Law On Sales

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(1) Absolute – when sale is not subject to any
LAW ON SALES condition and the title immediately passes to
the purchaser upon delivery
(TITLE VI, CIVIL CODE) (2) Conditional – ownership of the object
remains with the vendor until fulfilment of the
COVERAGE condition/s.

1.4.1 Nature, forms and requisites ESSENTIAL REQUISITES

1.4.2 Earnest money as distinguished 1. Consent or meeting of the minds to
from option money transfer ownership in exchange for the
1.4.3 Rights/obligations of vendor and price;
vendee 2. Determinate subject matter;
1.4.4 Warranties 3. Price certain in money or its equivalent. Express Warranties (in
relation to consumer laws) CONSENT Implied Warranties The meeting of the offer and the acceptance
1.4.5 Installment sales upon the thing and the cause which are to Personal property – Recto constitute the agreement.
Law Real Property – Maceda REQUISITE:
1. Legal capacity PD 957 / Condominium
2. Offer and acceptance; and
1.4.6 Extinguishment of a contract of 3. No vitiation of consent.
sale Conventional Redemption Exceptions to consent being a requisite:
1.4.7 Legal Redemption (1) Expropriation,
(2) Ordinary Execution Sale,
(3) Judicial Foreclosure Sale, and
NATURE, FORMS AND (4) Extra-Judicial Foreclosure Sale
DEFINITION All persons who have capacity to enter into
By the contract of sale one of the obligations may enter into a contract of sale
contracting parties obligates himself to [Art 1489, CC]
transfer the ownership and to deliver a
determinate thing, and the other to pay KINDS OF INCAPACITY
therefor a price certain in money or its (1) Absolute incapacity – when persons cannot
equivalent. bind themselves at all
A contract of sale may be absolute or (2) Relative incapacity – only with regard to
conditional. [Art. 1458, CC] certain persons and certain class of property
(3) Specific incapacity/Special disqualifications
contract of sale is perfected, the seller is [ARTS. 1327, 1397, 139]
merely obligated to transfer ownership and to (MIND-CI) [ART. 1327, CC]
deliver the property. Transfer of ownership is (1) Minors
effected only upon delivery. (2) Insane or Demented
(3) Deaf-mutes who do not know how to write
KINDS OF CONTRACT OF SALE (4) Civil Interdiction
(5) Judicially-declared Incompetents (Art. 39)
(a) Prodigal

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(b) Imbeciles (1) Agents - Cannot purchase or acquire
(c) Absence & presumption of death property whose administration or sale was
(d) Persons not of unsound mind but entrusted to them
by reason of age, disease, weak mind, Exception: Principal gives consent.
and other similar causes, cannot take
care of themselves and manage their (2) Guardian - Cannot purchase property of
property without outside aid (Easy person under his guardianship
prey for deceit and exploitation)
(3) Executors and Administrators - Cannot
Exception: acquire or purchase property of estate under
If necessaries are sold and delivered to an their administration.
incapacitated person: pay a reasonable price Exception:
therefor. [Art 1489] The prohibition on executors and
administrators does not apply if the principal
“Necessaries” – those which are indispensable consents to the sale.[Distajo v. CA, 2000]
for sustenance, dwelling, clothing, medical
attendance, education and transportation. [Art (4) Public Officers and Employees - Cannot
194, Family Code] acquire or purchase property of State/any of
its subdivisions, GOCC or administration, the
EFFECTS OF INCAPACITY: administration of which was entrusted to
(1) If both parties are incapacitated: them.
UNENFORCEABLE [Art. 1403 (3)] Includes judges and government experts who,
(2) If only 1 party is incapacitated: VOIDABLE in any manner whatsoever take part in the

2. RELATIVE INCAPACITY: MARRIED PERSONS (5) Lawyers - Cannot acquire or purchase

property or rights in litigation in which they
(1) Husband and wife [Art. 1490] take part by virtue of their profession
General Rule: Cannot sell property to each
other, Sale between spouses is VOID. (6) Justices, Judges, prosecuting attorneys,
clerks and other officers and employees
Exceptions: connected with the administration of justice -
(a) Separation of property in marriage Cannot acquire or purchase property or rights
settlement, OR in litigation or levied upon on execution before
(b) Judicial separation of property. the court within whose jurisdiction or territory
they exercise their respective functions.
Note: Such prohibition shall likewise apply to
common law spouses. [Calimlim-Canulas v (7) Others specially disqualified by law
Fortun, 1984] (a) Unpaid sellers with goods in transit from
buying the goods
(2) Alienage[Art. 39] (b) Officer conducting the execution sale of
General Rule: Aliens are disqualified from deputies
purchasing or acquiring real property.
Exception: If acquisition is through hereditary Effect of incapacity:
succession  Contracts expressly prohibited by law are
void and cannot be ratified. Neither can
3. SPECIAL DISQUALIFICATIONS [ARTS. 1491- the right to set-up the defense of illegality
1492] (AGE-PLJ) be waived. [Art. 1409 (7)]
 Sales entered into by guardians,
administrators, and agents (specific
incapacities) in violation of Art. 1491 may

