Detective Wolfe Rough SCRIPT

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Detective Wolf

Written by

Brooke Watson

Rough Story

Detective B. B. Wolfe
Granny Red
Little Red
Woodsmith Axe Man
Pork Mafia

Envelope with Red Riding Hood Ransom Letter
Axe Receipt
Gingerbread House Bakery Bag and Cookies

Wolfe’s office
Woodsmith Shop
Fairytale Forest
Gingerbread House Bakery
Granny’s Cottage

Wolfe’s huff and puff

EXT: Big skyscraper of misc businesses, fades to a shot of hallway

that pans onto a door that says “Wolfe’s Private Eye Services”.
Camera slightly zooms in on the sign and fades to a shot of Wolfe at
his desk.

Wolfe is sleeping at his desk, a massive all behind him shows lots of
framed pictures of various mugshots of fairytale characters. A plaque
reads “cases closed” over the collection.


Wolfe wakes up to see a shadow through the frosted glass of his

office door, he opens it to see Granny Red in tears holding an
envelope. She is crying.

Granny Red
Please! Help me!!!

Wolfe gives a serious expression and takes the envelope which has a
photo of Red Riding Hood tied up and being held by the Pork Mafia.
Wolfe simply nods and flips over the envelope to see a receipt for
“woodsmith axes axe shop” and takes off running out of the office
with Granny slowly trailing behind Wolfe

EXT: Woodsman Axes Wood shop, zooms in on window to Wolfe walking up

to the counter.

Wolfe slams the receipt down on the counter, and Woodsmith is

polishing an axe behind the counter.

(serious, gruff)
I don’t do refunds.

Wolfe narrows his stare and points to the receipt where it says
“custom for P”.
(serious, gruff)
And I don;t give out info.

Granny Red watches the two having a staring contest and reaches into
her purse to pull out a toffee to give to the Axesmith. He opens it
in front of both of them and eats it while staring Wolfe in the eyes.
The Axesmith then reaches into a drawer and pulls out their custom
order with a delivery address that reads “Fairytale Forest”. Wolfe
walks out with the order in hand and Granny sweetly waves as she
follows behind Wolfe.

EXT: The fairytale forest. There are multiple trees cut down and sees
the custom aze with the pig symbol left behind in a stump. The wolfe
runs up and looks, kicking the stump seeing it’s a dead end. Granny
catches up, and looks around with him, seeing him looking defeated
she sees a wrapper and hands it to him.

Granny Red
Is this something useful?

Wolfe sniffs at it, and his eyes light up. The visual sent trail from
the crumbs on the cookies in the bag can be seen into the woods. He
takes off running following his nose deeper into the woods, Granny
struggling to keep up while running until suddenly he sees a cottage.

EXT: Granny’s cottage has a sign on it that says it’s her cottage.

Wolfe arrives at the cottage and looks confused, but shakes it off,
drawing his pistol and prepping handcuffs in his other hand as he
approaches the door. Granny is a little ways down the trail and sees
him at the door, she grins and watches him walk in, closing and
locking the door behind Wolfe, trapping him in the dark cottage.

Wolfe hears the clock and jiggles the handle, but sees out of the
corner of his eyes movement in a pig silhouette. He draws his pistol
but someone flicks the lights which temporarily blind him, it’s not a
pig silhouette but a little red herself.

Little Red
So you fell into our trap… Get ‘im boys.
LIttle Red snaps her fingers and the 3 pigs jump him, putting a bag
over his head and tying Wolfe to a chair. Granny can be seen through
the window.

Granny Red
(cheerful but menacing)
Shame, he seemed like such a sweet wolfe.

Wolfe tied to the chair, briefly panics and the Pork Mafia and Little
Red all congratulate themselves as they take his pistol. Wolfe
squirms and he hears them click the gun, and Wolfe stops struggling
with the bag over his head. He takes a deep inhale and WHOOSH he
BLOWS the bag off his head, now able to see the gun and little red.
She’s startled but quickly points the gun again but Wolfe huffs and
puffs again.

The force of his huff knocks all the characters against the wall, he
takes the opportunity while they’re down to bite off the rope and he
is able to stand up with only 1 pair of handcuffs he has in his

Little Red shoots at Wolfe but he dodges, the Pigs come at him with
butcher knives, slightly cutting him as he dodges them too. Wolfe
snaps the neck of the 3 pigs and Little red panics at the carnage.
She tries to escape but the door is still locked on the outside. She
points the gun at him again,

Little Red
(screams in anger)

The Gunshot goes through Wolfe’s ear and he flinches but runs to grab
little red by the collar. Throwing handcuffs on her, and giving her a
headbut to knock her out. He looks around Taking a picture of Red
with all of it in the background, making sure to kick the pigs out of
frame of the shot. He busts open the door to the cottage to see
Granny waiting by the door looking pale as a ghost to see Wolfe

Wolfe simply holds out another pair of handcuffs and Granny sticks
out her arms and he cuffs her also. He takes another picture of her
and the cottage.

As the camera flashes it cuts to Wolfe hanging the picture of granny

and red’s mugshots on his solved cases wall. And he sits back at his
desk with a plate of eaten pig bones and pork chops on his desk that
he snacks away on while going back to rest at his desk.

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