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Lecture 09


DEF: An algorithm is a finite set of precise

instructions for performing a computation or solving
a problem.

Synonyms for a algorithm are: program, recipe,

procedure, and many others.


• Possible alternative to text’s pseudo-Java

Start with “real” Java and simplify:

int f(int[] a){

int x = a[0];
for(int i=1; i<a.length; i++){
if(x > a[i])
x = a[i];
return x;

Pseudo-Java Version 1

integer f(integer_array (a1, a2, …, an) ){

x = a1
for(i =2 to n){
if(x > ai)
x = ai
return x

Pseudo-Java version 2

INPUT: integer_array V = (a1, a2, …, an)

x = a1
for(y  V)
if(x > y)
x = y

Algorithm for Surjectivity

boolean isOnto( function f: n  m ){

if( m > n ) return false // can’t be onto
soFarIsOnto = true
for( j = 1 to m ){
soFarIsOnto = false;
for(i = 1 to n ){
if ( f(i ) == j )
soFarIsOnto = true;
if( !soFarIsOnto ) return false;
return true;

Improved Algorithm for Surjectivity

boolean isOntoB( function f: (1, 2,…, n)  (1, 2,…, m) ){

if( m > n ) return false // can’t be onto
for( j = 1 to m )
beenHit[ j ] = false; // make it false
for(i = 1 to n )
beenHit[ f(i ) ] = true; // assigned on are true
for(j = 1 to m )
if( !beenHit[ j ] )
return false;
return true;

Algorithmic Complexity

Compare the running time of 2 previous algorithms for

testing surjectivity.

Measure running time by counting the number of

“basic operations”.

Running Time

Basic steps—
Assignment Increment
Comparison Negation
Return Random array access
Function output access etc.

In a particular problem, may tell you to consider other

operations (e.g. multiplication) and ignore all others

Running time of 1st algorithm
boolean isOnto( function f: (1, 2,…, n)  (1, 2,…, m)
if( m > n ) return false 1+1 step OR:
soFarIsOnto = true 1 step (assigment)
for( j = 1 to m ){ m loops: 1 increment plus
soFarIsOnto = false 1 step (assignment)
for(i = 1 to n ){ n loops: 1 increment plus
if ( f(i ) == j ) 1 step possibly leads to:
soFarIsOnto = true 1 step (assignment)
if( !soFarIsOnto ) 1 step possibly leads to:
return false 1 step (return)
return true; possibly 1 step
Running time of 1st algorithm
running time:
Number of steps = 1
1 step (m>n) OR: m·
1 step (assigment) (1+ 1 +
m loops: 1 increment plus n·
1 step (assignment) (1
n loops: 1 increment plus +1
1 step possibly leads to: +1
1 step (assignment) +1
1 step possibly leads to:
1 step (return)
possibly 1 step
1+m(2+5n)+1 +1
= 2+2m+5mn
= 1 (if m>n) OR
Running time of 2nd algorithm
boolean isOntoB( function f: (1, 2,…, n)  (1, 2,…, m) ){
if( m > n ) return false 1 step OR:
for( j = 1 to m ) m loops: 1 increment plus
beenHit[ j ] = false 1 step (assignment)
for(i = 1 to n )
n loops: 1 increment plus
beenHit[ f(i ) ] = true
1 step (assignment)
for(j = 1 to m )
if( !beenHit[ j ] ) m loops: 1 increment plus
return false 1 step possibly leads to:
return true 1 step
} possibly 1 step
Running time of 2nd algorithm

WORST-CASE running time:

1 step (m>n) OR: Number of steps = 1 OR 1+
m loops: 1 increment plus m · (1+
1 step (assignment) 1)
n loops: 1 increment plus + n · (1+
1 step (assignment) 1)
m loops: 1 increment plus + m · (1+ 1+2m+2n+3m+1
1 step possibly leads to: 1 = 2+5m+2n
1 step + 1)
possibly 1 step + 1
. = 1 (if m>n) OR 5m + 2n + 2
Comparing Running Times

1. At most 5mn+2m+2 for first algorithm

2. At most 5m+2n+2 for second algorithm
Worst case when m  n so replace m by n:
5n 2+2n+2 vs. 7n+2
To tell which is better, look at dominant term:
5n2+2n+2 vs. 7n+2

So second algorithm is better.

