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c, humanists

d. stoics
1070. Which statement of human right is CORRECT?
a. Human rights are unlimited,
b. Human right is a moral power not a physical power,
c. All human rights are inalienable,
t d. Human right is might.
1071. Which is an example of an alienable right?
a. Right to possess a house through inheritance
b. right to life
c. Right to aims
d. Right to marry
1072. Itisanareaofphilosophywhichdealsonthenatureofknowledgeandthebest methods of
teaching is
a. Epistemology
b. Metaphysics
c. Ethics
d. Aesthetics
1073. Tooccupy a government position, one hasto pass an examination on Confucian thought.
From viTiom did this influence come?
a. Hebrews
b. Chinese
c. Hindus
d. Greeks
1074. Who was a strong supporter of inclusive education and -education for allll concept?
a, Dewey
b. Hegel
c. Rousseau
d. Kung futsu
1075. Ason put a time bomb in the luggage of his motherwhotook it abroad a Philippine airline.
The bomb exploded whilethe airplane was in flight killing the motherandforty other
passengers. Although the motive ofthe criminal act was never revealed by the son, he
aroused suspicion, when he named himself beneficiary to an insurance policy he had
previouslytakenoutonhismother'slife.Wasthesonaccountableforthedeathof his
mother and the other passengers?
a. Yes. He may have been directly interested only in the insurance money but directly as
foreseen consequence, he willed the death for all passengers,
b. No. He did not directly the death of his mother and the other passengers,
c. No, if he refused to get the insurance money after the incident,
d. Yes, if he got the insurance money after the death.
1076. Which software allows teachers and students to write, edit, and polish assignments and

a. Spreadsheets
b. Word processing
c. Database
d. Graphics
1077. Tohaveatestwithawidecoverage,powertotestanalyticalthinking andeaseofscoria
Which type should teachers use?
a. Completion
b. Short answer
c. Alternate response
d. Multiple choice
1078. What does a conservative Filipino student experience when she migrates to the United States
and witness for herself public display of affection?
a. Acculturation
b. Cultureshock
c. Colonial mentality
d. Enculturation
1079. in what way can teachers uphold the highest possible standards of quality education?
a. By working out undeserved promotions,
b. By putting down other professions to lift the status of teaching
c. Wearing expensive clothes to change people's poor perception ofteachers
d. By continually improving themselves personally and professionally
1080. Which learning activity is most appropriate if teacher'sfocus is attitudinal change?
a. Field trip
b. Role play
c. Game
d. Exhibit
1081. Which questioning practice promotes more class Interaction?
a, Asking rhetorical questions,
b. Focusing on convergentactions.
c. Focusing in divergentquestions.
d. Calling a student to answer before asking the question 1082. Which holds true to
norm reference testing?
a. comparing individual's performance to the average performance of a group
b. Determining tasks that reflect instructional objectives
c. Constructing test items in term of instructional objective
d. Identifying an acceptable level of mastery in advance 1083. Themodeofascore
distribution is25.Thismeansthat
a. twenty five is the average of the score distribution,
b, twenty five is the score that occurs least,
c, twenty five(25)is the score that occurs most
d. there is no score of 25.

1084. If a teacher gets the difference between the highest and lowest score, he obtains the

a, range
b. standard deviation
c. level ofdifficuity
d. median
1085. Which one described the percentile rank of a given score?
a. The percent of cases of a distribution within the given score
b. The percent of cases of a distribution above the given score
c. The percent of cases of a distribution below and above a given score
d. The percent of cases ofadistributionbelowthe given score 1086. Tothe
rationalist, which is the highestfaculty ofa man?
a. Senses
b. Reason
c. Emotion
d. Will
1087. The index of difficulty of a particular test is.10. What does this mean? My student's

a. found the test item was neither easy nor difficult

b. performed very well against expectation
c. were hard up in that item
d. gained mastery over that item
1088. JosereadsWASforSAWorDforPorB.fromhisreading behavior,onecansaythat Jose
suffersfrom .
a. dysgraphia
b. dyslexia
c. dysphasia
d. dyspraxia
1089. If you want a child to eliminate an undesirable behavior, punish him. This in accordance with
Thorndike's law of .
a. multiple response
b. reinforcement
c. exercise
d. effect
In which cognitive development stage is a child unable to distinguish between his own
perspective and someone else's?
a. Pre operational stage
b. Concrete operational stage
c. Sensorimotor stage
d. Formal operational
1091. Which developmental stage is sometimes called the pre school years?
a. Middle childhood

b. Adolescence
c. Early childhood
d. Late Infancy
1092. According to Piaget's theory, in which developmental stage can the child do symbolic thinking
and go beyond theconnection ofsensory information and physical action?
a. Pre operational
b. Concrete operational
c. Formal operational
d. Sensorimotor
1093. In which competency dothestudentsfindgreatest difficulty? inthe item withthe difficulty
index of
a. 0.10
d. 0.50
1094. What psychological principle is invoked when a teacher connects the new lesson to the one
just completed so that the student may gain a holistic view ofthe subject?
a. Conceptualization
b. Recognition
c. Stimulation
d. Apperception s. -

1095. Whichteaching method isintendedprimarilyforskill and conceptmastery bywayof

a. Project
b. Supervised study
c. Drill
d. Review t,-

1096. What is the possible effect of an overcrowded curriculum?

a. In depth learning tends to be given greater emphasis
b. Lifelong learning skills tend to be fully developed
c. There is lack of personal analysis and reflection on major concepts
d. There is greater concept of understanding
1097. Teacher D begins her lesson with concrete life experiences then leads her students to
abstraction. Which method does she employ?
a. Inductive
b. Deductive
c. Transductive
d. Intrusive
1098. The Department of Education gives greater emphasis on the development of basic skills.
What is the philosophical basis for this?
a. Essentialism
b. Existentialism

c. Perennialism
d. Pragmatism
1099. Teacher M views his students as unique,free-choosing and responsible individuals. All
classroomactivlties revolve aroundthesaid premise.Whattheory underliesthis?
a. Essentialism
b. Existentialism
c. Progressivism
d. Realism
1100. Religious rituals in the classroom and in the school programs prove the deep natural
religiosity oftheFilipinos. Which philosophyhasgreatlycontributedtothetradition?
a. Buddhism
b. Confucianism
c. Hinduism
d. Islam
1101. In order to make Roman education truly utilitarian, how should the day-to-day iessons be
a. Taught in the students' native dialect
b. Taught interestingly through the play way method
c. Related and linked to the events happening in everyday life
d. Practicedathomeundertheguidanceoftheirrespectiveparents. 1102. Which
the secondary and tertiary levels?
a. Chinese
b. Greeks
c. Orientals
d. Romans
1103. Which philosophy has the educational objective to indoctrinate Filipinos to accept the
teachings of the Catholic Church which is fosterfaith in God?
a. Realism
b. Pragmatism
c. Idealism
d. Existentialism
1104. Virtue as one component in the teaching ofRizalasacoursefocuses on the teaching of good
and beauty consistent with the good and beauty in God. What philosophy supports this?
a. Existentialism
b. Idealism
c. Progressivism
d. Social Reconstructionism
1105. Giving education the highest budgetary allocation, the Philippine government
recognizes the possibie contribution of its future citizens to the national development goals of
the Philippine society. Which stressed thisgoal of education forsocial

a. Athenian education
b. Followers of Christ
c. Greek education
d. Roman education
1106. The progressivists emphasized the individuality of the child. What is the concern ofthe
a. Experiential learning
b. Socialization
c. Social problem
d. Social Interaction
1107. Oneofthefoliowing quotationsdoes notconformtotheChristian doctrineofEducation for
Humanitarianism. Which one is it?
a. Do unto others as you would like others do unto you
b. Love they neighbor as thyself
c. Noton bread alone is man to live but on every utterance thatcomesfrom mouth of God
d, Whatevergood things we do to our poor, helpless brothers, we do it for God.
1108. ScoutingandCitizen'sArmyTraintng(CAT)givetrainingincharacter-building, citizenship
training, etc. Which leads to the creation of a new social order and a new society
eventually. What philosophy supports this?
a. Existentialism
b. Perennialism
c. Progressivism
d. Social reconstructionism
1109. TeacherVdemonstratedthetechniqueonhowtogroupstudentsaccordingtotheir needs
and interests and howto use self-paced instructional materials. Which philosophy is
manifested in this activity?
a. Essentialism
b. Progressivism
c. Realism
d. Social Reconstructionism
11l6.^TeacherG,a Christian Living teacher, putsso much significance on values development and
discipline. What could be her educational philosophy?
a. Idealism
b. Pragmatism
c. Progressivism
d. Realism
1111. Which one does not illustrate the principle that rights and duties are correlative?
a. The right of an unmarried pregnantteacherto abort her baby in relation to herduty to
protect her name and herjob as a teacher
b. The right ofa state to compel students to military service is reciprocated by the duty

of the state to protect them,
c. Therighttoaiivingwageinvoivesthedutyoftheschooladministratorstogivethe salary
agreed upon and the duty ofthe teachers to give a fair amount of work,
d. The right to life of children and to be given respect ofsuch right.
1112. Why should ateachertaketheobligation upon himselftostudyandunderstandthe custom
and traditions of the community where he works?
a. To change the culture of the community,
b. To have a sympathetic attitude for the people of the community,
c. To identify the weaknesses of the culture of the community,
d. To please the people of the community.
1113. A teacherwho is arecognized expert in carpentry works,
taught his students howto prepare
and construct good and aesthetic furniture from local resources. What cultural transmission
process isthis?
a. Acculturation
b. Enculturation
c. Indoctrination
d. Observation
1114. Everyfirstdayoftheschoolyear. Miss Reyes prepared activitieswhichwillmakeher Grade?
children, sing, plan, learn and introduce themselves to the class. What process did the teacher
a. Acculturation
b. Enculturation
c. Indoctrination
d. Socialization
1115. Which program in the educational system seems to be aligned to the Christian humanitarian
principle respectfor the human personality?
a. The alternative learning system delivery
b. The functional literacy program for the out-of-school youth and adults
c. The promotion ofthe basic human rights of the Filipino
d. The study of the Philippine Constitution
1116., With a death threat over his head, Teacher Liza is directed to pass an undeserving student, if
■f -

she is a hedonist, which of the following wifi she do?

o a. Don'tpasshim.liveherprincipleofjustice.Shewillgetreward.ifnotinthislife, in the next,

b. Don'tpasshim.Shesurelywillnotlikesomeonetogiveyouadeaththreat inorderto pass,
c. Pass the student. That will be of use to her, the student and his parents,
d. Pass the student. Why suffer the threat?

1117. Which philosophy approves a teacher who lectures most of the time and requires his students
to memorize the rules of grammar?
a. Existentialism
b. Idealism

c. Pragmatism
d. Realism
1118. In astudentconducted,the pupils were asked which nationality they would prefer if given a
choice. MajorityofthepupilswantedtobeAmericans.Inthis case,in which obligation
relative to the state are schools seemed to be failing?
a. Instil! allegiance to the constitutional authorities
b. Promote national pride
c. Promoteobediencetotheiawsofthestate
d. Respect for all duly constituted authorities.
1119. Which subject in the elementary and likewise in the secondary schools are similarto the goal
of Rome to train the studentsfor citizenship?
a. Communication ARts
c. Science
1120. Which ofthefollowing schools practices is not based on Social Reconstructionism?
a. Establishment ofSDF
b. Exemption of Scouts from CAT
c. Promoting culture and arts in schools
d. Promoting project WOW
1121. Which ofthefollowing is the focus ofthe Japanese education in the Philippines?
a. Democratic ideals and nationalism
b. Love and service to one's country
c. Religion and love for Asian brothers
d. Vocational and health education
1122. Accordingtoreconstructionism.thegoalofeducationisto bring aboutanewsocial order.
Which practice best manifests this view?
a. The class conducts scientific experiments to discover or verify concepts,
b. The class discusses role models and their impact on society,
c. The class allowed to engage in divergent thinking,
d. The class undertakes well-planned projects in the community.
1123. Teacher A,a Values Education teacher emphasizes ethics in almost all her lessons.
Which of the following emphasizes the same?
a. Liberal Education
b. Moral Education
c. Religious Training
d. Social Education
124. Which reform in the Philippine Educational System advocates the use of English and Filipino
as media of instruction in specific learning areas?
a. Alternative Learning
b. Bilingual Education

c. K-12 Program
d. Multilingual Education
1125. Activities planned by school clubs/ organizations show school-community connection geared
towards society's needs. What philosophy is related to this?
a. Existentialism
b. Progressivism
c. Realism \
d. Social reconstructionism
1126. Whatphilosophyisrelatedtothepracticeofschoolsactingaslaboratoryforteacfiing reforms
and experimentation?
a. Essentialism
b. Existentialism
c. Progressivism
d. Social Reconstructionism
1127. Which of the following situations presents a value conflict?
a. The teacher and his students have class standing as their priorities,
b. The teacher and the administrator follow a set of criteria in giving grades,
c. The teacher has students whose parents want their children to obtain higher grades than
what they are capable of getting,
d. The teacher sets high expectations for intelligent students such as getting higher grades.
1128. Which situation shows that a sense of nationhood is exemplified?
a. The class conducted a debate using Filipino as medium
b. TheclassisrequiredtowatchtheTVsitcomofOprahtoimprovetheirEnglish
communication skills,
c. The class opted to make a choral rendition ofthe theme song of a foreign movie,
d. When Teacher Chris asked her Grade 2 students in what country they wish to live, most of
them chose United States.
1129. A teacher who believes in the progressivist theory of education would embrace certain
reforms on methodology. Which reform would be consistent with this theory?
a. Active participation ofteachers
X b. Formal instructional pattern
K c. Strict external discipline
r ' Teacher domination of class activities

>^1130. What philosophy of education advocates that the curriculum should only include universal
and unchangingtruths?
a. Essentialism

oo b. Idealism
c. Perennialism
d. Pragmatism
1131. Which of the following is not a function ofthe school?
a. Changing cultural practices

b. Development of attitudes and skills
c. Reproduction of species
d. Socialization among children
1132. Which move liberalized access to education during Spanish period?
a, The education of illiterate parents
b. The establishment of at least one primary school for boys and girls in each municipality
c. The hiring oftribal tutors to teach children
d. The provision of vocational training for school age children 1133. Whichofthefollowingis
thechiefaimofSpanish education?
a. Conformity and milrtarism
b. Perpetuation of culture
c. Propagation ofthe Catholic religion
d. Utilitarianism and conformity
1134. Which ofthe following is the aim of our education during the Commonwealth period?
a. Designed after Japaneseeducation
b. Patterned after the American curriculum
c. Predominantly religious
d. Purely nationalistic and democratic
1135. Which ofthefollowing is not areason whythe basiceducation curriculum has been
a. To become globally competitive during this industrial age
b. To be relevant and responsive to a rapidly changing world
c. To empower the Filipino learners for self-development throughout their life,
d. To help raise the achievement level of students
1136. Which philosophy of education influence the singing of the National Anthem in schools?
a. Nationalism
b. Naturalism
c. Pragmatism
d. Socialism
1137. Who among the following believes that learning requires disciplined attention, regular
homework,and respect for legitimate authority?
a. Essentialist
b. Progressivist
c. Realist
d. Reconstructionist
Which of thefollowing is the main function of the philosophy of education?
a. Reconsider existing educational goals in the light of society's needs
b. Provide the academic background prerequisite to learning
c. Define the goals and set the direction for which education is to strive
d. Aid the learner to build his own personal philosophy

1139. Homeroom advisers always emphasizethe importance ofcleanliness of the body, Children are
taughthowtowashtheirhands before and aftereating.What isthis practice called?
a. Folkviray
b. Laws
c. Mores
d. Social norm

1140. Which curricular move served to strengthen spiritual and ethical values?
a. Integration of creative thinking in all subject
b. Introduction of Values education as a separate subject area
c. Reducing the number of subject areas into skill subject
d. Re-introducing science as a subject in Grade 1
1141. The greatest happiness lies in the contemplative use of mind, said Piato. Which ofthe
follo\A/ing activities adheres to this?
a. Cooperative learning
b. Instrospection
c, Role Playing
d. Soda! Interaction
1142. Yourteacherisoftheopinionthattheword and everything in itareeverchangingand so
teachesyoutheskilltocope\withthechanges.Which inhisgoverning philosophy?
a. Experimentalism \
b. Existentialism
c. Idealism \
d. Realism
1143. TeacherMyrasays:"lfrt is billiardthatbringsstudentsoutoftheclassroom.letus bring it into
the classroom.Perhaps, I can use ittoteach Math".To which philosophy does teacher Myra
a. Essentiatism
b. Idealism
c, Progressivism
d. Reconstructionism
1144. Which ofthe following should be done to build a sense of pride among Filipino youth?
a. Replace the study offolklores and myths with technical subjects
b. Re-study our history and stress on our achievements as people
c. Re-study our history from the perspective of our colonizers
d. Set aside the study of local history
x; 1145. A teacher who subscribes to the pragmatic philosophy of education believes that
experience study should follow learning in her teaching. Which of the following does she do to
(j support her belief?
a. Encouraging learners to memorize factual knowledge
b. Equipping learners with the basic abilities and skills

c. Providing learners opportunities to apply theories and principles
d. Requiring learner's full master ofthe lesson.
1146. Whichphilosophylnfluencedthecuttivationofreflectiveandmeditativeskillsin teaching?
a. Confucianism
b. Existentialism
c. Taoism
d. Zen Buddhism
1147. Ofthe following situation manifests a balance between teacher's responsibility and
a. She entertains her students with personal stories until the end of the period,
b. She spends most of the time on the latest gossips in showbiz,
c. She teaches as much as she could for duration of the period,
d. She teaches as well as entertains the students with per personal stories.
1148. Dr. Escoto,the school physician conducted a physical examination in Ms. Manuel'sclass.
Whatconcept best describes the quantitative increase observed by Dr. Escoto among
learners in terms of height and weight?
a. Development
b. Growth
c. Learning
d. Maturation
1149. Which situation best illustrates the concept of growth?
a. A kinder pupil gains 2 pounds within two months,
b. A high school student gets a score of 85 in mental ability test,
c. An education student has gained knowledge on approaches and strategies in teaching
different subjects
d. An elementary grader has learned to play piano. 1150. Which statements below
best describes development?
a. A high school student's height increased by 5'2" to 5'4"
b. A high school student's change in weightfrom 110 lbs. to 125 lbs.
c. A student had learned to operate the computer
d. A student's enlargement of hips
1151. What concept can best describes Francisco's ability to walk without a support at age of 12
monthsbecauseofthe"internalripening"thatoccuredinhismuscles,bonesand nervous
system development?
a. Development
b. Growth
c. Learning
d. Maturation
1152. Teacher Jesusin now69yearsoldhas been observing changes inhimselfsuchasthe aging
process.Which term referstothe developmentchange in the individual?
a. Development

b. Growth
c. Learning
d. Maturation
1153. Manuel, afive-yearold boy can hold his pen and writehisnamewith his right hand.
Which term describes Manuel's action/ behavior?
a. Development
b. Growth
c. Learning
d. Maturation
1154. Which of the following theory can help Miss Samson determine the readiness of her learners
by administering a readiness test?
a. Conditioning Theories
b. Cognitive Development Theory
c. Maturation Theory
d. Ethological Theory
1155. Mr.Franciscowasverymuchworriedaboutthethumbsuckingofhisson.Afriendof him
saysthatcertainbehavioramonginfants.Whopresentedthatnotionthatcerlain behavior
like thumb-sucking is normal behavior?
A. Sigmund Freud
b. Erick Ericson
c. John Bowlly
d. Urie Bronfrenbenner
1156. A newborn infant move his whole body at one time,instead of moving a part of it.
Which of the following principles is illustrated by his behavior?
a. Development proceedsfrom specific to general,
b. Development proceedsfrom general to specific,
c. Developmentfollows an orderly pattern,
d. Development follows a general pattern.
1157. Train up a child in the way he should be; when he grows up, he will not departfrom it.
Which principle supports this?
a. Development is determined by his heredity
^‘b. Development is determined by the environment
c. Early development is more critical than the late development
O d. Early development is less critical than late development.
1158. Which state of the psycho-sexual theory does young boys experience rivalry with their father
for their mother's attention and affection?

oo a. Oral
b. Anal
c. Phallic
d. Latency
1159. Angela focuses her attention on the school work and vigorous play that consume most of her
physical energy. Which stage of psychosexual theory illustrates her behavior?

a. Oral
b. Anal
c. Phallic
d. Latency
1160. Which ofthe following is likely to be developed if infants are shown genuine affection?^
a. Trust
b. Autonomy \
c. Initiative
d. Industry
1161. Christian develops an integral and coherent sense of self. He seeks answers to the question.
"Who am I"? Which ofthefollowing is Christian likely to develop?
a. Initiative '
b. Identity and RoleConfusion
c. Intimacy
d. Autonomy
1162. Ms. Reyes uses images and language to represent and understand her various lessons to
preschool learners.Whatstageinthecognitivetheory ofdevelopmentexplainsthis?
a. Sensorimotor
b. Preoperational
c. Concrete operation
d. Formal operation
1163. Connie develops concepts necessary for everyday living, builds healthy attitudes
towards oneself, and achieve personal independence. These are among the attributes of an
individual in what particular stage?
a. Infancy and early childhood
b. Middle childhood
c. Adolescence
d. Early adulthood
1164. Somechitdren are more active than others, as everyone knows-extremely high levels of
activityorhyperactivityareconsidered problematic. Howmayateacher helpachild who is
a. Make him the leader of the class
b. Transfer him to anotherclass
c. Give him challenging activities that are appropriate to his ability level and interests,
d. Allow him to spend longer at the playground until he gets tired.
1165. Tessa getsjealous whenever she sees herfather showing love and affection to her mother.
Which ofthe following is she showing according to Freud?
a. Complex
b. Phallic
c. Electra Complex
d. Oedipus Complex

1166. In Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development, which ofthe following statements would
illustrate Edward who is 11 years old?
a. Able to see relationships and to reason in the abstract,
b. Unable to breakdown a whole into separate parts,
c. Differentiates goals and goal-directed activities,
d. Experiments with methods to reach goals.
1167. Trishagoeswithhermotherinschoot.Sheenjoystheworkplaceofhermother.Which ofthe
following ecological theories is illustrated by the situation?
a. Microsystem
b. Mesosystem
c. Exosystem
d. Macrosystem
1168. Lito, astudent in secondary leveltendstospend moretime with hisfriendsand his family,
thus, his behavior is greatly affected by them. In which stage in the Psychosocial Stages of
Development does Lito belong?
a. Autonomous vs Shame and Doubt
b. Identity vs. Role Confusion
c. Intimacy vs. Isolation
d. initiative vs. Guilt
1169. Anna believesthatauthority is respected.She is nowin virfiat particular level in moral
development theory of Lawrence Kholberg?
a. Social contract
b. Law and order orientation
c. Interpersonalconcordance
d. Universal ethics orientation
1170. What level has a four year old learner like Maryann reached when she acquired new skills
such as putting the same shapes and the same colors together?
a. Development
b. Maturation
c.Zone of Proximal Development
d. Learning
1171. Which ofthefollowing principles can bethe basis ofthe growing realization ofthe
significance ofthe early childhood education?
a. The young children are capable of doing many things at an early stage,
b. The child should be seen and should learn,

a4^' c. The first five years of life are the formative years ofthe child,
d. Early childhood experiences can be interesting and challenging.

oO 1172. Whichofthefollowingiearner'scharacteristicswiliaffectmostofthelearnersleaming in the

a. His affective characteristics
b. His cognitive characteristics

c. His psychomotor characteristics
d. His socio-emotional characteristics
1173. Which ofthefollowing is true about human development?
a. Human development considers both maturation and learning,
b. Development refers to the progressive series of changes of an orderly coherent type toward
the goal of maturity,
c. Development is the gradual and orderly unfolding of the characteristics of the individuals
as they go through the successive stages of growth.
d. All of theabove
1174. Whatdoyoucallthequantitativeincreaseintermsofheightandweig htasobservedbythe
school physician during the physical examination ofthe students?
a. Development
b. Growth
c. Learning
d. Maturation
1175. Mrs. Gomez conducts research on the psychosocial domain of development. In what
particularareaofthechild’sdeveiopmentisMrs.Gomezmostlikelytobeinterested with?
a. Perceptual abilities
b. Brain-wave patterns
c. Emotions
d. Use oflanguage
1176. Which of the following is the correct order of psychosexual stages proposed by Sigmund
a. Oral stage,analstage.phailicstage, latency stage, genital stage
b. Anal stage, oral stage, phallic stage, latency stage, genital stage
c. Oralstage, analstage,genital stage,latency stage, phailicstage
d. Anal stage,oralstage,genital stage, latency stage, phallic stage
1177. What is the best description of Erickson's psychosocial theory of human development?
a. Eight crises all people are thought to lace
b. Four psychosocial stages in latency period
c. The same number of stages as Freud's, but with different names
\ d, A stage theory that is not psychoanalytic
1178. lnErickson'stheory,whatistheunresolvedcrisisofanaduitwhohasdifficulty establishing a
secure, mutual relationship with a life partner?
a. Initiative vs. Guilt
b. Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt
c. Intimacy vs. Isolation
d. Trust vs. Mistrust
1179. Alyssa is eight years old, and although she understands some logical principles, she still has
troubles in understanding hypothetical concepts. According to Piaget, Alyssa belongs to what
particular stage of cognitive development?

a. Sensorimotor
b. Preoperational
c. Concrete operational
d. Formal operational
1180. Which ofthefollowingprovidesthebestbroaddescriptionoftherelationshipbetween
heredity and environment in detennining height? < <c
a. Heredityistheprimaryinfluence,with environmentaffecting developmentonly in severe
b. Heredity and environment contribute equally to development
c. Environment is the major influence on physical characteristics,
d. Heredftydirectstheindividuarspotentialandenvironmentdetermineswhetherandto what
degree the individual reaches the potential.
1181. What is the correct sequence of prenatal stages of development?
a. Embryo, germinal,fetus
b. Germinal, fetus,embryo
c. Germinal, embryo, fetus
d. Embryo,fetus, germinal
1182. When a baby realized that a rubber duck \which has fallen out of the tub must be
somewhere on the floor, he is likely to achieved what aspect of cognitive development?
a. Object permanence
b. Deferred imitation
c. Mental combinations
d. Goal-directed behavior
1183. WhichofthefollowingwillbeFreud'sdescriptionofthechild'sbehaviorifhehasbiting,
sarcastic manner?
a. Anally expulsive
b. Anally retentive
c. Fixated in the oral stage
d. Experiencing the crisis of trust vs. mistrust
1184. WhatisFreud'sideaaboutayoungboy'sguiltfeeiingsbroughtabout byjealousy ofhis father's
_ relationship with his mother?
a. Electra complex
b. Oedipus complex
c. Phallic complex
d. Penis envy complex
1185. Whenalittlegirlwhosaysshewantshermothertogoonvacationsothatshecanmarry her
father, Freud believes that he is voicing a fantasy consistent with?
a. Oedipus complex
b. Electra complex
c. Theory of mind
d. Crisis of initiative vs. Guilt