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be ratified by means of and in the form of (3) Sale of animals if the use or service for
a new contract when the cause of nullity which they are acquired has been stated in the
has ceased to exist. Ratification is valid contract, and they are found to be unfit
only from date of execution of the new therefor [Art 1575]
contract and does not retroact. (4) Sale of land in violation of Constitutional
 Those entered into by public prohibition against the transfer of lands to
officers/employees, justices and judges, aliens. [Art XII of Constitution]
and lawyers in violation of Art. 1491 are  When the subject matter is illicit, the
inexistent and void from the beginning. contract of sale is void [Art. 1409 (7)]
[Rubias v Batiller, 1973]
SUBJECT MATTER/OBJECT The goods which form the subject of a contract
of sale may either be—
REQUISITES OF A VALID SUBJECT MATTER (1) Existing goods owned or possessed by the
[ARTS. 1459-1465] seller;
(2) Goods to be manufactured, raised, OR
For Rights: acquired by the seller – “FUTURE GOODS”; [Art
(1) Transmisible or personal 1462, CC]
(2) Licit 1. It is valid only as an executory
contract to be fulfilled by acquisition
For Things: and delivery of goods specified.
(1) Licit (3) Things having POTENTIAL existence may be
(2) Existing, Future, Contingent the object of a contract of sale. [Art 1461, CC]
(3) Determinate or determinable 1. The thing sold must be specific and
identified, and owned by the vendor at
that time.
1. MUST BE LICIT [Art. 1459]
The thing is licit when— Sale of MERE hope or expectancy
(1) Within the commerce of man [Art 1347, CC]  Valid, BUT subject to condition that the
(2) Example of properties that are not within thing will come into existence
the commerce of man: Example: “Next catch” of a fisherman.
(a) Those belonging to the State or its
political subdivisions intended for Sale of VAIN hope or expectancy
public use or public service. (Art 420)  Void
(b) Church Example: Sale of a falsified raffle ticket which
(c) Narcotics or dangerous drugs will never win.
except upon prescription (RA 6425, the
dangerous drugs act of 1972) EMPTIO REI SPERATAE
(3) When right is not intransmissible [Art 1347]  Sale of a thing with potential existence.
(4) It does not contemplate a future  Sale is subject to the condition that the
inheritance, unless expressly authorized by law thing will exist; if it doesn’t, there is no
Examples of illicit sale  The object is a future thing.
(1) Sale of future inheritance is void[Art. 1347]
The rights to succession are transmitted from EMPTIO SPEI
the moment of the death of the decedent [Art.  Sale of mere hope or expectancy that the
777, CC]. Thus, one cannot sell or promise to thing will come to existence. Sale of the
sell what he expects to inherit from a living hope itself.
person. [Rivero v. Serrano, 1950]  Sale is effective even if the thing does not
(2) Sale of animals suffering from contagious come into existence unless it is a vain
diseases [Art 1575] hope.

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 The object is a present thing which is the intention of the parties to see whether
hope or expectancy. it was barter or sale. [Art 1468]
(c) If intention does not clearly appear,
(4) Sale of SPECIFIC THINGS it shall be considered a barter if the
(a) Sale of things in litigation [Art value of the thing exceed the amount
1381(4)] of money or its equivalent. [Art 1468]
(b) Sale of an undivided interest in a (3) Real
thing [Art 1463] When buyer has an intention to pay and the
seller has an expectation to receive the price
LEGAL EFFECT: Make the buyer a co-owner in (a) If simulated: Sale is VOID; BUT act
the thing sold: may be shown to have been a
(i) acquire full ownership of his part donation or some other act or
(ii) may sell his part even without consent of contract. [Art 1471]
other co-owners (b) An admission of non-payment of
(c) Sale of undivided share of a specific any centavo in exchange of a property
mass [Art 1464] in a contract of sale renders the sale
 The sale of an undivided share in a specific VOID. [Labagala vs. Santiago, 2001]
mass of fungible goods makes the buyer a (c) If Price is false – when the real
co-owner of the entire mass in proportion consideration is not the price stated in
to the amount he bought. the contract:
 If later on it was discovered that the mass (i) Sale is void
of fungible goods contain less than what (ii) UNLESS proved to be founded on
was agreed upon, the buyer becomes another true and lawful price [Art
owner of whole mass and seller must make 1353]
up for the difference.[De Leon]
 A Co-owner cannot sell more than his HOW PRICE IS DETERMINED/ CERTAIN
share [Yturralde v CA, 1972] (1) Fixed by agreement of the parties
(d) Sale of things subject to resolutory (a) Fixing of price cannot be left to the
condition [Art 1465] discretion of one of the parties
Examples: Things acquired under legal or (b) BUT if such is accepted by the
conventional right of redemption; or subject to other, sale is perfected. [Art 1473]
reserva troncal; pacto de retro sale
(2) Determination is left to the judgment of a
PRICE specified person
General Rule: Price fixed by 3rd persons
MEANING OF PRICE (Arts. 1469-1474) designated by the parties is binding upon them
Price signifies the sum stipulated as the Exceptions:
equivalent of the thing sold and also every (a) If unable or unwilling: Sale is
incident taken into consideration for the fixing inefficacious UNLESS parties
of the price put to the debit of the buyer and subsequently agree about the price.
agreed to by him [Inchausti v. Cromwell, 1911] (b) If in bad faith/by mistake: Courts
may fix price (but mere error in
REQUISITES FOR A VALID PRICE judgment cannot serve as basis for
(Ce-MoRe) impugning price fixed)
(1) Certain or ascertainable at the time of (c) If 3rd person is prevented from
perfection fixing price by fault of seller or buyer:
(2) In Money or its equivalent Innocent party may avail of remedies
(a) Example of “equivalent”: Letters of (rescission or fulfillment of obligation,
credit with damages)
(b) If price is partly in money and partly
in another thing: Determine manifest