Comparing Running Times: Issues

1. 5n 2+2n+2 , 7n+2 are more than just their biggest

term. Consider n = 1.
2. Number of “basic steps” doesn’t give accurate
running time.
3. Actual running time depends on platform.
4. Overestimated number of steps: under some
conditions, portions of code will not be seen.

Running Times Issues Big-O Response

1. Asymptotic notation (Big-O) gives partial resolution to


2. Different lengths of basic steps, just change 5n2 to

Cn 2 for some constant, so doesn’t change largest

Running Times Issues Big-O Response

1. Asymptotic notation (Big-O) gives partial resolution to


2. Basic operations on different (but well-designed)

platforms will differ by a constant factor. Again,
changes 5n2 to Cn2 for some constant.

Notational Issues

Big-O notation is a way of comparing functions. Notation

EG: 3x3 + 5x2 – 9 = O (x3)
Doesn’t mean
“3x 3 + 5x 2 – 9 equals the function O(x3)”
Which actually means
“3x3+5x2 –9 is dominated by x3”
Read as: “3x 3+5x 2 –9 is big-Oh of x3”

Intuitive Notion of Big-O

Asymptotic notation captures behavior of functions for

large values of x.
EG: Dominant term of 3x3+5x2 –9 is x3.
As x becomes larger and larger, other terms
become insignificant and only x3 remains in the

Intuitive Notion of Big-O domain

y = 3x 3+5x 2 –9

Intuitive Notion of Big-O domain

y = 3x 3+5x 2 –9



Intuitive Notion of Big-O domain

y = 3x 3+5x 2 –9


Intuitive Notion of Big-O domain

y = 3x 3+5x 2 –9


Intuitive Notion of Big-O
In fact, 3x 3+5x 2 –9 is smaller than 5x 3 for large enough
values of x:

y = 5x 3

y = 3x 3+5x 2 –9

Big-O. Formal Definition

f (x ) is asymptotically dominated by g (x ) if there’s a

constant multiple of g (x ) bigger than f (x ) as x
goes to infinity:
DEF: Let f , g be functions with domain R0 or N and
codomain R. If there are constants C and k such
 x > k, |f (x )|  C  |g (x )|
then we write:
f (x ) = O ( g (x ) )

f does not grow faster than g

Big-O. Example

EG: Show that 3x 3 + 5x 2 – 9 = O (x 3).

Previous graphs show C = 5 good guess.
Find k so that
3x 3 + 5x 2 – 9  5x 3
for x > k

EG: Show that 3x 3 + 5x 2 – 9 = O (x 3).

Find k so that
3x 3 + 5x 2 – 9  5x 3
for x > k
1. Collect terms: 5x 2 ≤ 2x 3 + 9

EG: Show that 3x 3 + 5x 2 – 9 = O (x 3).

Find k so that
3x 3 + 5x 2 – 9  5x 3
for x > k
1. Collect terms: 5x 2 ≤ 2x 3 + 9
2. What k will make 5x 2 ≤ x 3 for x > k ?

EG: Show that 3x 3 + 5x 2 – 9 = O (x 3).

Find k so that
3x 3 + 5x 2 – 9  5x 3
for x > k
1. Collect terms: 5x 2 ≤ 2x 3 + 9
2. What k will make 5x 2 ≤ x 3 for x > k ?
3. k = 5 !!

EG: Show that 3x 3 + 5x 2 – 9 = O (x 3).

Find k so that
3x 3 + 5x 2 – 9  5x 3
for x > k
1. Collect terms: 5x 2 ≤ 2x 3 + 9
2. What k will make 5x 2 ≤ x 3 for x > k ?
3. k = 5 !!
4. So for x > 5, 5x 2 ≤ x 3 ≤ 2x 3 + 9

EG: Show that 3x 3 + 5x 2 – 9 = O (x 3).