1186. Which ofthe following can best describe the preschooler's readiness to learn new task and
play activities?
a. Emerging competency and self-awareness
b. Theory of the Mind
c. Relationship with parents
d. Growing identification with others ✓
1187. Jamesnotedthatwhenthepreschoolerseagerlybeginmanynewactivitiesbutare vulnerable
to criticism and feelings offailure, they are experiencing what particular crisis?
a. Identity vs. RoleConfusion
b. Initiative vs. Guilt
c. Basic trust vs. mistrust
d. Efficacy vs. Helplessness
1188. What stage of Piaget's Cognitive Development does a person belong to when he can
understand specific logical ideas and apply them to concrete problems?
a. Preoperational thought
b. Operational thought
c. Create operationalthought
d. Formal operationalthought
1189. What is the best explanation of Piaget's concrete operational thought to describe the school-
age child's mental ability? \
a. A child can reason logically about things and events he or she perceives,
b, A child's ability to think about how he thinks
c. Can understand that certain characteristics of an object remain the same when other
characteristics are changed
d. Canunderstandthatmoralprinciplesmaysupersedethestandardsofsociety. 1190. Elisa
who is in between 9and 11 years ofagearemostlikely to demonstrate moral
reasoning at which Kohiberg's stage?
a. Pre-conventional
b. Conventional
c. Post-conventional
d. None of theabove
1191 AccordingtoKohlberg.adutifulcitizenwhoobeysthelawsset down bysociety is at vi/hich
f®vel of moral reasoning?
a. Pre-conventional Stage One
b. Pre-conventional Stage Two
c. Conventional
d. Post-conventional
1192. Ana,who is low-achieving,shyand withdrawn,is rejected by most of herpeers. Her teacher
wants to help Ana increase her self-esteem and social acceptance. What can Joy's teacher
suggest to her parents?
a. Transferhertoadlfferentschool

b. Help their daughter improve her motor skills
c. Help their daughter learn to accept more responsibility for her academicfailures
d. Helptheirdaughterimproveherskillsinrelatingtopeers 1193. What is the most accurate
definition of puberty stage?
a. Rapid physical growth that occurs during adolescence
b. Stage when sexual maturation is attained.
c. Rapid physical growth and sexual maturation that ends childhood
d. Stage when adolescents establish identifies separate from their parents.
1194. FlfteenyearoldMarieispreoccupiedwithher"disgustingappearance"andseems
depressed most ofthetime. Whatisthe bestthing her parents can dotohelp herget through
this difficulttime?
a. Ignore her self-preoccupation because their attention would only reinforce it.
b. Encourage to"shape up" and not give in the self-pity
c. Kid her about her appearance in the hope that she will see how silly she is acting,
d. Offerpractica!advice,suchasclothingsuggestions,toimproveherbodyimage. 1195.
What can bethe bestcomparison ofthe behavior of a 17 yearold girl to that of her 13
year old brother?
a. She is more likely critical about herself
b. She tends to be more egocentric,
c. She had less confidence in her abilities,
d. She is more capable of reasoning hypothetically.
1196. According to Erikson, what is the primary task of adolescent?
a. To establish trust
b. To search for his identity
c. To be more intimate with others
d. To establish integrity
1197. Whatisthemainsourceofemotionalsupportformostyoungpeoplewho are establishing
independence from their parents?
a. Older adolescents of the opposite sex
b. Older sibling
c. Teachers
d. Peer groups
1198. Which theory operates on the "stimulus-response principle", which means all behaviors are
caused by external stimuli?
a, Contextual theory
A' b. Behaviorist theory
c. Cognitive theory

GO d. Constructivist theory
1199. Ms. Erika in her Biology class accompanies her discussion with interesting visual aids. She
strongly believes that students learn better when lessons are presented with images, real or
imagined asidefrommerelecturemethod.Which leamingtheorydoessheupholds?
a. Dual-Coding Theory

b. Information Processing Theory
c. Meaningful Reception Learning Theory
d. Social Cognitive Theory
1200, Miss Rita is an excellent Physical Education teacher. She started teaching volleyball to her
Grade2class. Despiteallherefforts.herclassdoesnotseemto learn howto play the game.
What law of learning was disregarded?
a. Law ofOisuse
b. Law of Effect
c. Law of Exercise
d, Law of Readiness
1201, Teacher jay, a physical education teacher, demonstrates the new skill to be learned so that his
studentscan watch h im and later reproducethe skill. What learning theory is associated with
a. Dual-Coding Learning Theory
b. Information Processing
c. Schema Learning Theory
d. Social Learning
1202. Patriceisalwaysfearful offreely roaming dogsbutdoesnotmind dogs in a pen oron a leash.
Whatfeature of classical conditioning is exhibited?
a. Discrimination
b. Extinction
c. Generalization
d. Practice
1203. A music teacher is careful in planning activities for each lesson, He praises liberally and rewards
correct answers. What view of learning is exhibited?
a. Classical conditioning
b. Meaningful learning
c. Operant conditioning
d. Social learning
1204. Whichofthetheoriesoflearning presentsorstatesthatieamingskillsarehierarchically
^ arranged?
a. CumulativeLearning

a b. Meaningful Learning
c. Social Cognitive Learning
d. Theory of Instruction

1205. Which of the following best describes what meaningful learning is?
a. When virhat is to be learned is new and easy for the students
b. Materials presented are difficult and challenging to the students
c. When the materialsto be learned is related to whatstudents already know
d. Students find the lessons easy and relevant to what was assigned to them
1206. Ritaeasilyrememberdatesandeventsinhistory.WhatcomponentofLTMdoesRita have?

a. Creative thinking
b. Critical thinking
c. Reflective thinking
d. Logical thinking
1207. An Earth Sciencehasjustcompletedaunrtonthesun.Assherecognizeshernextuniton other
stars,she usesthesunasaframeofreference.What view of learning wasused?
a. Discovery learning
b. informative learning
c. Meaningful learning
d. Transfer learning
1208. Which is an application of cognitive approach to motivation?
a. Explain the reasons for studying the topic
b. Create a supportive classroom climate for students
c. Provide clear and promptfeedback on assignments
d. Begin lessons with challenging questions and conflicting events
1209. ThefirstpeopiepowerwasheidinFebruary25,1986.Whatkindofknowledgeis presented?
a. Conditional Knowledge
b. Cognitive Knowledge
c. Domain-Specific Knowledge
d. Procedural Knowledge
1210. The students of Mrs. Reyeswerenotableto learn theconceptsthatshepresented yesterday
so she taught the same concepts again but this time using a different teaching method. What
principle of learning was applied?
a. Concepts should be presented in varied and different ways
b. Effort was put forth when tasks are challenging
c. Learning by doing is more effective than just by sitting and listening
d. Learning is aided by formulating and asking questions
1211. Alvin is a transferee and feels uneasy with his new school. His teacher is very
accommodating,warmand caring.Alvinfeltcomfortablewiththeteacherdisplayof genuine
warmth. The teacher is consistent in his manner and Alvin began to associate school with the
teacher's warmth. Which theory is being illustrated?
a. Meaningful learning
b. Operant conditioning
D c. Classical conditioning
d. Observational learning
1212. Afterjust being introduced to anotherguest in the party, Tom cannot rememberthe name of
theguesthewasintroducedto.lnwhatmemorystagewasthe information stored in?
a. Episodic memory
b. Semantic memory

c. Sensory memory
d. Working memory
1213. Vygotsky claimed that social interaction is important for learning. What does this imply?
a. Children are independent problem solvers
b. Children learn from adults and other children
c. Children learn by passive presentation of information
d. Childreninthecribhasnoleamingyet.sincetheyarenotcapableofinteraction 1214. How
would you help a studentwho is intelligent but is underachieving in class?
a. Provide challenging activities which he/she can accomplish
b. Recognize his talents by asking him/herto help other students with their work
c. Identify the immediate causes of difficulties that cause his/her being an underachiever
d. Allow him/herto work with the slow learnergroup to cope with the academic needs of the
1215. Mrs.Corpuzalwaysmakessurethatherpre-schoolclassroomiswellorganizedand dean.
She puts up interesting and colorful visuals on the bulletin boards. What principle of motivation
a. Incentives motivate learning
b. Internal motivation is longer lasting and more self-directive than is external motivation
c. Motivation is enhanced by the way in which instructional material is organized,
d. Theenvironmentcanbeusedtofocusthestudent'sattentiononvrfiatneedstobe learned.
1216. For every correct answer, the teacher would give a star to her students.
What schedule of reinforcement was used?
a. Fixed interval \
b. Fixed ratio
c. Variable interval
d. Variable ratio
1217. Marga,asixyear old,alwaysasked herplaymatestositInfrontofhersmall black board and
she plays teacher. Her mother is a teacher. What theory explains Marga's behavior?
a. Classical Conditioning
b. Operant Conditioning
c. Social Learning
d. Information Processing
1218. What should the teacher do to help students learn psychomotor skills?
a. Teacher uses verbal explanation and description of the movements in addition to live
demonstration of themovements
b. Teacher providesfeedback to the learner about his/her progress
c. Teacher encourages the learner to practice, in order to maintain his/her sharpness of the
d. All of theabove
1219. Theteacherpresentedanewlessonwhereinthestudentswereaskedtoworkonanew
project which was somewhat complicated. The students showed interest while working

on the project. What principle applies to the situation?
a. Effort was put forth when tasks are challenging
b. Lessons should be presented in varied and different ways
c. Meaningful materials are readily learned than nonsense materials
d. Teachers should provide opportunitiesfor meaningful and appropriate practice 1220.
Maturation should precede certain types of learning. Howisthis applied in the
a. Concepts should be taught from simple to complex
b. Consider the age level of students in assigning tasks \
c. Follow the interest of students in assigning tasks
d, Give the same task to all students in a particular grade level
1221. Luzeasilylearnsalessonwhensheisworkingwith laboratory equipmentbuthardly
remembersa lesson theteacher lectured on. Whattype of learner is Luz?
a. Auditory Learner
b. Kinesthetic Learner
c. Tactile Learner
d. Visual Learner
1222. Which of the following statements about motivation is false?
a. External motivation is longer lasting and more seif-directive than internal motivation
b. Internal motivation is fueled by one's goals or ambitions
c. Motivation is enhanced by the way in which the instructional material is organized
d. Motivation to perform is affected by expectancy and value
1223. Which of the following principles of learning applies to considering student's age in presenting
certain content and cognitive processes?
a. Principle ofreadiness
b. Principle of learning by doing
c. Principle of presenting challenging tasks
d. Principle of learning aided by formulating and asking questions
1224. Among components of a morally mature person, which demonstrate that a teacher seeks
peaceful resolution ofconflict?
,^ a. Doing community work
b. Fulfilling commitments
c. Accepting responsibility forchoices
d. Working peace/reconciliation
What mistake isteacher Bennytrying to avoid when he never drops a topic before it is
a. Non-directional topic
b. Danglingtopic
c. Bounded topic
d. Non-assessed topic
1226. Which of the following refer to teamwork among teachers in classroom teaching?
a. Peer evaluation
b. Peer teaching

c. Peer assessment
d. Peer discussion
1227. Whatis being shown byteacherswhoignoreslow-learnersandtakeprideintheworkof fast
a. Hurling invectives
b. discrimination
c. cursing
d. bullying
1228. Ofthegoalsofeducation,whichre!atestothestrengtheningofoursociety‘ssenseof
belonging and identity?
a. Autonomy
b. Enculturation
c. Citizenship
d. Moral character
1229. With closeness to direct experience as standard, which ofl&^bould a teacher choose?
a. Dramatized experience
b. Demonstration
c. Contrived experiences
d. Study trip
1230. Whatis aroused among viewing learners by dramaticeducationalfiims in whatis known as
a. Significance
b. Relevance
c. Expectancy
d. Satisfaction Co*
1231. Of the following, which is a form of direct experience?
a. Internet research
b. Preparation of leamingmaterials
c. Role playing ^
d. Village interview
1232, In using Essay Question, what of the following are these tests susceptible to, such as to make
them less reliable to measure board knowledge ofthe subject matter?
a. Guessing
b. Cheating
c. Bluffing
d. Time consuming
1233. What is known as learning a newword by studying its roots and reflexes?
a. Phonetic analysis
b. Contextualizing
c. Structural analysis
d. Morphology
1234. lncognitivelearning,whatarefirmlyestablishedandthoroughlytestedprinciplesor theories?
a. Concept
b. Hypothesis
c. Facts
d. Laws

1235. On duster of meaning learning activities, which does NOT belong to bodily kinesthetic learning
a. Dance
b. Hands-on demonstration
c. Role-playing
d. Story telling
1236. lnthe5‘Sformuiatocreateaconducivelearningenvironment,which Sstandsfor cleanliness
of the work place?
a. Shine
b. Sweep
c. Systematized
d. Sort
1237. Which of the following classroom climate is less threatening?
a. individualistic
b. Autocratic
c. Cooperative
d. Competitive
1238. T0 what cause is generally blamed the failure of independent study among Filipino students?
a. Late schooling
b. Lack of reading materials
c. Hyper active children
d. High dependence on authority
1239. Which is the highest in Maslow's hierarchy of needs?
a. Health and safety
b. Seif- actualization
c. Selfesteem
d. Socialization
1240. Upon which philosophy is the basis of the Back-to-Basic movement?
a. Existentialism
b. Progressivism
c. Behaviorism
d. Essentialism
1241. Which program directly embodied both the pre-service and in-service programs for Teachers?
a. Basic Education Sector Reform Agenda(BESRA)
b. Basic Education Curriculum
K-12 Program
d. Teacher Education Development Program(TEDP)
1242. What role does the teacher assumes as a -sage on the stage!!?
a. Facilitator of learning
b. Authority to imposerules
c. Dispenser of knowledge
d. Mentor to student

o 1243. Which is vital to education forthe building ofatesting culture of peace in this world?
a. Learning to do
b. Learning to know

c. Learning to be
d. Learning to livetogether
1244. What is the mostfundamental moral principle?
a. Do not steal
b. Do not kill
c. Do good and avoid evil
d. Ontological approach
1245. How can mastery of the multiplication table be best taught?
a. Game
b. Discussion
c. Drill
d. Simulation
1246. Whatfacetof photography istraining on howsubjectsare properlyframed bythe
a. Lighting
b. Composition
c. Focus
d. Depth of held
What does Fascism as state rule connote?'^'
a. Respect of civicrights
b. Dictatorship
c. Benevolent activity goals
d. Respect of human rights
1248. What does it mean if the difficulty index of an item is 1?
a. Very difficult
b, Missed by everyone
c. Very easy
d. quality item
1249. John Dewey, Rouseau,PestalloziandFroebel have greatly influenced the development of:
a. Child-friendly design curriculum
b. Problem centered designcurriculum
c. Humanistic design curriculum
d. Subject centered designcurriculum
1250. What are behaviors that school expect all students to know and folio\v?
a. Procedure
b. Standards
c. Goals
d. Rules
1251. InSPED.whatisthechairarrangementthatis effectiveforstudentsgrouped and working
together based on personality and work style?
a. Full circle
b. Cooperative

c. Horseshoe or U-shape
d. Cooperation
1252. it refers to the nature of child, his psychological and physiological endowments?
A. Starting Principles
B. Guiding Principles

C. Assessing Principles
D. Ending Principles
1253. According to him, intelligence is the ability to adjust to new environment?
a. Stern
b, Colvin
c. Terman
d. Gardner
1254. According to Thorndike's Classification of intelligence, it is a capacity to respond symbols
letters, etc.?
a. Abstract
b. Mechanical
c. Concrete
d. Social \
1255. It isthe blending sensation caused by the profound and widespread changes in the
a. Manipulation
b. imitation
c. Emotion
d. Play
1256. He states that the mind has mental power such as memory,reason,judgment,etc.?
a. Cristian Wolf
b. Thorndike
c. Watson X
d. Pavlov
1257. It is a natural desire ofthe individual to learn?
a. Extrinsic
b. Learning by conditioning^
c. Insight
d. Intrinsic
1258. It isaresponsewhich hasbeen exerciseand rewarded most recently istheone which likely
to occur? 'V.
a. Law of Recency
b. Law of Effect
c. Law of Exercise
d. Law of Frequency
1259. Level of questioning uses "tying up" questions, virfiat is it?
a. Critical

b. Interpretative
c, Integrative
d. Comprehensive
A 1260. It is a starting point of learning,
a. Lesson Plan
O' b. Objective
o c. Questioning
d. Motivation
1261. This is obtained from the sweet smile of the child v\rho was helped from his daily
contributions to the classroom?
a. A process of praise and encouragement

b. An artistic achievement
c. Self-satisfaction and fulfillment
d. A process oftransformation
1262. Which situation best illustrates the concept of growth?
a. A kinder pupil gains 2 pounds within 2 months
b. A high school student gets a score of85 in a mental ability test
c. An education student has gained knowledge on approaches and strategies in teaching
different subject
d. An elementary graded has learned to play piano
1263. Marlin,who is low-achieving,shy,andwithdrawn.isrejected by most of herpeers. Her
teacherwantsto help Joy increaseherseff-esteem and social acceptance.Whatcan
Marlyn's teacher suggestto her parents?
a. Transfer her to a different school
b. Help their daughter improve her motor skills
c. Help their daughter learn to accept more responsibility for her academic failures
d. Help their daughter improve her skills relating to peers
1264. Fifteen-year-old RJ is preoccupied with her-disgusting appearancell and seems
depressed most ofthetime. What is the bestthing her parentscan doto help her get through
this drfficuittime?
a. Ignore her self-preoccupation because their attention would only reinforce it
b. Encourage to -shape upll and not give in toself-pity
c. Kid her about her appearance inthehopethatshewillseehowsillysheis acting
d. Offer practical advice,suchasc|othingsuggestions,toimproveher bodyimage 1265.
Which statement below best describes development?
a. A high school student's height increased from 5‘2I1 to 5'4II
b, A student had learned to operate the computer
c. Ahighschoolstudents'changeinweightfromllOlbs to125ibs
d. A students'enlargement of hips
1266. Teacher Rheateachesin a remote high school where newspapers are delivered irregularly,
Knowing the importance of keeping the students aware of current affairs, wrhat is probably the
best way to keep the students updated?
a. Gather back issues of newspapers and let pupils com pile them
b. Urgethepupilstolistentostoriescirculatinginthecommunity
c. Encourage the pupils to listen to daily broadcastfrom a transistor radio
d. ■ Theteachershouldtryallavailabiemeanstogetthenewspaperdeliveredtothe school
1267.^ Which ofthe following characterizes a well-motivated lesson?
a.'The class isquite
b. c. The teachers can leave the pupils to attend to some activities
c. The children have something to do
d. d. There are varied procedures and activities undertaken by the pupils
.4: 1268. Learnersmustbedevelopednotonlyinthecognitive.psychomotorbutalsointhe affective
aspect. Why is the developmentofthe latter also important?
-O a. It helps them develop a sound value system
o b. c. It helps them develop an adequate knowledge of good actions
c. Their actions are dominated by theirfeelings
d. Awareness ofthe consequences of their action is sharpened 1269. Whichofthe
following is NOT true?

a. Lesson plan should be In constant state of revision
b. A good daily lesson plan ensures a better lesson
c. Students should never see a teacher using a lesson plan
d. Aliteachers regardless oftheir experience should have daily lesson plan Which
1270. ofthe following best describes what meaningfulearning is?
a. When what is to be learned is new and easy for the students </
b. Materials presented is difficult and challenging to the students
c. Whenthematerialsto be learned isrelatedtowhatstudentsalready know x >
d. Studentsfindthelessonseasyandrelevanttowhatwasassignedtothem
1271. What is NOT a technique in motivating learners? ^
a. The teacher is building on the students strengths first -■'0^
b. The teacher offers choices to develop students'ownership
c. Provideasecureenvironmentwhichpeimitschildrentofailwithoutpen alty
d. Encourage them to take opportunities beguilingly
1272. Vgotskyciaimedthatsocialinteraction is importantfor learning. Whatdoesthis
a.Children are independent problem solvers
b.Children learn from adult and otherchildren
c.Children learn well by passive presentation of information
d.Children in the crib has no leaning yet, since they are not capable off interaction 1273.
Which is NOTaprovisionforthedeveiopmentofeach learnerinagood curriculum?
a. Extensive arrangements aremadefortheeducationaldiagnosisof individual learners
b. Seif-directed, independent study is encouraged wherever possible and advisable
c. Self-motivation and self-evaluation are stimulated and emphasized throughout the
learning opportunities of the school
d, Theprogramprovidesawiderangeofopportunitiesforindividualswith same abilities,
needs, and interest
1274. Teacher Rukla would like to take part in developing a subject-centered curriculum because
shebelievesthatallsubjectsinthistypeofcurriculumaregearedtowardsthe holistic
developmentoftheleamer.lsherbeiiefaboutthesubject centered curriculum true?
a. Yes, because the subject-centered curriculum focuses on the learner's needs, interests,
b. No. because it is the experience-centered curriculum that emphasizes the teaching of
facts and knowledge for future use
c. Yes, because the subject-centered curriculum involves cooperative control
d. No, because it is the experience centered and not the subject-centered curriculum that
'emphasizes integration of habits and skills in learning the knowledge component of
a subject area
V 1275. Astakeholderincurriculumdevelopment.Mr.Gin.adistrictsupervisorandamemberofthe
^ school board has oneof thefollowing primary roles. Which one is this?
a. Support and participate in parent -school organization activities
b. Authorize school expenditures for curriculum development, implementation and
c. Enact legislations to effect curriculum development
d. Recommend changes in curriculum

1276. Which ofthefoilowing statements hasa very limited definition ofeducational
a. It is a profession composed of variousjob categories
b. It refers to the computer used forteaching and learning
c. It includes audiovisual materials, interactive multimedia, and self-instructional materials
d. It is the development, application, and evaluation of systems, techniques and aids to
improve human learning
1277. Mr. Chad,an ICT teacher, takes into accounttechnology standards toaddress the needs ofthe
studentsandhelpthemadaptwiththechanging society andtechnology.Which of the
following standards is an exception?
a. Creativity and innovation
b. Mode! digital-age work and learning
c. Research and information literacy
d. Technology operations and concepts
1278. Mr. Uryu, a computer teacher demonstrates understanding of local and global issues and
exhibits ethical and legal use of information and communication technology tools. Which is
true abouthim?
a. He models digital-age work learning
b. He facilitates and inspires student learning and creativity
c. He promotes and modetsdigital citizenship and responsibility
d. He designs and develops digital-age learning experience and assessment
1279. There are several reasons why teachers are reluctant in using electronic media in the teaching-
learning process.Which is the most common reason?
a. The limited exposure of teachers to new equipment
b. Their incompatibility to diverse needs of the learners
c. The difficulty in integrating technology in the curriculum
d. The excessive availability of local technology in the community
1280. Youtargetedthatafterinteraction.yourstudentshouidbeabietoshowtheirabilityto solve
problems with speed and accuracy.Youthen designed atootto measure this ability. What
principle of assessment did you consider in this situation?
a. Assessment should be based on clear and appropriate learning targets or objectives
b. Assessment should have a positive consequence on students' learning
c. Assessment should bereliable
d. Assessment should befair
1281. Whyshouldateachertaketheobligationuponhimselftostudyandunderstandthe custom
.'^and traditions of the community where he works?
a. To change the culture ofthe community
b. To identify the weaknesses ofthe culture ofthe community
c. To have a sympathetic attitude for the people of the commun ity
d. To please the people ofthe community
1282. In a study conducted,the pupils were asked which nationality they prefer if given a choice.
MajorityofthepupilswantedtobeAmericans.Inthiscase.inwhich obligation relative to the
state are schools seemed to be failing?
a. Instil allegiance to the constitutional authorities
b. Promote obedience to the laws of the state
c. Promote national pride
d. Respect for all duly constituted authorities

1283. A teacher who subscribes to the pragmatic philosophy of education believes that
experienceshouldfollowlearning in herteaching.Which ofthefollowingdoesshedoto
support her belief?
a. Encouraging learners to memorize factual knowledge
b. Providing learners opportunities to apply theories and principle
c. Equipping learners with the basic abilities and skills
d. Requiring learners full mastery of the lesson
1284. Which of the following is NOT a function of the school?
a. Changing cultural practices
b. Reproduction ofspecies
c. Development of attitude and skills
d. Socialization among children
1285. Teacher Unohana, a values education teacher emphasizes ethnics in almost ail her lessons.
Which ofthe following emphasizes the same?
a. Liberal education
b. Moral education
c. Religious training
d. Social education
1286. How is gradual progression ofteachers’ salaryfrom minimum to maximum done?
a. Regular increment every year
b. Regu lar increment every 3 years
c. Increment after 10 years of service
d. Increment after Syears
1287. Which of thefollowing rights is intended for parents under education act of 1982?
a. The right to academicfreedom
b. The right to seek redress of grievance
c. The right to privacy communication
d. The right to full access to the evidence of the case
1288. When can teacher be required to work on assignment not related to their duties?
a. When on probation
b. When lacking in educational qualifications
c. When found inefficient
d. When compensated under existing laws
1289. TeacherMomo.agraduateofBSEdwithmajorshipinEnglishteachesin anationaihigh
school in her province. Since she has been rated outstanding in her performance, can she be
exempted from taking the LET?
a. Yes, that is privilege that must be given to teachers whose performance is outstanding
b. Yes. If approved by PRC
c. No, it is against RA 7836
d. No, professional license is required of all teachers regardless ofage and teaching
X 1290. What is the concern of multicultural education?
a. Anticipating the future and imagining possible and probable futures
b. Gender equality and harnessing of the role of women in development
c. Promoting care forthe environment and building a global culture of ecological

d. The exploration of concepts of cultural diversity, similarities, and prejudices to promote
cultural understanding
1291. Aclassiscomposedofstudentscomingfromseveralethniccommunitiesincluding Muslims
and Lumads.They seem to have difficulty understanding each other’s behavior and points of
view. What should the teacher do?
a. Introduced multiculturalism in the class and provide activities for practice
b. Threaten the studentsthat ifthere arestudents who do not behave and tolerate their
classmates,they will be dropped from class
c. Inform studentsthatthey will all be learning newways ofthinking and behaving in this
class,sothey might as well leave their cultural idiosyncrasies at home
d. Assign bright students to monitor and control behavior of poor students
1292. Which ofthefollowingisthefirsttargetoftheMillennium DevelopmentGoals(MDG’s)
formulated by member states of the UN in September 2000?
a. Reduce child mortality
b. Reduce death due to HIV/AIDS and malaria
c. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
d. Achieve universal access to primary education
1293. UNICEFandUNESCOaretwokeyUNagencieswhichareparticularlyactiveadvocatesof
education of peace.Which ofthefollowing is notsupported by UNESCO in promoting peace
in theschools?
a. Uphold children’s basic rights as outlined in the Convention on the Rights ofthe Child
b. Develop a climate that models peaceful and respectful behavior among all members of
the learning community
c. Demonstrate the principle of equality and non-discrimination in administrative policies
d. Enable the teachers to stress peace-making in social studies classroom only \A^hen
1294. Which ofthesestatementsregardingprofessionalteachersisthemajordifferenceinthe
professionalism ofteachers and teaching as promulgated in Presidential Decree 1006 and in
Republic Act7836?
a. Holder of valid professional license and certificate of registration
b. Appointed of full time basis and permanent status
c. Assigned at the elementary and secondary levels in both public and private schools
d. Assigned atthetertiary level in both private and state colleges and universities 1295.
Which principle ofdevelopmentismanifested inthesaying “asthetree is bent,soshall
it grow”, that is an "a person’s actions reflect the training he receives as a child”?
a. The early formative years are more crucial than later development
b. Development is determined by the environment or how one is nurtured
c. Development is determined by heredity or one’s inherent nature
d. It is never too late to teach a child new ways
1296. Shouldateacherinvolveher/hisstudentsinplanningtheinstructionalobjectivesbefore
starting a lesson?
a. Yes,they will be given a tip on what question to ask
b. Yes, with shared objectives,they become self-motivated
c. No,they will not ready for it at the beginning
d. No,withcognitiveobjectivesatthestart,irreievantquestionsareformulated 1297.
What isthe advantage of using the project method in science teaching?