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(d) If 3rd person disregards specific reasonable mind would not be likely to
instructions/data/procedure, thereby consent to it, then judicial sale will be
fixing an arbitrary price set aside.
(b) If in event of a resale, a better price
(3) The price is made in reference to another can be obtained.
thing, or when the price fixed is the price of the
commodity on a definite day, or in a particular (3) Rescissible contracts of sale
exchange or market, OR when the amount Inadequacy of price is a ground for rescission
fixed is above or below the price on such day, of conventional sale under Art 1381 (a-b)
exchange or market. [Art 1472]
 When the price is not certain, the
contract is without effect and no WHEN NO PRICE AGREED (ART. 1474)
obligation arises from it. Exception: (1) Sale is inefficacious [Art. 1474]
When the thing is already delivered, (2) But if the thing or part thereof has been
the buyer must pay a reasonable price delivered and appropriated by the buyer, he
therefor. This exception only arises must pay a reasonable price therefor.
when the means contemplated by the (a) What is a reasonable price is a
parties for fixing the price have question of fact dependent on the
become ineffectual. circumstances of each particular case.
[Art 1474]
INADEQUACY OF PRICE (ARTS. 1355, 1470) (b) The reasonableness of a price may
General Rule: Does not affect a contract of be determined on the basis of a
sale’s validity. [Art. 1470] company’s balance sheet showing the
The stipulation in a contract of sale which book value or fair market value of its
states that the consideration is “Php1 and shares. [Philippine Free Press vs. CA,
other valuable considerations” does not make 2005]
the contract void. Gross inadequacy of price Generally, the reasonable price is the
does not affect the contract of sale except that market price at the time and place
it may indicate a defect in consent. [Bagnas v. fixed by the contract or by law for
C.A., 1989] delivery of goods.


(1) In Voluntary sales (1) False Price – there is a true price but it was
(a) Where low price indicates a vice of not written down in the contract. Parties
consent, sale may be annulled. intended to be bound.
(b) Where price is so low to be (2) Simulated Price
shocking to the conscience (fraud, (a) Absolute - When the parties never
mistake, undue influence), then sale intended to be bound at all. Thus, void!
may be set aside. Parties may recover from each other
(c) Where price is simulated such as what they may have given under the
when the real intention was a contract.
donation or some other contract. (b) Relative - When parties conceal
(d) Where the parties did not intend to their true agreement. When it does
be bound at all, sale is void. not prejudice 3rd persons and is not
intended for any purpose contrary to
(2) In Involuntary sales law, morals, public policy, etc., it binds
A judicial or execution sale is one made by a the parties to their real agreement.
court with respect to the property of a debtor
for the satisfaction of his indebtedness. Effect of simulated price:
(a) Where price is so low to be
shocking to the conscience, such that a

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(1) If price is simulated when vendor intended SALE DACION EN PAGO
to transfer thing gratuitously, the sale is void, No pre-existing debt Pre-existing debt
but the contract shall be valid as a donation. Creates an Extinguishes the
(2) If contract is not a donation or any other act obligation obligation (mode of
transferring ownership because parties did not payment)
intend to be bound, it is void. Price is more freely Price is value of the
Disagreement on the manner of payment is agreed upon, fixed thing given
tantamount to a failure to agree on the price. by the parties
[Toyota Shaw vs. CA, 1995] Buyer has to pay the Payment is received
price by the debtor before
SALE DONATION Ownership is Ownership is only
Onerous Gratuitous transferred upon transferred upon full
Perfected by mere Must comply with delivery payment of price
consent the formalities Non-payment is a Full payment is a
required by law. [Art resolutory condition positive suspensive
745, CC] condition, hence
non-payment would
SALE BARTER not give rise to the
Consideration is Consideration is obligation to
price in money or its another thing transfer ownership
 Barter is a contract where one of the FORMATION OF CONTRACT OF SALE
parties binds himself to give one thing in
consideration of the other’s promise to Valid in any form
give another thing [Art.1638, CC]  Contracts shall be obligatory, in whatever
 If consideration consists partly in money form they may have entered into, provided
and partly in another thing, the intention all the essential requisites for their validity
of the parties determines whether the are present. However, when the law
contract is one of sale or barter. requires that a contract be in some form in
 If manifest intention is not clear: Barter order that it may be valid or enforceable,
when the value of thing is more than the or that a contract be proved in a certain
amount of money or its equivalent; way, that requirement is absolute and
otherwise, sale. [Art.1468] indispensable. (Art. 1356, CC)
 The contract of sale is perfected at the
SALE CONTRACT FOR A moment there is a meeting of minds upon
PIECE OF WORK the thing which is the object of the
Goods are Goods are contract and upon the price. From that
manufactured or manufactured for moment, the parties may reciprocally
procured in the customer upon his demand performance, subject to the
ordinary course of special orde provisions of the law governing the form of
business contracts. (Art. 1475, CC)
For the general For a specific  The necessity of a public document for
market, whether on customer contracts which transmit or extinguish real
hand or not rights over immovable property, as
Governed by Statute Not within Statute mandated by Article 1358 of the Civil Code,
of Frauds of Frauds is only for convenience; it is not essential
for validity or enforceability . The only