Find k so that
3x 3 + 5x 2 – 9  5x 3
for x > k
1. Collect terms: 5x 2 ≤ 2x 3 + 9
2. What k will make 5x 2 ≤ x 3 for x > k ?
3. k = 5 !
4. So for x > 5, 5x 2 ≤ x 3 ≤ 2x 3 + 9
5. Solution: C = 5, k = 5

Show that f ( x)  x  2 x  1 is O( x )
2 2

If x>1 then
x<x2 and

C=4 and k=1

If x>2 then
2x<=x2 and
1<= x2

C=3 and k=2

2 3
Show that 7 x is O( x )

If x>7 then
7x2 < x3 and

C=1 and k=7

If x>1 then
7x2 < 7x3 and

C=7 and k=1

Big-O and limits

LEMMA: If the limit as x   of the quotient |f (x) / g (x)|

exists then f (x ) = O ( g (x ) ).
EG: 3x 3 + 5x 2 – 9 = O (x 3 ). Compute:
3x 3  5 x 2  9 3  5 / x  9 / x3
lim 3
 lim 3
x  x x  1
…so big-O relationship proved.

Big-O. Negative Example

x 4  O (3x 3 + 5x 2 – 9) :
No pair C, k exist for which
x > k implies C (3x 3 + 5x 2 – 9)  x 4
Argue using limits: 4
x x
lim  lim
x   C (3 x  5 x  9)
3 2 x   C (3  5 / x  9 / x 3 )

x 1
 lim   lim x  
x   C (3  0  0) 3C x 
x 4 always catches up regardless of C. •


Show that f ( x)  x  2 x  1 is O( x )
2 2

If x>1 then
x<x2 and

C=4 and k=1

If x>2 then
2x<=x2 and
1<= x2

C=3 and k=2

2 3
Show that 7 x is O( x )

If x>7 then
7x2 < x3 and

C=1 and k=7

If x>1 then
7x2 < 7x3 and

C=7 and k=1

Big-O and limits

LEMMA: If the limit as x   of the quotient |f (x) / g (x)|

exists then f (x ) = O ( g (x ) ).
EG: 3x 3 + 5x 2 – 9 = O (x 3 ). Compute:
3x 3  5 x 2  9 3  5 / x  9 / x3
lim 3
 lim 3
x  x x  1
…so big-O relationship proved.

Big-O. Negative Example

x 4  O (3x 3 + 5x 2 – 9) :
No pair C, k exist for which
x > k implies C (3x 3 + 5x 2 – 9)  x 4
Argue using limits: 4
x x
lim  lim
x   C (3 x  5 x  9)
3 2 x   C (3  5 / x  9 / x 3 )

x 1
 lim   lim x  
x   C (3  0  0) 3C x 
x 4 always catches up regardless of C. •

Review algorithm

Count the number of steps in the following code segment

i := 1
t := 0
while i ≤ n
t := t + i
i := i+1

Review Algorithm
Find Big O notation for the following code segment

for i = 1 to n
while j >= 1

Review Algorithm
Find Big O notation for the following code segment

for i = 1 to n{
while j >= 1{
Review Algorithm
Find Big O notation for the following code segment

r ← 0;
for i ← 1 to n {
for j ← 1 to i {
for k ← j to i+j {
r ← r+1;
return r;
Review Algorithm
Give a steps count and give a big-O estimate of the
algorithm. (hint: n =x.length)

int do_it(int [] x)
int i,j;
int count =0;
if(x[i] + x[j]<0)
return count;

Review Algorithm
Calculate the number of steps for this function. (consider:
length(A) = m)


for j=2 to length(A){

while i>0 and A[i]>key {

Review Algorithm
Give as good a big-O estimate as possible for each of
these functions.

1.(2n  1)(1  log n 3 )

2.4n  6n 2 log n
( n 2  1)(n 2  3)(n 2  5)
n( n 2  2)(n 2  4)
4.3n 2  2n log( n 2  1)

Review Algorithm
Give as good a big-O estimate as possible for each of
these functions.
1.(2n  1)(1  log n 3 )
2.4n  6n 2 log n
( n 2  1)(n 2  3)(n 2  5)
n( n 2  2)(n 2  4)
4.3n 2  2n log( n 2  1)

Review Algorithm
Give as good a big-O estimate as possible for each of
these functions.

1. n 3  n  8  O(max(n 3 , n,1))  O (n 3 )
2. log n  n  O (max(log n, n))  O ( n)
3. n log n  O((n)(log n))  O( n log n)
4.  O ((n!)(1))  O(n!)

O (n)  O (n log n)  O (n 3 )  O (n!)

Thank You


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