (T ABLE 1).
project. Control samples were as- evidence that tamoxifen was beneficial Sixteen different definite cancer-
signed identification numbers at the in these women. For example, under the associated mutations are distributed
same time as samples from partici- null hypothesis, the probability that 3 throughout the BRCA1 and BRCA2 se-
pants, so that the genetic analysis group or fewer of the 11 women with cancer quences. Carrier status of BRCA1 and
were blind to the identities and geno- and BRCA2 mutations received tamox- BRCA2 was associated with a family his-
types of the controls. After samples were ifen could be expressed as the probabil- tory of breast cancer, especially if 2 or
evaluated, the identification numbers ity of observing py T of 3/11 or less when more first-degree relatives were af-
of the control samples were revealed. pT is equal to 0.50, corresponding to a fected (TABLE 2). Also as expected, the
The control samples included 10 dif- 1-sided P value of .11. It would have proportion of patients with mutations
ferent single nucleotide substitutions, been possible to condition on the pro- was higher for those diagnosed when
leading variously to nonsense, mis- portion of women with follow-up who they were younger than age 50 years
©2001 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. (Reprinted) JAMA, November 14, 2001—Vol 286, No. 18 2253

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compared with those diagnosed at cer, 3 were in the tamoxifen group and
Table 1. Inherited Pathogenic Mutations in
BRCA1 or BRCA2 Among Participants in the age 50 years or older (17% vs 3%, 8 in the placebo group (RR, 0.38; 95%
Breast Cancer Prevention Trial Who respectively). Mutation frequencies CI, 0.06-1.56). Of the remaining 269
Developed Invasive Breast Cancer among BCPT cases were similar to those cases without BRCA1 or BRCA2 muta-
Exon Nucleotide Effect of white breast cancer patients in the tions, 87 were in the tamoxifen group
BRCA1 population-based Carolina Breast Can- and 182 in the placebo group (RR, 0.48;
2 185 del AG Stop 39 cer Study (6.9%),22 higher than those 95% CI, 0.37-0.61). These analyses in-
2 185 del AG Stop 39
2 185 del AG Stop 39 detected in 2 population-based series clude participants of all ancestries.
5 300 T→G Cys 61 Gly of young-onset patients,23,24 and slightly Seven black participants developed in-
11 1505 ins G Stop 478
11 2634 del C Stop 845 lower than those of incident series of vasive breast cancer during the BCPT.
16 5055 del G Stop 1657 Ashkenazi Jewish patients (10%).25,26 Six of these participants had DNA avail-
19 5272 (−2) del A Splice error Frequencies of invasive breast can- able for sequencing. One of these cases,
BRCA2 cer among women with BRCA1 and who was in the tamoxifen group, car-
9 983 del ACAG Stop 275 BRCA2 mutations in the tamoxifen and ried a BRCA2 mutation.
10 1529 del AAAG Stop 458
10 2041 ins A Stop 615 placebo groups are indicated in Estrogen-receptor status of breast tu-
11 5215 del GTCA Stop 1668 TABLE 3. Of 8 women with BRCA1 mu- mors of women with BRCA1 or BRCA2
11 5273 del G Stop 1705
11 5445 del TTTAAGT Stop 1739 tations who developed breast cancer, 5 mutations is indicated in T ABLE 4.
11 5950 del CT Stop 1909 were in the tamoxifen group and 3 were Among participants with BRCA1 mu-
11 6503 del TT Stop 2099 in the placebo group (RR, 1.67; 95% CI, tations, 1 developed ER-positive breast
11 6763 ins 8 Stop 2193
20 8765 del AG Stop 2867 0.32-10.70). Of 11 women with BRCA2 cancer and 6 developed ER-negative
20 8765 del AG Stop 2867 mutations who developed breast can- breast cancer. In contrast, among par-
ticipants with BRCA2 mutations, 6 de-
veloped ER-positive breast cancer and
Table 2. Number of Invasive Breast Cancer Cases Among Women by BRCA1 and BRCA2 3 developed ER-negative breast can-
Genotype, Family History, and Age at Diagnosis
cer. Tumors of women with inherited
No. of Cases
Proportion BRCA1 mutations are more frequently
Characteristics BRCA1 BRCA2 Wild Type Total With Mutation ER-negative than are BRCA2 tumors or
First-degree relatives with breast cancer breast tumors generally, both in the
None 0 0 58 58 0
BCPT and in the population as a whole.
1 3 4 145 152 0.05
When data were combined from sev-
ⱖ2 5 7 66 78 0.15
eral series of breast cancer patients of
Total 8 11 269 288 0.07
known BRCA1 and BRCA2 genotype,
Age at diagnosis, y
⬍50 6 6 57 69 0.17 17% of BRCA1 tumors were ER-
50-59 2 1 110 113 0.03 positive vs 76% of BRCA2 tumors
ⱖ60 0 4 102 106 0.04 (TABLE 5).6,25,27-33 Generally, the pro-
Total 8 11 269 288 0.07 portion of ER-positive tumors is lower
among women who are diagnosed at a
younger age.34 Women with BRCA1
Table 3. Study Participants Who Developed Breast Cancer mutations tend to be diagnosed at a
Risk Ratio younger age.34 However, the associa-
Placebo Tamoxifen (95% Confidence Interval) tion of ER status with age is not suffi-
BRCA1 mutation 3 5 1.67 (0.32-10.70) cient to explain the low frequency of
BRCA2 mutation 8 3 0.38 (0.06-1.56) ER-positive tumors among women with
Wild type 182 87 0.48 (0.37-0.61) BRCA1 mutations.
All participants* 211 109 0.52 (0.41-0.65) Women with inherited BRCA1 and
*Includes 288 genotyped cases and 32 cases without DNA available. BRCA2 mutations are at increased risk
for ovarian cancer.35-36 Tamoxifen use
was not associated with any change in
Table 4. Estrogen-Receptor (ER) Status of Tumors* ovarian cancer incidence in the BCPT
ER-Positive ER-Negative as a whole. Among all women (regard-
Placebo Tamoxifen Placebo Tamoxifen less of genotype) who developed breast
BRCA1 mutation 0 1 3 3 cancer during the BCPT, 1 participant
BRCA2 mutation 4 2 2 1 also developed ovarian cancer. This par-
Wild type 132 41 32 36 ticipant carried a BRCA2 mutation and
*ER status unknown for 1 BRCA1 tumor, 2 BRCA2 tumors, and 28 wild-type tumors. was in the placebo group.
2254 JAMA, November 14, 2001—Vol 286, No. 18 (Reprinted) ©2001 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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Table 5. Estrogen-Receptor (ER) Status of Invasive Breast Cancer Tumors in Patients With Inherited BRCA1 or BRCA2 Mutations*

