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Q1) Differentiate between weather and climate.

Weather means the day to day change in atmospheric conditions of any place. The weather could
be sunny, windy, dry, rainy, stormy etc.

Climate means the weather conditions in a region over a long period of time. It could be hot, cold or
temperate ( mild )

Q2) Explain the factors that affect the climate of a region:

1) Rainfall: The higher the rainfall, the cooler will be the climate of the region.
2) Height or Altitude: The higher the location of a place above the surface of the earth, the colder
its climate is.
3) Closeness to the sea: Places that are situated closer to the sea have a mild climate due to the
sea breezes that blow from the sea to the land.
4) Sheltered areas: Some areas are sheltered by a hill or a mountain, which can act as a barrier of
wind and rain. examples are Chitral and Gilgit.

Q3) Describe the monsoon season in Pakistan:

Ans) In Pakistan, the monsoon winds brings rain from July to September. Rain clouds blow from
coastal areas of India. By the time the monsoon reaches Pakistan there is little rain left.

Q4) Identify the major climatic zones in different parts of Pakistan:

1) Highlands: The northern, north-western and western mountains have long, cold and snowy
winters. Summers are short, mild and wet. Western mountains are warm and dry in
2) Arid Zone: The south-western Baluchistan and South eastern deserts have arid (dry) and hot
climate. Rainfall is very little.
3) Semi-Arid Zone: The Indus plains and Potohar Pateau lie in this region. Summers are hot,
winters are cool, and monsoon rain.
4) Coastal areas: Karachi, Makran coast and Indus delta have humid and mild climate due to
the sea breezes throughout the year.

Q5) State how common natural disasters occur with their safety measures:

1) Earthquake occurs when rocks in the interior of the earth move.

Safety Step: Stand in open ground or take cover under a table and hold onto it until the shaking
2) Flood: when water overflows the river banks the low lining areas get flooded.
Safety Step: Move to higher lands, stay away from the flooded areas.

3) Cyclones are fast circular winds that form over the ocean and travel to land.

4) Avalanche occurs when snow, mud, or rocks fall down the slope or sides of a mountain.

Activity: Recognise the use of different instruments to forecast the weather:

1) Humidity is measured with the help of: (Thermometer, rain gauge, anemometer,
2) Pakistan lies in the climatic zone:
(Polar, Equatorial, Temperate, Arctic)
3) The climate of northern mountains of Pakistan is:
(warm, hot, cool, cold)
4) Karachi has a temperate climate because lies close to the:
(river, sea, forest, desert)
5) This is a sheltered area of Pakistan:
( Swat, Murree, Chitral, Quetta)
6) Pakistan receives monsoon rains between:
(May-July, June-August, June- September, July- September)
7) Indus plain lies in the climatic zone: (Highlands, arid, Semi arid, coastal)
8) It tells how hot or cold a place is:
(rainfall, temperature, humidity, air pressure)
9) Temperature is measured in units:
( degrees Celsius, litres, metres, centimetres)
10) Circular winds form over the ocean causes: (earthquake, flood, cyclone, avalanche)

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