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effect of noncompliance with the d) To take care of the thing, pending delivery,
provisions of Article 1358 of the Civil Code with proper diligence (Art. 1163, CC); and
is that a party to such a contract embodied
in a private document may be compelled e) To pay for the expenses for the execution
to execute a public document. (Teoco vs. and registration of the sale, unless there is a
Metrobank, G.R. No. 162333, December stipulation to the contrary (Art. 1487, CC).
23, 2008 )
a) Transferred upon delivery
EARNEST MONEY AS  Ownership and other real rights over
property are acquired and transmitted by
DISTINGUISHED FROM OPTION law, by donation, by testate and intestate
MONEY succession, and in consequence of certain
contracts, by tradition. (Art. 712, second
 Part of purchase price [Art 1482]  The ownership of the thing sold shall be
 Given only when there is already a sale transferred to the vendee upon the actual
 When given, the buyer is bound to pay the or constructive delivery thereof. (Art.
balance 1477, CC)
 Buyer manifests his earnest desire to buy  The ownership of the thing sold is acquired
the property by the vendee from the moment it is
delivered to him in any of the ways
OPTION MONEY specified in articles 1497 to 1501, or in any
 Separate and distinct consideration from other manner signifying an agreement that
the purchase price the possession is transferred from the
 Given when sale is not yet perfected vendor to the vendee. (Art. 1496, CC)
 When given, the would-be-buyer is not
required to buy, but may even forfeit it Modes of Delivery
depending on the terms of the option a) Actual
 Grantee of option is still undecided b) Constructive or legal
whether or not to buy or sell the property c) Any other manner (Art. 1496, CC)
Constructive Delivery of Different Types of
VENDOR AND VENDEE (a) Tradition Longa Manu (Long Hand)
Delivery of thing by mere agreement.
Example: Seller points to the property without
OBLIGATIONS OF THE VENDOR actually transferring physical possession
a) To transfer the ownership of the thing (Art.
When an employer assigned all its rights and
1495, CC);
title to all surplus property salvaged by the
contractor, tradition longa manu takes place.
b) To deliver the thing sold with all its
Delivery is upon the moment a thing is
accessions and accessories in the condition in
salvaged. [Board of Liquidators v. Floro, 1960]
which they were upon the perfection of the
contract (Art. 1537, CC);
(b) Tradition Brevi Manu (Short Hand)
MOVABLE is delivered when the buyer had the
c) To warrant against eviction and against
thing already in his possession before the sale
hidden defects (Art. 1547, CC);
took place, not as owner but as lessee,
borrower, or depositary.

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(3) 2 or more buyers with conflicting interests
(c) Tradition Constitutum Possessorium over the rightful ownership of the thing sold;
Seller continues to be in possession of the (4) Same seller
property sold, by virtue of a lease contract
agreement with the vendee. RULES GOVERNING SALE OF MOVABLES,
a) Real property (1) Sale of Movables
1. Execution of public instrument Ownership shall be transferred to the person
2. Traditio constitutum possessorium who may have first taken possession in good
b) Personal property
1. Execution of public instrument (2) Sale of Immovables
2. Symbolic delivery (a) Ownership belongs to the person who:
3. Traditio longa manu (i) In good faith first recorded the sale
4. Traditio brevi manu in the Registry of Property; OR
5. Traditio constitutum possessorium (ii) If there is no inscription of sale on
the title, ownership passes to the
c) Incorporeal property person who in good faith was first in
1. Execution of public instrument possession; OR
2. Placing of titles of ownership in the (iii) In the absence thereof, to the
possession of the vendee person who presents the oldest title,
3. Exercise by the vendee of his rights with the PROVIDED there is good faith.
vendor’s consent. Possession - refers to any of the modes
of possession in Articles 1497-1501
4. Constructive delivery is merely presumptive Oldest Title – any public document
 The execution of a public instrument gives showing acquisition of the land in good
rise only to a prima facie presumption of faith. To constitute “title,” the
delivery. Such presumption is destroyed transmission of ownership must
when the delivery is not effected because appear in a public document [Art. 1358
of a legal impediment. Such constructive (1)]
or symbolic delivery, being merely Examples: Deed of Sale, Deed of
presumptive, is deemed negated by the Donation, Deed of Trust
failure of the vendee to take actual (b) Registration includes any entry made in the
possession of the land sold. (T en Forty Primary Entry Book of the registry, including
Realty vs. Cruz,G.R. No. 151212, both registration in its ordinary and strict sense
September 10, 2003 ) and cancellation, annotation, and even
marginal notes. [Cheng v. Genato, 1998]
5. By agreement, delivery may not result in the Pencilled entries on the title are not
transfer of ownership considered registration. [AFPMBAI v. Court of
 The parties may stipulate that ownership Appeals, 1999]
in the thing shall not pass to the purchaser
until he has fully paid the price. (Art. 1478, OBLIGATIONS OF THE VENDEE
CC) a) To accept delivery; and
b) To pay the price.
General Rule: Prior tempore, potior jure (“he 1. Buyer’s Right of Examination before
who is first in time is preferred in right”) Acceptance (Art. 1584, CC)
applies. a) The buyer has a right to a reasonable
Requisites [Cheng v Genato, 1998]: opportunity to examine the goods to
(1) 2 or more valid sales;
(2) Same subject matter;