a. It requires assistance of experts on the subject
b. It develops high-level thinking and learning
c. It tests the students manipulative skills
d. It requires students to present in concrete form how principle works
1298. The heroism of Jose Rizal exemplifies kholberg’s theory of moral development. Which is Rizal’s
a. He gives important to what people think or say
b. He is motivated to act by the benefit he gets later
c. He believes laws that are wrong can be changed
d. Hepossesses moral responsibility to make social changes regardless of consequences to
1299. As a parent atthe same time a teacher, which ofthefollowing will you do to showyour
cooperation toa PTA project in yourschoolto befinanced with the proceeds ofthe sales from
the school canteen wherefoods process are a little bit higher?
a. Bring baon enough for you and your children even if you really don’t like to do it
b. Buy all yourfood from the school canteen even if you cannot afford everyday
c. Buy all your food in the school canteen but requestfor a discount
d. Bring baon but always make it a point to buy something from the school
1300. Whenateacherpracticesprofessionalethics,which ofthefollowing heisnotlikeiy to do?
a. Shares an outstanding outcome or undertaking with others
b. Resects his superior
c. Maintain cordial relationship with colleagues
d. Engages in gossips
1301. Which ofthefollowing willyou do ifsomebodyconfidedtoyou an offensewhich will implicate
your brother?
a. Advise the person who confided to you to get the services ofthe lawyer
b. Encourage him to keep quite so as not to implicate your brother
c. Find out the full account of the matter
d. Tell him to report the matter to the authorities
1302. A police officer informs you thatthere has been a rush ofstealing within the vicinity of the
school. He asks you forthe namesofsome clients you believe might have been involved.
Which ofthefollowing will you do?
a. Provide him with the names of likely suspects
b. Ask him to seek perm ission from the principal
c. Remind the police officer of confidentiality of information
d. Promise him that you will ask information about the crime
1303. Parents and teachers are considered as authorities and models by children at the early
childhood stage. What does this statement imply?
a. Parent-teacher conference should always be an activity in school
b. Teachers and parents should serve as a role model at all times
c. Teachers should demand complete obediencefrom the learners in school
d. Parents should enforce strict discipline at home and teachers in school
1304. According to Piaget’s stages of cognitive development, between ages 12 and 15 children reach
formal operational stage. What are they capable of doing atthis stage?
a. Can solve abstract problems and think deductively
b. Can focus on one aspect of a situation or event
c. Reasoning is neither inductive nor deductive

d. Intelligence is intuitive in nature
1305. Fieldtripisaneffectivewayofteachingwhereorganismscouldbeobservedintheir natural
habitat,activeandrespondingtostimuliintheenvironment.Inaddition,what values are
developed among the students during and after the trip?
a. On-the-spot observation to keep them active
b. ^Love of nature, proper behavior during exploration
c. Freedom in an open space than in classroom
d. Considerations of the rights of the others

1306. How can a teacher enhance his/her questioning technique for an effective teacher- student
a. Immediately call another student in case one cannot answer
b. Allow sufficient “think time" at least 7-10 seconds X
c. You may answer your own question if no one can
d. Extend wait time until the student responds
1307. A teacher who advocates the pragmatic philosophy of education believes that experience
Should follow learning, thus she has to:
a. Equip her students with basic skills and abilities
b. ^Provide her students to apply their skills lities
c. Encourage her students to memorize facts
d. Require her students mastery ofthe lesson
1308. The teacher’s role in the classroom according to cognitive psychologist is to:
a. Help the leamertoconnectv\j]i^e]cnows with the new information learned
b. Dictate what the learners need to know
c. Fill in minds of the learnerwith information
d. Make the learning task easy for the learner
1309. Instructional objectives in the affective domain includes receiving, responding, valuing and
the highest level is:
a. Selective attention or willingness to receive
b. Acceptance or preference
c. ConcegEUayzation of a value system
d. Sequenceorfeelings of satisfaction
1310. Aneducationforglobalizationshouldnurturethehigherordercognitiveskilland interpersonal
skills in order to develop
a. Students'awareness of the world in which they live inn
b. Ability to think creatively and ethically
c. Ability to master one’s national origin
d. [openness to diverse heritage and culture
1311. On which policy is RA4670 known as the Magna Cartafor Public School Teachers
a.Right to establish or join organization
b.Codeofethicsforprofessionalteachers Recruitment shall take place after
1312. Thefollowing are the characteristics of a good teaching/learning practice except:
a. Students are governed by fixed and rigid standards
b. Life-like situations introduces as learning experiences in classroom
c. Students are given more opportunities or act or experience learning

d. Evaluation is made an integral part of teaching procedures
1313. Which of the following principles highlights that of multiple intelligence?
a. People have different Intelligence Quotient(IQ) Learning is static and
b. permanent
c. intelligence is measured in multiple forms'Best learning theory is cognitive in
d. nature
1314. Which of the following is not a developmental principle?
a. Development follows an orderly, predictable sequence
b. Early development is more crucial than later development
c. Numerous studies show how individual develops
d. [Presence of social expectations in early developmental stage.
1315. Which questioning technique would be appropriate for inductfve lessons?
a. Questioning only the more motivated students Using questions requiring only
b. memory responses
c. Activity involving students in the questioning process Teachers will not ask
d. any questions
1316. Which of these is not quality of a good teacher?
a. A mastery of the subject matter
b. Aims to become rich thru teaching‘s
c. Broad background of liberal education Understand the nature of learners
d. To accomplish many good activities in a particular class period, the teacher must
a. Additional curricular activities
b. Institute a systematicpl^
c. Provide unique teachingaids
d. Use of expensivematerials
1318. One way to encourage a student who lacks Interest in reading to love reading is to:
a. Reprimand him
b. Ask the parents to buy books
c. ’ materials
d. Isolate him
1319. iftheteachersencountersastudentwhoisreluctanttoattendclasses.theteacher should ^to
encourage him to go to class regularly,
a. Report the matter to principle
b. praise the studentsincerely'^
c. Scold him
d. Report the matter to the parents
1320. Which ofthefoilowing situation would indicatethatyou,asateacher,had been effective in
instilling discipline among your students?
a. Students have develop concern to each other
b. Students behave because an av\/ard awaits them
c. Fear and fright resulting in good behavior
d. Your presence results in their being behave
1321. Which ofthefoilowing style ortechniquewould makeyoutheteacheragood classroom
manager,“teacher with eyes on the back of her head”?
a. Give your students the “head-to-toe” look when angry
b. Fear and fright dominates the classroom atmosphere

c. Uses eye contact technique with your students
d. Being aware of ail actions and activities in the classroom
1322. Based on Piaget's theory, what should a teacher provide for children in the sensomotor
a. Games and other physical activities to develop motor skill,
b. Learning activities that involve problems of classification and ordering,
c. Activities for hypothesisformulation.
d. Stimulating environment with ample objects to play with.
1323. Who among the following puts more emphasis on core requirements, longer school day, longer
academic year and more challenging textbooks?
a. Perennialist
b. Essentialist
c. Progressivist
d. Existentialist
1324. The search for related literature by accessing several databases by the use of a telephone line
to connecta computer library with other computersthat have database is termed

a. compact disc search

b. manual search
c. on-line search
d. computer search
1325. With synthesizing skills in mind, which has the highest diagnostic value?
a. Essay test
b. Performance test
c. Completion test
d. Multiple choice test
1326. Based on Piaget's theory, what should a teacher provide for children in the concrete
operational stage?
a. Activities for hypothesisformulation.
b. Learning ^\/5ies that involve problems of classification and ordering,
c. Games and other physical activities to develop motor skills,
d. Stimulatingenvironmentwithampleobjectstoplaywith. 1327.Which isNOTasound
purposefor asking questions?
a. Tqj)robe deeper after an answer is given,
b. ^discipline a bully in class,
c. To remind students of a procedure,
d. Toencourageself-reflection.
1328. Achildwhogetspunishedforstealingcandymaynotsteal again immediately. Butthis does
not mean that the child may not steal again. Based on Thorndike's theory on
punishment and learning, this shows that
a. punishment strengthens aresponse
b. punishment removes a response
c. punishment does not remove a response
d. punishment weakens aresponse
As a teacher, you are a reconstructionist, Which among these will be your guiding
a. I mustteach the child every knowledge,skill,and value that he needsfora better future

b. I must teach the child to develop his mental powers to the full,
c. I must teach the child so he is assured of heaven,
d. Imustteachthechiidthatwecanneverhaverealknowledgeofanything. 1330.
How can you exhibit expert power on the first day ofschool?
a. py making them feel you know what you are talking about,
b. By making them realize the importance of good grades,
c. By reminding them your students your authority over them again and again,
d. By giving your students a sense of belonging and acceptance.

1331. Asixthgradetwelve-yearoldboycomesfromadysfunctionalfamilyandhasbeen abused

and neglected. He has been to two orphanages and three different elementary schools.The
studentcan decodeonthesecondgradelevel,buthecan comprehend orally material atthe
fourth or fifth grade level. The most probable cause/s ofthis student'sreading problem
is/are .
a. emotional factors
b. poor teaching
c. neurological factors
d. immaturity
1332. TeacherQdoesnotwantTeacherBtobepromotedandsowritesananonymousletter against
Teacher B accusing heroffabricatedliesTeacherQmailsthis anonymous letter totheSchools
Division Superintendent.WhatshouldTeacherQ do ifshehastoact professionally?
a. Submit a signed justifiable criticism against TeacherB,ifthereisany.
b. Go straight to the Schools Division Superintendentand gives criticism verbally,
c. Hire a group to distribute poison letters against Teacher B for information dissemination,
d. Instigatestudentactiviststoread poison lettersoverthemicrophone. 1333. In self-
directed learning, to what extent should a teacher's scaffolding be?
a. To a degree the student needs it.
b. None,to force the student to learn by himself,
c. Tothe miQirtiU(fir^o speed up development of student's sense of independence,
d. Tothemaximum,inordertoextendtothestudentallthehelpheneeds. 1334.Which
performance of your students?
a, ^the least intrusive promptfirst.
b. Use all promptsavailable.
c. Use the most intrusive prompt first,
d. Refrain from using prompts.
1335. It is not wise to laugh ata two-year old child when heutters bad word because in his stage he
is learning to
a. consider other's views
b. distinguish sex differences
c. socialize
d. distinguish right fromwrong
1336. lnatreatmentforalcoholism,Ramilwasmadetodrinkanalcoholicbeverageandthenmadeto
ingest a drug that produces nausea. Eventually, he was nauseated at the sight and smell of
alcohol and stopped drinking alcohol.Which theory explains this?

a. Operant conditioning
b. Social Learning Theory
c. Associative Learning
d. Attribution Theory
1337. Which is a true foundation of the social order?
a. Obedient citizenry
b. ^he reciprocation of rights and duties
c. Strong political leadership
d. Equitable distribution ofwealth
1338. As a teacher,v^at do you do when you engage yourself in major task analysis?
a. Test if learning reached higher level thinking skills,
b. i^Breakdown a complex task into sub-skills,
c. Determine the level of thinking involved,
d. Revise lesson objectives.
1339. In astudyconducted,the pupilswereaskedwhichnationalitytheypreferred,ifgivena choice.
Majority ofthe pupils wanted to be Americans. In this case,in which obligation relative to the
state, do schools seemto befalling? Intheirobligationto .
a, respect for all duly constituted authorities
b. promote national pride
c. promote obedience to the laws ofthe state
d, instill allegiance to the Constitution
1340. Whatismostlikelytohappentooureconomywhenexportcontinuouslysurpasses import isa
thought question on .
a. creating . ....
b. relating cause-and-effect ^
c. synthesizing
d. predicting
1341. Thechildfainted in yourclass becauseshehasnoteaten her breakfast. Whatisthe best thing
for you to do in this situation?
a. Ignore the situation
b. Comfort tl;§ child
c. GivefFftiahildfood
d. Call the parent
1342. Theold adage“Donotdoto others whatyou want others doto you” isateaching of?
a. LaoTzu
b. Confucius
C. Mohammad
d. Buddha
1343. Which is unethical forteachers to do?
6 a. obeying the legitimate policy of the school administration
b, cordial relation parents
c. refusing to serve in worthwhile neighborhood activities as these will adversely affect her
d. conferring with the next of kin about the problems and needs of a student
1344. Whichcharactehsticofagoodtestwillpupilswillassuredofwhenateacherconstructsa
table of specification for test construction purpose?

a. Scorabillty
b. Reliability
c. Economy
d. Content validity

1345. Which ofthefollowing is the most important contribution of Gestalt psychologytothe
theories of learning?
a, Cognitive insights '
b. Use of the multimedia approaches
c. Concept of readiness
d. Importance of reinforcement in the learning process 1346. Which statement ontest
result interpretation is CORRECT?
a. a raw score by itself is meaningful
b. A student’s score is a final indication of his ability
c. The use of statistical technique gives meaning tOLp^il’s score
d. Test scores do not in any way reflect teacher’s effectiveness
1347. This embodies the teacher’s duties and responsibilities as well as the proper behaviour in
performing them?
a. Code of Ethicsfor teachers
b. Magna Carta for Public School Teachers
c. Bill of Rights
d. Philippine Constitution of1987
1348. Which applies when there are extreme scores?
a. The median will not be very reliable measure of central tendency
b. The mode will be the most reliable measure of central tendency
c. There is no reliable measure of central tendency
d. Themean be veryreliablemeasure ofcentraltendency 1349. What does a
negatively skewed score contribution imply?
a. The scores congregate on the left side of the normal contribution curve
b. The scores arewidespread
c. The students must be academically poor
d. TSescorecongregateontherightsideofthenormalcontributioncurve 1350. Themore
in diEgctthe classroom instruction,the more it is.
a. Topicfocused
b.[student centered
c. Teacher centered
d. individualized
1351. Whichtermstotheactofeducating a child with special education needs partially ina special
education classroom and partially in regular classroom?
a. Mainstreaming
b. Inclusion
c. Individualization
d, Head Start

1352. It is good to give students challenging and creative tasks because
a. development Is aided by stimulation
b. the development of individual is unique
c. development Is effective by cultural changes
d. development is the individual’s choice
1353. Theprocessofone’sthinkingtodevelopcriticalthinkingisknownas
a. Metacognition
b. Hypothesizing
c. Reflection
d. Meditation
1354. It is an intensive investigation of a particular individual, institution,community or any group
considered asaunitwhichincludesthedevelopment,adjustment,remedialor corrective
procedures that suitably follow diagnosis of the causes of maladjustment or of favorable
a. Experimental
b. Descriptive
c. Historical
d. Case study
1355. Which ofthe following test is used as a basis in giving grades or rating?
a. Mastery
b. Formative
c. Summative \
d. Post test
1356. It is the process ofjudging an attribute based on certain goals or standards,
a. Counseling
b. Measuring
c. Evaluating
d. Testing
1357. Which of the following criteria is the most important in test construction?
a. Preparation of Table of Specification
b. items must jive with the objectives
c. events in occurrence
d. The stem should contain the central problem
1358. Which ofthe following type oftest is not advisable to be used as a diagnostic test?
a. Multiple choice
b. Short response
c. essays
d. true false
1359. Why should negative terms be avoided in the stem of multiple choice items?
a. They may be overlooked
b. It increases the difficulty of scoring
c, it increase the length of the stem
d. They make the construction of alternatives more difficult

1360. It is equivalent to the average score of the group or class?
a. Mean
b. Median
c. Mode
d. Standard Deviation 1361. What is the norm of a test?
a. The mean of grouping scores
b. The standard offor adequate performance
c. The standard deviation of a group of scores
d. Thetypicalperfonnanceofacertaingroupofindividualswhotookthet^1362. Which of
thefollowing is the most important stage in testing process?
a. Constructing test items
b. Establishing test reliability
c. Improving test items
d. Interpreting test result
1363. What does a Table of Specification establish?
a. construct validity
b. content related validity and criterion reference
c. content validity and construct validity
d, content validity and content related validity
1364. AuraVivianisonehalfstandarddeviationabovethemeanofhisgroupinarithmeticand one
standard deviation above in spelling. What does this imply?
a. she excels both in spelling and arithmetic
b. She is better in arithmetic than in spelling
c. She does not excel in spelling nor in arithmetic
d. She is better in speHyT^j!^ in arithmetic
1365. NSAT and NEAT results are interpreted against set mastery level. This meansthat NSAT and
NEATfall under?
a. aiterion ref^fetest
b. intelligence test
c. aptitude test
d. norm referencetest
1366. These are significant in formation about a student, gathered through the use of various
techniques, assembled, summarize and organized in such a way that they may be used
effectively. What is referred to?
^ a. Cumulative record
b. Case studies
c. Test profiles
d. personnel inventory
1367. TheinciusionofthestudyofRizaiandothernationalheroesintheschoolcurriculumin order
to inculcate love of country is based on a(an).
a. pragmatist philosophy
b. existentialist philosophy

c. idealist philosophy
d realist philosophy
1368. It isanareaofphilosophywhichonthenatureofknowledgeandthe bestmethod of teaching

a. Epistemology
b. Ethics
c. Metaphysics
d. Aesthetics
1369. A test is considered reliable if
a. It is easy to score
b.Jt^served the purpose for which it is constructed
c^JUs consistent and stable
d. it is easy to administer
1370. Which is an element of norm referenced grading?
a. the student’s pat performance
b. an absolute standard X\
c. the performance of the group
d. what constitutes a perfect score
1371. Mario obtained an NSAT percentile rank of 80. This indicates that
a. He surpassed in performance 80%j3HSbf^llowexaminees
b. He got a score of80
c. He surpassed in performance 20% of her fellow examinees
d. He answered 80 items correctly
1372. Which element should be presentfor brainstorming to be effective?
a. Lax atmosphere . ^
b. Teacher’s nonjuctgsnentai attitude
c. Teacher’s use of“put down” strategy
d. Threatening atmosphere
1373. Which is a selective reading technique meant at getting importantfacts very fast?
a. Silent reading
b. Skim reading
c. Oral reading
d. sinning
137i. The study type of reading exercises gives practice in.
a. picking out the main ideas
b. ailsortsofstudymethods
ci^reading skills needed in other subjects
d. recognizing the precise meaning of words
1375. Which is the best reason why Mr. Cruz begins a lesson in Math by checking and reviewing on
the previous day’s assignment practice and drills?
C! a. Prepare the students for the mastery test
b. Make learning interesting and enjoyable for students
c. Check if parents guide their children in the making of assignment
d. Make sure that the students understand the pre requisite skills of the lesson

1376. The test item “Group the following items according to shape” is a thought question on.
a. creating
b. generalizing
c. comparing
d. classifying
1377. WhichoneshouldteacherBuseifhewantstoteachtopupilsthereiationshipamong details?
a. Journal entries
b. Story frame
c. Graphic organizers
d. Learning log
1378. “What I hear,Iforget. What I see i remember.What I do,I understand.”Thismeansthat
pupils learn best when they,
a. learn independently
b. work with groups
c. watch TV
d. take active part in the learning process
1379. Which is a type of graph in which lines represent each score or set of scores
a. Scattergram
b. Histogram
c. Frequency polygon
d. Scatterplot
1380. According to Erikson, identity and role confusion occurs during
A. Elementary Years C. Collegeyears
B. Highschoolyears D. Preschool years
1381. According to Jerome Bruner, learning is a simultaneous process of acquisition, transformation
A. Evaluation C. Metacognition
B, Question D. Education
1382. Who among thefollowing developed the Social Learning Theory?
C. Bruner
B. Kohiberg D. Skinner
1383. Whenateacherpresentamorallyambiguoussituationtohisstudentsandaskthem whatto
do,the teacher’s technique is based on the theory of
A. Bandura C. Kohiberg
/-X B. Piaget D. Bruner
V 1384. According to Maslow,the highest ofthe need in the Hierarchy of Needs theory IS
A. Psychological need C. belongingn
B. Selfactualization D. Safety
1385. Based on Freud’s theory,\A/hich operates when a person is in the height of anger?
A. EgoC.
B. Superego
Id and ego
1386. Operant conditioning can be applied to classroom by
A. Connecting facts and concepts

B. Fostering conducive learning environment
Qf. Using reinforcement
D. Using manipulative devices
1387. “Womenshouldnotstudysincetheywillbemarryingsoon’’.ifafatherteflshisdaughterthis,
can we consider his premise morally right?
A. Depends on the family social status
B. Yes, women are mean for the home
C. No. women can perform just like men
D. No,there is gender equality in education
1388. In Piaget’s concrete operational stage, teacher Maritel should provide .
A. Activities of hypothesisformulation
B. Learning activities that involve problems of classification ancLCWii^ep^'
C.Activities for evaluation purposes
D. Stimulating environment with ample objects to play with
1389. A student is finding it hard to read. When the guidance counselor traced the child’s
history,the counselorwas able to find outthatthe student camefrom a dysfunctional family,
aside from that, the child was abused and neglected. What could have caused the student’s
reading disability?
^ A. Emotional Factors C. Neurological facjcJfs^
B. Poor teaching D.Immaturity
1390. Achildwaspunishedforcheatinginanexam.Forsurethechildwontcheatagaininshort
span oftime, butthis does notguaranteethatthe child won’tcheateveragain Based on
Thorndike’s theory on punishment and learning, this shows that .
A, Punishment strengthens aresponse
B. Punishment removes response
C. Punishment doesn’t remove a response
D. Punishment yv^^^s a response ~
1391. Laughing at a two-year-old child who uttered a bad word is nota properthing to do because
inthisstageofthe child's,thechiid is .
A. Consideringtheviewsofothers
B. Distinguishing sex references
C. Socializing
D. extinguishing right from wrong
1392. According to Sigmund Freud,the main proponent of Psychoanalytic Theory, the superego is
mainly concemedwith
A. The resolution of conflict within the self
’ B. The finding ofgreater satisfaction
C.The idea of right and wrong
D. The development of healthy psyche
1393. Modeling isa teaching rooted on learning theory.
A. Bandura C. Thorndike
B. Skinner D. Bruner
1394. Teacher Marissa would like to employ Operant Conditioning on her students to increase the
probabilities ofgreater participation during discussion. It is highly possible that

teacher Marissa will
A. Put more emphasis on sharing and consistently guide them to new ideas
B. Allow them to think aboutthinking
Cpive a startoken tothose who will participate
D. Let them exercise metacognitive approaches to better understand the topic
1395. One of the traits of many students is putting more emphasis on "porma" over substance.
This is likely to be shown when
A, Awritten report was submitted byastudentwith shabby coverbutcomprehensive content
B. Awritten report wassubmitted by a student using “perfumed”stationarytaiit'^r content
C. A vio'itten report was submitted by a student two days ahead of time
D. A written report was submitted by a student two days late
1396. Providingvarietyofleamingactivitiestostudentsisacharacteristicofateacherwho
understand the principleof
A. Reward as a potential means of increasing the participation
B. Proactive teaching asamodem technique of teaching
C^^iit^ing learning with emphasis on individual differences
D. Allowing the student to be exposed to various teaching techniques 1397. The best
exampleofOperant Conditioning among thefollowing is
A. Connecting facts and concepts
B. Fostering conducive learning environment
C. Using reinforcement
D. Using manipulative devices \
1398. He is considered as the first special education student.
A. Victorof Aveyron C.Sigmund Freud
B. TarzanoftheJungie D. Alfred Binet 1399. The Father of
modern psychology
A. CarIJung C. Sigmund Freud
B, Aristotle D. Alfred Binet
1400. He is postulated that man psyche is composed of animus and the anima
A. Karen Homey C. Willism James
6. CjnSsJUhg D. Cattell
1401. He pioneered In NON-Directive Counseling?
A. ThomasGordon C. Carl Rogers
B. ErikErikson D. Rousseau
1402. This educator proposed 3 modes of representation, enactive, iconic and symbolic
A. Bandura C. Kounin
B. Kohler "b.Bruner'
1403. This premier behaviorist once said: Give me a dozen healthy infants, well-formed and my own
specified world to bring them up in and I’ll guaranteetotakeany one of random and train
him to become any type of specialist I might select - doctor, lawyer, artist, merchant-
chiefand, yes even beggar-man and chief, regardless of his talents, penchants, tendencies,
abilities, vacations, and race of his ancestors”