Patient Population No. of Patients ER-Positive Proportion ER-Positive No. of Patients ER-Positive ER-Positive
North America† 7 1 0.14 9 6 0.67
North America‡ 17 5 0.29 5 4 0.80
New York25 18 1 0.06 9 6 0.67
New York27 17 2 0.12 7 5 0.71
Montreal28 16 3 0.19 4 4 1.00
Netherlands29,30 25 9 0.36 26 24 0.92
Norway31 12 1 0.08 ... ... ...
Sweden6 27 4 0.15 14 8 0.57
Austria32 18 1 0.06 ... ... ...
Australia33 10 1 0.10 9 6 0.67
Total 167 28 0.17 83 63 0.76
*Ellipses indicate BRCA2 not evaluated.
†Data from current study.
‡Unpublished data.

COMMENT For women with BRCA1 mutations, analysis of the BCPT reveals that for
Healthy women with inherited cancer- an important question remains unan- women who have not yet developed
predisposing BRCA1 or BRCA2 muta- swered. It is possible that early in the breast cancer, genotype at BRCA1 and
tions face high risks of breast and ovar- course of BRCA1 tumors, tamoxifen BRCA2 has a major impact on the ex-
ian cancer. Prophylactic mastectomy might still have a role to play. If tamox- pected effect of tamoxifen in reducing
significantly reduces breast cancer risk ifen and oophorectomy are nearly incidence of primary breast cancer.
among these women. Over 3 years of equivalent, as they are in breast can- Author Contributions: Study concept and design: King,
follow-up, invasive breast cancer oc- cer treatment, and if oophorectomy is Wieand, Ford, Wickerham, Wolmark, Fisher.
curred in 8 of 63 women with inher- performed before age 35 years and is Acquisition of data: King, Hale, Walsh, Owens, Tait.
Analysis and interpretation of data: King, Wieand,
ited BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations, who effective in reducing breast cancer in- Hale, Lee, Owens, Costantino, Fisher.
had opted for surveillance alone, but in cidence among women with BRCA1 Drafting of the manuscript: King, Wieand, Hale, Walsh,
Owens, Tait, Fisher.
none of 76 women who underwent pro- mutations,38 then tamoxifen might be Critical revision of the manuscript for important in-
phylactic mastectomy.37 Other data in- effective in younger, cancer-free women tellectual content: King, Wieand, Lee, Tait, Ford, Dunn,
Costantino, Wickerham, Wolmark, Fisher.
dicates that early prophylactic oopho- with BRCA1 mutations. This question Statistical expertise: King, Wieand, Lee, Costantino.
rectomy reduces the risk of subsequent could best be addressed by a prospec- Obtained funding: King, Wieand, Ford, Dunn, Wick-
breast cancer among BRCA1 mutation tive randomized trial involving a suf- erham, Wolmark, Fisher.
Administrative, technical, or material support: King,
carriers by approximately 50%.38 ficient number of such women. Wieand, Hale, Lee, Walsh, Owens, Tait, Ford, Cos-
The critical question for our study Finally, it is important to bear in tantino, Wickerham, Wolmark, Fisher.
Study supervision: King, Wieand, Tait, Fisher.
was whether chemoprevention, spe- mind that this study addressed the ef- Funding/Support: This work was supported by Na-
cifically prophylactic use of tamoxifen, ficacy of tamoxifen in reducing inci- tional Institutes of Health grant U10 CA37377 to the
NSABP Operations Center with a subaward (U10
would also reduce incidence of inva- dence of breast cancer among healthy CA69974) to the University of Washington and the
sive breast cancer among cancer-free women with BRCA1 or BRCA2 muta- NSABP Biostatistics Center.
women with inherited BRCA1 or tions. The BCPT, and thus this genet- Acknowledgment: We thank C. Smith, K. Dala-
kishvili, R. Kim, J. Pijoan, and E. Donelan for techni-
BRCA2 mutations. Given the sample ics study, did not address treatment cal assistance.
size of the BCPT, inference from the with tamoxifen of existing breast can-
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