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ascertain whether they are in affirmation or promise is to induce the
conformity with the contract. buyer to purchase the same, and if the
b) Unless a specific period is agreed buyer purchases the thing relying thereon.
upon, the buyer should examine the (Art. 1546, CC)
goods within a reasonable time.
2. Implied Warranty
2. Signs of Acceptance by the Buyer (Art. 1585,  Implied warranty is inherent in a contract
CC) of sale. It is presumed to exist although
a) When he communicates with the nothing has been mentioned about it.
seller expressly manifesting his (Pineda)
acceptance thereof;  Implied warranty may be modified or
b) When he performs an act in relation suppressed by agreement of the parties.
to the goods inconsistent with the (Art. 1548, 1566, CC)
ownership of the seller ; and
c) When, after the lapse of a 3. Implied Warranties in Sale (Art. 1547, CC)
reasonable time following the a) Implied warranty on the part of the
delivery, he retains the goods without seller that he has a right to sell the
complaining to the seller or without thing at the time when the ownership
intimating that he has rejected them. is to pass, and that the buyer shall from
that time have and enjoy the legal and
3. Buyer’s Right to Suspend Payment of the peaceful possession of the thing
Price (Art. 1590, CC) (implied warranty against eviction);
a) If he is disturbed in the possession
or ownership of the thing bought; b) Implied warranty that the thing shall
b) If he has a well-grounded fear that be free from any hidden faults or
his possession or ownership would be defects, or any charge or encumbrance
disturbed by a vindicatory action or not declared or known to the buyer.
foreclosure of mortgage.
4. Elements of Warranty against Eviction
4. Rescission a) The vendee is deprived in whole or
a) In sale of real property in part of the thing purchased (Art.
1. Absolute Sale – Apply Art. 1191 and 1557, CC);
1592 of the Civil Code b) He is so deprived by virtue of a final
2. Sale on Installment / Contract to Sell judgment (Art. 1557, CC);
– Apply Republic Act 6552 c) The vendor was summoned in the
b) In sale of personal property (Art. 1593, CC) suit for eviction at the instance of the
a) The vendee, upon the expiration of vendee (Art. 1558, CC);
the period fixed for the delivery of the ● The vendor/s should be made
thing purchased, refused to receive it parties to the suit at the instance of
without justifiable cause; or vendees, either by way of asking that
b) He failed to pay the price, unless the former be made a co-defendant or
granted a longer period within which by the filing of a third party complaint
to pay. against said vendors. (Escaler vs. Court
of Appeals, L42636, August 1, 1985 )
WARRANTIES d) There is no waiver on the part of the
vendee (Art. 1554, CC);
e) The vendee is in good faith (J .M.
1. Express Warranty
Tuason vs. Court of Appeals, L41233,
 Express warranty is any affirmation of fact
November 21, 1979 )
or any promise by the seller relating to the
thing if the natural tendency of such

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5. Obligation of the Vendor in case of Eviction a) 6 months from delivery
(Art. 1555, CC) b) 40 days (in case of animals) from
a) The return of the value which the delivery
thing sold had at the time of the
eviction, be it greater or less than the WHEN SELLER IS NOT THE OWNER
price of the sale; General Rule: Ownership is not acquired by the
b) The income or fruits, if he has not buyer. One cannot give what one does not
been ordered to deliver them to the have. [Art 1505]
party who won the suit against him;
c) The costs of suit which caused the Exceptions:
eviction and, in proper case, those of (1) Seller has a right to transfer ownership
the suit brought against the vendor for Seller need not be the owner of the thing at the
the warranty; time of perfection of the contract. It is
d) The damages and interests and sufficient that seller has a right to transfer
ornamental expenses, if the sale was ownership thereof at the time it is delivered.
made in bad faith. [Art. 1459]
One who sells something he does not own yet
6. Elements of Warranty Against Hidden is bound by the sale when he acquires the thing
Defects later. [Bucton vs Gabar, 1974]
a) The defect must be such that it r (2) Estoppel: Owner is, by his conduct,
enders the thing unfit for the use for precluded from denying the seller’s authority
which it is intended, or it diminishes its to sell. [Art. 1434]
fitness for such use to such an extent (3) Registered land bought in good faith
that, had the vendee been aware General rule: Buyer need not go beyond the
thereof, he would not have acquired it Torrens Title
or would have given a lower price for it Exception: When he has actual knowledge of
(Art. 1561, CC); facts and circumstances that would impel a
b) The defect must be hidden or reasonably cautious man to make further
cannot be discovered by ordinary inquiry
inspection or examination (Art. 1561, (4) Order of courts; Statutory Sale
CC); In execution sale, the buyer merely steps into
c) The defect must be present at the the shoes of the judgment debtor [Rule 39, sec.
time of the execution of the sale ; 33, ROC]
d) The vendee has not waived the (5) When goods are purchased in Merchant’s
warranty (Art. 1566, CC). store, Fair, or Market [Art 1505]
The policy of the law has always been that
7. Obligation of the Vendor in case the Thing where the rights and interest of the vendor
is Lost due to Hidden Defects (Art. 1568, CC) clash with that of an innocent buyer for value,
a) If the vendor was aware thereof: the latter must be protected. [Sun Brothers
● Return the price and refund the and Co. vs. Velasco, 1958]
expenses of the contract, with
b) If the vendor was not aware thereof: (1) True owner may recover the thing when the
● Return the price and interest ff. requisites concur:
thereon, and reimburse the expenses (a) Subject matter is movable
of the contract which the vendee (b) Owner has either lost the thing or has been
might have paid. unlawfully deprived. [Art 559]

8. Prescriptive Period for Rescission or (2) Reimbursement is necessary before owner

Reduction of the Price (Warranty Against can recover when:
Hidden Defects) (a) Buyer acted in good faith