A, Bandura C. Rogers
B. Watson D. Erikson
1404. His best contribution to the world of education is the 3laws(law ofeffect, law or readiness
and law of exercise)
A. Rousseau C.Thorndike
B. Pavlov D. Bandura
1405. The teachers’ widely accepted view of giving rewards to students is the legacy of
A. Dewey C. kounin
B. Bruner D. Skinner
1406. He believes that learning is based on Adhesive principle
A. Dewey C. Kounin
B. Bruner b. Koffk^
1407. OneofmainproponentofGestaltandwhobelievesthatthewholeismorethanthesum of all
its parts
A. Bruner C. W^rttemer
B. Thorndike D. Lewin
1408. “thechildlearnsfromwhatheseesintheenvironmenfisthemainthesisofthisfamous
educational psychologist
A. Skinner C. Bandura
B. Locke D. Koffka
1409. According tothistheorist,our behavior ata particulartime isa product ofthe interaction of
two factors, internal and externalforces
,A Lewin} C. Locke
B. Wertheimer D.Jung
1410. According to this developmental psychologist, children’s thinking skills move from simplicity
to complexity
A. Bandura C.Piaget
B. Thorndike D. Freud
1411. The inventor of the first usable intelligence test
A. Freud C. Skinner
B. Piaget D. Binet
1412. This particular theorist believes that the mind is blank at birth
A. Allport C. Loche
B. Skinner D. Binet
1413. He is generally considered as the father of modern education
A. Collin C. Aristotle
X jX
B. Comenius D. hagel
‘X 1414. Kindergarten movementisthe legacyofthisman who is consideredthefatherof
A. Pestalozzi C. Montessori
5. Froebel D. Collins
1415. Heoncesaid:“educationisnotapreparationforlife...itisiife”
A. Montessori C. Havighurst
B. Dewey D. Skinner

1416. He proposed thatevery child is born with a unique potential, his individuality, butthat
potential remained unfulfilled until it was analyzed and transformed by education
A. Lewin G. Herbart
B. Kohler D. Havighurst
1417. Hepioneered in coming upwith a listof deveiopmenttaskas individuals passthrough the
developmental stages
A. Havigburst C.Anastasi
B. Hurlock D. Herbart
1418. This educator is famousfor applying classical education to impoverished children of Chicago
A. Collins C. Froebel
B. Montessori D. Piaget
1419. This educator opposes the traditional notion that students are empty vessels. He call this
traditional technique as banking system
A. Herbart C.
B. Locke D. Rousseau
1420. He pioneered in the study of language acquisition of children
A. Rousseau C, Chomsky
B. Freire D. Rubenstein
1421. He introduced the notion of zone of proximal development and “scaffolding’
A. Vygotsky C. Chomsky
B. Tyler D. Rubenstein
1422. This condition is also known as trisomy 21
A Turner Syndrome C. Down Syndrome
B. Patau Syndrome D. Autism
1423. This condition is characterized by poor spelling and pervasive difficulty in reading
A. Mental retardation C. Savant
B. autism D. dyslexia
1424. Certaininjurytothelanguageareaofthebraincancausethetotallossoftheabiiityto
produce and/ or understand language,this condition is known as
A. Mutism C.aspergers
B.iApha$ia D. dyslexia
1425. is a disorder of neural development characterized by impaired social interaction
and communicatio9n and by restricted and repetitive behavior.
k Mental retardation C.ADHD
y i^utisnni D. Physical Disabilities
1426. refers to quantitative changes in an individual as he progresses in chronological
A. Development C. Cephalocaudal

o 1427.
r B. Growth^ D. Proximodistal
refers to progressive series ofchanges of an orderly coherent type leading to the
A, Development C. Cephalocaudal
B. Growth D. Proximodistal

1428. Teacher Kevin has not practiced his profession for the pastfive years. Can he go back to
teaching immediately?
a. Yes, if nobody can take his place
b. No, unless she has enrolled in refresher course of 12 units
c. No
d. Yes

1429. Is membership to the accredited professional organization for teachers mandatoryfor all LET
a. No
b. Yes, when the teacher is already teaching
c. Yes
d. Only for LET passers who are not repeaters
1430. Can Manny Pacquiao be given a special permit to teach boxing in a special school?
a. No, he is not a teacher education graduate
b. No, he has not passed the LET
c. Yes, he is a graduate of ALS
d. fes, he has excelled and gained intern^ionai recognition
1431. Is it professional for a teacher to receive gifts from the student and parents?
a. Not at all
b. No,especially if done in exchange for requested concessions
c. Yes, if deserved
d. Yes, in-season and out-of-season gifts
1432. AnEducationgraduatewithoutalicenseisacceptedtoteachinaprivateschool?!sthisin
violation of RA7836?
a. No provide^ij^'^s taught for at least 3 years
b. Yes. No one may teach without a license
c. No
d. Yes
1433. For relevance to business and industry, what did the First Biennial National Education on
Education {2008}imposefor updating the Licensure Examination forteachers?
a. Mora! or ethicalvalues
b. Technical and scientificcompetendes
c. Upgraded laboratoryfacilities
d. Vocational skills
1434. What does the Teacher Education Development Program signify as a prerequisite for
employment ofteachers in basic education schools?
a. National Standard Competencies among teachers
b. Licensure Examination forTeachers
c. Induction of newteachers
d. Job interviewsfor teacher applicants

1435. Among activeparticipationofschoolofficialsandteachers in thecommunity,which ofthe
following is not appropriate due to prevailing religious sentiments?
a. Literacy assistance for out of school children/youths
b. Household campaign for healthful practice
c, Promoting contraceptives for planned parenthood
d. Introducing cooperative thriftpractices
1436. WhichofthefollowingisnotJohnDewey'scontributiontothesociologicalfoundationof
a. Facilitating learning along social conditions ofthe learner
b. As a social process, education begins at birth
c. True education is transmission of knowledge
d. The school is a continuation ofhome
1437. Ofthefollowing,whichismostfundamentaltobuildingupastrongschoolcuftureof
a. High standards of performance
b. Student-centered curriculum
c. Mission and corevalues
d. Student handbook ofconduct
1438. Among rights ofthe schools, which is not provided by the law?
a. Right for basic education to deterniirte subjects of the study
b. Right to enforce administrative systems
c. Rightto provide proper governance
d. Right for institutions of higher learning to determine academ ic grounds for adm ission 1439.
What kind of grassroots model best advances Education for All as served children ofslum
city dwellers?
a. Mobile eduji;^)^‘6nKariton
b. Leafflyers for out-of-school children
c. Radio education modules
d. Educational television
1440. AftertheimplementationofNCBTS, results ofLET still reveal low performance among
examinees. What can teacher education institutions do to upgrade their graduates’ LET
' a. Review curriculum vis-a-visTOS
b. Intensify Field StudyCourses
c. Hire expensive reviewtrainers
d. implement selective admission in TEIs
1441. Whatisthecultural traitofconflicting valuesthat aimsto please people in different venues
o and situations rather than abide by principles?
a. Crab mentality
b. Split personality
c. Kanya-kanya system
d. Bahala na mentality

1442. Among qualities which employers lookforinthe21 ^century workplace,which isthe most
challenging and demanding?
a..Aptitude for teamwork
b. Skills and social behavior
c. Readiness to takerisks
d. Specific competencies forwork
1443. ineducatingthev/holepersonasdemandedbythe“Learningtobe”pillarofthe21®'century
education,wheredoestheconceptofmeaning.purposeandengagement belong?
a. Mind and body
b. Aesthetic sense
c. Spiritual values \
d. Personal responsibility
1444. Which program directly embodies both the pre-service and in-service programs?
a. BESRA -Basic Education Sector Reform Agenda
b. TEDPA-Technical Education Development Progi^m
c. K-12
d. BEC-Basic Education Curriculum
1445. Howcantheeffortsoffouragencies{DepEd,CHED,PRC,CSC)bebestachievedforthe training
and development of teachers?
a. Synchronization
b. cost-reduction
c. streamlining
d. sharing of resources
1446. What is the core of the Teacher Education Development Program?
a. high order thinking skills or HOTS
b. student-centered learning
c. National :ency-BasedTeaching Standards
d. Technology integration in instruction
1447. What is known as a self-appraisal for professional growth that is acceptable and useful for
recognizing weakness and strengths for a new beginning teacher?
a. master teacher’s evaluation
b. student’s evaluation
c. principal’s evaluation
d. self-evaluation
1448. Among reforms for enhancing teacher professionalism, which has been implemented by lawin
ordertodeterminewhetherprospectiveteachershaveacquiredprofession al competencies
prior to granting them a permit to teach?
a. accrediting a national organization forteachers
b. setting up centered for excellence in teacher education centers
c. licensure examination
d. creation of a professional board forteachers

1449. From global competence as defined by international educators, which is the most appropriate
characteristic of globally competent individual?
a. familiarity with newculture
b. open-mindedness to newculture
c. adaptability to new work environment
d. foreign-language policy
1450. Foraschool,whichofthefollowingismostsignificantinrepairingshorelineswith depleted
coral reefs?
a. outreach by depositing rubber tires as artificial coral reefs
b. implement reporting system against dynamite fishermen
c. legislative lobby to disallow tourism in endangered shorelines
d. outreach by educating the villagers on protection of coral n^efS
1451. In a tertiary school, the President organized a Fun Run for students,faculty and personnel to
enjoy camaraderie, physical exertion under the sun, sense of engagement and
achievement. What does the activity promote?
a. spiritual vigor
b. cultural consciousness
c. national integrity
d. moral integrity
1452. In the Education Act of 1901 which established a free public education in the Philippines, what
language was imposed under the one-language policy?
a. Spanish
b, English
c. Tagalog
d. Filipino
1453. Ofthefollowing,which isthe mostfunctional intervention in orderto achievea basicright of
every Filipino Child underthe Constitution and Magna Carta for Disabled Persons?
a. Philosophy of education
b. ppli^^^cuiTicuiarreform
c. home study program
d. structural organization
1454. Ofthefollowing interventions, which isdirectly aimedatrespondingtothetransitional gap
between academic achievement and employment?
O a. identification of centers of excellence
b. deregulation of tuitionfees
c. school networking with business and industry
d. voluntary accreditation ofschools
v) 1455. IntheformaleducationsystemduringHispanictimesinthePhilippines.whatwasnot
(j implement but which we enjoyed during the American period?
a. vocational education
b, private education
c. religious education

d. public education
1456. If Dr. Jose Riza! lives in the 21 century, what character expression and commitment would
have shown our generation?
a. inventor oftechniques
b. citizen and producer
c. member offamily and community
d. creative dreamer
1457. In the learning to do pillarof new education, what istheenabling factorthat can makethe
learnerfully contribute to a peaceful and just society?
a. knowledge
b. skills
c. insights
d. values
1458. Before being abletofully learn to live and worktogetherunderthe pillar ofthe 21 century
education, what must the learner attain for himself?
a. find peace within oneself
b. attain an altruisticmind
c. love hisfeilowmen
d. become seif-actualized
1459. The Transparency International’s perception that the Philippines suffers a cultural malaise of
corruption,whatcomponentofourcharacterneedstobefurtherdeveloped along the
Learning To Be Pillar of education in the century?
a. Familial-social component
b. Physical-economic component
c. Intellectual-emotional component
d. Bhical-spin^di^rnponent
1460. This powerful European country supplied arms to Afghanistan rebels who were fighting a
terrorist war in the Middle East. What was the principle of moral discernment applicable in
this case?
a. Principle of doubleeffect
b. Principle of lesserevil
c. Principle of materialcooperation
d. Principle of moralcooperation
1461. Which of the following best defines a morally mature person?
a. Cultural values clarification
b. Unhampered exercise of one’s right
c. Transmittal of one’s moral viewpoint
d. Knowledge and practice of universal moral values
1462. Educated in a religious school, Dona goes to confession every day to befree of any kind of sin.
How do you characterize Dona’s moral attitude?
a. Callous
b. Pharisaical

c. Scnjpulous
d. Strict
1463. HowwouldyoucharacterizethemoralattitudeofHispanicfriarswhotaughtreiigionbutwere
unfaithful to their vow of property by amassing the land properties of natives?
a. Scrupulous
b. Strict
c. Lax
d. Pharisaical
1464. Howwouldyoucharacterizethemoralattitudeofprisonerswithcriminalminds.who have no
sensitivity to the welfare of other people?
a. Pharisaical
b. Strict
c. Lax
d. Callous
1465. WhatwasthedegreeofmoraicertitudewhenU.S.statementdecidedto droptheatomic
bombing on Hiroshima and Nagasaki to prevent mass deaths by a land invasion of Japan?
a. Doubtful
b. Certain
c. Perplexed
d. Probable
1466. Froma broad vantage viewof human development,who hasthe primary dutytoeducate the
youths orchiidren?
a. Parents
b. Teachers
c. the state
d. the schools
1467. Ofthethreeaspectsoflearning.whichisnotmentionedasneededsothattheindividual
learner in the 21®*century can learn howto learn?
a.Ability to think b.Mathematical skills
c. l9^^teAry skills d.Concentration
1468. Which of the following belongs to the more sophisticated learning-to-learn skills for the
individual learner?
a.To ask and gather data b.To listen and observe
c.To process and select information d.Toread with understanding
’1469. Ofthefollowingeffectson learning,whatistheeffectofsimulationsthatmakestudents feel
and sense experience in the classroom?

oo a. Reinforcing learning
b. Providing experiences that othenwise might not be had

c. Motivating students d.Changingattitudesandfeelings
1470. Ofthefollowingeffectson learning,whatistheeffectofassigningvarioussectionsofthe
newspaper, and allowing choice depending on the learner’s choice?
a.Encouraging participation b.Reinforcing learning
c. Allowing different Interests d.Changingattitudesandfeelings
1471. A young mother observes her seven year old girl glued to her computer games. What aspect
ofthefamily life may sufferdueto obsession oftheyoung with technology gadgets?
a.Family social life b.Family economic life
c. Discipline and obedience (fParent-chiid relationship
1472. Which of the following is not an advanced process of meta-cognition among learners?
a. Learning howto recognize thoughts
b. Acquisition of newknowledge
c. Assessing own thinking
d. Learning howtostudy
1473. Ofcomprehensionorthinking strategies,v\/hichisrelatingoneortwo items,suchas nouns
and verbs?
a. Basic elaboration strategies
b. Complex rehearsal strategies
c. Complex elaboration strategies
d. Affective strategies
1474. Ofskillsteachershould understand and studentsneedtoacquire,which istheabiiity to
integrate complex information into categories through its attributes (characteristics,
principles orfunctions)?
a. Scanning b.Complexcognitive
c. Sharpening-leveling d.'Complexity-simplicity
1475. Inculcatingmoralmaturityamongstudents,whichofthefollowingreiatestobelief and
a.Promoting human equality b.Refraining from prejudiced action
c. Avoiding deception and dishonesty d.Respecting freedom of conscience
1476. Research studies showed that children in slums generally have lower reading
achievement then children in urban schools. Whatfactor is shown to affect reading

a. Mobility
b. Personality and emotionalfactors
c. Socio-economic status d.Listening comprehension
1477. When preacher Xian read the Genesis story on creation, he explained that God is so powerful
he created the universe in only seven days. What level of reading comprehension did
preacher John apply?
a.Evaluative reading on character, plot or style b.Literaf reading thelines
c. Applied reading beyond the tines it.Interpretative reading between the lines
1478. What is the main organization and orientation of science and social studies reading materials?
a.Expository b.Descriptive
c. Narrative d.Argumentative
1479. In his History class,teacher Naomi used a current events IQ contestto determine champions
in identifying people, places, and events. What learning objective outcome does she aim to
a.Knowledge or recalft.Perpetual abilities
c. Application d.Responding
1480. in Erikson’s stage theory of development questionnaire, which affirmation does not belong to
the stage of initiative vs. guilt?
a. People can betrusted
b. In difficulty, I will not give up
c. I feel what happens to me is the result of what I have done
d. I am prepared to take a risk
1481. For cognitive learning, what are sets offacts, concepts, and principles that describe underlying
mechanism that regulate human learning, development and behavior?
a.Facts b.Concepts
c. Theories d.Hypothesis
1482. LiteratureteacherKimintroducedfiguresofspeechinpoetrytoimproveabilityofher students
to interpretverses.What kind ofthinking isshe developing in herstudents?
a.Critical thinking b.Metaphoric thinking
c. Convergent thinking d.Divergent thinking

1483. OfclustersofmeaningfuMearningactivities.whichdoesnotbelongtospatialieaming
a.Visualization b,Concept-mapping
c. Peer tutoring d.Art projects
1484. From duster of meaningful learning activities, which does not belong to verbal-linguistic
intelligence learning?
a.Ecological fieldtrip b.Debates
c.Journal writing d.Reading
1485. Which ofthefollowing violates1heprinciplethat“each child’s brain is uniqueand vastly
different from one another”?
a. Giving ample opportunityfora pupil to explore ratherthan simply dish out information
b. Employing principles in multiple intelligence in teaching
c. Making a left-handed pupil write with her right hand asyii^§,better d.Allowing open
dialogue among students of various cultural backgrounds
1486. Of the following which is normally expected of Grade VI pupils?
a.Getting along with classmates b.Being independent of parents
c. Showing class leadership
d. Displaying a male or feminine social role
1487. From categories of exceptionalities in the young child and adolescents what involves difficulties
in specific cognitive processes like perception, language and memory due to mental
retardation, emotional/behavioral disorder, or sensory impairment?
d^Leaming disabilities
b. Speech and communication disorders
c. Emotional/conduct disorders d.Autism
1488. Of thefollowing, which is most true of adolescents?
a Hormonal cha^§^
b. Last splurge ofdependence
c. Unruly behavior d.Defiance of peer group
1489. Research says,“people tend to attribute successes to internal causes and their failures to
external causes.” What does this imply asa most potent key to success?
a.f^asoning b.imagination
c. Application d.Motivation

1490. From Kohiberg’stheory of moral development,what isthe moralreasoning or perspective of
a.Social contract b.Universal principles
c. Obedience d.Law and order
1491. BlindcyclistandteacherMariaBunyanwon8‘^placeintheable-bodiedSydney2000
Olympics, Of the following, which is the central and fundamental quality she displayed by never
thinking that blindness is an impediment to becoming a great athlete?
a.Perseverance b.Passion
c. Dedication d.Self-belief
1492. How can new information be made more meaningful to students?
aRelating it to knowledge they already know b.Valuing new knowledge
c. Demonstrating novelty of new knowledge d.Increasing retention of new knowledge

1493. Underthedomainsoflearning,towhatdomaindoReflexmovements,perceptual abilities,

and non-discursive communication belong?
a, Psychomotor
b. Affective
c. Cognitive
d. Reflective
1494. In what development stage is the pre-school child?
ajEarty childhood b.Babyhood
c. Infancy
d.Late childhood
1495. Whatismainlyaddressedbyeariyinterventionprogramforchildren withdisabilities, agesOto
3 years old?
a.Ensuring inclusion for special children b.Early growth development lag
c. Identifying strengthsand weaknesses in specialchildren d.Preventing labeling of disabled
1496. Whatisthe degreeof moralcertitude of Jade Althea who entered into marriage only out of
obedienceto her parents, but uncertain whethershewanted marriage atall?
a.Certain b.Lax
c. Probable


1497. Oncategoriesofexceptionalityintheyoung.whatisdifficultyinfocusingand maintaining
attention, and/or recurrent hyperactive and impulsive behavior?

b. Emotional/conduct disorders
c. Autism
d. Speech and communication disorders
1498. What kinds of skills are commonly dominant in subjects like Computer, PE, Music, and the
a.Problem-solving skills t^Manipulative skills
c. Affective skills d.Thinking skills
1499. How is the disorderly behavior of children classified when they tell lies?
a.Morai b.Intellectual
c. Social d.Psychological
1500. Whichofthefollowing isnotamongthemajortargetsofthechild-friendlyschool system
a. All school children are friendly
b. All children complete their elementary education within six years
c. All children 6-12 years old are enrolled in elementary schools
d. Ail grade six students pass the division, regional, and national tests
1501. Research studiesthatreadingpoweraffectscollegestudentswho have insomnia,
conflicts with parents, poor rapportwith other people.Whatfactor{s)isshowntoeffect
reading achievement?
a.Home conditions b.Socio-economic status
c. Personality andJeI1^fton'alfactors d.Perception andcomprehension
1502. Among the following, which is the abstractform of learning, parentsteach their children?
a.Tumulongkasapaglinisngbahay b.Magbasa ka nglibro
c. Palagi kang magdasal d.Mapakabuti ka
1503. What characteristic differentiate spiritual intelligence or spiritual quotient as developed by
Harvard University,from sectarian religion(E.g. Christian, Buddhist, Jewish, etc,)?
a. Authoritarian values
b. Universal values
c. Creedal values
d, Sectarian values

1504. Among models of reading strategies, what did student Jk adopt when she reads back and forth
attending to both what is in her mind and what’s on the page?
a, Bottoms-up
b. interactive
c. Down-top
d. Top-down
1505. Ofthe following, how can self-esteem be best developed among learners?
a. Doing fair share in community work
b. Fulfilling commitments
c. Through relationships with others
d. Displaying self-control
1506. Of Piaget's Cognitive Concepts, which refer to the process offitting a new experience to a
previously created cognitive structure or schema?
a. Assimilation
b. Schema
c. Accommodation
d. Equilibrium
1507. In Piaget’s stages of cognitive development, which is the tendency of the child to only see
his pointofviewandtoassumethateveryonehasthesame pointofview?
a. Reversibility
b. Egocentrism
c. Symbolic function
d. Centration
1508. Which is the most basic in Maslov/s hierarchy of needs?
a. Socialization
b. Actualization
c. Self-esteem
d. Altruism
1509. Which aspect of multi-intelligence is enhanced by asking students to work on a
physical model of the atom after a teacher’s discussion on the subject of the atom?
a. Interpersonal
b. Linguistic
c. Kinesthetical
d. Mathematical
1510. Among specialist in reading, who are mainly concerned about reading as a thinking process
thatinvolvestherecognitlonofprintedorwritten symbolswhich serveas thought stimuli?
a. Semantics
b. Psychologists
c. Linguists
d. Sociologists

1511. Howisthedisorderlybehaviorofchildrenclassifiedwhentheydon’tfocusandlack attention?
a. Intellectual
b. Social
c. Moral
d. Psychomotor
1512. Howdoyoudescribetransferofleamingacrosssubjectmatter.e.gvalueofthriftin Economic
and SocialScience?
a. Horizontal
b. Spiral
c. Vertical
d. Cyclic
1513. What broad learning is needed for a learner to desire to learn throughout life?
a. Four basic Rs
b. Basic education
c. General education
d. Pre-school system
1514. Whatobservation atteststothefactthatthesuddenstudent’smotivation vary according to
a. Females mature earlier than boys
b. Children from low-income household^hrfeet more obstacle in learning
c. Genetic endowments may show gifted endowments among the young d.Brains of boys are
bigger and better than those offemales
1515. Ofthetypes of validity tests,v\4iat isconcemed with the relation oftest scores to performance
atsomefuturetime, e.g. Freshmen college test can show success in college?
a. Curriculum validity
b. Criterion validity
c. Content validity
d. Predidti^ validity
1516. The test questions in Teacher Dae Dae’s test were confusing and subject to wrong
understanding,especiallytopoorerstudents. What was wrong with thetest?
a. Inappropriate level of difficult of items
b. Unclear directions
c. Ambiguity
d. Test items inappropriate for outcomes being measured
1517. Ofthefollowing.whichexemplifiesthebestexampleofcooperationandvoluntarism in the
Parent-Teacher Associations?
a. Helping hands aftera natural aisls, e.g. devastating storm
b. Attending regular meetings
c. Fund raising for PT funds
d. Running the schoolcanteen

1518. Among standardized tests, which reveals strengths and weaknessesfor purposes of placement
and formulating an appropriate instructional program?
a. Personality tests
b. Achievement tests
c. Diagnostic tests
d. Competency tests
1519. Among standardized tests, which can show how students perform in comparison with each
other and to students in other schools?
a. Competency tests
b. Subject exittests
c. Achievement tests
d. Diagnostic tests <T
1520. Teacher Bea Bunana makes her tests easy for students to understaiX easy to administer and
score and suitabletotest conditions,e.g.time.What is sheachievingforhertests?
a. Efficiency
b. Usability
c. Reliability
d. Validity
1521. Of the following subjects, which does not belong to performance-based subjects in which
direct instruction is effectively used?
a, Values education
b. Music
c. Science
d. Mathematics
1522. Which of these approaches would reform assessment outcomes?
a. Apply sanctions on low performing schools
b. Focus on testing without investing the learner’s needs
c. Use u@^rstanding as means of giving feedback on students learning
d. Compare results of performance of all schools
1523. Using extrinsic motivational assessment, what could be the noblest motive in students
pursuing a lifetime work and mission for the teaching profession?
_ a. Promise of high rank and prestige
b. Social service to upcoming generations
c. Economic security andwelfare
d. Respected position in society
1524. To what process of evaluation does determining the extent objectives are met belong?

a. Authentic
b. Formative
c, Criterion-referenced
d. Norm-referenced
1525. Which form ofthefoundation of all cognitive objects without which the next level of higher
thinking skills cannot be attained?

a. Knowledge
b. Synthesis
c. Application
d. Analysis
1526. What primary response factor is considered by Essay questions?
a. Factual information
b. Wide sampling ofideas
c, Originality
d. Less time for construction and scoring
1527. Among written categories of assessment methods, what did teacher Ma^gte^agid use when
she assessed the stock knowledge of herstudentsthroug h questlomn^ an open class?
a. Oral questioning -
b. Performance test
c. Product rating scale
d. Observation and self-report
1528. lnthecontextofthe6facetsofunderstandingcited a proof
of a student’s understanding a principle?
a. Stating given examples
b. Repeating it as given by the teacher - "
c. Applying it to solve his problen\^
d. Retaining it in memory for a long period of time
1529. What does it mean if student Pete got a 60% percentile rank in class?
a. He scored better the class
b. He scored less than 60% of the class
c. Hegot40%ofthetestwrong!y
d. He got 60% ofthe Items correctly
1530. Which of the following may not be adequately assessed by a paper and pencil test?
a. Sight ^^Jing Inmusic
b. Multiplication skills
c. Subject-verb agreement
d. Vocabulary meaning
1531. What should be done with test item whose difficulty index is .98?
a. Revise it
b. Retain it
c. Reject it
d. Reserve it for another group of students
1532. What is known as the scoring guides for rating open-ended questions?
a. Rubrics
b. Outcomes
c. Scales
d. Outputs

1533. What does rt mean to say that the facility index of a test item is .50?
a. It is reliable
b. it is valid
c. It is moderate in difficulty
d. It is veryeasy
1534. With the modeofanswering as a point of reference, which ofthefoliowing does not belong to
this test group?
a. Completion
b. Essay
c. Problem-solving
d. Matching
1535. One half ofthe class scored very low. Teacher Janus gave another tests to determine where
were the students were weakest. Whattype oftest is this?
a. Aptitude test
b. Remedial test
c. Diagnostic test
d. Readiness test
1536. On what is normative marking based?
a. High marks offew students
b. Failure of somestudents
c. Normal curve of standard distribution
d. Student achievement relative to other students
1537. What cognitive domain is involved in the student’s clarifying information from
a. Synthesis
b. Evaluation

c. Analysisjt^^^
d. Application
1538. Whichofthefollowingindicatesastrongnegativecorrelation? a. -75
c. -10
1539. What is the graphic illustration for the relationship between two variables?
a. Histogram
b. Normal curves
c. Frequency polygons
d. Scatter diagram
1540. What does a negative discrimination index mean?
a. The test item has low reliability
b. More from the lower group answered the test item correctly
c. More from the upper answered the test correctly
d. The test could not discriminate between the upper and lower group

