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Công ty Cổ phần Giáo dục Educa Corporation

Địa chỉ: 61, Ngụy Như Kon Tum, Thanh Xuân, Hà Nội
Hotline: 086.639.0011

Course IELTS on the move (band 3.0 – 4.0)

Week 6_L12_Afterclass_Urbanisation | Writing - Bar chart

I. Content (Nội dung bài học)

● Vocabulary: Từ nối thể hiện mối quan hệ giữa các câu văn

● Language focus:
Less + uncountable noun; Fewer + countable noun
Amount + uncountable noun; Number + countable noun
● Writing skills:
Viết Introduction, Overview, và Body cho đề bài Task 1
Dùng hệ thống dấu câu trong writing

II. Homework
1. Các bước thực hiện bài viết Task 1 – Bar chart

Step 1: Analyse the bar chart

Step 2: Brainstorm and structure the report

Step 3: Write the first draft

Step 4: Let your friend give you feedback

Step 5: Write the second draft

Step 6: Get feedback from the teacher

Step 7: Write the final draft

Công ty Cổ phần Giáo dục Educa Corporation
Địa chỉ: 61, Ngụy Như Kon Tum, Thanh Xuân, Hà Nội
Hotline: 086.639.0011

2. Practice

Hoàn thiện bài viết hoàn chỉnh cho đề bài sau:

The chart below gives information about the number of people living in suburban areas
in some countries. (in thousands)

The provided chart describes the number of city dwellers residing in four countries
including Australia, Sweden, Iceland, and Turkey in 1997, 200, and 2010.
Overall, the population of cities in Iceland was the most significant while Australia and
Sweden saw the lowest number of people.
In 1997, Iceland was the country with the highest number of citizens about 45 000 people.
Turkey ranked second with approximately 38 000. In contrast, cities population of Australia
and Sweden was 9000 and 7000 respectively.
After 13 years, in 2020, the number of people dwelling in cities in Iceland saw significant
growth with a total population of 70 000 people. Besides, Turkey continued to maintain
second place with 33 000 people although its population had decreased by 5000 people.
Swedish cities increased by 2000 people meanwhile Australian cities' population decreased
to 5000 people.

Công ty Cổ phần Giáo dục Educa Corporation
Địa chỉ: 61, Ngụy Như Kon Tum, Thanh Xuân, Hà Nội
Hotline: 086.639.0011

Word count: 139

3. Grammar practice
1. People in The USA use very little plastic bags. ____________ , people in Vietnam use them a
A. Instead B. But C. However D. Similarly

2. Last week, 20% of the students did not submit the classwork. _____________ , this week, the
same students did not submit their work.
A. Therefore B. Likewise C. While D. In contrast

3. The song was short; _____________ , it sounded amazing.

A. but B. likewise C. also D. however

4. Fewer people remain living in the countryside now. ____________ , for better jobs, they
move to the city with their families.
A. Therefore B. Similarly C. In the same way D. Instead

5. In 2010, 10% of students went to libraries; __________ , 50% of them went there in 2020.
A. But B. Likewise C. So D. In contrast

6. __________ students in class A like Maths, students in class B prefer English.

A. Therefore B. Likewise C. While D. In contrast

7. People in America spend 10% of their income on clothes. _________ , they spend 10% on
video games.
A. However B. Also C. therefore D. instead

8. 10 boys like to eat donuts, ___________ only 2 like this kind of cake.
A. and B. so C. but D. however

9. Most of the population in the US like to live in cities. ___________ , most people in Japan
choose to live in the city.
A. Therefore B. Likewise C. While D. However

10. About 17 000 people in the USA use motorbikes to travel ___________ nearly 600 000
people use cars.
A. Therefore B. Likewise C. While D. In contrast

Công ty Cổ phần Giáo dục Educa Corporation
Địa chỉ: 61, Ngụy Như Kon Tum, Thanh Xuân, Hà Nội
Hotline: 086.639.0011

4. Extra work

used to + V0

I used to be a policeman. Đã từng làm gì

I used to work as a policeman.

Get used to + V-ing

I got used to waking up early.

Quen làm gì
Be used to + V-ing

My mother is used to waking up early.

Fill in the blanks with the structure “used to” or “be/get used to”

1. European drivers find it difficult to _____get used to drive___ (drive) on the left when they
visit Britain.

2. See that building there? I _____used to go___ (go) to school there, but now it's a factory.

3. I've only been at this company for a couple of months. I ___am still not used to be__ (still not
be) familiar with how they do things around here.

4. When I first arrived in this neighbourhood, I ___used to live__ (live) in a house, but now I am
living in an apartment building.

5. Working till 10pm isn't a problem. I ___am used to finish__ (finish) late.

6. I ____am not used to hear___ (hear) all that noise! What a nightmare.

7. His father ____used to smoke___ (smoke) twenty cigars a day - now he doesn't smoke at all!

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