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(b) Acquired at a public auction [Art 559] BUT the buyer may only avail of the
(3) Recovery no longer possible when: grace period once every 5 years
(a) Buyer in good faith (b) Refund of Cash Surrender Value
(b)Acquired it at a merchant’s store, fair or (CSV): 50% of total amount paid + 5%
market. [Art 1506] for every year after the first 5 years of
INSTALLMENT SALES BUT total CSV should not be greater
than 90% of total amount paid
(c) Notice of cancellation of demand
for rescission by notarial act effective
30 days from the buyer’s receipt
thereof and upon full payment of CSV
(1) Sale of movables in installment
(2) If buyer has paid less than 2 years of
 The rule is intended to apply to sales of
installments: (GN)
movables, the price of which is payable in
(a) Grace period of at least 60 days
2 or more installments, but not to straight-
(b) Notice of cancellation or demand
term sales where the price is payable in
for rescission by notarial act, effective
full, after making a down payment because
30 days upon receipt thereof
the law aims to protect improvident
buyers who may betempted to buy beyond
(3) During the grace period, the buyer shall also
their means. [Levy Hermanos vs. Gervacio,
have the right:
(a) To sell or assign his rights,
evidenced in a notarial instrument
(2) Lease of personal property with option to
(b) To update his account
(c) To pay in advance any installment,
(a) When lessor has deprived the
or the full unpaid balance of the price,
lessee of the possession or enjoyment
without any interest
of the thing (i.e. lessor files a complaint
for replevin against lessee)
Down payments, deposits, or options on the
(b) Also applies when seller assigns his
contract shall be included in the total number
credit to someone else
of installments made.
The seller may go to court for judicial rescission
in lieu of a notarial act of rescission.
RA 6552 does NOT apply to:
(1) Industrial lots
Cancellation pertains to extrajudicial
(2) Commercial buildings
cancellation. Absence of notice does not bar
(3) Sale to tenants under Agricultural Reform
the filing of an action to cancel the contract.
Code [RA 3844]
(4) Sale of lands payable in straight terms [RA
A decision in an ejectment case can operate as
6552, Sec 3]
notice of cancellation as required by RA6552.
However, mere filing of an unlawful detainer
Rights of the Buyer:
suit by the seller does not operate as such
The law imposes additional requirements on
notice. [De Leon]
the part of the seller for a valid rescission
(1) If buyer has paid at least 2 years of
installments: (GRN) The Condominium Act (RA 4726)
(a) Grace period of 1 month per year of 1. Definition (Sec. 2)
installment payment made A condominium is an interest in real property
consisting of:

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a) separate interest in a unit in a residential, buying a condominium unit. It expressly
industrial or commercial building; and allows foreigners to acquire condominium
b) an undivided interest in common, directly or units and shares in condominium
indirectly, in the l and on which it is located and corporations up to not more than 40% of
in other common areas of the building . the total and outstanding capital stock of a
Title to the common areas, including the l and, Filipino owned or controlled corporation.
or the appurtenant interests in such areas, may Under this set up, the ownership of the
be held by a corporation specially formed for land is legally separated from the unit
the purpose (hereinafter known as the itself. The land is owned by a
"condominium corporation" ) in which the Condominium Corporation and the unit
holders of separate interest shall automatically owner is simply a member in this
be members or shareholders, to the exclusion Condominium Corporation. As long as 60%
of others, in proportion to the appurtenant of the members of this Condominium
interest of their respective units in the Corporation are Filipino, the remaining
common areas. members can be foreigners. (Hulst vs. P.R.
Builders, G.R. No. 156364, September 25,
2. Transfer or Conveyance of Unit and 2008 [Resolution on the Motion for Partial
Undivided Interest in the Common Areas; Reconsideration] )
Nationality requirement
 Any transfer or conveyance of a unit or an 3. Incidents of Ownership
apartment, office or store or other space
therein, shall include the transfer or a) Ownership of a Unit
conveyance of the undivided interests in 1. interior surfaces of the perimeter
the common areas or, in a proper case, the walls, floors, ceilings, windows and
membership or shareholdings in the doors thereof;
condominium corporation: Provided , 2. the exclusive right to paint, repaint,
however , That where the common areas tile, wax, paper or otherwise refinish
in the condominium project are owned by and decorate the inner surfaces of the
the owners of separate units as co-owners walls, ceilings, floors, windows and
thereof, no condominium unit therein shall doors bounding his own unit;
be conveyed or transferred to persons 3. the exclusive right to mortgage,
other than Filipino citizens, or corporations pledge or encumber his condominium
at least sixty percent of the capital stock of and to have the same appraised
which belong to Filipino citizens, except in independently of the other
cases of hereditary succession. Where the condominiums but any obligation
common areas in a condominium project incurred by such condominium owner
are held by a corporation, no transfer or is personal to him; and
conveyance of a unit shall be valid if the 4. the absolute right to sell or dispose
concomitant transfer of the appurtenant of his condominium unless the master
membership or stockholding in the deed contains a requirement that the
corporation will cause the alien interest in property be first offered to the
such corporation to exceed the limits condominium owners within a
imposed by existing laws. (Sec. 5) reasonable period of time before the
 The law provides that no condominium same is offered to outside parties.
unit can be sold without at the same time
selling the corresponding amount of rights, b) Interest in the Common Areas
shares or other interests in the 1. lobbies, stairways, hallways, and
condominium management body, the other areas of common use, elevator
Condominium Corporation; and no one equipment and shafts, central heating,
can buy shares in a Condominium central refrigeration and central air-
Corporation without at the same time conditioning equipment, reservoirs,