1541. What is the deviation from a standard or desired level of performance?
a. A problem
b. A deficit
c, A defect
d. Agap
1542. Ho\a/ does a student’s 80 percentile score interpreted?
a, High in all the skills being tested
b. Higher than 80% of the members of the group
c. Better relative to the competencies targeted
d. 80% of the specified content
1543. Ofthetypesof validityfortests,what isfocused on theextentto which a particular tests
correlates with acceptable measure of performance?
a. Curricular validity
b. Content validity
c. Criterion validity
d. Predictive validity
1544. Among general categories of assessment methods, what instruments did pre-school teacher
Justine use when he rated the handwriting of his students using a prototype handwriting
a. Product rating scale
b. Performance test
c. Written response instrument^)
d. Observation and self-reports
1545. Self-evaluation can be done in various ways, but this is not one of them:
a. Use of an evaluation instalment
b. Written reflection
c. Self-videotape of class performance
d. Per feedback session
1546. lnhertest,TeacherMarianRunknowinglygavecIuestotheanswersthatreduce usability of
the test. What was \Afl-ong with the test?
a. Ambiguity
b. Unclear directions
c. Poorly constructed test items
d, Test too short
1547. In preparing classroom tests, which ofthefollowing checklists is the LAST among steps in tests
A preparation?
a. How are the objective items to be scored?
u b. How are the test results to be reported?
c. How I have prepared a table of specifications?
d. How are the test scores to be tabulated?
1548. What formula is used to total and compute test scores at the end of the year?
a, [Test scores = transmutation table] x 100

b. [Highest score + Lowest possible score]x 100
c. [Student’s score X100]
d. [Student’s score+Highest possible scorejx 100
1549. Whatcan besaidofstudent performanceinapositivelyskewedscoredistribution?
a. A few students performed excellently
b. Most students performedwell s
c. Almost all students had average performance
d. Most students performed poorly
1550. Which is true when the standard deviation is small?
a, Scores are toward both extremes
b, Scores are spread apart
c, Scores are tightly bunched together
d. The bell curve is relatively fat
1551. In her tests, Teacher Tomden made tests that were either too difficult or too easy.
What was wrong with her tests?
a. Unclear directions
b. Inappropriate level of difficulty of the test
c. Ambiguity
d. Identifiable patterns ofanswers
1552. What is an alternative assessmenttoolthatconsists ofa collection of work artifacts or in
progress accomplishment by a targeted clientele?
a, Evaluation instrument .
b. Rubric
c. Achievement test
d. Portfolio j'

1553. What computation did teacher Panny use in getting the difference between the highest and
lowest scores in each class?
a. Mean
b. Ranges
c. Standard deviation
d. Median
1554. Which measure of central tendency is most reliable when scores are extremely high and low?
a. Cannot be identified unless individual scores aregiven
b. Median'
c. Mode
d. Mean
1555. Whichmeasureofcentraitendencyismostreliabletogetapictureoftheclass performance
a. Mode
b. None. It is best to look at individual scores
c. Mean

d. Median
1556. Self-evaluation hasbecomean importantkind of performanceassessmentamong teachers
useful as an honest self-criticism and a starting point to removal evaluation by supervisors,
peers,or students. How is self-evaluation desaibed?
a. Evidence of teaching performance
b. Substitute to supervisor’srating
c. Guide for self-adjustment
d. Tool for salaryadjustment
1557. What Is the common instrument used in measuring learning in the affective domain?
a. Multiple choice
b. Checklist
c. Scaling
d. Questionnaire
1558. Onthetestgiver’slistofDo’s, which ofthefollowingisnotrelativetomotivating students to
do their best?
a. Read test directions
b. Reduce test anxiety, e.g.“Take a deep breath.”
c. Explain the purpose of the test
d. Tell students;“I will be proud of you tfyou'perform well.”
1559. What is the range if the score distribution is: 98, 93, 93, 93, 90, 88, 87, 85, 85,85, 70,
51,34, 34, 34, 20. 18,51, 12, 9, 8, 6, 3, 1?
a. 93
b. 85
c. 97
d. Between 51 and34
1560. What does the test mean if the difficulty index is 1?
a. Very difficult
b. Missed by everyone
c. Very easy
d. A quality item
1561. Whatisthemeaningofanegativecorrelationbetweenamountofpracticeand number of
errors in tennis?
a. The increase in the amount of practices does not at all affect the number of errors
b. As the amount of practice increases, the number of errors decreases
c. The decrease in the amount of practice sometimes affects the number of errors
\ d. Decrease in the amount of practice goes with decrease in the number of errors 1562. An
entering college would (ike to determine^which course is bestsuitedforhim.
Which test is appropriate for this purpose?
j a. Aptitude test'
b. intelligence test
c. Achievement test
d. Diagnostic test

1563. Whichofthefollowingcriteriaisthebasisforseiectingteststhat yieldsimilarresults when
repeated over a period of time?
a. Efficiency
b. Validity
c. Usability
d. Reliability
1564. Facilities such as classrooms,fixtures, and equipment can often damage the morale of new
teachersandbecomeanobstacleforadaptingwelltotheschoolenvironment. ^
What should be the policy for assigning said physical facilities?
a. needs of student's basis
b. position ranking basis
c. first-come, first-served basis
d. service seniority basis
1565. There are various functions a fellow teacher or peer coach can help new teachers.
What role does a peer coach play by being present/available to share ideas, problems and
success with a new teacher?
a. a provider of technical feedback
b. a facilitator ofstrategies
c. an analyzer ofteaching job
d. a close peer or companion
1566. Teacher Nancy is directed to pass an undeserving student with a death threat. Which advise
will a utilitarian give?
a. Don’t pass him.You surely will not likesomeonetogive you adeaththreat in order to pass
b. Pass the student. That will be off use to the student, his parents and you.
c. Pass the student. Why suffer the threat?
d. Don’t passhim.Live byyourprincipleofjustice.Youwill get reward,ifnotinthis life, in the
1567. In what setting is differentiated and mufti-lingual teaching most effective?
a. special children with classes
b. multi-grade classes
^ c. children with diverse cultural backgrounds
d. pre-schoolchildren
After the embarrassing incident, Teacher Kevin vowed to himself to flunk the student at the
end of the school term. What has Dante done that is against the guidelines for using
a. Punishing immediately in an emotional state
b. Using double standards in punishing
c. Doing the impossible
d. Holding a grudge and not starting with a clean slate
1569. Following the principles for punishing students, which ofthe following is the LEAST desirable
strategy for classroom management?

a. Punishing while clarifying why punishment is done
b. Punishing while angry
c. Punishing the erring student rather than the entire class
d. Give punishment sparingly
1570. According totheguidelineson punishment,whatdoes it mean thattheteacher should give
the student the benefit of the doubt?
a. Make sure facts are right before punishing V
b. Doubt the incident really happened
c. Don’t punish and doubt effectiveness of punishment
d. Get the side of the students when punishing
1571. Which of the following guidelines for punishment may be done?
a. Don’t punish students outside of school rules on punishmeint
b. Don’t threaten theimpossible
c. Don’t use double standards for punishing
d. Don’t assign extrahomework
1572. For group guidance in classroom management, what element is lacking when there is too much
competitivenessandexdusivenesswiththeteacherbeingpunitiveandpartiaito some
a. Dissatisfaction with classroomwork
b. Poor interpersonal relations
c. Poor group organization . .
d. Disturbance in groupclimate^
1573. TodemonstratehereauthorityTeacherKokeynimadeanappealtoundisciplined students.
What kind of appeal did she make by saying,“Ladies and gentlemen, don’t engage in that kind
of behavior, you can do much better?”
a. Invoke peerreaction
b. Exert authority
c. Internalizing student's image of themselves
d. Teacher-student relationship
1574. Whatisthetermfortheleapfromtheoryto practice in which theteacherappliestheories to

^effective teaching methods and theories?

■0. Integration process
.V b. Informational process
c. Conceptualization process
d. Construction process
1575. Of subcategories of movement behavior, what is happening when the teacher ends an activity
a. Thrust
b. Truncation
c. Stimulus-bounded
d. Flip-flop

1576. Ofsubcategories ofteachermovement behavior,whatis happening when theteacher goes
fromtopicoractivitytoothertopicoractivities,lacking cleardirectionandsequence of
a. Truncation
b. Dangle
c. Thrust
d. Flip-flop
1577. Of subcategories of teacher movement behavior, what is happening when the teacher istoo
immersed in asmallgroupofstudents or activity,thus ignoring otherstudents or activity?
a. Truncation
b. Flip-flop
c. Stimulus-bounded
d. Thrust
1578. From classroom management strategies applied on erring students, which ofthe following
should not be done?
a. Surprise quiz
b. Communicating problems toparents
c. Parent-principal conference
d. Shaming erring student before the class"
1579. Among mistaken goals in the Acceptance Approach to discipline, what happens when students
defy adult by arguing, contradicting, teasing, temper tantrums, and low level hostile behavior?
a. Power seeking
b. Withdrawal
c. Revengeseeking
d. Attention getting
1580. TeacherAnnPatuandealteffectivelywithaminorinfractionofwhispering bya studenttoa
neighbor during class. Which ofthefollowing did she do?
a. Reprimand quietly
b. Continue to teach and ignore infraction
c. Reprimand student afterclass
d. Use nonverbal signals {gesture or facial expression)
1581. What mistake is teacher Senemin Basic trying to avoid by never ignoring any student or group
of students in her discussions and other activities?
a. Non-direction
b. Dangled activity
c. Divided attention
d. Abrupt end
1582. Teacher Dra D Explorer is a great lecturer and so she is invited to speak and represent the
school on many occasions. What is one quality of her lecturers when she follows a planned
sequence, not diverting so asto lose attention of her listeners?

a. Explicit explanations
b. Continuity
c. Inclusion of elements
d. Fluency
1683. Teacher Aldub makes certain content interesting to his students. Focusing on learners, healso
usesmanysimpleexamples.metaphorsandstories.Whatisthisqualityof lesson content?
a. Interest
b. Feasibility
c. Self-sufficiency X
d. Balance X
1584. Teaching English, teacher Krizzy is careful about her lesson content. What quality of content did
he achieve when she made certain her information came with the “information
explosion” which she got in the internet,such as howto effectively teach phonetics?
a. Learnability
b. Significance
c. Balance
d. Interest
1585. Teacher Kevin made certain his lesson content can be useful to his students, taking care oftheir
needs in a student-centered classroom. What isthis kind of quality content?
a. Utility
b. Balance
c. Self-sufficiency 9
d. Interest
1586. Intheimplementationofthecurriculumattheclassroomlevel.effectivestrategies are called
"Green". Which ofthefollowing belongs to the Green Flag?
a. Homogenous students grouping
b. Content delivery based on lessons
c. Excess in chalkboardtalk
d. Student interest and teacher enthusiasm
1587. Intheimplementationofthecurriculumattheclassroomlevel,ineffectivestrategies are
called “Red”. Which ofthefollowing belongs to the Red Flag?
a. Content applied to real-life situations
b. Overemphasis on drill and practice
c. Available enrichment activities
d. Integration of problem solving
1588. TeacherlVIaggieexplainsby spicingherlectureswithexamples, descriptions and stories. What
is this quality in her lectures?
a. Planned sequence
● b. Elaboration through elements

c. Use of audiovisuals
d. Simple vocabulary
1589. Cantechnologytaketheplaceoftheteacherintheclassroom?Selectthemost appropriate
a. No. It is only an instrument or a tool
b.Yes, when they hire less teachers and acquire more computers
c. Yes. When teachers are not competent
d.Yes,such as in thecase of Computer-assisted instruction(notteacher-assisted,instruction)
1590. Whatkind oftoolistechnologyasevidenced by its use in word processing databases,
spreadsheets, graphics design and desktop publishing?
a. Analyzing tool
b. Encoding tool
c. Productivity tool
d. Calculating tool
1591. In avoiding implying sicknessor suffering,which ofthefollowing isthemost preferable way to
refer to those with disabilities like polio?
a. “Is polio-stricken"
b. "Had polio”
c. "Polio victim”
d. "Suffers from polio”
1592. If threat of punishment is necessary on erring students, how should this best be done?
a. Make the threat and reinforce with warning
b. Make the threat with immediate punishment
c. Ward and threat at the same time
d. Firsta warning before the threat
1593. Among cognitive objectives, what is also known as an understanding and is a step higher than
more knowledge offacts?
a. Comprehension
b. Analysis
c. Synthesis
d. Application
1594. What is the quality ofteacher Pining Garcia’s lecture when she makes use of various pictures,
charts, graphs, videos to support her lectures?
a.Simplified vocabulary b.Enrichment through visual aids
c. Causal and logical relationships d.Continuing sequence
1595. In determining the materials and media to use, what consideration did Teacher Ina A. Mag
adopt when he chose materials that can arouse and sustain in curiosity?
a. Satisfaction
b. Interest

c. Expectancy
d. Relevance
1596. Which of the follo\A/ing is true of a democratic classroom?
a.Teacher acts asfirm decision maker b.Students decide what and how to learn
c. Consultation and dialogue
d.Suggestions are sent to higher officials for decisions
1597. This isappropriateuseoftechnologywhich can unite peopleoftheworldratherthan exploit
a.For pornography b.For social media
c.Forfinancialfraud d.Forpropaganda
1598. From structures in Multifunctional Cooperative Learning, which involves each student writing in
turn one answeras a paper and pencil is passed around the group?
a. Jigsaw <>
b. Inside-outside circle
c. Roundtable d.Partners
1599. Howdoesthe'‘humaneness”oftheteacherbestdescribedwhen he/she isfull interest and
enthusiasm in the work of teaching?
a.Responsiveness b.Perceptiveness
c. Knowledge d.Sensitivity
1600. Teacher Lester Cruz Valdez gets more information about how his students learn in order to
upgrade his pedagogy. What principle is he following?
a.Teachers should keep track of learning outcomes b.Teachers shou id value information
c. Teachers should document information data on students d.Teachers should teach and test
1601. In ordertoassist newteacher,which isthemosteffectivewaytoclarifytheschoojs’ goals and
responsibilities early in the first year?
a.Student's handbook b.Orientation
c. Principals' memorandum d.School curriculum
1602. Of components of direct instruction, which involves teachers and students working together on
a skill or task and figuring out how to apply the strategy?
a.Consolidation b.Guided practice
a Application

d. Modeling
1603. Teacher JanJan made certain his lesson content is within the capacity of his young forum grade
learners. What is the quality of John’s lesson content when he fits lesson to learner’s
capacity to absorb lesson content?
a.Learnability b.Balance
c. Validity d.Interest
1604. From structures of Multifunctional Cooperative Learning, which makes each group to produce
a group product to share with the whole class? o
a.Coop-coop b.Think-pair-share
c. Team Word-Webbing d.Partners
1605. This is the more appropriate understanding of technology in education?
a.Methods and process b.Inventions and equipment
c. Channels and instruments d.Hardware, designs, and environment
1606. A teacher introduces herself as teacher only. What does this imply?
a.She must have been forced to pursue a career in teaching, b.Theteaching profession is not
c.The teaching profession is the lowest paid profession d.She takes no pride in the teaching
1607. Intheguidedexploratoryapproachtoiearning,whichisnottheterm usedforinquiry
learning? \
a.Heuristic learning b.Problem-solving learning
c. Discovery learning d.Exposit^'i^arning
1608. What is another quality of teacher Lassie Pecson's lectures when she used words that are
within the grasp of her listeners, avoiding technical terms and jargons?
a.Useofspecificdescriptionsandexamples b.Enriched audiovisuals
c. Normal vocabey^d.Planned sequence
1609. In delivering her lessons, teacher Blackie Lou Blanco is careful that no topic is extensively
discussed at the expense of other topics. That guiding principle in selection and organization
of lesson content is shefollowing?
a.Significance b.Self-sufficiency
c. Feasibility


d. Balance
1610. In determining materials and media to use, what consideration did Teacher Grachie adopt
when she gave importance to the level of outcome and the learner’s sense of fulfillment in
performing the task?
a.Expectancy b.Satisfaction
c. Interest d.Relevance
1611. Intheinductiveapproachto learning,whatisnotamongthefacilitating skills needed on the
part of the teacher?
a,Teacher giving generalization of principles
b. Commenting to pave way for generalizations or principles
c. Organizing answers d.Asking the right questions
1612. WhichFilipinotraitworksagainsttheshiftinteacher’srolefromteacherasa foundation of
information to teacher as facilitator?
a.Authoritativeness b.Authoritarianism
c. Hiyad.Pakikisama "\
1613. Ifateacherplansaconstructivist lesson,whatwillhemostlikelydo?Planhowhe can
a.Do evaluate his students’ work b.Do reciprocal teaching
c. Lecture to hisstudents
d.Engage his students in convergent thinKiqo^
1614. How would you select the most fit in government positions? Applying Confucius teachings
which would be the answer?
a.By course accreditation ofan accrediting body b.By meritsystem and course accreditation
c. By merit system
d.By government examinations
1615. The test results revealed that a great majority of the studentfailed. What is the best action
thataneffectiveteachershouldtaketo insure that learning wilitake place?
a. reteach the^^^S that are heavily missed
b. analyze the difficulty, test them again
c. give more difficuittest
d. scold the pupils
1616. In any kind of education endeavor,these three interdependent processes are
a. evaluation, application, learning
teaching, learning, evaluation of results
c. testing, recording, re-teaching
V d. application, valuation, recall

1617. It is a chart prepared to determine the goals,the content and the number of items to be
included in the test
a. test chart
b. test book
c. table of specifications
d. skewed chart
1618. The entire processes involved in conducting any scientific study include these sequential
a. knowthe problem, gather and analyze needed data, then makeconclu^iom
b. analyze, gather and collect data
c. gather data, analyze the problem,then conclude
d. give description, make a calculated guess,then conclude j

1619. Mr. Pascual, being a conscientious teacher initially, feels that many of his student dislike
him, hence,they failed his course. To verify his hunch, he will conduct what study?
a. descriptive study of student behavior
b. historical study
c. achievement test O
d. Self-analysis
1620. Desiring to find out which among theschools she supervises achieve or underachieve the
yearly target goals, Dr. Mendez will use what measure
a. Measure of Dispersion
b. Measure of Central tendenpy
c. Measure ofPopularity
d. Measure ofLocaiity
1621. A test of intelligence based on the actual measurement of what the individual can actually
do of a certain task undertime pressure,
a. PerformanceteSf c. Skill test
b, AptitudeTest d. None ofthese
1622. A test given to determine specific aspect of achievement made on certain skills to provide
the needed remedial help to the learner,
a. dailytest c. diagnostictest
b. achievementtest d. none of the above
1623. Atest given toget a representative sampling ofthe general area of accomplishment made
on certain field of learning taught and learned,
a. ‘ surveytest c. aptitude test
b. diagnostic d. none of the above
A child’s emotional behavior and problems can be measured by:
^,624 a. direct observations c. behavior checklist
A b. psychological test d. ail of the above
1625. Intelligence tests that can used with children who have language difficulties include;

oo a. the Draw-A-Man test

b. the Letter I nternationai Performance Scale
c. raven’s progressive Matrices Test
d. All of theabove

1626. The law requires school personnel to make a child’s school records available to his or her
parents. Parents have the right to:
a. help plan their child’s instructional program
b. see their child’s school records
c. receive an interpretation of any data recorded about their child
d. all of the above
1627. Ken obtained a percentile rank of30 on a mathematics test. Ken’s parents will learn that:
a. Ken is a top student in the above class
b. Ken got 30% ofthe test items correct
c. Ken obtained a score higher than 30% ofthe students in the class
d. Ken got 70% ofthe items correct
1628. Which ofthe following is a characteristic of criterion-referenced teaching strategies?
a. Desire behaviors are specified- for example.” Given 10 sentences containing errors
in noun-verb agreement, the student will be able to correct them with 100%
b. Adequate instruction is given to enable students to perform the behaviors that are
c. Using measures such astests or specified performance,the teacher makes an
analysis of whether objects are being met
d. All of theabove
1629. Research shows that students who follow the cognitive learning approach manifest all of
the following characteristics EXCEPT;
a. a global orientation toward the discovery of new question and solutions
b. an analytic mind-set toward new problems
c. an impulsive habit in drawin§,cohclusions
d. a reflective manner when examining data
1630. Blood content that at least 90% of students could reach “mastery level" if appropriate
teaching techniques were used. Which of the following would NOT be appropriate advice
orateacherwhowantstohelpunderachieversto succeed?
a. Provide more time or slower students to complete a task
b. Break the curriculum into small steps,teaching incrementally
c. Determine grades through competitive examinations, giving constant feedback to
comparative performance,
d. Pursue a comprehensive list of perfonnance objectives
1631. Critics of behavior-referenced instruction find that it limit students in all of the following
areas EXCEPT in:
a. the range of behavioral objectives associated with such instruction,
b. The expectations for performance held out to gifted students
c. Opportunities for studentdecision-making
d. The accuracy of evaluations possible with such instruction
1632. When a teacher reports the outcome of norm-referenced objective tests, he or she
a. the performance of all students in the class
b. the objectives that were to be measured
c. the items missed by each student
d. all of theabove
1633. A teacher planning to use a criterion-reference measurement presumably would begin

a. a set of specific objectives for pupils achievement
b. varying norms of students of different abilities
c. modular scheduling
d. a variety of leaning experiences to determine student abilities
1634. Standardized test for measuring pupil achievement have many advantages over
a. Students are tested under matching conditions
b. Such test have high reliability
c. Such test have high variability
d. Such tests are most costly than teacher-made test.
1635. A non-participating classroom observer can provide valuable information to a teacher
a. the observer is probably less subjective than the teacher \
b. the observer can spend full time recording observations
c. the observer can focus on certain behaviors and systematically code them fora
d. all of the above are true
1636. Research on individual learning differences indicates the need for:
a. the traditional “lockstep" approach to classroom instruction
b. maximizing off-task behaviors
c. plenty offree time for each pupil
d. the use of theaptitude-treatment-interaction model
1637. Studentswith lowachievement levels prefera classroom learning environmentthat is;
a. innovation-oriented c. well-structured
b. task-oriented d. competition-oriented
1638. For agrade placement,which ofthefollowing tests would bebesttoadministertoa 10-year-
old Puerto Rican boy who does not speak English?
a. The Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale
b. The test of Genera! Ability
c. The Otis-Lennon Mental Ability Test
d. The Arthur Point Scale of Performance Test
1639. A teacher gave two forms of a standardized test to a class of third graders, She found that
the amount offluctuation between class scores on both forms was as slight as reported in
the test publisher’s:
a. item analysis
b. standard error
c. standard deviation
d. d. history reliability
1640. Which one ofthefollowing factor is NOT a significant advantage ofa standardized test over
day-to-day teacher made test?
a. The standardized test is cost-effective,
b. The standardized test is more valid,
c. The standardized test is more reliable,
d. The standardized test is based on national norms.
1641. Interest inventories are vaiuablefor counseling secondary school student becausethe are
a. In percentiles.

b. In the form of a career advice,
c. In the form of a psychological profile,
d. In Staines scores.
1642. Theratioof“exceptional”children in general population isabout.
a. 1:8 b.1:20 c.1:4 d. 1:10
1643. Which of the following is useful for a teacher involved in a ‘majesty (earning
a. Summative testing over several units,
b. Formative testing during instruction,
c. Diagnostic testing,
d. All of theabove.
1644. when constructing a teacher-made test, it is most importantfortheteacherto:
a. develop one-fourth of the question at the level of challenge appropriate for the
b. ask question based on both factual and conceptual learnings
c. ask students to express their point of view
d. stress the objectives used during the lesson.
1645. When teaching concepts at the elementary grade level, it is most helpful to provide
pupils with
a. examples and non-examples of the concejx
b. a cluster of concepts at one time
c. a definition of the concepts
d. disjunctive concepts
1646. Ajuniorhighschool principalwantstoevaluatethescienceprogram.What isthe first he
a. Analyze pupil achievementscores
b. Look at national normsfor achievement in the sciences
c. Confer with parents
d. Reviewand, if necessary, reviseobjectivesfortheprogram
1647. A persona!feeling, either positive or negative towards an object, a person or an institution,
a. attitude > c. opinion
b. aptitude d. none ofthese
1648. Known as one’s preparedness for learn in a certain task brought about by the
influences of heredity and environment,
a, Characteristics c. Interest
b. Aptitude d. None ofthese
1649. The process of identifying educational goals and the extent to which these objectives
have been realized or met.
a. Examination c. Planning
b. Evaluation d. None ofthese
1650. Thedegreetowhichthetestscores Inaclassspread.
a. Discrimination Dispersion Interval
b. None of these
1651. The Item in a multiple-choice type of test which serves as a “joker”
a. Obstractor

b. Error
c. Distractor
d. none ofthese
1652. A type of scores arrangement in a class which includes all possible score values from
highest to lowest with the list of learners “names include,
a. Frequency table
b. Grade norms
c. Frequency distribution ●i.

d. None ofthese
1653. A special liking or inclination for a particular type of undertaking.
a. interest A,.
b. attitude

c. goal
d. none ofthese
1654. In psychological measurement, a score of50 is generally considered as a. 49.9-50.9
b. 49.25-50.75
c. 49-51
d. 49.5-50.5
1655. What is the best measure of typical performance to use when there are extreme
a. mean c. mode
b. median d. standarddeviation
1656. What measure of centra! tendency is affected by extreme measures?
a. mean c. mode
b. median d. standarddeviation
1657. if the mean is larger than the median, the mode is:
a. belowthemean c. belowthemedian
b. above the mean " d. above the median
1658. When plotting the frequency polygon, which part of the score class do we use?
a. lower limit
b. midpoint >.
c. higher limit
d. entire class interval
1659. A distribution with the greatest frequency at and around the middle and a few high and
low scores is:
a. platykurtic
b. leptokurtic
c. mesokurtic
d. skewed
1660. A distribution in which the scores are cluster at either end and shows a curve which is:
a. normal
I b. skewed
r- ■ V

