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: SOP/20
Procedure for Field NC’s Analysis & Response Date : 01.04.2023
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Revision History
Rev. No. Description of Change Holder Effective Date
0 Document Initialization Master List 01.04.2023

Reference Documents
Document No. Document Title
F/SER/01 Customer complaint register
F/QAC/09 Non-Conformity Report
- Customer Return Report for Month

Documents referenced in this process are applicable to the extent specified herein.

 Purpose
To establish and maintain uniform method for resolving customer complaints, field non-conformities or
product failures and taking corrective / Effectiveness of Corrective actions needed to eliminate the cause of
non-conformities in following sequence.
 Immediate response to Customer Complaints.
 Immediate Corrective Action for that instance.
 Analysis and Corrective Action for controlling possibilities of re-occurrence.

 Scope
 This procedure applies to all customer complaints / customer returned products.

 Reference
QMS 9001 : 2015
Customer complaints
Performance failure at customer’s end
Customer returned material.
Customer investigation report.

 Definition & Abbreviation

See Quality Management Manual Section QM–310 & QM–320.

 Authorities & Responsibility

 Management Representative
 To prepare, review, update, approve, distribute and monitor this procedure.
 Head – QAC
 To approve this process.

 Procedure
 Any employee, (marketing, service, director etc.) who receives customer’s complaint or field non-
conformity either verbally or in writing informs to Marketing Head immediately for further course of

 Marketing Head logs the complaints or field non-conformity in customer complaint log for follow up
purpose and informs QAC & Production dept. for further action in case of product performance.

Document Rev. No. 00 Revision Date 01.04.2023

Reviewed By MR Approved By Head – QAC
Procedure for Field NC’s Analysis & Response Date : 01.04.2023
Copy No. Copy Status CONTROLLED COPY P a g e | 2
 Service Engineering either visits the customer or deputes competent person to attend the problems. If
visit is not possible due to any reason, details of complaint / field non-conformity / defective product is
requested from customer for reference and study of the non-conformance.

 Head QAC in consultation with Marketing Head / Production Head, Design Head, Head Operations
decides immediate course of action to sort out the problem.
These actions may include following;
 Discuss with customer about probable alternatives / solution at site, initiate actions and close
the complaint.
 Repair / rework at customer end.
 Call back the products for modifications / rework at factory.

 Head QAC informs the course of immediate action within 4 working days from receipt of complaint.

 Customer Returned Material

 After receiving the customer return product, QAC Head arranges for inspection of the same and
generates inspection report for analysis purpose.

 Procedure for Corrective / Effectiveness of Corrective Action

 Head QAC initiates systematic & disciplined way to eliminate the root cause of the problems /
complaints for obvious issues and where the problem / root cause is known.

 In case problems require detailed investigation, QAC Head informs production and service engineer
and detailed plan is made to resolve the problem within the time frame and customer is informed about
the commitments.

 A systematic approach of problem solving is followed by Service Engineers as follows;

 Define the problem very clearly.
 Collect all background information about the problem.
 Identify the various causes of problem.
 Brain storms the possible solution.
 Determine site effects.
 Finalize appropriate solutions.
 Decide the action to be taken with responsibility and target date.
 Implement corrective action.
 Verify the effectiveness.
 Modify document / procedures / drawings / Quality Assurance plans / Check-Sheets etc. as

 System as categorized below;

 Product Related Causes:
 The improper product characteristics, raw material, tolerances etc. are the causes
related to the products for defect.
 Process Related Causes
 Improper methods, tooling, process sequences, equipment’s etc. are the causes related
to defect in process.
 Inspection / Measurement Related Causes
 Improper methods of inspection, improper measuring equipment’s non-calibration of
equipment’s, testing method not in line with customer testing method, inspectors not
fully aware to use the equipment’s etc. are the causes related to inspection &
measurement related defect.
 System Related Causes:
 Intentionally / unintentionally not following the prescribed method of process are

Document Rev. No. 00 Revision Date 01.04.2023

Reviewed By MR Approved By Head – QAC
Procedure for Field NC’s Analysis & Response Date : 01.04.2023
Copy No. Copy Status CONTROLLED COPY Page |3
causes related to the process.

 Service Engineers investigates the root cause of non-conformity and records the result of investigation
in the Customer Complaint Details’ register / or field non-conformity’ & Same will be communicated
to customer immediately.

 Corrective actions are also decided by Service Engineers with responsibility & target date.
 The responsible concerned authorities correct the relevant documents / quality assurance
plans / check-sheets / testing methods as required.
 Effectiveness of corrective action is reviewed by way of following;
 Reduction in the customer complaints.
 Elimination of non-conformities in process / in-house rejections / rejections at sub-
contractor end. etc.
 Closure of customer complaints

 After satisfactory implementation and verification of corrective actions, Sales & Service dept. is
responsible to communicate the actions to customer and close the complaint.

 Customer complaints are reviewed by Sales & Service Engineers / QAC / MR during management
review meeting.

Document Rev. No. 00 Revision Date 01.04.2023

Reviewed By MR Approved By Head – QAC

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