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tanks, pumps and other central or condemnation of a material portion thereof;
services and facilities, pipes, ducts, or
flues, chutes, conduits, wires and e) That the conditions for such partition by sale
other utility installations, wherever set forth in the declaration of restrictions, duly
located, except the outlets thereof registered in accordance with the terms of this
when located within the unit; Act, have been met .
2. an exclusive easement for the use of
the air space encompassed by the 5. The Condominium Corporation
boundaries of the unit as it exists at a) The corporate purposes of such a
any particular time and as the unit may corporation shall be limited to the holding of
lawfully be altered or reconstructed the common areas, either in ownership or any
from time to time; other interest in real property recognized by
3. unless otherwise provided, the law, to the management of the project, and to
common areas are held in common by such other purposes as may be necessary,
the holders of units, in equal shares, incidental or convenient to the
one for each unit; accomplishment of said purposes. (Sec. 10)
4. A nonexclusive easement for b) Membership in a condominium corporation,
ingress, egress and support through regardless of whether it is a stock or nonstock
the common areas is appurtenant to corporation, shall not be transferable
each unit and the common areas are separately from the condominium unit of
subject to such easements . which it is an appurtenance. When a member
or stockholder ceases to own a unit in the
4. Grounds for Partition of the Condominium project in which the condominium corporation
Project (Sec. 8): owns or holds the common areas, he shall
a) That three years after damage or automatically cease to be a member or
destruction to the project which renders stockholder of the condominium corporation.
material part thereof unfit for its use prior (Ibid)
thereto, the project has not been rebuilt or c) The term of a condominium corporation
repaired substantially to its state prior to its shall be coterminous with the duration of the
damage or destruction, or condominium project, the provisions of the
b) That damage or destruction to the project Corporation Law to the contrary
has rendered one-half or more of the units notwithstanding. (Sec. 11)
therein untenantable and that condominium d) In case of involuntary dissolution of a
owners holding in aggregate more than thirty condominium corporation for any of the
percent interest in the common areas are causes provided by law, the common areas
opposed to repair or restoration of the project; owned or held by the corporation shall, by way
or of liquidation, be transferred pro indiviso and
c) That the project has been in existence in in proportion to their interest in the
excess of fifty years, that it is obsolete and corporation to the members or stockholders
uneconomic, and that condominium owners thereof, subject to the superior rights of the
holding in aggregate more than fifty percent corporation creditors. Such transfer or
interest in the common areas are opposed to conveyance shall be deemed to be a full
repair or restoration or remodeling or liquidation of the interest of such members or
modernizing of the project; or stockholders in the corporation. After such
d) That the project or a material part thereof transfer or conveyance, the provisions of this
has been condemned or expropriated and that Act governing undivided co-ownership of, or
the project is no longer viable, or that the undivided interest in, the common areas in
condominium owners holding in aggregate condominium projects shall fully apply. (Sec.
more than seventy percent interest in the 12)
common areas are opposed to continuation of e) Until the enabling or the master deed of the
the condominium regime after expropriation project in which the condominium corporation

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owns or holds the common area is revoked, the 5. That the conditions for such a
corporation shall not be voluntarily dissolved dissolution set forth in the declaration
through an action for dissolution under Rule of restrictions of the project in which
104 of the Rules of Court, except for the the corporation owns or holds the
following: common areas, have been met . (Sec.
1. That three years after damage or 13)
destruction to the project in which the f) The condominium corporation may also be
corporation owns or holds the dissolved by the affirmative vote of all the
common areas, which damage or stockholders or members thereof at a general
destruction renders a material part or special meeting duly called for the purpose:
thereof unfit for its use prior thereto, Provided , That all the requirements of Section
the project has not been rebuilt or sixty-two of the Corporation Law are complied
repaired substantially to its state prior with. (Sec. 14)
to its damage or destruction; or
2. That damage or destruction to the 6. The Condominium Certificate of Title (Sec.
project has rendered one-half or more 18)
of the units therein untenantable and a) Issued upon registration of an instrument
that more than thirty percent of the conveying a condominium, the payment of the
members of the corporation, if proper fees, and after entering and annotating
nonstock, or the shareholders the conveyance on the certificate of title
representing more than thirty percent covering the land included within the project;
of the capital stock entitled to vote, if b) Contains a copy of the description of the
a stock corporation, are opposed to land, a brief description of the condominium
the repair or reconstruction of the conveyed, name and personal circumstances
project, or of the condominium owner ;
3. That the project has been in c) No conveyance of condominiums or part
existence in excess of fifty years, that it thereof, subsequent to the original
is obsolete and uneconomical, and conveyance thereof from the owner of the
that more than fifty percent of the project, shall be registered unless
members of the corporation, if accompanied by a certificate of the
nonstock, or the stockholders management body of the project that such
representing more than fifty percent conveyance is in accordance with the
of the capital stock entitled to vote, if provisions of the declaration of restrictions of
a stock corporation, are opposed to such project.
the repair or restoration or remodeling
or modernizing of the project; or 7. Assessments and Condominium Dues (Sec.
4. That the project or a material part 20)
thereof has been condemned or a) It is imposed in accordance with a duly
expropriated and that the project is no registered declaration of restrictions.
longer viable, or that the members b) It shall be an obligation of the owner thereof
holding in aggregate more than (of the condominium) at the time the
seventy percent interest in the assessment is made.
corporation, if nonstock, or the c) The a mount of any such assessment plus
stockholders representing more than any other charges thereon, such as interest,
seventy percent of the capital stock costs (including attorney's fees) and penalties,
entitled to vote, if a stock corporation, as such may be provided for in the declaration
are opposed to the continuation of the of restrictions, shall be and become a lien upon
condominium regime after the condominium assessed when the
expropriation or condemnation of a management body causes a notice of
material portion thereof; or assessment to be registered with the Register