.. . -s. / c. bimodai
d. mesokurtic
1661. One should interpret the percentile rank of a given score in the terms of percentage of:
a. number of correctresponses
b. number of items in the test

c. number of cases in the distribution
d. number of wrong response
1662. A distribution that is step with a narrow range is called:
a. kurtosis
b. mesokurtic
c. leptokurtic
d. platykutic
1663. The least reliable measure o dispersion is the:
a. range
b. Q
c. Mode
d. SD
1664. What test includes items which measure variety of mental operations combined into a
single sequencefrom which only a single score is taken?
a. objective test
b. percentile
c. omnibus
d. noneof theabove
1665. What is measure of an individual’s intelligence which considers both his scores in an
intelligence test and his chronological age?
a. Intelligence quotient
b. Inventory \j
c. Individual test ofintelligence
d. Mental age
1666. What diagram is used to determine the social interactions among individuals in a group?
a. scatter diagram
b. norm
c. sociogram
d. parallelogram
1667. What test is made after certain norms have been established?
a. standardized test
b. norm
c. speed test
d. none ofthese
1668. Whattype ofscores is obtained when a highly reliable measuring instrument is used?
True score
d. N-score
^ 1669. The kind of statistics that is used to describe a big number o data on hand.These data
A usually include numerals, decimals,fraction and percentages,
a, descriptive statistics

oo b. inferential statistics
c. survey statistuics
d. simple statistuics
1670. Atest where the results are obtained from a large group.The evaluation is based on certain
norm or standard set, hence,the norm becomes the basis of the test evaluation.

a. criterion-reference test
b. summativetest
c. norm-reference test
d. fonnative test
1671. The test results in this type o test are compared with an absolute standard. They indicate
whether or not a student needs more or less help on certain skills,
a. criterion-reference test
b. norm-reference test
c. formative test
d. summativetest
1672. This evaluation device includes an analysis of all the scores in a given distribution. It is
commonly used to estimate the test validity,
a. statistics f 'i

b. standard deviation
c. variables /
d. quartile deviation
1673. The information shows by these data, includes the highest, middle, and lowest scores
even the missing scores in a tabulated data presentation,
a. frequency data
b. concluded data .
c. gathered data
d. surveyed data
1674. The measure of variability not influenced by extreme scores is the:
a. Q
b. Range
c. MD
d. Sd
1675. The semi-quartile range is a measurement of:
a. probability
b. central tendency
c. reliabilitKC
d. correlation
1676. The measure of scores density around the median is the
a. range
b. quartile deviation
c. mean deviation
d. standard deviation
The greatest weakness ofthe range as a measure of variability it its
a. intricate computation c. extreme instability
b. easeofcomputation d. difficulty of interpretation 1678.
4 The largest measure o variabilityfrom the centraltendency distribution is;
average deviation
G c.
quartile deviation
standard deviation
1679. Which of the following cannot illustrate two distribution is:
a. Cumulative frequencycurve
b. Cumulative percentage curve

c. Histogram
d. Scattergram
1680. A distribution characterized by many high scores and a few very low scores is:
a. Leptokurtic
b. Negatively skewed
c. Platykurtic skewed
d. Positively skewed
1681. The range is an expression of;
a. central tendency
b. concentration
c. correlation
d. variability
1682. The root-mean-square deviation is generally knovm as:
a. Average deviation
b. Quartile deviation
c. Range
d. Standard deviation
1683. Synonymousto median,this term refers to the common average of a set of sores,
a. arithmetic
b. class interval
c. score
d. none ofthese
1684. A system of grouping closely-related score values into a single category which is often used
in tallying scores for a class,
a. Criterion c. Converted scores
b. Class interval d. None ofthese
1685. A statistical index which represents the relationship between two varying measures
which occurs within a class,
a. cross-validation. % c. ceiling
b. correlation coefficient d. none ofthese
1686. The difference between the highest and lowest score in a given set of scores,
a. Quartile c. Profile
b. Range d. None ofthese
1687. Scores tendency to group at one end and spread out at the opposite end of a g iven
distribution ofscores.
a. Skewness c. unreability
b. Unevenness d. none ofthese
1688. When a test succeeds in determining accurately the particular attribute of a person who
is tested, it is said to be
a. reliable
b. variable
c. valid
d. none ofthese
1689. The standard used to interpret test scores
a. norm
b, mode
c, percentile

d. none ofthese
1690. An index of a person’s intelligence in relation to other of his own age group
a. intelligencequotient c. personality
b. grade norm d. none ofthese
1691. Test on reading readiness examples ofagroup of tests,
a. prognostictest c. vocabularytest
b. cognitive test d. none ofthese
1692. A rational treatment of raw scores arranged in numerical order or grouped in intervals to get
information about howan individual of agroupcompares with the total population,
a. norm c. equalization ofscores
b. frequencydistribution d.noneofthese 1693. Testnormsare
based on:
a. the actual performance of a representative group of student^
b. the predetermined levels of standards of performance
c. he performance of a selected group of students
d. theanticipatorperformanceofagroupofstudents 1694. Atestwith a difficulty
index ofO.85 is considered:
a, high, therefore difficult
b. low, therefore easy
c. high, therefore easy
d. low, therefore difficult
1695. A clear example of a future-oriented test is the:
a. Philippine AchievementTest
b. Otislemon Mental Ability
c. Personality Test
d. National College Entrance
1696. Which of the types of ability is not generally measured by intelligence tests?
a. Quantitative
b, Verbal
c. Reasoning
d. Social S
1697. The Rorschach Test and Thematic Association Test are oath referred to as
a. projective c. sociometric
b. psychometric d. analytic
1698. Which of thefollowing is considered as a serious with personality tests?
\ reliability c. usability
b. scorability d. validity
1699. Attitudes towards communism or socialism are best measured mth:
a, sociometry
b. questionnaires & interviews
c. checklist & muitipiechoice
d. forced triads

1700. Two classes are given the same arithmetic test and the mean for both classes is
57. The standard deviation for class A is 5.1, while that of Class is 10.3. On the

basisoftheabove data.wemayconcludethatwithrespecttoarithmetic achievement:
a. Class A is more heterogeneous than Class B
b. The teaching of arithmetic is more effective in Class A.
c. Class B is more heterogeneous than Class A
d. There is no sufficientdata for making a comparison.1701. Inthefollowing
distribution: 1,3,3,3,5;wecan saythat:
a. themeanisgreaterthanthemedian
b. themedianisgreaterthanthemode
c, the mode is greater than the mode
d. the median, median and the mode have the same value 1702. The distribution given in
no.39 is:
a. skewed to the left
b. skewed to the right
c. normal
d. leptokurtic
1703. Which of the following is an important duty of a teacher?
a. evaluating pupil’s progress
b. soliciting contributions
c. safekeeping of the properties of the school
d. going on a vacation
1704. Which ofthe following is not to be considered in preparing itemsfor objectives tests?
a. make each test items comprehensible
b. group items belonging to the same type together
c, provide specific directions on how the test is to be taken
d. very difficult testItems
1705. To promote better student learning, which ofthese should be practical in testing?
a. check the papers long after the test has been given
b. check and reiurp porrected papers to the student as soon as possible to appraise
them of their performances
c. pile test papers in the stockroom
d. useto geteven with the students
1706. In scoring essay test, which of thefollowing is not a good practice?
a. decide what qualities are to be considered in scoring the answer
b. write comments and correct errors on the answers
c. rearrange the papers after checking one questions before starting to check the next
d. accept all answers written by the tester
1707. Which type of objective test is best or evaluating mastery offacts and information?
a. multiple-choice
b. completing type
c. true-false
d. essay
1708. In making test items of objective type, which o thefollowing should be observed?
a. no clues tothe correct response should be given intentionally
b. each test item should be related to the item
c. the vocabulary level of the test should present some form of difficulty
d. test items should include also the irrelevant part of the lesson
1709. Which of the following is not a good characteristic of an evaluative technique?

a. has clear goals
b. utilizes various forms of testing
c. consider the nature of the learners
d. has ambiguous presentation
1710. Which ofthe following is not an objective type of teacher-made test?
a. matching type
b. completion type
c. multiple-response
d. essay test
1711. Which ofthe following is not criterion in determining the effectiveness of a test?
a. validity
b. reliability
c. cost oftest
d. items based on factor analysis
1712. Which of thefolloviring is not a purpose of evaluation?
a. provide educational guidance
b. appraise the total school program
c. provide for the individual differences
d. none ofthese
1713. When the aim istodetermine wherethe strengths and weaknesses ofthe students lie
before teaching of a new lesson is done, whattest is given?
a. unit
V. ■V
b. c. diagnostic \
c. achievement
- 4
d. d. summative
1714. I teach in a traditional school that subscribes to a perennialist and essentialist philosophy of
education. Which is most likely the curricular approach implemented?
a. Activity-centered
b. Subject-centered
c. Student-centered
d. Hidden
1715. My class is not a very good one. The students find it hard to draw generalizations.
Which approach to lesson planning may be most efficient and effective?
a. Inductive
b. Intuitive
c. Reflective
^ d. Deductive
1716. Teacher Nene’s lesson plan is dominated by highly-instructive lesson consisting of pupils
watching demonstration, taking down notes and rote learning. What approach to lesson
planning does Teacher Nene use?
a. intuitive
b. Behavioral
c. Cognitive
d. Inductive
1717. Howwill I develop my lesson plan if I wantto develop my students’skill to draw
a. Reflectively

b. Intuitively
c. Deductively
d. Inductively
1718. I want my pupilsto find the rule in adding similarfractions after I havegiven them sufficient
examplesofsimilarfractionswiththeirsums.Whichmethodshould luse in my plan?
a. Discovery method ✓
b. Deductive method
c. Reflective method N
d. Expository method
1719. Iflwanttoteachmystudentshowtoplaychess,whichmethodoflesson development is
a. Direct method
b. Inquiry method
c. Discovery method
d. Inductive method
1720. The education supervisor from the Department of Education explains to the student teachers
thatthecontentinSciencemustbeusedintheteachingoflanguageskilis in English in
Grade. Which approach doesthe supervisor promote?
a. Deductive
b. Integrative
c. Experiential
d. inductive
1721. Which is expected if a teacher develops her lesson in an experiential manner?
a. She begins her lesson with pupjls’ experiences and ends by connecting subject matter to
their life experiences,
b. The teacher narrates her experiences and ask questions to challenge the students think
c. Students are made to learn from vicarious experiences through the use of success
d. Students are taught that experience is the best teacher
1722. EverytimelplanthelessononthehumandigestivesysteminBioiogylrelateitto the disease
associated with the human digestive system which are discussed in a later chapter ofthe
course syllabus in biology. Which approach do I use?
a. Interactive
b. Multidisciplinary
c. Interdisciplinary
d. Collaborative
1723. Wrthcollaborativeeffortaspointofreferenceiniessonplanning.whichonedoes NOT
r belong to the group?
^ a. Computer-assisted instruction
b. Peer tutoring
c. Team teaching
d. Project method
O’ 1724. Which oneshould I do if I wantto applythe integrative approach in my lesson development?
I. Design activities that cater to multiple intelligences
II. Relate lesson to other lesson in other subjects

III. Teach lesson in the cognitive, psychomotor and affective domains
a. Iandll_
T. ll andft
c. I andlll
d. II and ill
1725. The topic is environmental degradation. Teacher tackles it from the perspective of an
ecologist, economist, medical doctor, educator and sociologist. For his lesson plan, which
method will be most appropriate?
a. Brainstornin^
(b* Panel discussiofj
c. "Debate
d. Focus group discussion
1726. In a lesson which intends to generate as many ideas as there are, which technique ought to
a. Vaiues Clarification

b. Brainwashing
d. Inquiry
1727. TeacherJingwantstodevelopteamwork.groupandindividualaccountabilityfor learning
amongherstudents.Whichteachingtechniqueisamajorpartofherlesson plan?
(a/ 'G3E|)erattve learningj
b. Small group discussion
c. Teambuilding
d. Group dynamics
1728. lfyouabidebyBruner’sthree-tieredmodelleaming,whichwillyoubeginalesson on the
a! "A~Show a cakedii^fi^ ir^to two^
b. Write a fraction, e.g. Y4 on the board
c. Project the definition on the screen
d. Ask your students to give examples offraction.
1729. Applying the principle,“the moresensesthat are involved,themore effectivethe learning
becomes” which instructionaltechnology should be preferred?
a. Workbooks

c. video Presentation
d. Dramatization
1730. I want to help chemistry students develop and practice research skills by using a laboratory
similar to that of a real laboratory before the students use the riskier, more expensive real
equipment. What methodology shall I use?
A b. apprentice-like activity
c. laboratory
d. process approach
1731. Feedback is necessary for effective teaching. Which educational technology supports person-
to-person feedback?
b. Electorate ""

c. World-Wide web
d. Computer-assisted instruction
1732. If you apply Edgar’s Dale’s Cone of Experience in teaching, which would you do?
^ Cbnnecfthe'concrete and the abstraci
b. Use one audio-visual aid at time
c. Do away with interactive teaching
d, Avoid the use of the chalkboard since it has been overused
1733. ifyouapplytheprinciple“lessismore”intheuseofthechalkboardforteaching- learning
which should you do?
a. Limit ycwr\afi<lng/cliagranis on Ihe chalkboard to the most important de*?^
b. Write every word on the chalkboard to ensure clarity and completeness of ideas
c. Usethe board only for diagrams
d. Avoidusingthechalkboardallthetimeevenwhenthereisnoothermateria! available.
1734. Which instructional method isalignedtothislesson objective:“Given atabulardata on
weights and heights of school athletes, the students will be able to draw conclusions
regardirig correlation ofweights and heights ofthe athletes,
fa.' Inductive method!
b. Intuitive method
c. Deductive method
d. Meta-cognitive method
1735. If i wantstudentstoconnecteducationaltheory and practice,which learning experiences will
be most appropriate?
a. School immersion
b. Role playing
fc.' Sirnula^^
d. Microteaching
1736. Which activity is mostfit ifTeacher Flora wantsto develop in herstudents understanding
and com passion for the aged and children with special needs?
[a. Immersion ineoJSjnunities of the aged and children with special need$
b. Watching'a movie on the aged and children with special needs
c, Conducting research on the aged and children with special needs
d. Composing poems about the aged and children with special needs
1737. iwantmystudentstotakeapersonalstandontheReproductiveBillanddefendthe same.
Which assessment item/activity matches my objective?
fa." i^you for or against the Reproductive Bill? Why or why nof??
b. Research on reasons given by those who are pro Reproductive Bill and by those who are
c. Why are a number of leaders in favor for the Reproductive Bill?
d, Why is the Catholic Church against the Reproductive Bill?
1738. Giveasummaryofthechapterbymeansofagraphicorganizer,jingle,dance,song, orpoem
orinanymannerofyourchoice.”Whichobjectiveisthisassessmentactivity meant to
a. The students must be able to give a chapter summary by considering multipie
intelligences of the students
rb. ThefetudehtsrhustbeabletodisjJfaytheirtali^tsastheygiveachapter summary:’
c. The students showtheir multiple intelligences by giving a chapter summary.

d. The students must develop their multiple intelligences by giving a chapter summary.
1739. Here is a Unit objective: “To develop appreciation for ail the sacrifices that our heroes
madeforourfreedom asanation."Wh atactivities\A/illbemostappropriate?
I. Dramatization of selected nationalistic episodes from the life of our Filipino heroes
II. Debate on who should have been declared as national hero- Rizal or Bonifacio
III. Writing a thank you lettertoat leasttwo Filipino heroes in appreciation ofthe sacrifice
they have made
(aT I and TiT)
b. Ill only
c. I only
d. II only
1740. A school wants to develop the learners' metacognitive skills. Which practice is inconsistent
with the schoors goal?
Rote teaching and learj;^^
b. Emphasis on HOTS
c. Constructivist instruction
d. Authentic assessment
1741. Schools want to develop students to become lifelong learners. Which is LEAST helpful in the
attainment of this goal?
fa. Stress on factuallearnings
b. Mastery of the 4 r’s
c. Use of authenticassessment
d, Teaching learners the skills to learn
1742. Schools want to develop children to become critical thinkers. Which one can be of help?
Ta. Emphasis on HOTSj
b. Application of Paolo Freire’s banking system” of education
c. Use of convergent questions Authorization classroom setting
d. Ifschoolswanttoequipchildrenwiththebasicskilis.whatshouldteachersdo?
f'a' ‘ Make pupiteWister reading, writing and arithmetic Develop pupils “multiple^
b. intelligences
c. TeachthemtoasktherightquestionTeachthem livelihood skills
1744. Is the learner a resource in the classroom?
*a*^ ?*45,* she/he is a very inrtpprtant resource
b. No, he is stili very inexperienced
\ No, only he teacher who is trained to teach can serve as resource Yes,
d. provided she/he is a high performing pupil
I. Reflect on what they have read
\ - I. Write their reflections
III. Make them answer comprehension question on what was read
.0 a. _l an^
b. Illonly
c. I, II and ill

d. II only
1746. Which question can help develop students' creative thinking skills after reading the story of
The Monkey and the Turtle?
a. Why did the Turtle treat the Monkey that way?
b. Whoiswiser-theMonkeyortheTurtle?Why?
{c7^ ffydli weTe'to re^ta/rite'ttiestory, howwould you end it?!
d. Didybu find the ^o'ry interesting? Explain your answer. ^
1747. Is outlining an essay read in the level of creative and metacognitive reading? i
No ~(co^lt[veonly)j
b. Yes
c. Yes, if a student is asked to go beyond a skeletal
d. No.ifastudentisaskedjustanordinaryoutline.
1748. Which word is contrary to a creative classjpom atmosphere?
j. Perspective (sjrahgopini'orr,'judgment
b. Ndh-judgrnental
c. Open
d. Liberal /
1749. Have factual skills something to do with metacognitive skills?
[a. Yes", me f5rerequisite knowledge must havebeen mastered so a student can engage in;-
[f^her metacognitive process,
b. No,the prerequisite knowledge is disconnected to metacognitive processes
c. Yes, if the subject matter is extremely difficult
d. No, if the subject matter is quite easy
1750. If you apply the cognitive theories of learning with which do you agree?
fa. Le^ing is an active proQSssSdf organizing and integrating information/
b. Learning is strengthening^he connection between stimulus and response,
c. Learning involves a mind that is totally blank,
d. Learning is automatically responding to a stimulus.
1751. Howwouldyoumakeyourstudentslookforwardtocomingtoschooieveryday from the
point of view of B.F. Skinner’s reinforcement theory?
(a.\ Makethes^njoy learning activities*
b. Mal<eTise of mental drills in the classroom,
c. Convince them of the importance of education,
d. Always end your lessons with a clear summary.
1752. How would you make the teaching-learning process effective from the point of view of
a.' Ask your students to draw their insightsfrom the iessoif
O b. Reward every performingchild.
c. Dwell on the development of critical thinking,
d. Punish a child who does not do his/her assignment.
1753. _ Which is an application of Vygotsky’s zone of proximal development?
Ca.. GtJjdeife&eMfDr'Iffi&^ihd until she/he~can be on his/her 6vm7

oo b. Transmit information to students

c. Reward every child for every good work
d. Create a stimulating learning environment
1754. If a teacher is humanistic, on which learning goal is hefocused? Facilitating the development
a. Self-actualized individuals

b. Learners who can process information
d. Highly skilled technical individuals
1755. Which is an application of Gardner’s Ml theory? Make use of variety of
(a. ,towelling strategiesf
b.' Stick to one proven effective teaching for learners with multi-inteiligences
c. Present one model of a project for class to imitate Demonstrates the steps
d. in doing an experiment completely Which would be Piaget’s advice to
1756. teachers?
a. Challengetheleamersabiiitybutdonotpresentinformationfarbeyondtheir
b. There is nosuch thing as information beyond the level oflearners provided it is
presented dearly
fc. Use varied teaching strategies to cater to learners in variedcfeye)o|)mentat
d. Arrange subject matter in a hierarchai manner
1757. Which activity/tiesshould be used forstudents in theformal operation stageof
I. Make them come up with hypothetical to explore
II. Teach facts and make them connect the facts
lil. Make the students pay attention to the BIG ideas.
a. L, II and 111
tb, I and III f
c. I and II
d. II and lil
1758. Which flows from Kohiberg’s theory of moral development?
a. Use of moraldilemmas
05. Teacher as mope^.jv§lue^
c. Using the inculcation method of values education
d. Teaching the unchangingvalues
1759. Fordiscipline.howshouldyouapproachastudent'smisbehaviorfromthepointof viewof
Skinner’s extinction or non-reinforcement theory?
[a. _^Cigthemisbehavior{mild5
b. Punishthemisbehavingstudentasinconspicuouslyaspossible(notacceptable-positive
c. Withdraw a privilege which the student used to enjoy(negative punishment- undesirable)
i»^ d. Isolate the student to prevent disruption of class activities(antiseptic bouncing- heavy))
1760. Applying information processing theory, how can you help learners increase retrieval of
information by context?
\ Connecttlt^infornialion to a sttu^ion(rememberingf
b. Recite the information, not just hear
c. Personalize the information

oo d. Connecting pieces of information (comprehension)

1761. If you apply Bruner’s concept of knowledge representation in teaching Math, in which order
will you use these materials?
I. Symbols


1762. What is an application of Ausubel’s subsumption theory to instruction?

Make use of advali^ organizer^
b. Teach from the concrete to"abstract
c. Arrange curriculum hierarchically
d. Connect one information to another
1763. If a teacher is guided by Gestalt’s Law of Figure/Ground when he/she teaches, what does
a. Highlights the words I want to give attention to
Relies the topic to something the student already kp^^^jfbackground^
c. Arranges topics logically
d. Teaches topic that are similar close to one another
1764. IfyouwanttoapplySkinner’soperantconditioningtheoryinreinforcingaleamer'sgood
behavior, what should you do?
I. Reward the learner for good behavior
II. (Punish the wrong behavior - not promoted by skinner)
III. (ignore behavior)
a. I and ill
c. Ill only
d. II only
1765. InthecontextofBruner’stheoryoflearning.ifateacherteaches in the iconic level, what
does she use?
b. Symbols
c. Realias
d. Words
1766. Which order ofstepsshould I follow ifabide by Kolb’s experientiallearning theory?
i. Do {concrete experience)
II. Plan (testing in new situations)
111. Observe(observation and reflection)
IV. Think(form abstract concepts)

c. I Hi ll IV
A 1767.
IfateacherappliesKolb’sexperientialleamingtheoryinhisteaching.with which will he
( begin his lesson?
^a.' WR^:^e experience^
b. Testing in newsituations
c. Observation and reflection
d. Abstract concepts

1768. Which is a pedagogical consequence of John Locke’s tabula rasa?
»■ '

, a.teabher does not expect studentsto have built-in mental cdntent^

b.Teacher withdraws ideasfrom students minds
c.Teacher expects knowledge contributions from students
d.Teacher draws insights from learners
1769. InthecontextofPiaget’scognitivetheory.towhichdoyouattributea kindergartners
inability to see reality from other’s point of view?
b. Assfmilation
c. Decent ration
d. Accommodation
1770. If your approach to teaching is constructivist, which class behavior is observable?
[a. Stitttehts uhcompounded words by creating their own compouRj^^oftl's using comic sS^
b. Teacher introduces and develops the lesson without interruption
c. Students don’t ask questions as these are signs of inattention
d. Students drill on subject- verb agreement
1771. Which assumption about learning underlies the cognitive model of learning?
'On^cannotforcb someone to leant
b. The process of learn ing excludes sensory input
c. Meaningful learning can be imposed on learners
d. Mistakes committed in the process of learn ing are unacceptable
1772. Research says that the adolescent compares her parents to an ideal standard and then
criticizes theirflaws. To which can you attribute this behavior?
; a. Adolescents increased segsf’^kJealismy
b. Society urgent for model parents
c. Adolescents desire forrecognition
d. Biological maturation of adolescents
1773. Research findings show that conformity to pressure in adolescence can be positive or
negative. How can a teacher channel this conformity for good? Challenge them to

[a. Work oh a^dbfe project of fund raising for indigent chlldrenv

b. OrganTzesororities/fratemities
c. Embark on class projects by group
d. Think like everyone in their group
1774. Group identity often overrides personal identity in adolescence. Which should be done for
optimum learning?
A, fa. ^ Organise groupwor|
b. Assess learning bygroup
-NXI' c. Eliminate individual projects
d. Make greater use of intrapersonal activities
1775. Harry Stack Sullivan (1953), the most influential theorist to discuss the importance of
adolescence friendships, argued that there is a dramatic increase in the psychological
importance and intimacy of close friends during early adolescence. What then should be
'a. Adolescents should develop genuine friendships^
b. Adolescents should allowed to go dating

c. Parents should choose the friends for their children
d. Adolescents should set standards that govern their choice of lifetime partners 1776.
Researcheson thebraintellthatthebrain ismore“plastic”inyoungerchildrenand
potentiallymoremalleableforre-routlngneuralcircuits.Whatisanimplicationon reading
I. Early identification of reading disabilities is very important / ..
II. Remediation for reading disabilities must be given as early as possible
III. Reading disabilities in late childhood are beyond remediation

b. II only
c. I only
d. Ill only
1777. In the formal operation stage of Piaget’s cognitive development, which can individuals do?
I. Views things only from his perspective
il. Begin to thinkabstractly
III. Reason logically
IV. Draw conclusions from given information
a. I III and IV
oTf and IV V- - -
c. and II
d. I and IV D
1778. AccordingtoErikson,whathappenstoayoungadultwhoisconfusedabouthis/her possible
future role as an adult?
a. Isolates himself/herself
b. Findings intimacy through meaningful friendship
■c. Fails to grasp a sense^J^nteaning in ItfeJf
d. Trust himself/herself
1779. Girlsstartpubertyearlierthanboys.Whatisanimplicationofthistoclassroom instruction?
I. Avoid comparing performance of boys and girls
N, Use a differentiated approach to instruction
III. Compare boys’ and girls’ performance to motivate them to perform better
ra._ l andTJ
'b. Ill only
c. I only
d. II only
1780. Assessmentmustbeauthentic.tfyouwanttoknowhowwelichildrenreadandwrite,which
should you do?
fa.'^liWave^enn read and write'
b. Have them mark, circle and underline words after you have read them
c. Allow children to select how they will be evaluated
d. Have them list the stories they read forthe month 1781. Which practice goes with
authentic assessment?
●a'" *Make ^dents dance tango to determine if they learned how to dance tangcf
b. Make students recite the multiplication table to check for mastery
c. Make students check their own answer after quiz
d. Make students come up with a flow chart to demonstrates a process

