English 10 Quarter 1 Reviewer

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English 10 – First Quarter Reviewer

 Concept of how we can change one’s way of thinking
 Act of convincing others to ideas, actions, or behaviors which you think are right or
 The goal is to change one’s thinking, attitude, belief, motivation, or behavior through
effective transmission of message verbally or nonverbally
Ways to Persuade
 Explaining the concept clearly
 Backing up your information with sources or references
 Through emotional appeal
 To reason/suggest
 To show a better perspective
 To improve/innovate
 Evidence
 Authority
 Patience
 Art of Persuasion through communication
 Firm/discourse that appeals to people’s emotions and logic in order to motivate or inform.
 A manual to reason out properly
Ethos Pathos Logos
Authority Empathy/Sympathy Logic and Reasoning
 An appeal to the credibility/authority of the speaker #trustworthy
 A speaker tries to convince the audience that they are trustworthy and knowledgeable about
a topic by…
 Using appropriate language and correct grammar
 Making fair judgments
 Introducing expertise/experience
 Showing enthusiasm and commitment to the topic
 Appeal to the audience’s emotions #feelings
 A person’s emotions are very powerful
 A speaker makes an emotional appeal by making the audience feel something about the
 Affects decisions as audience relates, as it becomes personal
 An appeal to logic or research #logic
 A speaker tries to persuade the audience by making a claim and providing evidences such as
expert testimonies, facts, statistics, historical data, and analogies to support that claim
 More high-quality reliable sources is better references
 Closest to facts, furthest from opinion
Informed Generalization
 Making reasonable and well-supported conclusion, based on careful consideration of facts
and evidence, rather than guessing or jumping to conclusions

Disinformation Misinformation
Intentional Fake News
Full knowledge that it is wrong Non-intentional
Hoaxes, etc. Hearsay, etc.

Non-Prose Text
 Visual representation of information
 Graphic Organizers
 Summary w/ organization

 A tabular representation of a schedule of activities, events, or tasks

 Recommend to those who wish to organize their schedule in order to balance work and re-
creational activities

 Shows very large discrepancies in years/months/days
 Used in arranging concepts & events in chronological order

KWL [Know, Want to know, Learned]

 Used before and after reading to check what the reader already knows about the topic (K),
what the reader wants to know about the topic (W), and what the reader learned about the
topic (L)
 Usually utilized by teachers
Classification / Concept Maps
 Used in arranging ideas in a text in different groups or branches or classes
 Similar to Mind Maps (subjective)
 Designable
Venn Diagram
 Used to show similarities and differences between two or more topics
Cause and Effect Map
 Shows the reason why something happens and its results, and vice versa

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