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of Deeds of the city or province where such f) It is not an obligation but a power or privilege
condominium project is located. of the vendor.
d) Upon payment of said assessment and g) It is reserved at the moment of the
charges or other satisfaction thereof, the perfection of the contract.
management body shall cause to be registered h) The person entitled to exercise the right is
a release of the lien . the owner of the property sold and not any
e) Such lien shall be superior to all other liens third party.
registered subsequent to the registration of i) It gives rise to reciprocal obligations.
said notice of assessment except real property
tax liens and except that the declaration of 3. What the Vendor A Retro must return to the
restrictions may provide for the subordination Vendee (Art. 1616, CC):
thereof to any other liens and encumbrances. a) Price of the sale;
f) Such liens may be enforced in the same b) Expenses of the contract;
manner provide c) Any other legitimate payments made by
reason of the sale; and
d) The necessary and useful expenses made on
EXTINGUISHMENT OF A the thing sold.

CONTRACT OF SALE 4. Equitable mortgage – It is one which,

although lacking in some formality, or form or
CAUSES [ARTS. 1600, 1231] words, or other requisites demanded by a
Generally, extinguished by the same causes as statute, nevertheless reveals the intention of
all other obligations [Arts.1600, 1231] the parties to charge real property as security
for a debt, there being no impossibility nor
(P-PLAN-C3-R3) anything contrary to law in this intent.
(1) Payment/performance (Rockville vs. Spouses Miranda, G.R. No.
(2) Prescription 155716, October 2, 2009 )
(3) Loss of thing due
(4) Annulment 5. When a Sale with Right of Repurchase
(5) Novation presumed to be an Equitable Mortgage (Art.
(6) Condonation/remission 1602, CC):
(7) Confusion/merger a) When the price of a sale with right to
(8) Compensation repurchase is unusually inadequate ;
(9) Rescission b) When the vendor remains in possession as
(10) Resolutory condition fulfilled lessee or otherwise;
(11) Redemption (Conventional or Legal) c) When upon or after the expiration of the
right to repurchase another instrument
1. Conventional Redemption – It takes place extending the period of redemption or
when the vendor reserves the right to granting a new period is executed;
repurchase the thing sold, with the obligation d) When the purchaser retains for himself a
to comply with the provisions of Article 1616 part of the purchase price ;
and other stipulations which may have been e) When the vendor binds himself to pay the
agreed upon. (Art. 1601, CC) taxes on the thing sold;
f) In any other case where it may be fairly
2. Characteristics of the Right to Repurchase: inferred that the real intention of the parties is
a) It is purely contractual. that the transaction shall secure the payment
b) It is an accidental stipulation. of a debt or the performance of any other
c) It is a real right when it is registered. obligation.
d) It is potestative, as it depends upon the will
of the vendor. 6. The presence of even one of the
e) It is a resolutory condition. circumstances in Article 1602 is sufficient basis

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to declare a contract as one of equitable ● In case two or more adjacent owners desire
mortgage. The explicit provision of Article 1602 to exercise the right of redemption, the law
that any of those circumstances would suffice gives preference to the owner of the adjoining
to construe a contract of sale to be one of land of smaller area but if both lands have the
equitable mortgage is in consonance with the same area, to the one who first requested the
rule that the law favors the least transmission redemption.
of property rights. ● The reason for the law in question is to foster
(Banga vs. Bello, G.R. No. 156705, September the development of agricultural areas by
30, 2005, citing Aguirre vs. Court of Appeals, adjacent owners who may desire the increase
323 SCRA 771, 775 [2000] ) for the improvement of their own land." The
intention of the law in giving this right of
7. Legal Redemption the right to be redemption is to protect agriculture, by the
subrogated, upon the same terms and union of small agricultural lands and those
conditions stipulated in the contract, in the adjoining thereto under one single owner for
place of one who acquires a thing by purchase their better exploitation. ( Fabia vs.
or dation in payment, or by any other Intermediate Appellate Court,
transaction whereby ownership is transmitted L66101,November 21, 1984 )
by onerous title. (Art. 1619, CC)
10. Pre-Emption and Legal Redemption by
8. Legal Redemption by a Co-Owner: Adjacent Owners of Urban Lands:
a) There must be co-ownership of a thing; a) The one exercising the right must be an
b) There must be alienation of all or of any of adjacent owner ;
the shares of the other co-owners; b) The piece of l and s old must be so small and
c) The sale must be to a third person or so situated that a major portion thereof cannot
stranger, i.e., not a co-owner; and be used for any practical purpose within a
d) The sale must be before partition. reasonable time; and
● If the price of the alienation is grossly c) Such urban land was bought merely for
excessive, the redemptioner shall pay only a speculation.
reasonable one.
● Should two or more co-owners desire to 11. Statute of Limitation
exercise the right of redemption, they may a) The right of legal pre-emption or
only do so in proportion to the share they may redemption shall not be exercised except
respectively have in the thing owned in within thirty days from the notice in writing by
common. the prospective vendor, or by the vendor, as
the case may be. (Art. 1623, CC)
9. Legal Redemption by Adjacent Owners of
Rural Lands: END
a) Both the l and of the one exercising the right
of redemption and the land sought to be
redeemed must be rural ;
b) The lands must be adjacent ;
c) There must be an alienation ;
d) The piece of rural land alienated must not
exceed one (1) hectare ;
e) The grantee or vendee must already own
another rural land ; and
f) The rural land sold must not be separated by
brooks, drains, ravines, roads and other
apparent servitudes from the adjoining lands.
● The right cannot be exercised against a
vendee if he is also an adjacent owner.

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