1782. In what way are the results of summative assessment utilized?
faT^Toassign a~ grade]
b. To diagnose learningdifficulties
c. To guide teacher in her choice of class activity
d, To check attainment lesson objectives
1783. What does a grade given to the student’s measure?
I a. Learners achievement I
b. Learners intelligence
c. Parents involvement in the learning of a child
d. Teacher effectiveness
1784. What does the phrase assessmentfor learning imply?
'a. Assessment is itieant to improve leamingi
a. Assessment is a necessary ingredients of theteaching learning process
b. There can be no learning without assessment /
c. There is no assessment without learning
1785. Inanaveragegradingsystem.whatwillbetheaverageofgradeVIstudentswith thefollowing
grades 75,78,76 and 75 in the 4grading periods?
b. 76.3
c. 76.1
d. 76.2
1786. introduced the idea of “child’s garden” or kindergarten.
a. A. Maria Montessori
^b. Fnedrich Froebel f
c. B. Edward Paparazzi
d. John Locke
1787. Ifateacherbelievesintheconceptofeducationthatmakeseveryindividuala useful citizen
to the state,then he is influenced by the concept;
a. Conformity
b. Humanitarianism
c. Security
* d. UtiIit4BNlism f
1788. It is a science that deals with the methods and strategies of teachings,
a. Epistemology
b. Metaphysics
fcr5»edagogy i
d. Ethics
1789. Ifthe teacher would say that honesty is still an important value even if nobody values it, then
he is considered as:
a. Pragmatist
b. Reconstructivist
d. Progressivist
1790. Iftheteacherbelievesthatanindividualhasideasabouttheworldandhelearnstheseideas
by reflecting onthem,he is considered as .
a, Empiricist
b. Rationalist
c. Existentialist

[d. Cofistmctivisg
1791. if a teacher believes that even though there is an external world from which human
beings acquire sensory information, ideas originate from the working of the mind,then we
can consider him as:
a. Idealist
I b. J^'piricist f
c, Existentialist
d. Pragmatist
1792. if a teacher believes that a child’s mind is TABULA RASA,then the teacher will most likely
engagethe students in process for them to learn.
i a. Sensory impression^
b. Reflections
c. Reasoning
d. Meta-cognition
1793. A teacher who believes that one should not trust the senses since ideas are arrived at only by
reason in influenced by:
a. Naturalist
b. Existentialist
c. Rationalist
d. Empiricist'
1794. Theindividualsoulispartoftheabsolutesoul.Thisthoughtisfrom
a. Greek
b. Hebrew
c. Chinese
* d. Hinduf
1795. The school curriculum includes the study about Rizal and other heroes to inculcate love of
country. This is in accordance with what philosophy?
a. Pragmatist
j b. Nationally
c’ Existentiaiisi
d. Realist
1796. said thatschools must develop human reason because reason is superior to
experience as a source of knowledge,
a. Humanist
b. Hedonists
c. Stoics
i d. RationafiSt|
\y1797. The beliefthat love, hope,and faith are valuesfor eternity whetherthey are valued by others
or not, is deeply rooted on what philosophy?
^ a. Idealism f
b. Realism
c. Existentialism
d. Pragmatism
1798. The concept of karma originated from:
a. Hebrews

c. Greeks

d. Chinese
1799. Theteacherstressestheneedtorevisethecurriculuminordertomakethe curriculum
responsive to the needs of the society. What philosophy does the teacher adhere?
^a.’* Pragmatisrhjf
b. Esseritialism
c. Existentialism
d. Reconstructionism
1800. After Marcos’ declaration of Martial Law, he signed PD 6-A in order to;
a. Establish a complete, adequate and integrated system of education
Undertake educational development/proj^s and the mechanics of
fimplementation and financing/
c. improve the quality of education in ail levels
d. Regulate and control the practice of teaching profession
1801. Which law requires the teachers to be a college graduate and a passer ofthe
Professional Board ExaminationsforTeachers(PBET)?
a. RA7836(forLET)
b. RA1006
fc. ;PD10O0?
d. ‘rA9155
1802. During the time of Marcos, which agency served as DEC'S partner in the licensing of
a. PRC

d. PSC
1803. According to Education Actof 1982,which ofthese processes would promotethe standard
of the schools?
a. Promoting an environment conducive to learning
b. Promoting the rights and duties of citizenship
*c. Submitting'SiriSrograms/system to voluntary accreditation
d. Establishment of the complete, adequate, and integrated system of education 1804. If
all requirements are met in accordance with the law,can religion be taught in
public schools?

b. No
c. It depends on the executives of education
d. it depends on the religious institution
1805. Ifreligionistaughtinpublicschoolwiththecompletionofallrequirements,where is itdone?
a. Outside class hours
lb. within class hours ^
c. According to agreement
d. none ofthese
1806. is the start of Education in human rights as provided for in the 1987
a. Loving others
b. Caring for others

c. Liking others
(d“T?^pe^lowar^s o^rsj
1807. '"According tothe RepublicAct7836the licensure examforteachers at present is with:
d" Civil Service Commission
1808. Which schools are under the control, regulation and supervision of the
'a. Public, private,sectarian,and nonsectarian schoof
b. Private schools underthe religious group X
c. Public schools underthe supervision ofthe executives of education

d. Sectarian and nonsectarian schools

1809. wasadoDtedtoDrovideuniversalaccesstobasicleamiifQ.andtoeradicate literacy,
a. “Paaralan-sa-bawat-Baranggay”
b. Values Education Framework X.
[c.\ Education IbrAII(EFA) j( ^^
cl.' Science and Education Development Plan
1810. The importance of providing free public education for both in primary and secondary
leveisishighiightedinArlicleXIVsection2.This is needed because;
a. Elementary and Secondary school providesformal education
*b. These levels provide thefoun^on'lbn life functions and roles f
c. No one goes to college without passing the grade and high schools
d. A few people cannot afford the expensive quality of private schools
1811. When we say that rights and duties are correlative, we mean that

a. Right and duties regulate the relationship of men in society

^b. Each right it one or several corresponding dutie#
c. Rights and duties ultimate come from God
d. Rights and duties arise from the natural law
1812. Teacher’s Professionalism Act is .
b. RA7722
c. RA4670
d. RA9293
1813. What should teachers teach students to eradicate bullying among kids in
a. Full development oftalents
:,b. Respectfor the dignity of persons |r
c. Athletic skills
d, Full development of physical power

1814. The provision on enablesthe blind and deafstudents to partially orfuily integrate
inside the classroom.

a. Academicfreedom for students and teachers
b. Providing vocational training to adult citizens and out of school youths
c. Creating scholarship for poor and deserving students
ft*. Prafecting and promoting the right of all citizens to quality education
1815. Ateachercomplledtheoutputsofherpeersandputhernameastheauthor.Which is
unprofessional in her action?
'a. Not giving credit to other© for their worlf
b. Failing to correct what appears to be unprofessional conduct
c. Giving due credit to others for their work
d. Holding inviolate all confidential information concerning associates 1816. How can
teachers uphold the high standard ofthe teaching profession?
a. By working for the promotion in the system
Jb. By oontinuously improving themselves personally and pro{B^^ignSH\y
c. By pointing out the advantages ofjoining the teaching profession
d, By good grooming to change people’s poor perception of teachers
1817. According to the Constitution,the State is required to establish and maintain free public
andcompulsory education inthe .
I" a. elementary level only|
b. secondary and tertiary levels
c. secondary level only
d. elementary and secondary levels
1818. The Educational Act of 1982 expressly granted to institutions of higher learning the freedom
to determine on academic grounds who shall be admitted to study, who may teach and
what shall be the subject of the study and research. This refers to

'a. academicfreedom^
b. institutional freedom
c. educational freedom
d. constitutionalfreedom
1819. Article XIV of the 1987 Constitution provides that State shall assign the highest
budgetary priority to education to:
a. ensure that all schools are provided with modern equipment and facilities
b. encourage teachersto conduct more researchers and studies on the arts and cu Iture
c.^-^H@ctthe best availabletalentsto adequate remuneration(mentioned in Art. 14>»
d. curtail the exodus of teachers seeking employment abroad
1820. Jerome Burner taught that curriculum should revisit basic ideas, build on them, until the
V studentsgraspthefullformal concept. Which isanoffshortofthistaught?
a. Basic curriculum
b. Sprr^lcuiticulumt
c. Hidden curriculum
d. Re-structured curriculum
1821. Thedesign ofthe2002 Basic Education Curriculum(BEC)is based on the principles thatthe
main sourcesforcontemporarybasiceducationaretheexpertsystemsof knowledge and the
learner’s experience in his/her context, This shows thatthe BEC is in orientation.
I. constructivist(experience)

II. behaviourist(expertise)
III. essentlalist(expertise)

b. I and III
c. I
[d. Xft aridllf]
1822. V^ehadelinquent.failingstudentcomestoyouforhelpandasksyouforextra worksohe
can cope. What is ethical for you to do?
(a. Give him theextra workheis asking,then if he passesqualitywork,give hiWj)assing ^
( marki
b. Maketheextraworkthatheisaskingextremelydifficuftforhimtoleama lesson (not
c. Extend the needed assistance in solving the student’s difficulties, not necessarily by giving
the extra work that he is asking(not connected to the question)
d. Give an easy extra work so he can really be helped to pass(not helping) 1823.Which of
thefollowing is assumedunderthedocthneofIN-LOCOPARENTIS?
a. Students should be under parents’ control
b. Students are not yet ready to handle full adult responsibility
rc. Parent's have the primary duty to educate^ifchildren;
d. Students are prone to commit infractions of disciplinary conduct
1824. Which actions show that political factors affect schools as agents of change?
I. The strengthening of the teaching of English in Philippines school.
II. The introduction of mandated subjects such as Rizal in the curriculum
III. The practice ofmainstreaming
IV. The transfer of cultural affairs to NCCA under R.A 9155
a. I and III
b. I and II
c. Ilandill
[d. llaridIV J
1825. For more efficient and effective management of school as agents of change, one proposal is
for the DepEd to cluster remote stand-alone schools under one lead school head. Which
factor hasthe strongest influence on this proposal?
a. Psychological
fc." {^graphical |
1826. AS providedforthe Educational Actof 1982,howaretheinstrtutionsoflearning encouraged
settinghigherstandardsofequalityovertheminimumstandards required for state
a. Granting of Special Permit
b. Academicfreedom
c. Continuing Professional Education
'd. Voluntary accreditation#
1827. Which violate(s)the principle of respect?
I. Teacher A tells her studentsthat what Teacher B taught is vwong.
II. To retaliate, Teacher B advises students notto enroll in Teacher A’s class,
ill. Teacher C secretly gives way to a special favor(e.g. add 2 points to grade) requested by
student A who is vying for honors.

a. Hand 111
B. I, I! and III
c. I and II
d. I and III
1828. The authoritarian setting in the Filipino home is reinforced by a classroom teacher
a. Encourage pupils to ask questions
b. Is open tosuggestions
'c. Pre’scribes what pupils should do'
d. Ask open endedquestions
1829. The Constitutional provision on language hasthefollowing aims, EXCEPT:
a. To makethe regional dialect as auxiliary media of instructions in regional school
b. To maintain English as a second language
^ c. To make Filipino the sole medium of instruction^
d. To make Filipino the national language & medium of instruction & communication
1830. “It is hereby declared that policy of the State to provide relevant, accessible, high quality
and efficient technical education and skills development in support of the development of
high quality Filipino middle-level manpower responsive to and in accordance with the
Philippine development goals and priorities.” This is the declaration of policy of_.
b. DepEd
d. Presidential Decree N0.6-A
1831. Which is the most authentic proof of nationalism on the part of teacher?
a. winning the award “Most Outstanding Teacher”
1^. utilizing every minute of^he academictimeforcompetentteaching;
6. earning graduate degree for promotion
d. being a member in the National Organization for Professional Teachers
1832. What statement is FALSE with reference to Section 1 and Section 2, Article XIV of the
1987 Constitution?
"'a. quality is privilege in sofar as all citizens are concerned (it is a righty
b. publiceducation in the elementary is free and compulsory
c. scholarship grants, student loan programs,subsidies and other incentives to
deserving students in both public and private schools
d. Non - formal, informal and indigenous learning, self-learning, independent, and out-of
school study programs are encouraged.
1833. Under the present Constitution, pupils’ attendance in religious instruction in public
elementary and high schools shall be allowed only if
^ a. the superintendent, supervisors and principals will issue an instruction compelling
b. the parish priest or pastor shali authorize them in writing
c. vbhen parents shatl submit written authority allowing their children to attend religious ^

oo - Instructionj
d. when school children have become delinquents
1834. One of the millennium aims of education for economic competence is

a. Gender equality
b. Eliminate Diseases
[cr Eradiifcit& poverty j
equal access andequity
1835. The offering of Spanish in the curriculum of education is in response to the demand of
teachers in the US where most students are Latinos. Which criteria is in focus of the new
course offering in education?
a. Balance
;b. utility f
c. feasibility
d. validity
1836. The use of the integrated approach in both secondary and primary level subjects is a result of
the implementation ofthe: \
a. Program for Decentralized Education
b. Basic Education Curriculum ♦
c. School - based management
d. School First Initiative
1837. What does the acronym EFA imply for schools?
a. The acceptance of exclusive schools for boys and for girls.
b. Thestressonthesuperiorityofformaleducationoverthatofalternative learning
c. Practice of inclusive educationf
d. The concentration on formal education system

1838. The wide acceptance of“bottom up” management style has influenced schools to practice
whichmanagement practice?
a. Exclusion of politicians from the poo! of guest speakers during graduation exercises,
b. Prescription of what ought to be done from the Center Office,
fc, involvem^j^students, parents,teachers, and community in school planning }
'd. Allowing schools to do what they think is best
1839. ThefailureofFilipinostudentsinthestudyconductedaboutindependencewas attributed to
a. unpreparedness from schooling
b. ambivalence
c. high degree ofindependence
■or high degree of dependence on authorlt/
M 840. Which is a valid assessmenttool if I wanttofind out how well my studentscan speak
a. Writing speeches
4^' b. Written quiz on how to deliver extemporaneous speech

oo ’c. Performance test in extemporaneous speech *

d. Display of speechesdelivered
1841. Teacher J discovered that her pupils are weak in comprehension. To further determine in
which particular skill{s) her pupils are weak, which test should Teacher J give?

a^Sta^ar^ized test
^ bftgnostic"f
c. Placement
d. Aptitude test
1842. “Group the following items according to phylum” is a thought test item on

a. inferring
b. generalizing
c. Classifying n
d. comparing
1843. Whichwiiibethemostauthenticassessmenttoolforaninstructionalobjective on working
with and relating to people?
a. Writing articles on working and relating to people
, b. Organizing a community project ]
"c. Home visitation
d. Conducting mock election
1844. Whiieshewasisintheprocessofteaching.TeacherJfindsoutifherstudents understand
whatshe is teaching. What is Teacher J engaged in?
a. Criterion-reference
●'b. Formative evaluation (PART OF INSTfiyCTION)/
c. Summative evaluation
d. Norm-reference evaluation
1845. With types of test in mind, which does NOT belong to the group?
a. Restricted response essay
b. multiple choice
c. Completion
*d. Short answerf
1846. In a one hundred-item test, what does Ryan’s raw score of 70 mean?
a. He surpassed 70 of his classmate in terms of score
b. He surpassed 30 of his classmates in terms of score
c. He got a score above the mean
Si.' He^6T)Kp4temscorrect i
1847. WhichstatementholdsTRUEto grades? Grades .
a. Are exact measurements of intelligence and achievement
b. Are necessarily a measure of students’ intelligence
c. Are intrinsic motivators for learning
Are a measure of achievement |
1848. Isitawisepracticetoorientourstudentsandparentsonourgrading system?
a. No, this will court a lot of complaints later
b. Yes,butorientationmustbeonlyforourimmediatecustomer’sthe
^c. Yes,sothatfromtheverystartstudentandtheirparentsknowhowgrades r
d. No, grades and how they are derived are highly confidential Zero standard
1849. deviation means that: (verify)
a. The students’ scores are the same
b. 50% of the score obtained is zero

c. Morethan 50% ofthescoreobtained iszero
d. Less than 50% ofthe scores obtained iszero
1850. Which is the least authentic mode of assessment?
Pap^-iOnd-pencil test in vocabulary ^
Oral'performance to assess student’s spoken communication skills
Experiments in sciencetoassessskill in theuseofscientificmethods
Artistic production for music or art subject
1851. Which statement applies when scores distribution is negatively skewed
a. The mode corresponds to a low value
b. The median is higherthan the mode TFi^r
c. The mean corresponds to a high value
1852. Whatshould ateacherdobeforeconstructing itemsforaparticulartest?
Prepare the table of specifications^
b. Determine the length of time for answering it
c. Review the previous lessons
d. Announce to students the scope of the test
1853. Under which of the multiple choice type of test can this question be classified? Which of
the following statements expresses this concept in different forms?
a. Association
Jb. Definition(
c. Difference
d. Cause
1854. Ofthe following types of test which is the most subjective in scoring?
a. Matching type
b. Simple call
c. Multiple choice
fg Essay"j(
1855. In which ofthese research methodscanthe researcher control certain variable?
a. Experlme]3a^lY
b. Ex postfacto
c. Descriptive
d. Historical
1856. During the first grading period, a student obtained failing marks in five academic
subjects. Which of the following tests would best explain his performance?
a. j^ental ability!
b. Personally
c. Attitude
d. Aptitude
1857. Measuring the work done by a gravitational force is a learning task. At what level of
cognitions is it?
* a. Application!
b. Knowledge
c. Evaluation
d. Comprehension

1858. Setting up criteria for scoring essay tests is meant to increase their

(a. Objectivity#
b. Reliability
c. Validity
d. Usability
1859. The difference between Christian and Muslim marriage, the former being monogamous and
the latter being polygamous is called
la. EthicalRelativismf
b. Acculturation
c. Enculturation
d. Cultural relativism
1860. A perfect duty isexemplified:
a. Supporting a poor but deserving student school,
b. Donating an amountfor noble project,
'c. ' Paying the worker the wages agreed upo^.
d. Giving aims to the needy
1861. Fear of something that was caused by a painful experiences in the past is an example of:
a. Insight
b. Operant conditioning
I c. Classical conditioning;
d. Imitation
1862. Whointroducedthetechniqueofsigndrawingofamanasameasureof intelligence?
a. Binet
b. Aristotle
c. Herbert
*d. Goodenough ●
1863. The Gabaldon Act in the Philippine Assembly helps greatly in the expansion programofthe
educationalsystem by .
a. authorizing the levy of taxes for school purposes
b. providing local funds for educational facilities
c. providing for a highly centralized system of administering the public schools
^ construction ofschools{during American Period).
1864. Theteacher begins to usetechnologytoolsto deliver curriculum contenttothe system,
a. Transformation
, c. Active
Jd. Entry|
1865. fhestudentusestechnologytoolstocollaboratewithotherratherthanworking individually
at alltimes.
.A' I a. Coliaborativet

o b. Authentic

c. Goal directed
d. Infusion
1866. Students use technology tools to set goals, plan activities, monitor progress, and evaluation
resultratherthansimplycompietingassignments withoutreflection,
b. Constructive
c. Adoption
d. Entry
1867. The teacher direct students in conventional and procedural use oftechnology tool,
a. Infusion
b. Constructive
c. Entry
'd. Adoption^
1868. The teacher encourage the innovative use of technology tools,
a. ActiveX
b. Transformation
c. Adaptation
d. Adoption
1869. Technologytoolsareusedtofacilitatehigherorderlearningactivitiesthatmaynot have been
possible without the use of technology,
a. Adaptation
b. Adoption
c. Active
d. Transformation t
1870. The teacher provides the learning context and the student choose the technology tools to
a, Adoption
b. Adaptation
c. ion
d. Entry
1871. The teacher facilitates students independently using technology tools,
a. Entry
b. infusion
d. Adoption
V 1872. Students are actively engaged in using technology as a tool rather than passively receiving
-^ information from the technology,
a. Goal directed
b. Authentic
■ c. Active (I
d. Collaborative
1873. Studentsusetechnoiogytoolstolinklearningactivitiestotheworldbeyondthe instructional
setting ratherthan working on decontextualized assignments,
a. Entry

b. Infusion
(c~Authentic i
d. Goal directed
1874. Studentsusetechnologytoolstoconnectnewinformationtotheirpriorknowledge rather
than to passively receive information,
a. Collaborative
Constructive f
c. Goal directed
d. Active
1875. Teachallowsforthecreation of newtasks, previously inconceivable,
a. Substitution y-*,
b. Redefinitton *
c. Augmentation
d. Modification
1876. Teach acts as a direct tools substitute with functional improvement,
a. Substitution b, Redefinition
c. Augmentatioit
d. Modification - t;;
1877. Teach allows for significant task redesign,
a. Substitution b, Redefinition
c. Augmentation
M. Modification $ v:
1878. Teach acts as a direct tools substitute with functional change,
a. Substitution b, Redefinition
c. Augmentation
^d. Modification
1879. Is a model designed to help educator infusion technology into teaching and learning?
a. Infusion
:b. SMARj
1880. The Teacher used inferences about student progress to information their teaching,
a. Assessment OF learning
. |). Assessment ASlearning«
c. Assessment FORlearning
^ d. Summative assessment
1881. Is commonly known as Formative and Diagnostic Assessment,
a. Assessment FORlearning *
b. Assessment AS learning

c. Assessment OFlearning
d. Summative assessment
1882. The teachers are now afforded the chance to adjust classroom instruction based upon the
needs of the students,
a. Assessment AS learning
b. Summative assessment
c. Assessment OF learning
Assessment FOR leamingj
1883. Is commonly known as Summative assessment,
a. Diagnostic Assessment ■<

b. Assessment AS learning
|C. Assessment OF learning f
d. Assessment FOR learning
1884. Whentheteacher uses evidence ofstudent learning toma'kejudgmentsonstudent
achievement goals and standards,
a. Assessment FOR learning
b. Assessment OFIeamin|
c. Summative assessment
d. Assessment AS learning

1885. Who among the following needs least verbal counseling but needs more concrete and
operational forms of assistance?
a. a child who has mental retardation
b. a child who has attention deficit disorder
c. a child who has learning
d. a child who has conduct disorder

1886. Which teaching activity is founded on Bandura’s Social Learning Theory?

a. Lecturing
b. Observing
c. Modeling
d. Questioning

1887. The National Achievement Test results are interpreted against set mastery level. This
means that it falls under .
a. norm-referenced test
,£j<Merion-referenced test
* s^c^ aiagnostictest
d. formative test

o V A 1888. If you are a rationalist teacher, which among the following will be your quidina
o a. Teachers should teach the students that they can never have real knowledge of anything,
b. Teachers should teach the students all bodies of knowledge, skill, and value that he needs
for the better future,
c. Teachers should teach the students to be firm with their religious beliefs,
d. Teachers should teach the students to develop their mental powers to the fullest, i

1889. Mr. Angelo always tells his students that pleasure is not the highest good. His teaching
is against which philosophy?
a. idealism c. Essentialism
b. Realism fd.' HedonS^
1890. Teacher A is a teacher of English as Second Language. She uses vocabulary cards
fill-in-the-blank sentences, dialogues, dictation, and \writing exercises in teaching a lesson
about grocery shopping. Based on this information, v/hich of the following is a valid
The teacher is teaching in a variety of ways because students have different ^
b. The teacher is applying the Revised Bloom’s of hierarchy of cognitive learning,
c. The teacher is emphasizing reading and \Arriting skills,
d. The teacher wars to make her teaching more student-centered by having less talk.

1891. A teacher’s summary of lesson serves the following functions, EXCEPT:

a. It links the parts of the lesson,
b. It reminds the students the information learned for a higher of retention.
'c.‘ It brings together the information that has been discus«%if
d. It clinches the basic ideas or concepts of the lesson.

1892. Teachers often complain of numerous non-teaching assignment that adversely affect
their teaching. Does this mean that teachers must be pre-occupied only with teaching?
a. Yes, if they are given other assignments,justice demands that they be properly
b. No. because every teacher is expec^^To provide leadership and initiative in activities foo
rthe good of the communities arountjnj^.'^ ♦
c. No, because they are also tasked to lead community activities as leaders,
d. Yes, because teaching is enough full time job.

1893. Ms. Evelyn gave her first-grade class a page with a story in which pictures take the
place of some words. Which method did she use?
a. Spaulding method
b. Whole Language Approach
Rebus MethdSy
d. Language Experience Approach

1894. St. Scholastica’s College, a catholic-school, which helps in the development of

graduates who are “maka-diyos” is an influence of .
a. naturalistic morality
b. situational morality
. c. religious morality
JB. classical-Christian morality^

.o 1895. A child who gets punished for cheating may not cheat again immediately. But this does

not mean that the child may not cheat again. Based on Thorndike’s theory on punishment
and learning, this shows that
a. Punishment strengthens a response

b. Punishment does not remove a response

c. Punishment removes a response,
d. Punishment weakens a response^

1896. What should a teacher do for students in his class whose ability are behind their grade
a. Give them materials on their level and let them work at a pace that is reasonable for them,
trying to bring them up to a grade level,
b. Give them the same work as other students, because they will absorb as much as they are
capable of.
c. Give the same work as the other students, not much, so that they won’t feel embarrassed,
d. Give them work on the level of the other students and work a little above the classmates
level to challenge them.

1897. Which type of report refers to on-the-spot description of some incident, episode or
occurrence that is being observed and recorded as being of possible significance?
a. autobiographical report
b. biographical report
c. value and interest report
d. anecdotal report

1898. An effective classroom manager uses low-profile classroom control. Which is a low-
profile classroom technique?
a. note to parents
b. after-school detention
c. withdrawal of privileges
d. raising the pitch of the voice

1899. Bruner’s theory on intellectual development moves from enactive to iconic and
symbolic stages. In which stage(s) are diagrams helpful to accompany verbal information?
a. symbolic
b. enactive and iconic
c. symbolic and enactive
d. iconic

1900. As a teacher, you want to develop the skill of synthesizing in your students. Which one
should you do?
a. ask your students to answer questions beginning with "what if
b. ask your students to interpret the data in the presented graphs
c. tell your students to ask you questions about the things they did not understand in the
d. ask your students to formulate a generalization from the data shown in the graphs.

1901. For quality professional development, teachers must consider the NCBTS, virhich are
the established standards for good teaching in the Philippines. What is meant of the acronym
A. National Competency-Based Teacher Standards
B. National Competency-Based Teaching Standards
C. National Competency Basic Teacher Standards
D. National Competency Basic Teaching Standards

1902. You are very much interested in quality professional development program for
teachers. What characteristic should you look for?
A. Depends on the availability of funds
B. Prescribed by top educational leaders
C. Responsive to identified teachers’ needs
D. Required for renewal of professional license

1903. How do you know a program for teachers ‘professional developments that meets high
standard from one that does not? Quality professional development helps teacher to

A. Get promoted
B. Get intrinsically motivated to grow continuously
C. Earn MA units for ranking purposes
D. Put themselves far above their students

1904, “Once a teacher, forever student.” What does the statement imply quality personal and
professional development for teachers?
A. The teacher is able to teach his/her students.
B. The teacher learns from his/her students.
C. It is continuing.
D. Personal and professional development calls for teachers’ exposure to students.

1905. To ensure high standards of teachers’ personal and professional development, which
measure must be implemented?
i. A school head plans the professional development of his/her teachers.
II. Every teacher formulates his/her professional development plan.
III. The implementation of what is learned in training must be monitored.
A. 1 and II
B. II only
C. I only
D. II and III

1906. Societal change requires continually deep-seated questions about “good” living. Which
of these did Socrates recognize as the greatest human virtues?
A. Moral wisdom C. Courage
B. Fair justice D. Piety

1907. Which competencies are expected of BEEd and BSEd graduates?

I. Higher level literacy and critical thinking
II. Principled understanding of the learning processes
III. Assuming the responsibility to sustain professional growth.
IV. Acting as an agent of change
A. Hand IV
B.'l, IMH-'
C. I, II. Ill, IV
D. I and III
c 1908. Which of the following is BEST implied by quality and relevant teacher development
A. Lifelong learning
B. Focus on the non-performers
C. Capacity building of educational community
D. Mentoring of experts who share the latest ideas about teaching and learning

1909. Teachers are required to make and Individual Plan for Professional Development
(IPPD). This is based on the philosophy that the teacher is a "lifelong learner.” The NCBTS
provides the steps for assessment in making the IPPD.
A. Need
B. Collegial
C. Self
D. Peer

1910. To ensure high standards of the teacher’s personal and professional development,
what tooi/instrument was developed by the DepEd for self-assessmenP

1911. This self-assessment tool which is used nationwide is one of the bases in planning the
training of teachers.
A. Pre-service
B. Post-service
C. School-based
D. Division-based

1912. The results of the LET revealed the low performance of future teachers. In April 2010
only 15% of the SEED and 25% of BSEd graduates passed. What do the results imply?
A. More training be given to BEEd students
B. Review existing teacher education curricuttim vis-a-vis TOS
C. Determine the specialization of BSE graduates
D. Implement selective admission in TEfS

1913. The Domain on Social Regard for Learning in the NCBTS focuses on teacher’s actions
and demonstrating value for learning. Which are the indicators for these actions?
I. Model the value of punctuality
II. Consider the influence of teacher's behavior on learners
III. Use cooperative learning activities
IV. Communicate higher learning expectations
A. Ill and IV
B. I and II
C. I and III
D. II and IV

1914. The new Performance Appraisal System for Teachers(PAST)is

A. Knowledge-based
B. Practice-based
^ G Competency-based
i u. Skill-based
<? 1915. What characterizes the formative developmental nature of PAST?
% A. Non-supportive C. Rewarding
B. Innovative D. Self-directed

1916. Which are the job-embedded requirements for teachers and so must continuously
develop themselves in these aspects?
I. Maintains updated pupii/student school records.
II. Conducts action research.
III. Maintains harmonious relationship with stakeholders.
IV. Channels and guide learners.

B. I. lUll. lV

1917. The teacher performance results provide continual to professional

A. Support
B. Feedback
C. Guidance
D. Assessment

1918. Which two competencies are demonstrated and practiced during the Field Study and
Practice Teaching courses?
I. Teaching assistance V
II. Grading learner’s performance
III. Interpersonal relationship
IV. Materials development
A. land III
B. Ill and IV
C. I and II
D. II and IV

1919. Which of these skills must a teacher develop that will enable him/her to look at
problems as opportunities?
I. Addressing problems as fast as possible
II. Remaining alert to the possibility
III. Foster sense of accomplishment
IV. Promote sense of belonging
A. I, II, ill'
D. I, II, IV

1920. As a professional teacher you must be good at interactive communication. What does
interactive communication include?
I. Person-to-person e-mail correspondence
II. Interaction through simulations and models
III. Electronic mailing list, video conferencing, chat rooms
IV. Group interaction in virtual learning space or audio communications
A. I and II
B. II and III
C. I, Hand III
D. I, II, III and IV

1921. In a knowledge-based society, teachers must be capable of effective communication.

What does effective communication involve?
I. Teaming, collaboration and interactive communication
II. Interpersonal skills and personal responsibility
III. Social and civic responsibility
IV. Adaptability and self-direction
A. I only
B. II only
C. I, II and III
D. UUIland IV

1922. International educators propose a definition of the term global competence. What is the
MOST appropriate characteristic of a global competent individual?
A. Having an open mind while actively seeking to understand norms and work effective!^
outside one’s environment.
B. Ability to become familiar with a new culture and work environment
C. Having the intellectual facility of effective two-way communication
D. Having the professional competence to speak a foreign language

1923. Which of the following may generate interpersonal relationships in the work
A. Learning new skills

B. Challenging the best
C. Off-site respites
D. Dance festival

1924. What practices develop interpersonal sensitivity?

I. Communicate programs/projects to stakeholders
II. Give positive criticism based on guidelines
III. Communicate concern/issues for improvement
IV. Tell teachers to attend professional development
B. I, ll. ill
C. I. II, IV

1925. The NCBTS domain on Social Regard for Learning focuses on which indicators?
I. Demonstrates punctuality
II. Maintains appropriate appearance
III. Communicates higher learning experiences
IV. Makes use of various learning expectations
V. Is careful about the effect of one’s behavior on learners
A. I. II,
B. I. ill, IV
C. I, II, IV, V

1^ 1926. Which NCBTS domain creates situations that encourage learners to use high order
\ ^ thinking skills(HOTS)?
A. Diversity of learner
B. Curriculum
C C. Learning environment
D. Community linkages

1927. Which one describes one responsibility of a teacher in a school dominated by

Indigenous Peoples’(IP) children?
I. Point out the negative elements of their culture to help them improve
II. Help them realize the positive elements of their culture and make them feel proud about
Ml. Teach basic concepts in the context of the IP culture
IV. Show them other peoples’ culture
A. I, II, III and IV C. 11, 111 and IV
B. I. Ill and IV D. 1, 11 and III

1928. In an era of knowledge explosion, what is supposed to be every teacher’s most

important responsibility to maximize children’s learning?
I. Teach learners the skills on howto learn.
II. Teach learners information only.
III. Teach learners howto evaluate information.
A. I and III C. I and II
B. I only D. Ill only

1929. As a community leader, which one may a teacher NOT do?

A. Solicits donation from philanthropists in the community
B. Plays an active part in the activities of the community
C. Supports effort of the community to improve their status in life
D. Makes herself aloof to ensure that her decisions will not be influenced by community

1930. As an effective classroom manager, what should a teacher do?

I. She uses instructional time wisely.
II. She uses her power to punish students for the sake of discipline
111. She puts to use available and appropriate materials.
IV. She manipulates colleagues and students so she can meet her goals.
A. I and Ml
B. II, III, and IV
C. I, II and Ml
D. 1, 11, 111 and IV

1931. Alvin Toffier said: “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read
and write but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.” Based on this statement, what
are the important responsibilities of the teacher?
I. To enable learners to adapt change
II. To teach learners the basics
Ml. To equip them with skills to learn
A. II and III
6. 1 and Ml
C. I and II

1932. In the midst of a highly pluralistic society, what type of learning environment is the
responsibility of the teacher?
I. Safe
II. Gender-biased
i &
t 5 Ml. Secure
A. I and III C. I and II
B. I, II and III D. II only

1933. The professional teacher is not “the sage on stage” but "the guide from the side.” This
implies that teachers .
A. Act as facilitators of learning
B. Serve dispenser of knowledge
C. Project an "Almighty-Omniscient” image
D. Cling to their power to impose rules
1934. A teacher is said to be the “trustee of the cultural and educational heritage of the nation
and is under obligation to transmit to learners such heritage.” Which practice makes him/her
fulfill such obligation?
A. Use interactive teaching strategies
B. Use the latest educational technology
C. Observe continuing professional education
D. Study the life of Filipino heroes

1935. It is the responsibility of every teacher to undergo annual medical check-up in the
interest of the .
I. Teacher
II. School and community
III. Learner
A. I and II C. I, II and III
B. I only D. Ill only

1936. Teachers often complain of numerous non-teaching assignments that adversely affect
their teaching. Does this mean that teachers must be preoccupied only with teaching?
A. No, because every teacher is expected to provide leadership and initiative in activities for
the betterment of communities. \
B. Yes, because teaching is more than enough full time job.
C. No, because to lead in community activities is the job of elected officials.
D. Yes, if they are given other assignments justice demands that they be properly

1937. Teacher Paz does NOT personally agree with one school policy. What is her
professional responsibility?
A. Be indifferent about it but exert effort to understand it.
B. Make an honest effort to understand, support and carry out the school policy even if she
does NOT personally agree.
C. Remain connected with the school but defy the policy because conscience she cannot
D. Lead a campaign against its abortion.

1938. In the context of constructivist learning transaction, the teacher as facilitator of learning
engages in an instruction of that is .
“A. Flexible and creative
.f c
<? B. Understanding and independent
C. Formative and summative
D. Democratic and independent

C 1939. Global students learn with short bursts of energy. To maintain concentration they
require .
A. Frequent reminder that thy need to concentrate
B. Frequent and intermittent breaks
C. Short and easy reading materials
D. Music while studying
1940. Which two statements BEST describe as a global teacher?
I. Thinks and acts both locally and globally
II. Believes in education for sustainable development
III. Wants to work abroad
IV. Desires to live abroad
A. II and IV
B. I and II
C. I only
D. Ill only o
1941. A pupil whose mother is an OFW has been absent for the past three days. Considering
the teacher’s roles and responsibilities, what action will you take?
A. Record the absences.
B. Conduct home visitation.
C. Report to the guidance counselor.
D. Conduct action research.

1942. As a researcher, which may be a good problem for a teacher’s action research to
improve learning outcomes?
A. Class Molave’s performance in NAT during the SY 2010-2011
B. High percentage of absenteeism during Fridays.
C. Turn over teachers during the current school years.
D. High percentage during tardiness during Mondays.

1943. How are schools influenced when parents’ measure of excellent school is children’s
ability to read as early as pre-kindergarten?
A. Focus on academics
B. integration of values in the curriculum
C. Application of socio-emotional learning
D. Exclusive use of reading books published by the school.

1944. To respond to the needs of industry, which one do schools focus on?
A. Technical skills
B. Humanities
C. Basic literacy skills
D. Social relations

1945. The shooting incidents in school campuses abroad have made schools rethink of the
curriculum. Which changes are being introduced in schools to counteract campus violence?
I. Inclusion of socio-emotional teaching
II. The emphasis of the concept of competition against self and not against others
III. Focus on academic achievement and productivity
A. I and II
B. I and III
C. II and III

1946. The wide acceptance of “bottom up” management style has influenced schools to
practice which management practice?
A. Prescription of what ought to be done from the central office
B. Exclusion of politicians from the pool of guest speakers during graduation exercises
C. Involvement of students, parents, teachers and community in school in planning
D. Allowing schools to do what they think is best
1947. in their desire to make schools perform, the DepEd then published the ranking of
schools in NAT results nationwide. As an effect of this practice, what did schools tend to do?
I. Taught at the expense of NAT
II. Conducted review classes for NAT at the expense of teaching
III. Practiced the so-called teaching to the test
A. II and III
B. li only
C. i and III
D. Ill only

1948. Large class size in congested cities is a common problem in our public school system.
Which stop gap measure/s has/have schools taken?
I. The deployment of more teachers
II. The implementation of 1:1 pupil textbook ratio
ill. The conduct of morning and afternoon sessions
A. I, Hand III
B. I and II
C. Ill only
D. II only

1949. What does the acronym EFA imply to schools?

I. Practice the inclusive education
II. The stress on the superiority of formal education over that of non-forma!
ill. The acceptance of exclusive schools for boys or for girls
IV. The promotion of alternative learning systems
A. II and IV
B. land II
C. I and III
D. I and IV

1950. Which conclusion can be derived from the case of teacher Rita described below?
Teacher Rita is the lone teacher in a stand-alone remote multi-grade school. Teacher Rita is
the school head, the generalist teacher for all the subjects, the janitor, the secretary, the
nurse rolled into one.
A. The geographical location of a school has influence on the rote of a teacher.
B. A teacher of a remote school has more problems than that one in an urban setting
C. A remote school cannot perform as well as a central school.
D. A multi-grade school is an indicator of a lack of budget for education.

O 1951. Which recent action/s show/s that political factors affect schools as agents of change?
I. The strengthening of the teaching of English in Philippine schools
li. The introduction of mandated subjects such as Rizai in the curriculum
III. The practice of mainstreaming
IV. The turn over day care centers room DSWD to DepEd for supervision
A. I and ill C. II and III
B. I and IV D. II and IV

1952. In a Muslim area, what must a teacher REFRAIN from doing as she teaches howto
cook adobo to her class?
A. She excludes pork from her adobo lesson
B. She leads the class in a prayer before meals before they partake of the cooked adobo
C. She exempts the Muslim children from the listen on cooking adobo.
D. She differentiates the task of the boys from girls.

1953. For what main reason are schools as change agents advised to offer courses that
industries need?
A. Economic C. Political
B. Environmental D. Historical

1954. For more efficient and effective management of schools as agents of change, one
proposal for the DepEd to do is to cluster remote stand-alone schools under one lead school
head. Which factor has the strongest influence on the proposal?
A. Political C. Historical
B. Psychological D. Geographical

1955. Widespread abuse of Mother Earth prompted schools to teach sustainable

development. Which one does this prove about schools?
A. Environmental factors influence the school as an agent of change.
B. Schools can easily integrate sustainable development in their curriculum.
C, The curricula of schools are centered on Mother Earth.
D. Sustainable development cannot be effectively taught in the classroom.

1956. Your class has several IP (Indigenous People) children. Which one will facilitate pupils’
A. Make the IP children feel proud of themselves.
B. Group the class permanently by ethic region.
C. Stress the idea that IP children are different from the rest.
D. Make the class feel that more is expected of non-IP children.

1957. Teacher Nenita discourages her student to watch TV excessively. The average student
spends about twenty-four hours watching television in a week. According to research, how is
learning affected by e^ensive TV viewing?
A. Shorter attention span
B. Enhanced creativity
C. Improved thinking ability
D. improved communication skills

1958. The failure of independent study with most Filipino students may be attributed to
students’ .
A. High degree of independence
High degree of independence on authority
C. Unpreparedness foe schooling
D. Ambivalence

1959. With an Increasing variety of family situations, a teacher needs to

A. be careful not to inadvertently offend some students
B. encourage students to improve their family situations
C. assume that all students want to know a variety of family situations
D. broaden students’ realization of different learning styles

1960. The adaption of national language by the 1987 Constitution is designed primarily to

A. do away with colonial mentality
B. officially adopt Tagalog as a national language
C. facilitate communication among diverse linguistic groups
D. counteract elitism

1961. What is the most effective way of modeling high social and academic expectations for
A. Explain the need for teachers to have high expectations
B. Encourage internal and external stakeholders to articulate their expectationsjsrkthe School
C. Demonstrate shared communications to high academic and social expectation.
D. Issue a list of guidelines on howto achieve high performance

1962. What characterize a school as a learning community?

I. Shared mission/vision, goals and value
II. Focused on co-curricular activities
III. Commitment to continuous improvement
IV. Centralized governance
V. Collective inquiry into best practices
B. I. III. IV, V
D. I. Ill, V

1963. Schools aiming to boost student learning work on a/an culture.

A. Collaborative C. Ethnic
B. Indigenous D. Authoritarian

1964. What is the BEST meaning of collaboration in schools?

A. It is support for the beginning teachers
B. It is identifying mentors among the experienced teachers.
C. It is working interdependently to analyze professional practice
D. It is working independently to determine impact of practice.

1965. Which of these statements is the most effective way of communicating the vision-
mission statement of the school?
A. Share vision-mission against stakeholders
B. Form committees to develop and/or revise the vision-mission statement
C, Aitgn activities, program and projects to the school vision-mission
D. Memorize the vision-mission statement.

y^^’1966. Which of the following is NOT a principle of "sustainable development”?

*A. Living according to each personal attitude and lifestyle
B. Conservation of the earth’s vitality and diversity
C. Respect and care for the community of life
.0 D. Improvement of quality of life
KJ 1967. In 1990. a Congressional Commission to Review and Assess Philippine Education,
otherwise known as the EDCOM. was created by a joint resolution of Congress. What are the
two principal reasons given by EDCOM for the declining quality of Philippine education?
A.(1)The country is not investing enough in the education system, and
(2)The education establishment is poorly managed.
B.(1) Good teachers leave the country, and
(2)The curriculum is crowded.
C.(1)The number of OSY is increasing, and
(2)The teachers' salaries and benefits are not enough,
D.(1) Funds are spent not for the purpose they are intended, and
(2) Strict bureaucratic procedures are imposed.

1968. When enrollment is small in the rural elementary schools two or three grade levels are
combined in a, class taught by one teacher.
A. Special C. Multi-grade
B. Multicultural D. Indigenous

1969. Which is the most essential characteristic of a Total Quality School model?
A. Clientele-focused C. Involvement of stakeholders
B. Empowerment D. Continuous improvement

1970. Which of the following interventions reduces stigma between social status and social
selection in the educational system?
A. National Achievement Test
B. Education for Ail
C. National College Admission Examination
D. Education Service Contracting Scheme

1971. John Dewey's major contributions to the sociological foundations of education are the
following EXCEPT ONE. Which is the exception?
A. School is a continuation of home; activities at home continue at school.
B. Education is a social process b^inning unconsciously at birth
C. “True education” is transmission of knowledge from the teacher to the learner.
D. Facilitating education means being aware of the social condition of the learners.

1972. What theory states that the identical instructional environments, methods and
resources may be effective for some learners and ineffective for others because of the
differences in the learner’s biological and developmental set of characteristics?
A. Learning Style Theory
B. Reading Readiness Theory
C. Multiple Intelligence Theory
D. Emotional Intelligence Theory

1973. In a school where academic performance is low, which of these alternative actions is
LEAST effective?
K Putting up a functional Educational Management Information System (EMIS)
B. Establishing a well - equipped Learning Management Resource Center(LRC)
C. Upgrading learning competencies through in - service training
D. Producing support instructional materials

1974. Which of these school practices helps create a positive learning climate?
A. Giving recognition or appreciation for teachers/staff accomplishments
B. clear expectations to the academic community
C. Encouraging everyone to participate in accomplishing school goals and objectives
D. Encouraging only the high performing teachers to apply for promotion

1975. Arrange the following according to Masiow”s Hierarchy of Needs.

I. Peace and comfort
!l. Health and safety
III. Self-fulfillment of potential
IV. Recognition and prestige
A. Ill, II, IV, I
B. II, I. Ill, IV
D. I, II, IV, 111 V
1976. Which of these is NOT a quality of engaging learning environment?
A. Open communication among school head, teachers, parents, and students
B. Student-centered learning activities
C. Innovations in enhancing learning for ail types of learners
D. Centralized governance

1977. Which of these is NOT in Maslov/s Hierarchy of needs?

A. Physiological C. Socialization
B. Performance D. Self-actualization

1978. Which is NOT among the major targets of the Child-Friendly School System (CFSS)?
A. All school children are friendly.
B. All children 6-12 years old are enrolled in elementary schools.
C. All children complete their elementary education within six years.
D. All grade six students pass the division, regional and national tests.

1979. Which of the following provisions guarantees accessible education for all?
A., Establish and maintain system public education in the elementary and high school
B. Encourage non-formal. Informal and indigenous learning systems, as well as self-learning,
independent and out-of-schooI study programs.
C. Provide and maintain a system of scholarship grants, student loan programs, subsidies,
and other incentives.
D. Establish, maintain and support a complete, adequate and integrated system of education
relevant to the needs of people and society.

1980. Which of the following can contribute to the provision of quality education?
I. Hire the best teacher applicants from the Division pool.
II. Provide adequate textbooks and other instructional materials.
III. Construct classroom and laboratory rooms.
IV. Maintain sanitary safe, child-friendly and conducive environment to learning.
A?r. II. IV
C. land III
r 9 D. I, II, 111 and IV

O 1981. The vision of basic education in BESRA is to “make every Filipino functionally literate.'
Q Which of the following operational defines functional literacy?
A. Able to read, write and compute
B. Able to read, write letters, and solve problems
C. Able to read, write, compute and apply this skills in their daily lives
D. Able to read with understanding, write one’s thought and compute word problems

1982. Which of the following is NOT a domain of the competency-based standards for
A. Resource planning
B. Community linkages
C. Social Regard for Learning
D. Planning, Assessing and Reporting

1983. Special Education celebrates 100th year as a thrust of DepEd with the theme “Meeting
the educational needs of gifted students in challenging.” Which of these is NOT a specialized
program for the gifted? \
A. One curriculum fits-all C. Self-directed learning
B. Learning cluster D. Honor classes

1984. Which principle is underscored in the overall efforts of the DepEd to provide assistance
and resources for preschool education?
A. The rate of development is unique to each individual.
B. Early development is more critical than later development
C. Early childhood education is required of primary education
D. Provision of assistance is expected of the leadership

1985. Teacher should be encouraged to teach folk knowledge because

A. this is in keeping with indigenization of the curriculum
B. folk knowledge is crucial in facing the basics of daily living
C. folk knowledge is included in the National Achievement Test
D. teaching folk knowledge is a mandate of DepEd

1986. Children learn how to open a coconut and other common chores in a coconut farm. In
this instance, culture is transmitted by
A. Enculturation C. Immersion
B. Acculturation D. Assimilation

1987. Which of these activities indicates that teachers value their status as role models?
A. Accomplishing learners’ report card C. Being popular in order to get a promotion
B. Holding on to their job despite the difficultiesD. Upholding the Code of Ethics

1988. Which of these does NOT illustrate equality as a central theme of educational
A. Free basic education is provided by the government.
B. Teachers of the same position and length of service receive equal pay.
j[>^_Equity prevails within a given locality since local taxes provide support for schools.
[?. Children from diverse backgrounds attend the same school.

^ 1989. Which of the following statements is NOT true as regards the relationship between
social class and social selection system?
A. The social composition of a fourth year class Is similar to that of the first year
B. The greater number of high school graduates who apply for college entrance examination
are from higher-status groups
C. More children from higher-status groups aim for higher education
D. Secondary school graduates with higher grades and high family status are more likely to
attend better colleges or universities

1990. John Dewey’s major contributions to the sociological foundations of education which
are still very much recognized today are the following EXCEPT ONE.
A. ‘True education” is transmission of knowledge
B. Education is a social process beginning unconsciously at birth
C. School is continuation of home; activities at home continuous at school
D. Facilitating education means being aware of the social condition of the child

1991. In schools, particularly in the lower grades where children come from diverse'
backgrounds, teachers are expected to use varied approaches effectively. Which
approach/es would be appropriate for such diversity? vO
I. Differentiated teaching approaches
II. A variety of instructional materials
III. Multi-media materials ^
IV. Multi-lingual approach ^
A. I, II and III C. IV only
B. I and IV D. UUIIand IV </
1992. Critical thinking in recent years has become a concern in education not only in the
Philippines but also the world over. The cognitive, affective, and psychomotor components
are put to focus. Which of the following competencies clearly distinguish the critical thinker?
I. Estimates the evaluates
II. Offers opinions and judgments
III. Notes relationships cursorily
IV. Hypothesizes and concludes
B. Ill
C. I and IV
D. It and III

1993. Inclusion is a basic right of every Filipino child as mandated in the Philippine
Constitution, R.A. 7277 or the Magna Carta for Disabled Persons and EFA2015. What
fundamental changes have to be operationalized in inclusive education?
I. Philosophy of education
II. Relevant curriculum
III. Mainstreaming
IV. Home study program
V. Structural organization
A. II, III and V
B. I, IV and V
C. i^IUllandV
D. II, IV, andV

1994. Which of the education provisions are contained in Republic Act 7277 or the Magna
Carta for Disabled Persons?
I. Special education
II. Access of education
III. Rehabilitation services
IV. Assistance to Disabled Person
A. I, II an^lll
B. I, ll_and jy]
C. I and II
D. I only

1995. An Individual Education Plan (lEP)for a child with disability has to be prepared by the

I. Regular and special educators, parents and medical specialists, if available

II. Special education teachers and parents
HI. Special education teachers
IV. Psychologist and therapists
A. I only
B. li only
C. IV only
D. Ill and IV

1996. Which is the best reason for providing early intervention program to children with
disabilities, ages 0 to 3 years old?
A. Prevent labeling at early age
B. Ensure inclusion or enrolment in regular classes
C. Identify strengths and weakness for instruction purposes
D. Address developmental lag and prevent acquiring additional disabilities

1997. Which of these is a teacher’s acceptable view of change?

A. Change disrupts routine. C. Change is self-serving
B. Change is an opportunity. D. Change rewards initiators

Read the text below then answer items 1998 - 2002.

Sixteen year-old Gian Karlo Dapul of the Philippine Science High School won first place in
the International Speaking Competition in London conducted by the English Speaking Union
on the Theme New Frontiers.
Gian wore a barong tagalog in the competition and in the souvenir photo where he was
flanked by 57 student competitors from 34 countries. His speech was titled “Fish Mucus and
Foot Fungus.”
He started his speech as follows:
When I was in 6th grade, I hated mathematics. You would have, too. If you had my
teacher, he would drop huge workbooks on our tables and croak,"30 problems, 50 minutes.”
A lot of these problems seemed unsolvable, so we complained. “Sir, there are no answer to
these!” But then he’d reply, "To every question there is an answer, to every problem there is a
Gian is an active member of a Boys Choir. He travels with the choir to the Austria for the
2008 World Choir Olympics. He sings Bass 1. He plays the classical guitar, vifl-ites for the
school organ; he is an officer of the Student Council, a member of the debating learn and
drama club of his school.

1998. Which of the intelligences BEST characterizes Gian Dapul?

A. Verbal/linguistic/rhythmic
B. Bodily/Kinesthetic/logical
C. Spatial/visual/naturalistic
D. Mathematical/musical/interpersonaT^

1999. Which of the learner-centered psychological principles were not considered by the
mathematics teacher when he gave the class “30 problems in 50 minutes?"
I. Cognitive and Metacognitive
II. Motivational and Affective
III. Developmental and Social
IV. Individual Difference Factors
V. Standards and Assessment
A. 1, 11, III, IV
B. I, II, and III
D. I, II, and IV

2000. Which of the following topics may be the focus of discussion foe INSET so as the act
committed by the mathematics teacher can be avoided?
A. Facilitating learning and fourA’s
B. Measuring quantity and quality of learning
C. Curriculum development and assessment of learning
D. Reflective teaching and strategic thinking





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